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West Valley High Day 51-55

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Susan's breasts are the center of attention.
7.7k words

Part 93 of the 130 part series

Updated 10/17/2023
Created 09/21/2016
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Author's note: The events described in this series are not real. West Valley High is a fictional private academy. Neither the school, nor any of its inhabitants, exist in the real world and any similarities to actual places or persons is completely coincidental. In the real world, the activities taking place in these stories would result in lawsuits, arrests and worse. Do not try this at home.


Susan Mitchell had never slept for an entire weekend in her life, but she simply had no motivation to get off the thin mattress in the closet that served as her dorm room. Months of physical, mental and sexual abuse, hunger, dehydration and sleep deprivation had finally caught up with her. Somebody had brought her food and water throughout the weekend, more than she had eaten or drank in weeks, but she barely remembered anyone coming in her room. After her daily abuse, she had been thankful to be left alone.

But now, it was Monday and like that movie, Groundhog Day, it was all starting all over again.

Monday, 07 November

The naked cheerleader stood once again in the large atrium of Senior Hall at West Valley High School. Her arms were raised above her head and chained to a pole in the lobby by the cuffs that had been permanently welded around her wrists many weeks ago. A metal spreader bar attached to the cuffs welded to her ankles held her shapely legs several feet apart, leaving her vulnerable and exposed. The spreader bar itself was attached to the base of the pole with a padlock, pinning her against it. Some of her classmates had started walking through the atrium on their way to class. Some took a few minutes to gawk at her, while others simply walked by without notice, the novelty of a naked, bound and gagged cheerleader in their school having worn off.

Susan had been standing bound to that post for several hours this morning, unable to move and left to wonder what type of abuse was going to come next. Based on what she had experienced this year, she knew her current predicament wouldn't be the end of her pain and discomfort on this day. She wouldn't be that lucky. Almost on cue, out of the corner of her eye, she saw the school's headmaster, Stephen Krutz approaching with one of his large boxes, which she knew would contain the implements for today's abuse. She looked up at one of the cameras framing her body, capturing everything and streaming it online where sick perverts could pay to watch an 18-year-old girl be pushed to her limits. She was tempted to smile at the camera but decided not to.

Krutz now had a long piece of rope in his hands, which he doubled over and wrapped around the nude girl's waist, sliding the ends through the loop he had made in it. He pulled it tight, but not constricting, and tied a knot in it near her belly button before wrapping the ends around her waist once more and tying another knot just above her buttocks. He pulled the ropes around again to her front and then again to the back, doubling it over. Using his fingers, he tugged at the knot he had made in back and slid the ends of the rope under it.

The headmaster tied several knots in the rope and then pulled the loose ends between the girl's naked buttocks and between her outstretched legs. She felt the rope brush against her exposed pussy and felt one of the knots press up inside her. Krutz pulled on the rope and Susan groaned through the gag in her mouth as the rope bit into her skin. She could feel the wetness between her legs betraying her and tried to stop herself from being turned on by the rubbing. She knew she was already swollen from the anticipation and the headmaster's touch as she felt the rough rope and the knot press hard into her slit. Krutz gave a hard tug on the crotch rope and looped it behind the cord around her waist before looping it back around her and tying a knot in it to keep it tight. Susan struggled a little trying to reposition the knot so it didn't hurt as much but she found no relief.

Steel chains hung once again from an atrium rafter and Krutz moved over to them, fastening a round object to their ends. Susan realized it was a metal pulley and her mind began to wonder how that was going to be used against her. She quickly got her answer as the headmaster came back to her and untied the knot he had made behind her back and pulled the ends of the rope up and over the pulley hanging from the ceiling. On the floor was what looked like a bowling ball with a handle welded onto it. Krutz tied the rope to the ball and Susan felt more pressure on her crotch as the rope dug deeper into her pussy. She was being pulled forward by the rope and lifted herself up slightly onto her toes to try to relieve the pressure in her crotch although the spreader bar gave her little chance for movement.

