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What Happens in Vegas

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A man admits newfound feelings to a lifelong friend.
5k words

Part 1 of the 4 part series

Updated 06/09/2024
Created 05/12/2024
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Three men requested a table at The Cosmo Bar on the top floor of a fancy resort and casino in Las Vegas. They had been out golfing all day, and they were tired. But Fred was there to have a good time, they were in Vegas baby! So, he insisted that he was going out with or without them.

Mark and Aaron were less enthusiastic about going out. Mark was thinking a lot about his new wife Kate and missing her. Aaron was really going through something although he didn't care to share the details of it just yet. Fred wanted a good time. He was ready to get out there and chat up some ladies as he was wont to do.

They were seated at a small, low table, next to two women. They looked alike in a vague way. Like they were part of the same family, but none of the men could decide how they were related. Fred thought it was the glasses that one woman wore that was throwing him off.

At first the men politely looked over at the women next to them and nodded. However, after a few moments, conversation became inevitable. The tables were small, low, and intimate. Fred couldn't help himself. He had a natural charisma and charm and struck up conversation with women easily. Laughing effortlessly and speaking warmly without being creepy. It was truly no small feat to accomplish, being handsome helped, but there was a certain way to approach these types of situations.

It was so easy to veer into the territory of making someone uncomfortable, the wrong joke, or a misplaced chuckle. Lingering around for too long while you mustered the courage to talk to someone, making sudden inquiries or worse letting your nervousness get the best of you and making demands; all these things could easily land you in the creeper section of a person's brain.

And these two women had already had a lurking creeper prowling around them for a good thirty minutes before Fred, Mark, and Aaron showed up. They were prepped and ready for an annoying encounter and instead Fred turned on that charm and won them over.

"I'm Fred," he said. "This is Mark and Aaron."

"Nice to meet you. I'm Esther and this is my sister Susan," Esther said.

"So, where you ladies from?" Fred leaned back in his chair.

Mark chatted idly with Susan, checking the time on his phone regularly to show the picture of him and his wife on their wedding day. Mark was friendly but not encouraging and the woman appreciated the fact that he would chat with her. He eventually noticed the rock on her ring finger and felt a small wave of relief. A few moments later she mentioned her husband back at their suite. Mark felt he was able to relax at that point until he wondered if they were swingers, but he quickly pushed the thought away.

Aaron sat back in his chair glumly nursing a martini. He excused himself twice to splash water on his face in the bathroom. He hadn't wanted to come out tonight. He only came because Fred said he was going. Mark wasn't going to come along; he was going to stay in the hotel, chat with Kate and then call it a night.

Aaron had been looking forward to the one-on-one time with Fred. He needed to talk to him, and it wasn't until the last minute that Mark had decided to join. Aaron successfully hid his disappointment at Mark joining them. But he knew he couldn't say what he needed to in front of him. And now Fred was flirting with this woman, Esther, it was enough to drive him crazy.

Aaron hadn't been fully aware of his feelings until this afternoon, watching Fred golf. It wasn't as if they hadn't golfed together before. They had been friends their whole life and nothing like this had ever happened to him. As he watched Fred swing his golf clubs Aaron suddenly realized how very attractive he was.

At first, he brushed off the idea. Of course, one would often notice the appealing things about the people that one spent a great deal of time with. But this felt different somehow. It was less of a fleeting observation and more of a lingering thought. As he sat in the golf cart he felt a deep ache in his groin and quickly looked elsewhere to stifle the stiffness he felt developing below.

Now as he stood in the bathroom for a second time, he felt the same ache, and his penis twitched as he thought of Fred out there flirting, a smile gracing his lips. He turned quickly to one of the empty stalls and locked himself inside. The growing stiffness in his pants had begun to show.

Carefully, he undid his pants and eased them down around his ankles along with his boxer shorts. He dared not get anything on his pants since Mark or Fred were sure to notice. Mark probably wouldn't say anything, but Fred... At the thought of Fred teasing him his penis stiffened further and Aaron looked down at his half erection wondering what the best course of action would be.

He could tuck it up and risk getting dribbles of moisture on his clothes. There was also the risk of getting more turned on as Fred talked, as the waistband of his oldish boxers rubbed on the tip of his cock. At these thoughts he became harder, and he sat down trying to make it look like he was just using the toilet.

