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Werewolf's Sacrifice

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To save her village she must be sacrificed.
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The door crashed open and my head whipped up from my needlework. A tall, broad chested man stood framed in the doorway scanning the room. My cousin. He marched to me quickly, grabbing my wrist and hauling me from my chair.

"What are you...get off me!" I cried

He slammed me against the wall with one hand whilst the other lifted my grey brown woollen skirts. His fingers groped between my legs roughly parting my flesh. He jammed a digit into my entrance. I cried out, writhing and attempting to get out from his grip.

"A virgin," he sneered triumphantly, "you are 18 and it is time for you to do your duty for this village."

He pulled his finger from me, but before pulling his hand completely from between my legs he sought my clit. Taking it between his thumb and forefinger he pinched roughly down and twisted it hard. I cried out in pain. He'd always been a dick. He snorted in amusement and grabbed the hair at the back of my head. He propelled me through the cottage door, not taking much care in what he banged me into, and pushed me outside to a waiting crowed.

"My father will stop this!" I yelled "my father will kill you! Where is he!? Dad! Daddy, where are you?"

There was no answer and my cousin shook me hard, I struggled to keep my balance becoming dizzy. He lifted my skirts high, baring me to the village. He lent down and grabbed one of my ankles and pulled my leg into the air as I struggled to balance on one foot, held up in his strong arm. My cunt was spread, completely exposed for the entire village to see.

"Behold, the cunt that will keep you safe this night," he declared pompously "would any like to inspect it?"

Several men stepped forwards they took it in turns to approach and inspect my pussy, parting the lips and pushing their fingers into me. Some plucked at my clit and others probed my asshole, all placed their fingers inside me, stretching my hole apart to view as much as they could. I was desperate to close my legs, shield my cunt from the inspection but could to wriggle free from my cousin's grasp. When all were satisfied my cousin and two others marched me through the village and out of the high wooden walls to the edge of the forest. The trees loomed tall and dense and one did not have to walk far before losing their way in these woods. The evening light and a whisper of fog made them feel even more menacing, and a small whimper slipped past my lips.

Just inside the trees sat an old wooden frame, metal manacles at the edges. The men pushed me to it, not caring about the stones and thorns that sliced at my unshod feet and lower legs. The one who had taken me from my cousin turned to me and began ripping my dress from my body. He used a knife to slit the stitching on my bodice and ripped at the buttons that held my skirts. Soon my breasts puckered and stung in the night air and my garments pooled at my feet. I stood pale and naked before them, my long red hair fell curling around my shoulders, the colour matching the curls growing between my legs. I could see the trousers of one of the men beginning to bulge and saw him reach down to adjust himself.

My cousin step towards me, sliding his fingers between my legs, this time more gentle. He stroked my clit with his finger tips, rubbing in small circles and dipping his finger into my wet entrance. He brought the finger up to my mouth and pushed it between my lips so that I could taste myself.

"You will make yourself a good fuck for the werewolf." he whispered in a menacing low voice then stepped away.

"We could just..." the man with bulging trousers began.

"No," said my cousin "she has to be a virgin else they won't accept her."

"I'm not saying we have to shove it in her," the trouser fiddler replied, "I'm just saying that mouth looks so pretty."

"Just get her tied down."

They moved towards me grabbing my arms and legs, hustling me to the wooden stand. I could feel the trouser fiddler grinding into me as he forced me to the stand, could feel his hard cock beneath his trousers as he rubbed it on my hip and used this opportunity to grab at my breasts and ass. They lifted my body onto the stand and secured my legs with the metal manacles. I was lying face up, my arms and legs spread wide. I could feel the rough wood, splintered in some places digging into the flesh of my back. The stand was designed so that my ass was at the edge unsupported, and my cunt was easily accessible from all angles, spread open with my legs secured wide. Vulnerable to the cold biting air. I began to shiver uncontrollably. Lastly they tied a thick leather blindfold around my eyes.

