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"No." The sound of his firm answer causes my body to spasm. I want so badly to feel him inside me. My clit is aching and I can feel it throbbing.

"I hate you," I whisper. He knows I'm joking; at least for the most part. He giggles, kisses my cheek, and releases me from his grip. I turn around and look up at him as he stares down at me. His eyes are full of lust and I can quickly see that I am not the only one suffering due to his stubbornness. A sly smile spreads across his lips.

"You're going to get it when you get home," I say as I run my hands up his stomach and over his chest. His t-shirt is tight and his nipples are poking at the thin fabric.

"I want you to take out your frustrations on Allison," he says as he leans down and presses his forehead to mine. I close my eyes and images of what I want to do to her flash through my mind. His warm lips press against the top of my head as he places a lingering kiss there. We're both startled by the sound of a text coming through his phone. He places one more small kiss on my forehead before retrieving his phone. I turn my attention back to the clothes that I was folding. Deep down I'm thanking whoever it is that has texted him; if we would have kept going, I'm pretty sure I would have thrown him on the floor and had my way with him no matter what he said.

As soon as I have my clothes folded and placed back in the laundry basket, Brent comes over and gathers it for me. He carries it upstairs and I decide to send Allison a quick text. I let her know that she's more than welcome to come over anytime. She quickly replies to let me know that she'll be here in about thirty minutes; she's jumping in the shower and will be on her way.

"Are you still leaving at about 5 o'clock?" I ask him as he comes back downstairs.

"Yup. Jeff is the one who texted. He's running a little behind but I'll still be leaving just before five so I can get to his place and follow him over there."

"Ok. Allison will be here in about half an hour."

"Are you going to go upstairs and freshen up before she gets here?"

"No. I did that this morning," I smile at him. "You know, you don't have to stick around and be bored. I know you're excited about your plans and I don't want you getting antsy."

"I'll leave just after she gets here. I don't want to impinge on your time with her," he says as he steps in front of me. He delicately lifts my chin with his finger and runs his thumb along my bottom lip.

"Are you sure you're ok with this? I mean, it just seems weird that you are encouraging me to cheat on you with her and you have no problem with me doing this while you're not here," I ask as I look deeply into his eyes. "And it's even more unfathomable that I am going along with this."

"I would tell you if this is something that bothers me. Firstly, she's a woman. Now if it were a guy from your past, this would be completely different. Secondly, you're not cheating and I don't want you to feel that you are. Cheating is when you do something like this behind my back and I don't know anything about it. I can't explain how excited I was when you told me about being with her. It was like you opened a whole new side of you that I find incredibly sexy and I am so turned on by it. Would I ever want to watch you with a man? No. Would I love to watch and join in with the two of you? Hell yes. But you have expressed so many feelings about her and I want you to do this for you, not me."

"You're not afraid that I will regain feelings for her?"

"I don't think you ever fully let them go. Should I be worried that you would leave me for her?" He asks. I'm not really sure if I should be offended or take this as a sign that he knows more about me than I think.

"Of course not," I whisper. "I don't want you to think that she and I will ever have anything between us like that. I love you, Brent."

"I love you too, Ally. You and I have experienced so many things together and our sex life is far from boring. I want you to bring Allison into our bed so we can eventually enjoy her together," he says and I raise an eyebrow. He takes immediate notice of my reaction. "Now, don't go thinking I'm doing all of this just so you'll let me sleep with her," he laughs. "I like her and she is obviously someone special to you."

"What if I told you I want to watch you fuck her at some point?" I ask. His eyes go wide and I giggle at his silent reaction. "I think it would be incredibly sexy to watch my husband fuck my friend."

"We'll see about that. I want to make sure things go ok with just the two of you first," he says. "I'm going out to the garage. I'm sure she'll be here soon."

I watch him as he walks away. I'm trying to wrap my mind around what I have gotten myself into. Do I really want to open not only my bed but my marriage as well? I hadn't really thought of it like that. I guess trying it once won't hurt, right? I'll never know if I don't and I would hate to regret not doing something when I had the chance. Could I handle the two of them being together intimately? I trust him with my life and I know he respects me enough to stay within limits that I set. I wonder if she would eventually develop feelings for him if I do eventually decide to open the door all the way.