Krutz returned to the bound naked girl and placed a pair of metal clamps on her bare nipples. Susan struggled as she felt the pain of the clamps dig into her skin but soon stopped as she felt the pain from the knot in her pussy with every movement she made. She screamed silently through her gag as the headmaster tied strings to the ends of each of the nipple clamps and strung them over the pulley. He next tied smaller metal balls to the end of these strings, which pulled Susan's nipples outward and upward, stretching her flesh.

The girl's urge to smile was long gone as tears now streamed down her face from the pain in her most tender parts. The headmaster used one of the loops on the metal collar welded around Susan's neck to chain her neck firmly to the pole so she could not move her head. Then he crossed to where the metal ball sat on the floor and picked it up in his hands. Susan felt a little easing in the rope between her legs, but not much as Krutz grabbed the rope and held it in his hand as he lifted the ball. With his back to her, blocking his view, she could not see that he was retying the rope to the ball, this time shortening the rope. The headmaster turned towards the scared naked girl and held the ball in his hands. Susan's eyes opened wide as she saw the length of the rope and realized the ball would no longer reach the floor. Slowly the headmaster lowered the ball and Susan felt a sharp pain between her legs as she was pulled forward by the weight. Her breathing became labored as she felt like the collar around her neck was going to choke her. She had to arch her back and pull back with her hips to keep from choking which only meant additional pain between her legs.

Krutz let go of the ball and Susan felt its full weight pulling on tender pussy. Grunts emanated from behind her gag as she felt the rope splitting her in half, the knot digging deep inside her. Krutz grabbed the strings coming from the nipple clamps on the girl's tits and pulled sharply on them before tying the ends of the strings to the large ball as well. The rope dug into her space between her butt cheeks and rubbed painfully against her clit as she moved up on her tiptoes to try to relieve the pressure. Her breasts were now extended into a cone shape as the weight pulled her nipples further up and away from her body.

The senior classmates who had been nonchalant about the girl's predicament earlier now showed greater interest, staring at her as she tottered on her toes, trying to find the best place to relieve the pressure and pain in her crotch, her nipples and her neck. The headmaster did nothing to help as he pulled out a leather flogger and began slapping at the girl's legs with it. With every slap, Susan squirmed, losing her balance and feeling the sharp tug of the rope in her crotch, the tight knot digging into her tender pussy and the agony in her swollen nipples as her breasts were extended outward. She was shaking her head left and right and screaming into her gag with every swat against her nude flesh.

Susan pleaded with her eyes for the headmaster to stop the assault. After fifteen minutes that felt like hours, Krutz released Susan's nipples and lowered the chain holding the pulley so the ball touched the ground. The girl tried to catch her breath as the pressure in her crotch released, but she knew it would not be long before the pulley was raised once again. The girl steeled herself for the long day to come and looked up pleadingly at the camera.

Tuesday, 08 November

Stephen Krutz was reviewing the comments on smthecheerleaderslut.com when Susan Mitchell walked into this office on Tuesday morning and took her usual place beside his desk. He looked over at her quickly and she sat silently as he went through the web page comments. The site had originally been just a ruse, something the headmaster had invented to make Susan believe she could earn back the money her mother had stolen to pay for her tuition. But after a few weeks, Krutz decided since the girl had consented to be filmed and be streamed online, why not make some money while he was at it. So, he had the web site set up for real and began taking subscriptions. If his plan went correctly, Susan would eventually get the money, of course, along with everything else her mother had stolen. But by then she would be his subservient slave girl and it wouldn't matter.

Krutz turned to the naked girl kneeling beside his desk. "How are we this morning, Miss Mitchell", he said politely. Susan responded, "Okay, I guess." Krutz nodded and said, "I've been reviewing the comments section on your website as well as looking at some of the requests from members. They seem to be enjoying seeing your perky breasts being abused." Susan frowned and looked down at her chest. Her nipples were still sore from being pulled and stretched by the weights yesterday and she didn't look forward to another day of having them abused.

The headmaster approached her with a couple of pairs of wooden sticks, similar to chopsticks, but thicker. He placed one above and below the areola on one of her breasts and tightened them together with rubber bands, squeezing the end of her breast and causing her nipples to stick out. He did the same with the other breast. The implements were not extremely painful but caused her considerable discomfort. Krutz pulled the girl to her feet and grabbed her wrists and attached the metal cuffs around them together with a carabiner.

