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What a Guy Won't Do Ch. 03

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Mark faces his biggest challenge.
4k words

Part 3 of the 9 part series

Updated 10/05/2022
Created 01/05/2010
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It's amazing to me how quickly people change. After my full frontal nudity fondling video was posted online most people I went to school with dropped it after only the first day back. There were plenty of sideways glances, whistles, texts, Facebook comments, etc. There were even a few people that genuinely wanted to know if I was "doing okay". Some of them were even guys! I was surprised at the response. But by Tuesday it was already old news and life went on as usual.

I managed to get the video removed from most of the sites it was posted on and the ones I couldn't remove were obscure anyway.

Jill and I graduated, I'm happy to say, and continued dating. Unfortunately for me she still wasn't ready to have sex, which I understood and respected. Thankfully, however, our heavy fondling and making out was going nicely. More than once, by the time we finished I had pretty much "glued" my jeans to my leg if you know what I mean, but hey, I'm a guy.

Jill got a job working at a place for children with autism and I continued my horrible job. College was on the horizon for both of us, but there was money to be saved first.

I maintained my swimming and started getting more serious about working out and eating right. I did make sure that whenever I would lie out by the pool that I didn't fall asleep and that the gate was locked before I went in.

I have no idea what happened to Martha Jensen, I heard that she moved out of state for college and the state is better off without her. Jen Tyler, on the other hand, is a skid-mark on the underwear of life and can't be gotten rid of. Jill and I would often bump into her around town and she always pretended like we were old pals, even though we only graduated a few months ago and we always hated each other. Jen was a stuck up slut that got everything she wanted in life. One time we saw her crossing the street and Jill joked about running her over, but I think somewhere in the back of her mind she actually considered it—that's my girl!

I started making a habit of walking to and from the bathroom in my underwear and I was even caught a few times by my Mom or sister. They never said anything, but it still gave me a weird feeling being seen like that.

On one occasion my sister Cindy followed me into my room and started talking to me. I tried to be casual but then I started to get embarrassed and a little hard so I had to cover up. I think she knew what was happening, but she didn't say anything. After everything that happened to me, I was still shy as all hell and the more time went by, the more I seemed to revert to my extreme shyness.

This story gets interesting in August so let's jump ahead shall we?

Jill came to dinner one day.

"So I need some ideas for raising money. We are having a friendly competition to raise money for autism awareness. They're putting on a mental health carnival and each place has it's own table. We are trying to figure out what we can do to raise more than the other tables. Bob Rafelson, I think his name is—he's some rich guy and he's agreed to match the table that raises the most money times four.

"So what are your ideas?" Mom asked.

"Well, that's the problem we don't have any good ideas. We do have access to a dunk booth, but those are lame and they don't raise that much money. I wanted to do something cool, but I can't think of anything." Jill looked down at her food dejected.

"How about a Karaoke contest?" Mom said.

I laughed. "Karaoke? How about something not so old fashioned like square dancing!"

"Don't make fun of me!" She scolded.

"See that's the problem, there's nothing good to do at a carnival. Oh and to make it worse guess who is at one of the tables? Jen Tyler! And you know she'll do something perfect that wins and we'll get thrown in the mud as usual."

"Okay, this just got personal." Cindy said. "We have to beat this chick!"

"So think, what can we do?" Jill begged.

There was nothing but silence, only the sound of forks hitting plates and chewing for a long moment.

Cindy finally spoke up, "The dunk booth isn't a bad idea, you just need someone famous to dunk. Someone that will draw a crowd."

"I called Justin Beiber, but he hasn't called back yet." Jill joked.

Cindy smiled a devilish smile. "What about somebody a little more local. A pseudo-celebrity, someone like, oh say, The Naked Swimmer!"

I flushed. I hadn't heard that name in a few months and I wasn't prepared for it.

"Cindy!" Mom came to my defense.

"What? It's a good idea; it even involves swimming sort of. That first video is still on Youtube and it's close to 126,000 views last I checked."

"How often do you check?" I asked in horror.

"Every now and then. What? You have a cute butt and it's funny. All the girls at work like it. They think you're sexy. They would come and pay to see you get wet. They're always asking me if they can meet you."