He could rub one out quickly and put the whole thing behind him. If he did that though he risked getting caught and he knew it was generally frowned upon to masturbate in a public place. But what else could he do? After considering it he decided the only option was to rub it out quickly before heading back to the table.

By now his cock dripped with precum and he ran his fingers over the tip using the moisture to lube himself up. He gripped himself firmly and rubbed up and down thinking about Fred all the while. It didn't take long before his dick was hard and hot. He did his best not to make any noise as people moved through the bathroom. After only a few minutes he could feel the wave of orgasm rising. He stood quickly and aimed for the toilet as a soft grunt escaped his lips.

"Excuse me," said a male voice. "Are you alright in there?"

"Uhhh, yeah, sorry just finishing up," Aaron squeaked out.

He quickly grabbed some toilet paper and cleaned up his dick and a small amount of splatter from the seat. He wiped his hands and pulled up his pants flushing the evidence down the toilet.

"Sorry," he said as he came out. A male janitor stood there watching him for a moment.

"Don't worry," he said. "I won't say anything." Aaron was washing and drying his hands.

"What?" he asked.

"I know what you were doing in there," the man said. He smiled and made a jacking off motion. Aaron felt his face flush.

"I...I don't know what you're talking about," Aaron said. "I was taking a shit."

"Oh, sure, sure," the man touched the side of his nose. "Mums the word." He took his mop and swiped it across the floor as Aaron left the bathroom.

As he walked back to the bar to rejoin his friends he paused and took a deep breath in an attempt to clear his flushed face. When he got back to the table, he was disappointed to see another round of drinks at the table and the women turned and chatting continuously with Mark and Fred.

It was clear that the woman with glasses was sort of disinterested, she still smiled and politely asked questions of Mark. It was clear though that her motivations were to appear otherwise occupied to give her companion space and time to chat with Fred. Aaron plopped down next to Fred again.

"Hey, there he is," Fred said, turning to him for a moment. "I got you another drink." Aaron swore he saw a flicker of empathy go through Fred's eyes before turning back to Esther.

Mark kept glancing at his phone and at Aaron. He had sensed as soon as Fred started chatting with Esther that this was not what he had had in mind when he agreed to go out with Fred, and he momentarily wondered if he was crashing a party he wasn't invited to.

Mark took a pull on his beer and subtly tapped his foot against Fred's. Fred looked up at him and Mark nodded towards the entry. Fred glanced at Aaron and the look of intense disappointment on his face. Fred raised his eyebrows and looked around for their waitress who he motioned over.

Esther and Susan turned away slightly and opened the menu again talking between themselves quietly. The waitress brought the men their check and took the women's next drink order. After signing the check, the three men stood.

"Great meeting you two, get home safe!" Fred said as Mark waved, and Aaron bolted out of the bar. The women smiled shrugged and went back to conversing between the two of them while they drank their cocktails.

"What the hell, Aaron?" Fred said. "I thought you wanted to come out! No one was twisting your arm."

"I know! I thought I wanted to come out too," Aaron said.

"Hey guys, I'm going to fall back a little and call Kate before it gets too late. I'll meet you for breakfast tomorrow," Mark said as he fell out of step with the two men.

"Sure thing man," Fred said. He turned back to Aaron. "So..."

Aaron wondered if he could really be honest with Fred. He had drunk those two martinis and they had been drinking all day while they golfed. Maybe he would play it off as some kind of drunk chatter if things went badly. He didn't exactly feel drunk but not quite sober either.

"Hello!" Fred said.

"Yeah, I just..." Aaron trailed off trying to gather the courage. There were so many people around, he just wanted to be alone with Fred.

"I don't want to walk and talk. Can we go somewhere?"

"We just came from somewhere," Fred said grumpily.

"Somewhere we can talk," Aaron said with an edge of ice in his voice. "Just you and me." Fred hesitated.

"What do you mean?" Fred asked. " everything ok man?" Fred stopped walking, upsetting the group behind them. He moved to the side off the walkway towards the slot machines.

"Yeah, I'm fine, everything is fine, I just...Have something a little more private to discuss." Aaron started walking again although to where he wasn't sure.

"Ok, sure," Fred walked with him and looked around as he walked. "How about there, it looks quiet. We can get a drink and talk." He pointed to a modest, nearly empty bar just off to the left of some poker tables. Aaron nodded and followed Fred up the stairs.