As I'm deep in thought, I don't hear her pull her car into the driveway. I am startled when she opens the door and announces that she's here.

"I'm in the living room!" I call out to her.

"Sorry for barging in. Brent was in the garage and told me to just come on in," she says as she makes her way in my direction.

"Yeah, he'll be leaving here shortly. Do you want me to take your bag for you?" I ask.

"Sure," she says as she hands it out to me. I take it and smile at her.

"I'll run this upstairs. Be right back," I say as a small smile appears on her lips.

I hurry up the steps and place her bag in my bedroom. As I make my way back down to the living room, I hear Brent and her talking with one another. It sounds to be just small talk and nothing really interesting.

"Hey, babe. I'm going to head out now. Jeff is having some issues with his boat trailer and needs my help. He can't get the lights working on it and has to get it fixed since it's going to be getting dark soon," he says as I approach him.

"Ok," I acknowledge him as he steps towards me. He circles around me and stands against my back bringing his arms around in front of me.

"Allison here says you two are quite the party animals when you get together," he says as I watch her gasp and laugh. She shakes her head to let me know that she didn't say anything of the sort and that he's pulling my leg.

"Oh yeah, this place is going to be trashed by the time you get back home tomorrow," I tease.

"I hope you ladies behave yourselves for the most part," he says as he gives Allison a smile with nothing but seduction and lust in his eyes.

"I'll be sure to pass the strippers an extra $100 if they promise to not break any furniture," she teases back at him. I immediately burst into laughter. She has quickly picked up on throwing sarcasm right back at my husband and I love it.

"Ok, ok; I'll get going. I don't want to ruin the surprise when the "pizza delivery men" show up," he replies and he uses his fingers to make quotation marks in the air when he refers to the strippers as pizza guys. Allison laughs and I can see a hint of blushing cheeks on her. I follow Brent to the front door. He opens it and turns to face me. He gives me a soft kiss on the lips before placing his mouth next to my ear.

"I want you to be a dirty slut with her. Promise me," he whispers before lightly tickling his tongue over the outer edge of my ear.

"I promise," I whisper back to him.

"Good girl," he says as he places his finger under my chin and lightly pinches it with his thumb; pulling my bottom lip down. He dives in for a deep, sensual kiss that causes my thighs to spasm.

"Get out of here. You're impeding on my pussy time," I tease as I place a hand on his chest and gently push him through the opened door. He lets out a small grunt before smiling ear-to-ear.

I close the door behind him and make my way back to the living room. Allison is sitting on the couch so I plop down next to her facing in her direction and pull my knees up to me. She looks at me, smiles, and shakes her head.

"What?" I ask out of confusion. I hear Brent start up his truck and the tires on the gravel as he heads down the driveway.

"Did you see the way he was looking at me? Or does he look at all your friends like that?"

"Only the ones I've fucked...which is just you," I say with a hint of a smile on my lips.

"What?? He knows?" She asks with pure shock on her face. "I thought you didn't tell him."

"I lied; I told him a while ago."

"How did he take it?"

"His sex drive has gone through the roof! I can't believe how much he has gotten off on the idea that you and I have been together. He likes hearing about the times we had sex and he knows that my intentions tonight are to get you in my bed," I say with seduction in my tone.

"Really?" She asks in a matching tone.

"Oh yeah. He's been encouraging me to be with you again."

"And you both are ok with that? He doesn't mind you cheating on him with me?" She asks.

"He doesn't see it as cheating. It's really hard to explain," I say as she slides closer to me. It looks as though she plans on wasting no time at all now that the secret has been told. She places her hands on my knees and slowly pries them apart. She slides her body between them and hovers over me. Her lips are mere inches from mine as I look up into her eyes. She lowers herself down until her tits touch my own. She slowly rubs them against me as she leans in with her lips. I place my hands on her face and bring her to me. Her lips on mine send a jolt through me that makes a direct line to my pussy. It clenches and I let out a moan. My hands wander down her sides and come to rest on her ass. She lowers her pelvis down to mine and grinds it against me. I feel her hand snake its way up my shirt and under my bra. She squeezes my breast and pinches my nipple with her strong fingers as her lips trace my jawline where she nibbles on my ear.