"Mom!" I used my only defense.

To my horror my Mom was smiling to herself.

"Tell her to stop! She shouldn't be looking at that!"

"Oh Mark, what's the big deal, she's already seen it. Besides, your butt is pretty cute if I do say so."

The three of them started laughing hysterically. I was red as an apple, but there was nothing I could do. I sat there and shook my head. My Mom touched my arm.

"I'm sorry, honey. I shouldn't laugh."

"No go ahead, it's funny, it's great." This just made them laugh harder. "They aren't going to let you advertise it with anything naked in the title anyway," I added.

"Well, you don't make a Naked Swimmer banner. You just spread the word privately. You can sign autographs for extra money, maybe we can grab a still from the video that doesn't show too much and print them up. Charge $10 for an autograph. This is a good idea, Mark." Cindy was enjoying this idea just a little too much.

Then Jill piped in, "We can keep the pictures low profile and just give them to the people that ask" she said.

I was once again shocked. "So now you're on board with this?" I couldn't believe it.

"If you want to, it's really not a bad idea. And it is for the kids." She flashed that look at me that melts my heart every single time.

I looked over at my Mom for advice.

"Well?" I asked her.

"It is for a good cause, if you're comfortable with it, why not? After all, most people will just be dunking you, they won't know who you are, and if some of them do maybe it will draw more money."

I looked at all of them realizing they didn't know what they were asking me. They clearly didn't appreciate just how shy I really am. In light of past events I don't blame them, but still!

"Anything for you Jill." I gave in.

They all applauded.

A week went by and Jill talked to her supervisor. They had agreed to it. I couldn't believe they went along with this. It was almost like hiring a porn star! But whatever, it's for the kids.

One day when I came home from work Jill was in my sister's room. I pushed the door open to see what they were doing. They were both sitting at the computer and playing my nude swim meet video over and over. It's a strange feeling to walk into your sister's room and see her and your girlfriend looking at a full screen image of your own naked body. They both turned and laughed when I walked into the room.

Cindy looked at me, "Hey you're just in time. What do you think . . . this one . . ."

She clicked a still they had captured showing me looking embarrassed and covering myself while still showing my bare profile.

" . . . or this one . . ."

She opened another one that showed me from the front covering myself but showing some pubes.

" . . .or this one . . ."

She opened another one of when I first came out of the pool. There I was standing straight up body facing the camera with my head turned to the side, my arms at my side water dripping off my shining skin and showing full frontal nudity.

"Come on!" I yelled. "Get that off the screen!"

They both laughed.

"Jill says this one shows too much penis, but I don't think so. I think this will be a BIG seller! Especially if we do this . . ."

She clicked a button and the picture enlarged. She kept it up until my penis filled the screen.

All I could do was sit there and look at my dick filling her computer screen while the two girls looked right at it in front of me laughing.

"I hope you're enjoying this."

"Okay, okay, I think we embarrassed him enough." Jill finally came to my defense and my sister closed the picture.

"The first one is the one we'll use." I said. "And I'm only doing this because I love you." I told Jill and she smiled. That smile made everything better.

"I love you too. I'm sorry we laughed, but it's just . . . funny."

"I know, I know."

The following night was the carnival and I showed up right on time. I took my position on the tank and nobody came. A lot of people walked past, a few kids gave it a shot—five bucks for three throws. I remained perfectly dry. The real action didn't start until later. That's when my sister's work friends showed up.

There were a lot of whistles and propositions. I smiled and tried not to look bothered. One of them kept commenting on how red my face was and I finally got into the spirit.

"Well, why don't you cool me off then!" I yelled.

She tried several times and eventually succeeded. The water was ice; it nearly took my breath away. The women all cheered.

"Now that's how I like to see him!"

"Look how that shirt clings to his young hard flesh!"

"Yeah, baby flex, show us those muscles"

I climbed back up and they continued. It seemed like every time I just started drying off, I got dunked again.

"Yeah, keep him wet!"

"Why don't you take your shirt off for us, Swimmer!"

There was much laughter at my expense, but I knew it would be like that. One of them asked if I had a girlfriend and I happily replied that I did and she was the most amazing girl I ever met. There was a collective "AWE" from all the ladies, followed by the sound of the release being hit and I was underwater again!