"I have some deliveries I need you to make, Miss Mitchell," the headmaster said. "A friend of mine brought me some special soft drinks from Mexico and I promised to hand them out to some of the teachers." Krutz picked up a can of soda from a package on his desk and placed it inside a neoprene koozy that had two small holes at the top. He tied some string through each of these holes and extended that string up and tied it off to the wooden sticks attached to the girl's breasts. Susan leaned forward as the 12-ounce weight pulled down on her breasts and she was glad the weight was on her breasts itself and not directly on her nipples.

"Please take that to Mr. Jackson," he said, and the girl turned and walked out of the office into the hallway. Mr. Jackson's classroom was in the school's A wing, only about ten doors away from the headmaster's office. Susan walked almost doubled over as that seemed to provide the least amount of pain to her tender flesh. She was pleased there were no students in Mr. Jackson's classroom when she arrived, the teacher having a free period. The teacher took the can out of the koozy, taking time to stroke her breast nonchalantly as he removed the soda. "Thank you, Susan", he said as he sent the girl back to the headmaster's office.

When she arrived, she saw Krutz had a second koozy prepared with a can in it. He untied the string to her left breast and tied the first koozy only to her right tit. He then tied the second koozy to the girl's left teat and placed another can in the empty container. Susan now felt the weight of the two 12-ounce cans pulling down on her tender breasts. The headmaster walked behind her and attached a length of chain to her wrists and pulled it down and clipped it to another chain he placed between her ankles. This had the effect of hobbling her, meaning she could only walk in small steps. The chain to her wrists forced her to stand upright, which meant the cans now bounced against her stomach as she shuffled out of the classroom. Her first stop was Mr. Davison's classroom in the A-wing which let her relieve some of her pain before she had to walk to the other side of senior hall to Mr. Holmes' shop class. It felt odd to have the weight hanging off only one her tits as she walked slowly through her classmates towards the shop room. The lecherous old shop teacher grabbed the soda out of its holder, sharply tugging on the girl's breast, leaving the two empty koozies dangling from her tits.

Susan slowly waddled back to the headmaster's office, her head down to avoid catching the eye of her classmates. When she returned, Krutz had tied strings around a six pack of the sodas and Susan groaned as she looked at it. The headmaster caught this and smiled. "We need to go a little faster, Miss Mitchell." The man removed the koozies from her breasts and tied the six pack so that it hung down against her stomach. The pain was much greater than before as the nearly five pounds of weight pulled down on her breasts. Susan didn't think she could walk with this amount of weight dangling from her.

"Please take those to Mr. Kittler, Mr. Davis, Mrs. Markham, Mr. Martinez, Miss Jenkins and Miss Thompson." Susan thought for a moment, mentally trying to make a map in her head as to the route that would allow her to drop off as many drinks as possible quickly. Miss Jenkins and Miss Thompson's classrooms were next to each other, but were off in the C wing. So, she decided to go to Mr. Davis and Mrs. Markham's classrooms first since they were down the hall from the headmaster's office.

It was hard to walk with the six-pack hanging from her teats and her legs chained together with the chain from her wrists keeping her upright. She arched her back as she walked as this allowed the six-pack to rest slightly against her taut stomach. It was a painful way to walk but she knew any way she might try to walk was going to be painful with six cans of soda hanging from her tits. Thankfully the halls were empty as students had gone to class, but this meant she would need to walk into the full classrooms to make her deliveries. She knew she must be blushing bright red as she walked into the first classroom to give a drink to Mr. Davis and then went across the hall to Mrs. Markham's room. All eyes turned, and she heard quite a few snickers, as her classmates watched the naked delivery girl serve sodas from her breasts.