"Please. Please don't leave me here." I begged and I could feel hot tears stinging at my eyes.

They did not listen and soon I could hear their footsteps disappearing back to the town. I sobbed in earnest then, how had I got into this position. I had no experience. My father wouldn't even let me date, he had been so strict on it, and had told me again and again that he would keep me from being sacrificed. It had been that way for all living memory in my village. In order to keep the rest of the village safe from the werewolves a virgin girl was selected twice a year to be sacrificed. They were placed on the cross and left for two days then the villagers would come back, clean her up and return her to the village. Often the girls that had been sacrificed would begin to swell with child. Many villages owed some of their genetics to the werewolves and aside from always having thick lustrous hair it seemed to affect them very little. My 18th birthday had fallen just before the summer mating.

I heard a snap as someone came walking towards me, but from the direction of the village, not the forest where i was expecting.

"Pretty girl" I heard a voice say.

It was the trouser fiddler, he'd snuck back. He moved around my body and placed a hand on my cunt, leaving it there a moment before raising his hand and slapping it hard. I yelped in pain and he slapped it again. He reached up and pinched my nipples, twisting them. I tried to writhe away but the wood and manacles stopped me. I could feel a rough fabric between my legs, he ground his hard dick into my pussy, still contained within his trousers. He humped at my cunt, rough hands roamed my breasts, clasped at my hips whilst he stimulated himself with my pussy lips. He ground into me, his movements becoming more desperate and I could feel the tingle of arousal beginning in my pussy against my will. His breathing quickened and he shuddered groaning, releasing himself into his trousers. He stepped back from me and began to walk away.

I was alone again. The air shifted around me as night fell completely and I could hear the sounds of the forest, small scurryings and the calls of creatures. Dry leaves rustled under a large foot. I could hear the soft steady padding coming near me. Hot breath washed over my skin which prickled in response. I could feel my chest rising more rapidly with the panic of what was to happen.

I felt a damp muzzle sniffing around my neck and cringed as it passed over my breasts down my stomach and between my legs. The nose planted itself firmly at my cunt and sniffed. A deep rumble echoed from its throat and reverberating into me and making my pussy tremble. The werewolf nipped at the lips of my cunt and I squealed and tried to squirm away. The manacles stopped me from moving far but I was able to buck my hips. The growl issued again more menacing this time and a large paw was placed possessively on my stomach, the claws pressing into my skin. The nose returned to my cunt sniffing again and this time a tongue lapped between my folds, catching my clit. I froze in fear, my skin tingling at the intrusive touch. It lapped again and I felt it's tongue trail at my entrance licking at the arousal the trouser fiddler and my cousin had incited. The warmth felt good on my air chilled pussy and I willed him to keep going but soon felt as the werewolf shifted onto its back paws and lifted itself above me. Forepaws landed on my shoulders and its pelt brushed my stomach and hardened nipples.

I felt as something hot and hard pressed at my pussy lips. I moaned out wordless fear mixed with anticipation as I felt the werewolf press himself forward and was confused as his unexpectedly hot dick barely parted my pussy lips. For a creature of this size his cock was surprisingly small, then realisation began to creep in as the werewolf thrust in again, more than parting my pussy lips. He was not small, he just was not fully unsheathed yet.

I strangled cry passed through my lips as he reared back again and thrust forward, his cock pushing into my entrance which was becoming slick from the attention. The werewolf responded to the first true intrusion into my body with renewed vigour, he thrust forward again and this time his mouth also sought my breast and nipped at the flesh. I cried out both in pain and pleasure and my body bucked again, putting off his thrust. A warning growl resonated through his chest and his jaws sought and held my throat. They were not tight enough to break the skin but his sharp teeth were a warning enough that I would try my best not to buck again.