Once they were out of money, one of them asked "Why don't you come down here and autograph some photos for us?" They all cheered.

Jill pulled out a folder of the photos and they each took one. I was surprised. I had to endure the humiliation of all these women, many of them pretty hot, commenting on a photograph that pretty much showed off my entire body except the part I managed to barely cover. They told me how they enjoyed looking at my "form" many times online. This was rough, but I think my ever-increasing ego saw me through it.

"We just made a fortune, I can't believe it!" Jill jumped up and down. "Oh, I'm so happy."

I smiled and kissed her.

Just then an older woman came over to us.

"Excuse me, those ladies just told me you're The Naked Swimmer?"

I slumped and looked at Jill. She looked back at me and smirked. I regained composure and feigned pride and said, "That's me."

She looked closely at my face and said, "Wow, it is you! I'll be right back."

Jill and I looked at each other and watched the woman scurry off.

About five minutes later she returned with a host of other women, some younger some older but all with devilish smiles.

"We came here to dunk The Naked Swimmer!" one of them exclaimed.

"Step right up and give it a try!" I said starting to get into character, although I didn't really like being called that.

Dollars started being dropped by the handful and some of them had pretty good aim. One time after being dunked, when I came back out of the water, I heard one girl say, "Oh, I was hoping he'd come out naked like in the video." That was followed by many catcalls. My heart started beating quicker at that. The idea that all these women were familiar with my nudity freaked me out and excited me.

I spent the next hour with a bigger and bigger crowd, I was more popular than I ever could have thought. We were making money hand over fist selling balls to throw and pictures. Pretty soon Jill had run out of photos to autograph and the women in the crowd were growing restless.

One thing I have learned is that when a bunch of women get together they have a tendency to become animals—much more than guys. The requests for my nudity in person grew. The first woman who arrived that started this whole crowd approached me again. She pulled me aside after a quick break.

"You know young man, if you really want to raise money, I know the guy running this carnival. I could get him to let us stay here tonight after close and maybe we can raise the stakes?" She said with a wink.

I laughed very nervously and told her "Ah, no thanks."

I resumed my place over the tank and couldn't get my mind back in the game.

Until I looked up and saw Jen walk over. I motioned to Jill and they saw each other at the same time. I saw them talk to each other, I couldn't hear what they were saying, but Jill seemed upset and Jen was gloating.

The crowd started to thin a little and I took another break. I went over to Jill.

"So what did miss perfect have to say?"

"Well, it looks like her reign will continue. She's raised a lot more than we have. She's running some stupid shell game and people love it. Probably because they can look down her shirt while they play. She sucks."

Oh no, here we go again. Jill had that sad look that I simply can't stand. "How much do we have to raise?"

"About $500 in the next ten minutes." She said.

I looked around for the answer. There's no way.

"There's no way we can do it. Well, we tried I guess. You were great, Mark I really appreciate what you're doing, I know it's rough for you."

My heart broke for her. I wanted to rip the earth in half just for some justice.

Then it happened. I saw that lady again.

"Excuse me, Mrs.?" I yelled. She smiled and waved and walked over to me.

"How did you do tonight?"

"Not as good as we could. Is that offer still standing to raise the stakes?"

She smiled, "What do you have in mind?"

"A wager. We need to raise $500 before we leave."

"$500? That's a lot of dough Jack!" She said.

"It will be worth it. Try to get as many of those women back here after the place closes and tell them it will be worth their time and bring money!" I said with a wink.

The old lady liked the sound of this. "You got it." She hustled off.

"What are you doing?" Jill asked.

"Something stupid as usual." I took a deep breath; those old butterflies found their home in my stomach again.

Then everything got worse.

"Honey!" My Mom yelled. I looked over and saw her waving at me. She came over with about fifteen of her friends.

"Oh no, not now!"

She arrived. "How's it going?" she asked

"What are you doing here?" I was horrified.

"I wanted to help out, but we're running really late. Did you raise enough money?"

"No, but I thought of a way that we can, but I can't do it if you're here."

"Why not?" she asked.

As if to answer her question an announcement came over the loudspeaker.