Even though only two cans had been removed, she already felt relief as she crossed through an open courtyard to the C-wing to the other teacher's classrooms. Walking through the courtyard meant heading out into the chilly November morning but Susan thought the shortcut was worth the cold on her bare feet and the breeze on her naked body to cut down the amount of time she had to feel the pull of the four remaining drinks on her chest. The two female teachers took their drinks almost sheepishly and Susan wondered what these women thought about the headmaster and his sadistic punishments. She knew they were probably disgusted, not just by him but also by her agreeing to them. They wouldn't understand the choice Susan was making but she bet they were too timid to challenge the headmaster either, lest they feel what she was feeling.

Susan felt extreme relief to only have two more sodas to deliver. She walked back to the B-wing to drop off one more soda to Mr. Martinez before finally ending up at Mr. Kittler's room. She hadn't spoken to the art teacher for some time. She knocked on the door of his classroom and entered and all heads turned to see her walk in with a can of soda dangling from her tits. Kittler took the drink off the girl's body and she stood up completely straight, glad to have the weight removed. "How are you doing, Susan," he said. She smiled slightly and said softly, "About as good as can be expected". Mr. Kittler had shown her some kindness a few weeks ago and she thought he might be the only teacher at the school who had any real sympathy for her. She knew it wouldn't do her much good but any ally was nice to have.

The girl returned to the headmaster's office, where he had one more can of soda on his desk, this one opened with a straw in it. "Have yourself something to drink, Miss Mitchell, and then you should go off to class," he said. Susan sipped at the soda, which tasted exceptionally good. The thought of going to class did not appeal to her, and considering she had not been to class for many weeks, she didn't see the point but she was not in a position to argue.

Krutz removed the chains from between the girl's legs as well as the one attached to her wrists, although he kept her hands chained behind her back. He also left the wooden sticks on her girl's breasts, much to her chagrin. The class bell rang and Susan looked at the clock and sighed as she realized the next class on her schedule would be fourth period physical education and Mr. Lee.

The girl arrived in the gym and waited for her classmates to finish changing into their gym clothes, something she didn't have to do. The students all lined up along the baseline of the basketball court and Mr. Lee had them spread out into four rows, with Susan at the very front and center. "Calisthenics, boys and girls," the teacher said. "Let's begin with a few minutes of running in place."

As she and her classmates began jogging in place, Susan envied the girls next to her in their sports bras as her already pained breasts bounced up and down with every step she made. It was one of those times she wished the C-cups she had always been so proud of were instead much smaller. With her hands behind her back, there was nothing she could do except let her boobs bounce up and down as she ran in place.

Mr. Lee blew his whistle and walked behind Susan, unclipping the carabiner from her wrists, freeing her hands. She didn't understand why at first until he said, "Jumping jacks". If Susan had wished for smaller tits while running in place, she wanted even more as she performed the jumping jacks, her breasts bobbing left and right and up and down with every motion. She wanted to grab them and hold them but knew not following a teacher's order would only lead to more punishment.

The PE teacher then called out, "Twenty toe touches, alternate arm to alternate leg". This meant each of the students spreading their legs shoulder width apart and touching their right hand to their left toe and vice versa. The boys behind Susan in the gym were snickering as the girl bent over to touch her toe, knowing it meant she was on full display to the students behind her. But Susan realized it was not the first time, nor likely the last, so she focused on finishing the exercise. It had been awhile since she had done anything reasonably normal so this actually felt good, although weird to be doing it naked.

"Ok, class", the PE teacher said, "let's try some pushups. The class started to drop to their knees but Mr. Lee stopped Susan. He had a pair of one-pound metal weights in his hands with small chains looped through the holes. Lee clipped one end to each end of the wooden bars across her breasts and Susan's tits sagged from the weight. "20 push-ups, Susan," he said.

The other students had finished their sets so they all got to watch as the girl dropped to her knees and then lay down on the gym floor. Placing her hands near her shoulders, Susan painfully lifted her upper body for the first "girl pushup", the two pounds of weights on her tits just clearing the floor as she extended her arms. "One," came the call from her teacher. Susan dropped to the ground and paused for a moment and pushed her body up again, the pain in her breasts growing. Several students joined in the count of "two". By the time the girl got to five, all the students were calling out the count as she struggled to lift herself up with the extra weight on her breasts.

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