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What Now? Ch. 02

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Still a virgin, Danny-less and confused.
6.2k words

Part 2 of the 3 part series

Updated 09/22/2022
Created 06/08/2014
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Hey guys!

I know it's been almost a month since I last posted, but this chapter's been ready for more than two weeks, I just didn't have time to post for personal reasons, but I'll try to start posting more regularly now.

"Oh god, Steven!" moaned Danny as I pushed into him. "Yes! Oh god, yes!"

I bit my lip and groaned. His hole was so tight, and it was fighting a losing battle against my thick cock as I penetrated him.

I rubbed my hands all over Danny's ample ass cheeks as I went deeper inside him, and once my blonde pubes hit his smooth tanned skin, I grabbed him by the waist with both hands and started fucking him. He was moaning and whimpering uncontrollably as I rammed into him from behind, pulling at the sheets and biting into my pillow to keep from crying out.

"Steven!" he half moaned, half screamed. "My god, you're amazing!"

"Yeah?" I grunted. "Is this what you wanted Danny? My cock? Do you want my cock?"

"Yes!" he moaned.

"You like me fucking you? I bet you do. I bet you've wanted my dick all along, you were just playing hard to get, weren't you? Tell me you want it, bitch, say it!" I slapped his ass with one hand.

"Yes! Oh, Steven, fuck me! Please, I want it, give it to me!"

I gave his ass another hard slap before picking up the pace. I was fucking him so hard the whole bed was shaking now, and the headboard was banging loudly against the wall.

"Steven!" cried Danny as he came, squeezing my cock with his hot ass. "Steven, Steven, Steven!"



Suddenly, I was startled awake by a loud banging at the door.

"Steven, get up, you're gonna be late for school!"

Then it dawned on me. The loud banging wasn't me fucking Danny into the mattress; it was my mom at the door trying to wake me up. I was still a virgin, Danny-less, and most of all, confused.

The banging at the door resumed.

"I'm going!" I yelled, and it stopped.

I looked at the clock and realized I had 20 minutes to get showered, dressed and out the door. Great, it looked like I'd have to skip breakfast again.

This day did not look promising.


After practically running out of my house, having lost a lot of time jacking off in the shower, I made it to the bus just as it was pulling out of its stop.

I walked down the aisle, picking a seat as I tried to catch my breath, when I saw a mop of red hair sticking out the top of one of the seats towards the back.

Ian. Weird how I hadn't noticed he rode the same bus as me before.

Trying to ignore all the stares coming in my direction, I walked towards him. As I reached his seat, I saw him looking away from me, out the window, but when he noticed someone standing next to him, he turned, and his pretty hazel eyes got really big when he saw me.

"Hey," I said, sitting down next to him and settling my backpack on my lap. "Good morning." I tried to look casual and smiled, but I was really nervous, and I'm pretty sure it showed. I hadn't been able to stop thinking about him since the day before when he blew me, except for my dream, when I thought about Danny.

Sigh... Danny...

Ian looked skeptically at me and pulled his earphones out, letting me hear a bit of the song he was listening to before he paused it. I think it was Hinder. I liked that band.

"What are you doing?" he whispered at me with a raised eyebrow.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"Why are you sitting here?" I didn't know what he meant by that. Was he still mad at me from yesterday? No, that couldn't be it, he'd looked pretty damn happy sucking away with my dick in his mouth.

"Uhm," I stammered.

"Dude," he said, still whispering. "If you don't want people to think you're gay, the last thing you wanna do is sit next to me, okay?" He pointed to the seat next to us, and I saw two girls looking at us and whispering to each other. I looked back at Ian, and he gave me a look as if to say 'See?' Then he put his earphones back on and resumed looking out the window.


I guess he had a point, he was pretty gay looking: short, thin, red dyed hair, black leather wrist bands, tight white tank top with some band's logo on it, dark red skinny jeans, and a pair of black converse.

He was so pretty, though.

Ian suddenly kicked my foot with his, apparently having noticed that I was staring at him, and I immediately looked forwards. I couldn't be sure, but I thought I saw him smile from the corner of my eye.