The werewolf thrust forward, his cock now big enough to stretch my cunt. My breaths came ragged and fast, the weight of him on me and his jaws around my neck making me feel vulnerable and trapped, but also strangely safe protected by this giant beast. I felt as his cock entered me again, the heat was astounding. I felt as he sank into me, my pussy lips tugging at his cock. I grunted at the unfamiliar intrusion, no man had ever been here before, I hadn't expected it to feel this good. How big would he grow I wondered, I was already being stretched and he seemed only to have just begun. A small, desperate part of me wanted to be stretched, filled beyond my limits.

He thrust in again and I could feel the ring of my entrance beginning to burn from his girth. Something had changed about his cock now, instead of being a smoothed tapered shape a bump had begun to form at the base. Each time he thrust in the firm roundness was slammed against my entrance, my pussy would resist temporarily and then give, allowing it to push inside. Each time he pulled out my pussy lips clung to the roundness until they stretched enough to allow it to pass. Each time he did this it became harder for him to pull it from my body and a searing pain had taken the place of the stretching sensation. I realised with hopelessness that this was his knot. He would mate with me and plug my cunt so that none of his seed could escape. I was going to be impregnated, used and bred, powerless.

He thrust in again and I felt myself stretch as far as it was possible. His knot pressed against my entrance and with a final painful pop my cunt allowed it entry. This time though, when he went to pull back out the knot would not pass my entrance. It had grown too big, plugging his cock inside my cunt and providing intense filling stretching pressure at my entrance. As he pulled back I could feel not just my pussy lips but also my asshole being pressed by his knot. Intense panic filled me and I tried to break free again but it was utterly useless, we were coupled, connected until his arousal subsided enough that his knot would pass my cunt entrance again.

The werewolf sensed this stage of completion as well and his thrusts changed. They became short and hard, unexpectedly fast in their pace. I could feel his knot stimulating my g-spot and felt the overwhelming intensity of pleasure building. The intensity was almost unpleasant, too much stimulation at once and my legs shook and twitched overwhelmed by the sensation. His cock was still growing inside me and it felt as though it was pressed against all of my pussy walls, thicker than any normal mans. I could feel the tip pressed up against my cervix and with each thrust came a sharp stabbing as he assaulted this vulnerable spot. I groaned at each stabbing pain, my hands balling into fists in an attempt to try and manage the sensation, trying to focus only on the tingling needy sensation of my clit being rubbed and my pussy filled.

He hammered hard at my cunt, each time he pulled back my pussy lips were stretched and dragged backwards but did not release him. His torso rubbed at my clit each time he moved and I could feel myself responding as this sensitive button was mercilessly rubbed. The combination of his torso rubbing at my clit and his knot at my g-spot was too much and felt a crashing wave engulf me, my cunt spasming deliciously and uncontrollably around him. It was overwhelming in its intensity, almost painful in the pleasure, and it kept going until I was unexpectedly gushing from my pussy, feeling almost as though I had uncontrollably peed myself. I had never cum like that before, never squirted before.

I felt him stiffen above me and his dick throb. Hot liquid gushed deep into my cunt. I could feel as load after load entered me and with each throb he thrust himself forward into me shuddering. Each thrust pushed hard against my cervix coating it in his thick hot semen, washing into my open fertile womb. Aftershocks of my orgasm sucked at his dick, coaxing more cum from his throbbing hard cock, impregnating me. I knew from the time of the month that I was fertile. I could feel each twitching spasm of his cock as he dumped his cum into me, his balls squeezing sperm inside my fertile unprotected cunt.

When the throbbing began to subside I could feel his muzzle again sniffing at my neck, it moved up to my face and nipped at the blindfold, ripping it off. I blinked dazedly, glad to have my sight back but finding it hard to orient myself. I looked up and could see the large jaws and teeth of the werewolf still inside me. He moved so that his teeth were again pressing lightly to my neck and closed his eyes, his full weight pressing in me. I could feel his cock occasionally spasm but his breathing had slowed and become almost gentle snoring. Each time he twitched in his sleep I could feel my pussy entrance dragged about, his knot keeping him secure inside me, his cum invading my fertile womb, the head of his cock still pressed against my cervix.


