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What Comes With The Territory Ch. 01

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True confessions change a FWB relationship fast.
2.2k words

Part 1 of the 2 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 05/31/2020
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"Damn, honey ... you really know how to get me hooked!" I exclaimed as I drove deeper inside Anastassia's sweet ass.

"Well, you know that I'm hooked on you, papi, because I've never given up the culo before! That's my anal cherry that you're taking right now!" Anastassia proudly informed me while really pushing back at me with her sweet booty and hips.

"So, I'm your addiction, then? Maybe we should get married, then, if you can handle my kinky, lecherous ways! Fair warning, in case you missed it, good Catholic girl, I'm a bit of a heathen. Or maybe you'd prefer to move to girlfriend status first, in case you have doubts about me. Of course, it's fun being your fuckbuddy, too, don't get me wrong! I'll never tire of you, my Latin cutie," I warned Anastassia.

"Um ... oh, God ... Dios mio! Fuck, that feels ... sooo good! I'm not a purely good Catholic girl, or I wouldn't let you ten feet nearer my asshole, let alone without a wedding band or at least an engagement ring. Luckily for you, papi ... I need this dick too much to ever give it up! Ever! Please promise me, no matter what happens, that you'll always fuck me. I'll make you the same promise, here and now, papi!" Anastassia said.

"Sure thing, sweetie, but does this mean even if you get married to someone else? Or I do?" I stipulated.

"God ... yes ... yes ... yes! I just ... can't ... give ... this ... up! Especially ... in ... my ... ass! This is ... your ass ... forever!" Anastassia declared to my complete shock, a true pleasant surprise if there ever was one.

"Good to know," I slapped her bottom while I plundered it some more and was now balls deep inside her tush.

"Cum inside me ... claim this ass as yours ... please ... por favor!" Anastassia begged me as she creamed herself with my cock drilling her derriere.

I emptied my balls inside Anastassia's tight, sweet asshole and pulled out, preparing to piss when she followed me into the john at my house (yes, I said house ... long story there).

"I already knew that you weren't the faithful type, Victor. Any girl with half a brain can see that much. No offense, just saying ... a girl has three choices with a man like you. One option is to keep you at arm's length, good for only sex, nothing else. Eventually, the lady plans for someone like you to take the hint and make your exit so that serious suitors can emerge.

"The second is to have nothing to do with you at all, beyond the platonic at most. The third, quite frankly, is to just ... accept what we can't change about you. To take whatever comes with the territory, papi. Care to guess which door I'm using now? Full disclosure, I'm not too sure that I'm the faithful type, either. It would be easier, in many ways, if I was, like my sisters, but I have real doubts that one man can satisfy me. I must have taken after Dad. One of us girls was bound to do so in a household with no boys.

"Anyway, another reason why I suspect that much is that I ... have ... kind of a ... boyfriend. Yeah, I said that. We've dated for quite a while, and while we've had our outs and such, been on breaks, etc ... deep down, he's still my boyfriend, okay? I just can't ... bring myself to cut him loose. I can't. Period. It's just ... not in me.

"So, you see, in a way, this arrangement, it just works for us. You and me at least. Ultimately, if he thought about it, it would work for Oswald, too. That's his name. Gerd Oswald Bierbauer. He's ... German. Bavarian. Son of a German vice-consul. I don't even know how that's gonna work out, unless he stays in America.

"He's Catholic, which does give him kinda an edge over you, though I think that you're halfway there in your ... ancestry, right? What is your ancestry and faith, anyway? You're ... pure heathen, are you?" Anastassia assured me as I started the shower and we prepared to wash each other clean.

"Lebanese father, Orlando Jew for a mother. Yes, I said Orlando. As in, she worked for Walt Disney World for years. Long story on that. Victor Samuel Habib. Full name, in case you ever wondered. So, yes, my old man, he's Catholic. Mom, not so much. Reform Jew, though she does go to temple regularly. Yes, they got married, no, not in the church or in the temple, to the dismay of my grandparents ... on both sides.

"I was both baptized and circumcised, just in case, to give me ... more of a choice. They didn't want me to face the knife as a grown boy or man, you know. I might get nervous and the mohel would have a tougher time doing the job right. They stayed married until Dad took a dirt nap back in Beirut. Damn civil war...

"Dad caught a bullet from a Syrian in a dispute that was never made clear to me. Knowing Dad, it was over a woman. Dad never could keep it in his pants. It just usually didn't backfire on him ... not until 1988, when I was twelve. He wasn't even a combatant, just in the wrong place at the wrong time. Anyway, so Mom waits a good couple of years and then remarries to this complete WASP type, very different from me or my old man.

"Fast forward to 1994, when this cute little blonde is brought home from the hospital by Mom and Gary, after more than three years of trying. Let's just say that they availed themselves of the new wave of fertility drugs, and my middle-aged mother became Mommy all over again to my baby half-sister. Little Amy. Some siblings resent the newborns, but not me. Seventeen years as an only child was quite long enough, thank you very much," I beamed as I remembered the birth of my loving sister.

"You're ... a little closer to your kid sister than you let people know, aren't you? Are you two ... lovers, by any chance?" Anastassia asked me directly while I washed and caressed her naked flesh.

"You want the truth or a comfortable lie? And for that matter, does Oswald want the truth or the lie?" I challenged my fuckbuddy now.