After the longest and most uncomfortable bus ride ever, trying to pretend not to see people staring at me, trying not to stare at Ian, and the two girls next to me making absolutely no attempt at pretending they weren´t talking about me, the bus pulled up at the school parking lot, and I practically flew out of my seat, but once I was walking into school, I remembered I still hadn't talked to Ian, and I looked back to find him getting off the bus.

God, the way he swung his hips as he walked was... ugh. I shuddered.

"You're doing it again," he said as he walked past me. He was definitely smiling this time, and I thought about following him and talking to him, but he was right, it wouldn't look right if I was seen with him, so I just stared after him as he walked past the gates into school. Jesus, was he walking like that on purpose?

The bell rang, and I put my hands in front me, hoping nobody would notice the bulge in my pants as I walked down the hall to my classroom.


If I thought riding the bus next to Ian had been uncomfortable, I greatly underestimated life's capability of fucking me over.

Now, I was sitting in math class, and it was one of those classrooms where they have the double desks so you can work with a partner, and at the beginning of the semester I'd loved this idea, but for the same reason that I'd loved it at first, now I hated it: Danny was my partner.


The first time I saw Danny he was running on the track during fourth period gym class. It was the first day of school, and I was starting to get used to my new surroundings, but then as I came out of the locker room after getting into the school uniform, we were told to run two laps around the basketball court to warm up, and as I was doing so, I saw him through a linked fence that separated the basketball courts from the running track he was on. Right away I realized he must be on the track team, cause he was wearing the uniform, and he was at the very front of the line. He was so fast and moved so gracefully that I found myself staring, and I almost ran into the kid in front of me.

Danny was too far away, so I couldn't really see what he looked like, but then when the period was over we all went in to change, and the track team went in too, but they were so many guys going in at the same time that I lost track of him.

I gave up trying to find him, and I went straight for the locker that I was assigned, but as I was turning the lock, I saw him again. He was a few feet to my right, bent over in front of his open locker, shirtless, and in the process of removing his (might I say – really tight) track shorts, and I saw those two round, firm globes of flesh framed by a white jockstrap, all smooth and tanned, the back of his thick thighs, and those sculpted, hairless calves, and my groin instantly started swelling, forming a tent in my loose jogging shorts.

"Can I help you?" he said, straightening up

"What?" I asked, coming out of my trance.

"I said, can I help you?"

Apparently that ass and those legs were attached to a boy. A very, very beautiful boy at that.

His face was practically perfect, with masculine but at the same time delicate features, beautiful blue eyes partially covered by a mop of tousled caramel colored hair and a set of full pink lips.

"I'm sorry?" I asked. I was so focused on studying this guy's face I had no idea what he was saying.

"Dude, what the hell?" he asked, getting irritated. "Do you need something, or are you just gonna stand there and stare at me?"

By this point, his lower half was covered by a pair of jeans, and he was putting on his shirt, so I was finally able to focus.

"Sorry," I mumbled. "I'm just kinda... lost. It's my first day, and I was wondering if you could help me find my way around here."

Nice. I was always a fast thinker.

"Uhm, sure," he said, his beautiful face softening. He straightened out his clothes and stuck his hand out to me. "Sorry, you caught me off guard. My name's Daniel, but everyone calls me Danny."

"Steven," I said, shaking his soft hand.

"Why don't you get changed and I'll meet you outside?"

"Sure," I said. "Thanks."

He flung his backpack over his shoulder and he sauntered out of the locker room.

I quickly changed, willing my hard-on to go down, and I went outside. It was lunch period, so Danny showed me where the cafeteria was, and he introduced me to his friends, whose names I couldn't remember. The only one that stood out was Jake. He was hot, except he looked like a hypocrite. He was being nice and all, but I could tell he didn't like the fact that I was walking around with Danny. He kept looking at us funny, like he was jealous or something.

It all made sense later on when I found out he was gay. And so was Danny. It came as a shock to me that they and their friends talked so openly and carelessly about it. Jake didn't seem gay at all, he was manly, and on the football team. What was also shocking was one of his friends, Mike, was also on the football team, but he was straight, and didn't seem at all bothered by the fact that one of his teammates was gay.

After lunch was over, Danny told me he'd see me around, and I went to my next class, which was math. When I explained to the teacher that I needed to do well in that class in order to get accepted into the football team, he said he'd pair me up with his best student.

"Speaking of," Mr. Harris said, pointing to the door. "There he is. Mr. Morrison, would you come here for a second?"