"Am I moving too fast if I suggest we go upstairs?" She asks as she nibbles the tender areas of my neck.

"Not at all," I say and she lifts herself off from me.

"Lead the way," she says as she reaches her hand out and helps me off the couch. I continue holding her hand as we go up the stairs. We walk into the bedroom and I take her over to the bed. We stand by the edge facing each other.

"So this is where that stud of a husband of yours fucks you silly?" She asks with a grin.

"Now it's your turn," I say as I reach out for the hem of her shirt. I slowly pull it up exposing her pink lacy bra that she has chosen to wear. I pull her shirt up and over her head; blindly tossing it behind me as my eyes soak up the sight of her tits. My hands find them and squeeze them roughly. I rub my thumbs over her hard nipples that are poking through the lace. I trace my hands down her stomach to the waistband of her pants where I hook my fingers and slowly bring them around to the front so I can unbutton it. As I slide the zipper down, I let my hand continue on down between her legs where I can feel the heat radiating from her. She sighs and bites her bottom lip as she watches my hands pull her pants free from her hips. They slide down her thighs and show off her matching pink lace G-string panties.

She reaches down and grabs the bottom of my shirt. I lift my arms in the air as she slowly drags it up and over my head. She throws it on the floor and takes in the sight of my sheer black bra. My nipples form dark circles underneath the fabric and are poking against it.

"Very sexy," she whispers as her hands rub over my sensitive nipples. She pushes my hair back behind my shoulders to get a better view of my chest and then she reaches down and unbuttons my pants. As she inches them down, she slowly kneels in front of me. I step out of my pants and she leans forward. Her nose nuzzles into my crotch and I let out a loud gasp. Her hands are on my ass and she pushes her face between my legs. I can hear her taking in my scent with deep inhales through her nose. She runs her tongue over my slit and clit. The sheer fabric of my thong is barely enough to lessen the feel of her tickling me. My knees are getting weak just at the sight of her face pressed against my covered mound. She kisses along my stomach and chest as she stands back up.

"On the bed," I instruct her with a devilish grin. I want to strip her down and lick every part of her.

She lies down and I quickly straddle her hips. I lean down and kiss her hard on the lips; rubbing my tits against hers. I can't take it anymore; I want to feel my hard nipples pressed against hers. I straighten up and reach behind my back. I watch as a smile appears on her face. I unhook my bra and slide it down my arms. I toss it on the floor and squeeze my tits with my hands.

"Have you missed these?" I ask.

"Yes!" She squeals. "Bring those sexy tits down here. I want to suck on them so much."

Before I even lean forward, she has her mouth open and begging me to slip a nipple into her mouth. Her lips instantly lock onto one and she sucks hard. My pussy clenches and I can feel my wetness gathering in what little fabric there is between my legs. She looks into my eyes and teases my nipple with her flicking tongue. Her hand is keeping my breast right where she wants it as I squirm with excitement.

"Let's get your bra off," I say as I pull away from her. She follows me up and I quickly reach behind her. I have her bra unhooked and pulled off from her within seconds. I toss it without even taking my eyes off her tits. They are just as beautiful now as they were back then, her pink, hard nipples staring at me. I can see goosebumps on her skin; I can't tell if they're from being cold or excited. I push my chest towards her and rub our tits together as I kiss her. I dance my tongue with hers as I grind my hips and chest against her body. She lets out a moan as I lay both of us back together. My kisses trail from her lips to her neck. Her hands squeeze my ass as I continue to grind myself against her. I make my way down and suck a nipple into my mouth. The taste of her skin and the feeling of her bumpy areola are all bringing memories back to me. I lightly pinch her nipple with my teeth and she arches her back under me.

"That feels so good. I've missed feeling your lips on me," she pants at me.

"You taste and smell just like I remember," I say between licks and kisses. I crawl down and straddle her legs. "Let me see that pretty pussy of yours."

"I'll show you mine if you show me yours," she teases with a smile.