The two men seated themselves at a table tucked away from the bar, most of the other patrons, and foot traffic. Aaron had seen the table as they walked in and made a beeline for it.

Fred went and got them each a vodka martini and placed the drinks on the table. He took the seat next to Aaron rather than across from him since the nature of his discussion seemed to require lowered voices. Fred was itching to know what was going on with Aaron. He'd been acting strange since this afternoon.

"So, what's up?" Fred asked. Aaron took a tentative sip of his martini. It was strong, he used it as fuel for what he was about to say. He'd decided while Fred was grabbing drinks to just come right out and tell him, no beating around the bush just honesty.

"While we were golfing today, I was...noticing you I guess," Aaron paused.

"I hope so, you were keeping score," Fred smiled, and Aaron couldn't help but smile along with him.

"Yeah, I was. But I mean I was noticing you in a different way," Aaron paused again and took a deep breath. Fred felt his chest tighten as he braced himself. He wasn't an idiot; he knew what was coming.

"I noticed that you are a very...attractive guy. Not just in a physical way, you're charismatic, and successful and funny." Aaron stopped and took another drink from his martini. He was staring into it. Every time he looked up at Fred his vocal cords stopped working.

"Uh, thanks man. I try ya know," Fred gulped a drink from his glass. Aaron felt icy cables of disappointment lurch through him.

"I was very attracted to you. I wanted to spend time with you tonight. Just you and then Mark came, and those women were at the bar," he did his best to keep the bitterness out of his voice. He knew it wasn't their fault. Fred was just being Fred. Fred felt his face flush and he found himself at a loss for words, which was a new experience for him.

"Well, uh, I'm surprised. And flattered I guess," Fred said. Aaron felt a stinging in his eyes and willed it away.

"Surprised?" he asked, finally looking up at Fred. Fred held his gaze for a moment, noticing the sheen of tears but choosing to ignore it.

"I didn't know you were gay, man. Maybe I should have noticed, but I never did," Fred admitted.

"I," Aaron began. "I don't know if I'm gay. I know I'm attracted to you."

"Ok, but now? After all these years? Knowing each other's families, spending all this time together, this is the first time you've felt this?" Fred asked.

"Everything has a beginning," Aaron said. He was staring down at his drink again. "Why does the beginning have to be a long time ago? Why can't then be then and now" Fred stared at him.

For a second, he was annoyed, then he brushed that away, why be annoyed? The question now, clearly, was if he returned that attraction and if he was honest, he couldn't give a hard no. Maybe that's where his annoyance had come from. He wasn't sure if refusing Aaron was what he wanted to do.

"Just give me a minute." Fred leaned back in his chair. Their glasses were empty, and he suddenly wanted another very badly. He took Aaron's glass and his own and went up to the bar. He ordered two more and two waters. The bartender poured the water and made the drinks while Fred took them to their table.

Aaron chugged down some water. Fred watched him sitting alone at the table while the bartender finished pouring their drinks. He squinted at Aaron, his brow furrowing.

"Two martinis. What name is it under sir?" Fred gave his name and went back to the table. He took a small sip of water and a hearty sip of his martini.

"So, let's say I'm curious," Fred said. "What did you have in mind?" Aaron's eyebrows shot up for a moment.

"I hadn't thought about it," Aaron started.

"Oh, come on, yes you did!" Fred exclaimed. He smiled at Aaron. "You wouldn't be so mopey if you hadn't thought of something only to have it fall apart, so what did you have in mind?" Fred held his eye contact.

It was true of course. Aaron had had lots of ideas since they had returned from golfing. They had all retired to their own rooms before going out that night and Aaron spent a good deal of time in the shower thinking about what might happen between him and his friend.

"Well, I was hoping to talk to you about it first," Aaron said.

"Yeah, you've done that. What were you hoping would happen after you admitted what you felt," Fred asked plainly. He took another drink of water then and licked his lips.

"Well," Aaron watched Fred's mouth as he sipped his water and licked his lips. "I was hoping for mutual attraction. Maybe a...kiss or something...more." Aaron was speaking barely above a whisper now.

Fred had leaned in to hear him. Fred suddenly made a decision, he leaned closer to Aaron, licked his lips once more and kissed him softly on his mouth.

Aaron looked at Fred as he pulled back. He hesitated for just one moment more, then leaned forward and kissed Fred. Fred had not expected to enjoy this as much as he had. He wasn't expecting to hate it, just a bit of indifference. But as Aaron continued to kiss him, Fred found himself responding.