When I looked over, I saw it was Danny, and my heart did a little dance.

"Hey!" he said, smile and eyes bright. "What a coincidence."

"You've already met?" asked Mr. Harris.

"Yeah," Danny said. "I was just showing him around."

"Well, great," the teacher said. "Why don't you sit together, and you can help him, Mr. Morrison."

"Of course," Danny said, smiling at me.

That class had been great, cause even though I was no closer to understanding how Algebra worked, I had Danny's full attention, and he was talking to me and explaining strange equations in his beautiful voice.

When the teacher noticed, weeks later, that I wasn't improving much, he asked Danny if he could tutor me at home, since trying to do it during class was, according to him, keeping me from learning new material. I couldn't give a crap – all I cared was I was gonna have Danny tutoring me at home. When I told my parents about it, though, 'Danny' stood for Danielle, and they were thrilled.

Oh well, it was just a little lie.

Anyway, after a few days of me going to Danny's house, one day I gathered all the balls I had and kissed him. He was really surprised, but when I told him I'd had a crush on him since the very first moment I saw him and wanted him to be my boyfriend, he agreed.

When he realized I meant in secret, though, he wasn't so thrilled. I promised it would only be for a little while, though, I just wasn't ready to go public yet, so he agreed.

From that day on, our two hour study session became an intense one-and-a-half-hour studying, and an intense half-an-hour make out session. I would have happily done the last one for two hours straight, but Danny was adamant about me improving my grades, and he said if I didn't focus on my studying there would be no kissing, so I did the best I could, and I actually did get better.

Having improved my grades, I got accepted into the football team, and I started seeing a lot more of Jake Moss. I could tell he was a nice guy – he was to everyone else – but he seemed to have something against me. He didn't know about me and Danny yet, but he seemed to suspect our study sessions weren't only studying.

One day, though, Danny and I were done studying, and were making out, hot and heavy, shirts off, and me groping all over his back and legs, when suddenly Jake walked in on us. Apparently, being Danny's best friend, he could go in and out of the house no problem, and when he found us, his face turned scarlet in one second flat, he ground his teeth and his hands clenched into fists.

"What the fuck is this?!" he yelled.

"Jake!" Danny squeaked, pushing me away like I was a spider, and putting on his shirt he ran over to him. It was like he'd been caught cheating on him or something.

"What the fuck, Danny?!" Jake yelled again.

"Jake, calm down," Danny pleaded with a panicked look on his face. "My parents will hear you."

Jake pulled him into the bathroom, and they started whispering really loud. I could hear Jake furiously asking Danny why he didn't tell him when they're best friends, but he apologized and said it was because I was in the closet and didn't want anyone to know.

"That's bullshit!" Jake hissed. "If you were my boyfriend I wouldn't hide you from anyone. He should be fucking honored that he's with you. I know I would." There was a long, awkward pause after that, but then Jake stammered "I-I-I mean, hypothetically speaking." There was another pause. "I don't even know what I'm saying, I... I-I just mean he's an asshole, alright? You're my best friend, and it infuriates me that he's treating you like that."

"Like what?" Danny asked calmly. "Jake, I understand how you feel, but honestly, he treats me just fine. He –"

"Fine isn't good enough, Danny!" Jake interrupted. "Not for you. You deserve–" he began to get choked up. "You deserve the best, alright? You deserve a real boyfriend."

"Come here," Danny said, and I assumed he hugged him. "He is a real boyfriend to me. Maybe not in public yet, but he will be eventually. He just needs time, Jake, can't you understand that? He's not ready to come out yet, but he will be. I'm trying to help. Please, try to understand. Don't you remember how scared you were to come out? But you did, and so will he. I just need to be patient."

That was the exact moment I fell in love with him. He thought I was worth waiting for.

After a few weeks, though, Danny started getting impatient, and so did I. He wanted me to come out, to make our relationship public, to tell his friends, to tell his parents, and honestly, I just wanted to get in his pants. He was so fucking sexy, but he'd never let me do anything other than kiss him. Whenever I even groped his ass through his pants when we were making out, he'd stop me and tell me to be patient, but, god dammit, my patience was wearing thin. I understood, though, that he was a virgin, and he wanted me to show him I was really committed to him before he committed to me physically, but I was horny, and nowhere near ready to come out.