"I'll take that as a yes. You ... and Amy ... lovers! Kinda hot. Is that why neither of you have ever left home. I mean, hey, she's twenty-five. You're forty-three. Almost eighteen years her senior. Old enough to be a second father instead of just a big brother. You're ... extremely protective of your baby sister, aren't you? As for Oswald, I don't honestly know what he wants yet," Anastassia observed more details about my incestuous bond with my sweet sister, Amy.

"Yeah, ever since Gary's death ... which has really been rough on her. You can only imagine what it did to Mom. Twice widowed in thirty-odd years. Fucking opioids, too! They wrecked the marriage first, which was a ghost of its old self toward the end, and they finished off what was left of the man's health. Cardiac arrest in the middle of the night, just six months ago, in fact.

"Mom's ... half out of it half the time anymore, too. Chasing her sorrows with cigarettes, wine, and religion. She's become more observant due to the second passing of a husband from the scene. She needs us around, you know. Both of us. Amy and me. But, yeah, my sister golden hair and I, as I often call her ... we're lovers. We need each other, too, you know," I explained to my Latin lover.

"Papi, you don't have to excuse or explain being there for your family. Even if it does mean fucking your sister. I can't break Oswald's heart, either, so we're both in that pickle. Sooner or later, you know, I'll end up getting married to him, I think. And you know what that means. Adultery. I'll be an adulteress, you'll still be a sister-fucker, the two cancel each other out, I think. And hey, I get it. I couldn't say no to that cute of a sister, either. Does she know about ... us?" Anastassia now wondered aloud.

"Of course I do!" Amy popped into the bathroom right then as we toweled off, planting a searing hot kiss on my lips, "so my brother's boning you ... and you have a boyfriend, too. So the fuck what? You're allowed to be happy, too, you know. If my brother doesn't mind it ... and you don't mind me, why should I care that you have a boyfriend? Is it gonna hurt the boyfriend more if you dump him, tell him, or cheat on him? That's the question you gotta ask yourself, if you're being honest and real here."

"It will ... hurt him more if I dump him ... I think. Besides, for all I know, he might have to go back to Germany, in which case, this whole issue is moot as fuck, right? Maybe I should just ... tell him, though. Maybe that would be fair. I mean ... what if he didn't know, he didn't move back to Munich, and then he found out, only to get pissed that I cheated on him after all that? I think that he needs to know, doesn't he? It's only fair when making a decision of that magnitude to have all of the facts. It will hurt me if he breaks it off, but ... you know," Anastassia wiped the slight peach fuzz above her upper lip that I personally found charming as she dialed the numbers for Oswald's cell phone.

"Gute nacht. Anastassia?" Oswald now answered his phone.

"Um ... Oswald ... I have something to tell you, especially since you've been talking of staying here in America ... instead of ... moving back to Germany. You deserve to know this ... I hope that you don't dump me over this. I really hope that you go ahead and stay here, anyway. But I would totally understand if you wanted nothing more to do with me.

"Baby ... I've been ... cheating on you. That's the honest term for it. And I can't ... make myself stop. Nor do I even want to stop. I love you ... but I'm really drawn to this other man, too. And yes, he has someone else in his life, too. But he's honest with her ... and I feel that I should be with you, too. It's gonna hurt if you dump me, like a sucker punch, but then it probably hurts to learn of my cheating, too.

"So, please ... take a deep breath ... think on what you really want ... really want, and then if you wish to, you can call me back or ... something else. I ... I... , " Anastassia paced as she talked to her beau.

It was a lucky thing that Mom was at temple instead of home right then. I didn't know how much she knew or observed of my love life ... and I didn't like taking unnecessary risks that could cause Mom to lose her mind, break down, or have a heart attack or stroke of her own. Her health wasn't the most robust nowadays, especially with the smoking and the depression, not to mention how much more she drank of late.

"Ah, Anastassia, we still have so much to learn of each other yet! I am not ... angry. I am European. We are ... much more understanding of these things, many of us, anyway, though not all by any means. There are prudes in any part of the world, of course. So you have two men ... lovers ... this other man and I ... we never swore fidelity, you know. It was just ... assumed that is not necessarily the best approach, is it?" Oswald reassured her over the phone, which was on speaker by now.

"So ... you're ... cool with me having another man? Do you ... have another woman?" Anastassia clarified.

"No, I don't, but that's okay. I am, yes, fine with you having this other man in your life. As long as he makes you happy, that is. Does he make you happy? Does he love and nurture you? Then good. If he abuses you, though, just know that I am a black belt in karate, judo, and taekwondo. Not how we're supposed to act in the martial-arts, but I am only human," Oswald made his own position clear now.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you! You're the best! I love you ... papi!" Anastassia declared now.

"You are very welcome ... and so ... did you wish to marry me?" Oswald shocked Anastassia with a proposal of marriage right after her confession.

"If ... that doesn't dissuade from marriage, my confession, then, yes!" she agreed.

"No, it doesn't. I have my reasons, but just know that I am very cool with it all," Oswald told her, "I'll explain to you on our next date."

You could have heard a pin drop from all of us at this point, and we definitely heard Mom open the door, so we rushed to my bedroom to hide our nudity just as Oswald hung up.

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