I awoke to the feeling of a cock slithering out from me, I could feel a gush of warm liquid run from my cunt down my asshole and steadily drip to the floor. My pussy lips slid back around my swollen used cunt. I looked down the see a man's head laying on my chest, stirring from sleep. He looked up and I froze, the shock blinding me, my father grinned up at me.

"Daddy?" I whispered, unsure, convinced my eyes were lying to me.

"So now you know," he said, a grin spreading across his face, "but don't worry sweetie, I'm going to take good care of you."

He pushed himself from me and crouched between my legs. He seemed to be inspecting his work from last night and nodded in satisfaction. My pussy felt bruised and swollen, it throbbed with pain as my father parted my lips to inspect the vulnerable pink entrance that lay beneath. I knew he would be able to see the remains of the creampie he had left there the night before. I watched as he leaned forward and was shocked to feel him begin to lap at my pussy. His warm wet tongue slicked over my entrance cleaning the old creampie from my cunt.

"Daddy no!" I gasped, I was shocked that he would do this to me, his daughter. Horrified to watch him lick his creampie from my stretched and swollen cunt.

He shook his head at me and continued to lap at my pussy in the same way a dog laps up water. I could feel his tongue probing around my entrance and his fingers parted my lips wider to allow him easier access. His mouth moved upwards, licking and sucking at my clit, which despite my shock and revulsion was beginning to respond to his ministrations. His tongue flicked over my clit, sucking it into his mouth and I moaned in pleasure. Then he moved down and cleaned the creampie that had run out of me from my asshole. I felt the tip of his tongue probe around that puckered entrance, the slick warm wetness felt amazing and my mind went blank from everything else aside this pleasure. I could feel as he pressed the tip of his tongue to my asshole and pushed inside. It didn't go far in but the feeling was all consuming pleasure. I let out a soft moan, trying to grind my ass into his face. I could feel him smile against me and then his tongue was gone. I was suddenly empty and desperately craving his mouth again.

He was once again standing between my legs, now in human form, and had his cock at my entrance. He spread the lips, not waiting for the moisture of my arousal he thrust hard into my bruised and swollen pussy.

"No daddy! You can't, this is wrong!" I cried out but instead of stopping he thrust in harder and grabbed my nipple, pinching it and twisting it.

"You are my sacrifice and I will use you how I want." he snarled.

I cried out as the pain erupted in my breast, my cunt was on fire, still burning from the stretching it had received last night. He did not seem to care and began thrusting deep inside me. I could hear each thrust, wet from his cum and tongue. I desperately tried to get away, writhing and swearing at him but he did not let up. He gripped at my waist pulling me into him, thrusting himself forward hard again and again hitting a spot which made me crave more and deeper. He complied and his thrusts began to assault my cervix, deep firm strokes accompanied by sensations of pain and greedy pleasure until with shuddering heaving breaths he released sperm deep within me, his cock throbbing and coating my cervix with cum. He slapped my face hard, grabbing my hair and dragging my head up and kissed my lips.

As his cock still throbbed within me he growled deep and low into my ear "I will use you how I want."

A shiver of excited anticipation ran through me, at his mercy.

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Akirababe87Akirababe87about 2 months ago

I love when the author prefaces the story with, "Please read the rosa-blanca.ru," and some idiot still comments (anonymously, what a coward) that they didn't like the content, which was CLEARLY TAGGED xD

I love this story. I would love to read more about how her Daddy turns her into his breeding bitch <3

AnonymousAnonymous2 months ago

Was going so well untill she said Daddy and turned into a story of incest, stopped reading after that...

ConcealedinFeathersConcealedinFeathers3 months ago

Should add creampie tag to the story. That was hot

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

Really liked this, you write these kinks really well. Would love to see a sequel!

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