On top of all that pressure, and wanting to make Danny happy, there was Jake. He never said anything outright, but it was very obvious he wanted Danny for himself. And there was Rachel too, Danny's female best friend. She had been nice to me in the beginning, but when she found out we were dating, she was really mad Danny didn't tell her right away, and then she was mad I wasn't giving our relationship the 'recognition' it deserved. She was a bitch to me from then on, always making little comments about how Danny and Jake were 'so cute together,' or how Jake was 'such a gentleman,' or 'how deep their connection was.' It was frustrating, but what threw me over the edge was when she told me what happened at Danny's 18th birthday party, just a few weeks before school started and we met.

Apparently, Danny's little group of close friends got an older sibling to buy them alcohol, and they threw him a party at Mike's house. They'd been playing truth or dare, and when Danny chose truth, someone asked him if he was a virgin, to which he said yes. Jake got to ask Danny then, and he asked him if he'd ever kissed anyone, and to everyone's surprise, except Rachel who knew everything about her best friend for ten years, he said no. Everyone had been drinking, and Danny, being his first time, was really tipsy with very little alcohol, and when it was Rachel's turn, she dared Jake, who was forced to pick dare after having only chosen truth before, (which was how everyone found out he wasn't a virgin and he's slept with more than five guys – how many, he didn't say) to kiss Danny.

Jake was obviously more experienced with alcohol, and managed to hold himself back from showing his excitement, saying they were best friends, it would be weird, and Danny probably wouldn't want to anyway, but then everyone turned to Danny, who threw his arms in the air drunkenly and said, "why the hell not? It'll be my birthday present."

Everyone laughed, but Jake didn't waste time, throwing himself onto Danny, grabbing his face with both hands tenderly, looking deeply into his eyes, and said, "happy birthday," right before kissing him.

Using all the self-restraint he possessed, Jake made it a short kiss, but then Rachel spoke up, saying that wasn't a real kiss, and it should last for at least one full minute. Jake then reclaimed Danny's lips and thrust his tongue in, and they made out for a full minute. After that, Jake pulled back quickly, realizing he'd just fucked up, showing everyone how he really felt about his best friend, but Danny was so drunk he just smiled, laid back on his seat on the couch and fell asleep.

The next morning, Danny had a massive hang-over and didn't remember the kiss, for which Jake was thankful and at the same time extremely pissed, at himself more than anything, and he asked everyone that'd been at the party not to say anything. It'd been just their small group of close friends, so they agreed, and Danny never knew about it.

After hearing that story, though, I was so livid with jealousy, having thought I'd been his first kiss, that I wanted to punch Jake, but I knew that'd make Danny really mad at me, so I stopped myself.

A few days later, though, Danny and I had been dating for two months, and there was a party in the woods, where they'd built a bonfire to celebrate our team, me included, had won the last game of the football season.

I was really pent up after winning, I was feeling the buzz after a couple of beers, and when Danny arrived at the party with Rachel, I pulled him off to the side and started kissing him.

Danny squirmed away from me and he grimaced.

"What's the matter?" I asked, snaking an arm around his waist, but he pushed me away.

"You're drunk," he said, accusingly. "It's disgusting."

"I'm just celebrating. Don't you wanna celebrate with me? I was the hero tonight. Didn't you see the touchdown I scored? Huh? Jake didn't score any."

"What does that have to do with anything? What are you even talking about?" he asked.

"I'm just saying, I played better than him tonight. I always play better than him. I'm better. I'm hotter than him, I'm a better player, and I'm your boyfriend, not him. Doesn't that turn you on?" I grabbed him around the waist again, and he was looking at me like I was crazy. "I'm the star player right now, doesn't that turn you on? It turns me on, and I think I deserve a reward for that." I grabbed his ass with both hands then and squeezed.

Next thing I knew, he pushed me back so hard that I stumbled and fell hard on my ass.

"Motherfucker!" I screamed.

"Stop it!" Danny begged, his eyes watering. "You're drunk, Steven. Why don't we talk tomorrow? I'm leaving."

"You whore!" I yelled before I could stop myself. Danny froze there for a few seconds, and then he turned to look at me with a shocked expression on his beautiful face.

"What did you say?" he whispered.


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