"Deal," I giggle and she bends her knees up to remove her panties. She slips them off, places her feet back on the bed with her knees still bent, and slowly lets her knees fall out to the sides. I watch as her pussy lips open wide for me. They're slick and dark pink; just like I remembered. She's so horny that they are puffy. She has a small patch of hair on her mound that is glistening with wetness. I reach my fingers down and swirl them through the hair. I run my finger along her slit and the sound of her wetness turns me on. I can hear my finger as it slides inside of her. She gasps and her hot pussy tightens around me. My finger sliding in and out excites me as I see my finger glistening with her juices. I pull it out and bring it up to my lips. I stick my tongue out and lick the entire length as I look her in the eyes. Her hands have made their way to her tits where she's squeezing them and pinching her nipples. She tastes just like I remember. I close my eyes and savor her flavor until I can't take it anymore. I reach down again and spread her lips wide. Her tiny clit is erect and begging for attention. I circle it with my finger and look up at her reaction.

"Please lick me, Alicia. I can't take waiting any longer," she begs. I can't take it any longer either. I've wanted her since I first met up with her again. I lean in with my nose and take in her scent as I nuzzle in between her lips. The wetness on my nose drives me wild. I slide my tongue out and run it along her entire slit. Sweet bliss! I hear her moan as I lap at every crease and fold I can find. My tongue dances with her clit as I twirl it around and flick it with the tip. I moan as I run my tongue along the silky smoothness of her inner lips. Her moans intensify as I suck one into my mouth and play with it. I insert my tongue into her pussy as far as I can. As I wiggle it around, her hands find my head and she wraps her fingers throughout my hair; giving it a small tug as her hips slowly gyrate beneath me. I look up and notice her watching me.

"Get that pussy of yours up here," she instructs with a smile. I sit up on my knees and slide my panties down. She licks her lips as I pull them off. She slides down towards me on the bed so her head is no longer on the pillows. I crawl up near her and she raises her arms above her head. I turn and straddle her chest. I feel her hands on my ass and she spreads them to see my goods. I look back at her over my shoulder and bite my lip.

"I've missed this," she whispers. She gives me a quick slap on my right ass cheek and I let out a small yelp. She giggles as I lower my face into her pussy once again. She bends her knees up and I suck her clit into my mouth. As I'm doing this, I lower my pussy to her face and feel her tongue invading my slit. It's warm and soft as she explores. Her hands squeeze my ass as her moans fill my ears. The more she licks my pussy, the wetter hers becomes. I can see her juices slowly dripping out of her. She slides a finger inside of me and I clench my pussy around it. After thrusting it in and out a few times, she sucks my pussy lips into her mouth and playfully tugs on them. I spread kisses all over her mound and I lick the tiny patch of hair; twirling it around and tickling her with my tongue.

"I want to fuck you with one of my toys," I say as I nibble the inside of one of her thighs. Her skin twitches underneath my lips. I lift myself off from her, turn my body around, and climb over to the side of the bed. I open the drawer to my nightstand and dig through my gadgets. I find a simple ribbed vibrator and pull it out to show her. She smiles wide when she sees it. It's only six inches long but it's thick. I straddle her hips and lean down to kiss her. I sit upright and hold the toy in front of me. I turn on the whisper-quiet vibrations and circle it around her belly button. Her stomach flinches as it tickles her.

"That thing is powerful," she giggles.

"Just wait until I have it on your clit," I smile back at her. She gasps and squeezes her tits together. I drag the toy up her stomach and trace along the under curves of her breasts. Her nipples are as hard as pebbles. I touch it to one of them and she closes her eyes to take in the feelings of it. I can see her nipple jumping around as the toy vibrates against it. I move it over to the other nipple and do the same to that one. Her hips are squirming under me and I grind against her. Feeling her mound against mine sends goosebumps all over my body. She opens her eyes and looks at me. I turn the toy off and rub the tip of it over her lips. She sticks her tongue out and swirls the head of the toy with it. Her lips lock a seal on it and she lifts her head to take it in her mouth. She places her hand on mine and slowly slides the toy in and out of her mouth. She sucks hard on it and keeps her eye contact with me. I can see her lips hugging each ridge as she slides up and down the length; taking it in as far as she can without gagging.

"I'd love to watch Brent fuck that pretty little mouth of yours," I say. She pulls the toy from her mouth and blushes.

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