He put one hand on Aaron's thigh and the other on his neck as he returned his kiss. Carefully, he parted his lips and probed lightly at Aaron's lips with his tongue. Aaron opened his mouth and the two men kissed deeply, tongues wrapping and probing into each other's mouths.

A wave of heat raced through Fred, and he was again surprised by the ferocity of his passion. His kiss became more hurried and passionate, and Aaron mirrored his feelings. Fred pulled back suddenly. His cheeks were flushed.

"We can't do this here," he said. He gulped down his drink. Aaron felt momentarily ashamed.

"Why not?" Aaron asked.

"Because" Fred said. "If you're game for what I'm about to initiate we're gonna need more privacy." Fred stood and adjusted the front of his pants. He went to the bar and paid for the tab. Aaron followed behind him grinning like an idiot.

The group had opted not to leave their hotel that night, so there wasn't far to go. Fred was suddenly having a hard time controlling himself though. He never thought he'd be as turned on by a man as he was by women. But watching Aaron standing there in the elevator, leaning against the wall, slouching slightly, hands resting on the handrail, he couldn't help himself. He went to him, scooped up his face and planted a kiss on his lips.

Aaron, surprised again, reached to Fred's hips, and rested them there. Fred kissed his cheek, and jaw relishing the scruff he felt there. He moved to his neck and began to lick and kiss Aaron. Aaron gasped in a quick breath and ran his hands up and down the sides of Fred's body, feeling his muscle, the muscle he'd noticed as he swung his golf club that afternoon.

Fred moved closer to Aaron and turned his attention to the other side of Aaron's neck, kissing and licking down to his collarbone. He pressed his body against Aaron's, and he could feel a hard bulge against his own stiffening member. The elevator dinged and Fred lazily looked up. They were on their floor. Aaron gasped again as Fred playfully bit his neck and walked out of the elevator.

Fred led him to his room and tapped his key card. His penis, half aroused tented his slacks. Deliberately, he put out the do not disturb sign and locked the door. He turned to Aaron and pressed him against the wall kissing him roughly. Aaron gasped and kissed him back, pawing at his button up shirt.

"Tell me if I get too rough," Fred said as he pressed his erection against Aaron. Aaron moaned.

"Ok," he breathed. The moan sent another wave of arousal through Fred, and he ground his hips against Aaron again. Fred grabbed either side of his shirt and pulled sending buttons flying. Aaron had no hesitation left, his cock was fully aroused and dripping in his pants, he knew exactly what he wanted. Fred kissed and licked Aaron's chest, taking his nipples into his mouth eliciting moans and gasps.

Aaron put his hand over the insanely hard bulge in Fred's pants and stroked his hand over it. A wet spot appeared on the slacks and Fred growled as Aaron rubbed his dick.

Aaron grabbed Fred's waistband and turned him around, so his back was to the wall. Fred stripped off his shirt and rubbed his nipples as Aaron eased himself to his knees. Hurriedly, he unbuttoned and unzipped Fred's pants. His cock sprung free, still held back by his boxer shorts which he eased down. Aaron had never given a blow job before, but it couldn't be that difficult. He knew what he enjoyed; he would just do his best.

He licked from the base of the shaft up to the tip eliciting a sigh and groan from Fred. Fred's fingers laced into Aaron's hair as he slowly put his mouth over the tip of Fred's engorged dick. It was a lot to fit in his mouth and he wasn't sure he'd be able to take the whole thing. He started small licking and sucking on the tip. Fred's fingers tightened in his hair and he groaned and gasped. Slowly Aaron eased his mouth over his cock taking in as much as he could, running his tongue along the length as he pulled back, sucking slightly.

"Ah, fuck," Fred muttered. He began to thrust his hips slowly in rhythm with Aaron's pace. Aaron could feel Fred's dick somehow grow harder as he sucked on him. Fred's enthusiasm soon became too difficult to control and he began to bob Aaron's head faster, his hips thrusting in deeper. His cock touched the back of Aaron's throat and he gagged, pulling back completely off Fred's dick.

"Oh, fuck," Fred half groaned. "Sorry man. Are you alright?" Aaron coughed a little, swallowing back bile.

"Yeah," Aaron gasped. "I think so." He saw Fred's cock, hard and huge and twitching.


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