"Folks we'd like to thank you for coming and helping out with these special causes tonight and the park will be closing so please everyone make your way to the exits. There is, however, a special private fundraiser going on over by the dunk tank, I'm afraid its adults only, and featuring a local Internet celebrity, The Naked Swimmer! So get your wallets out and head on over there. Everyone else please head to the exists and Thank You very much for your kindness and generosity tonight."

My Mom looked at me with wide eyes. "What did you do?"

"I can't. Just please let me do what I have to. I can't back out now. Just please go home."

"I'm not going anywhere, Mark. I want to know what this is all about."

She looked at Jill and Jill just shrugged. "I don't know."

An enormous crowd gathered around almost entirely made of women. There must have been one hundred people there. Unfortunately one of them was also my sister and all of her friends. Everyone was buzzing asking each other what the story was. I took one last look at my Mom, one glance at my sister, and a long hard look at Jill.

"This is for a good cause." I told my Mother and took my place on the dunk tank. I grabbed the microphone and tried to speak through a very dry mouth. My hands were shaking wildly. I was more nervous than I have ever been in my entire life.

"Hi everyone. We were trying to raise the most money for our charity and we failed. Or I guess I failed. So . . . I had an idea. One that many of you have already suggested."

My voice was cracking and shaking like crazy.

"So here's the deal. We need to raise another $500 tonight. So, I'm going to make you an offer I hope now that it's an offer you can refuse." I looked at my Mother. She had an expression of being very skeptical of what I was about to say, but there was also trust in her eyes.

"I'm auctioning off myself! If we can raise $500 right now, then every time I'm dunked, I'll remove an article of clothing and I'm only wearing three things so that shouldn't take too long!"

There was an audible gasp followed by cheers. My sister's jaw dropped and her friends all laughed and clapped.

"Once I'm naked, and it probably won't be long . . ."

"The water's not that cold!" someone yelled to more laughter.

"Once I'm naked you can take a photo of me and you for twenty dollars."

"Naked?" someone else asked.

"Full frontal." The crowd went wild. The old lady came over and took the microphone.

"I just want to say, I know many of the police here as well as the mayor and I think they will be happy to look the other way for this special fundraiser."

I didn't even think of that, it was probably my only out. Oh well, looks like this is going to happen.

My Mom then walked over and took the microphone, I was terrified at what she was about to say, but I also secretly hoped she would put an end to this and get me out of here.

"I just want to tell everyone that I am his mother. I love my son and over the years I have seen him grow into a fine young man. He is a man with honor and a sense of right and wrong that astounds me."

She looked at me; "I support you in anything you do. And I have never been more proud of you then in this very moment. I know how hard this is for you."

"But will he get it hard for us?" Some woman yelled—more laughter!

My Mom looked me up and down, "Now let's raise some cash and strip this boy naked!"

My stomach dropped out; I couldn't believe it. I was frozen in that moment; the place erupted in applause, whistles, hoots, and hollers! I stood there helpless as people lined up to drop money into the pot, my sister ran over to help Jill and my Mom count it all. Before the crowd was anywhere near finished donating money Jill smiled and yelled, "We're there! Get up on that tank!"

I took my position, before long I was enveloped in water.

My Shirt came off.

A few throws later I was back in the drink.

My shorts came off. I was left in my white boxers.

I sat on the wooden sitting board and waited, it wouldn't be long. My heart was pounding, I felt dizzy, and I felt like the world was on its side.

Everyone was screaming and cheering.

An autistic girl of maybe twenty was up next. I knew this would be it. It was just how this should end. She threw and missed, people cheered her on like she was in the Super Bowl. Second throw a miss. She wound up took aim for her last throw. Hell, even I was starting to root for her. She threw the ball and at first I could swear she missed, but then I heard the release trip. I dropped into the water.

For a moment, I was alone. There was no glass just a box; nobody could see me underwater. It was quiet but with a muffled roar outside in the world of oxygen. I reached down and pulled my boxers off. I started to push myself up, then hesitated. I had to work up the courage. My head surfaced and the roar of the audience was deafening. I reset the sitting board and put my hands on it. I lifted one leg up on it and looked out. My Mom was covering her mouth trying not to laugh; my sister was wide-eyed and excited for me.


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