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Wheel of Vengeance

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A totally realistic game show.
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The lights flash, the music plays and two nervous women stand behind podiums looking on as Todd Buckfast takes to the stage and greeted the cheering audience.

"Welcome to Wheel of Vengeance, the game show where we put a price on vengeance." Cheers and whoops broke from the audience as Todd smiled widely. "Boy do we have an exciting episode for you. Contestants, as is tradition on this show why don't you introduce your opponent." The spotlights and cameras turned on to a woman in her early 20s, her bleach blonde hair intensely straightened to cascade down her tight red dress, a tough Irish voice came from off camera.

"This devious whore is Brigid Fitzgerald. When she's not fucking her sister's husband, she enjoys disappointing her parents, casual drug use and the cock of anything with a pulse." The observant of the audience could see Brigid's smile become more strained, knowing all she had to do was wait her turn. Next the camera turned to an older and taller women with striking curly ginger hair and a modest green dress. An Irish accent smoothed by moving from the small villages in county Donegal to the big city of Dublin took charge of the voiceover.

"This stuck up bitch is still called Aileen Lynch for now, but once the divorce is final she'll go back to being Aileen Fitzgerald. In-between judging everyone and watching soap operas, she enjoys laying perfectly still in the dark for pity sex." Todd smiled to himself hearing the vitriol flying between the two sisters already. The format of the game meant that winners of competitive tasks could choose between a random cash reward or punishing the loser, which meant the more contestants hated each other, the cheaper the show was to make and the more Todd would get in his bonus.

"Well it's clear why you two are here. Are you ready for round one, general knowledge?" The sisters stared on in determination while the audience broke into applause that the sign above the set reminded them was not voluntary.

The general knowledge round was designed to be short, a quick best out of three to get the game show to the reward/punishment section the audience loved. Against all prejudices about those in rural communities, Aileen immediately triumphed in the general knowledge and for the first time stepped up to the wheel.

"Before you choose a punishment or prize, let's see what's on the wheel!" Todd announced, the panels on the wheel were electronic and could be changed at the push of a button, allowing the prizes and punishments to be varied, next to the wheel a screen lit up showing what was on there. The format always made the opening rounds about how many items of clothes would be taken off live on TV so Aileen was faced with the following options:

1* Reversal

3* €500 / shoes

3* €1000 / dress

3* €2000 / underwear

1* Double Trouble

1* Total wipeout

"So there you have it everyone, what is your choice Aileen, punishment or prize?"

"Look at how that slut is dressed, she doesn't care about being stripped, I'm going to take the money." Todd was enough of a seasoned professional to hide his disappointment. He knew the editors would be doing their magic to skip to when it started to get good.


"So what's your choice" Todd asked an out of breath Aileen, her green dress soaked with sweat after the physical challenge, clinging to her body, and making it clear that she was not wearing any underwear.

"This time I punish the bitch!" She yelled in triumph. Spinning the wheel as hard as she could. Todd watched carefully, finally after all those boring challenges things would start to get interesting, he bet that most of what had come before will be cut by the editors anyway. Everyone knew once the two competitors were naked, the nature of the challenges changed considerably. The wheel clicked over to reveal "Reversal" and Aileen's face dropped. Brigid was ecstatic, now she would spin the wheel rather than Aileen.

"Time to find out if this bitch has a pussy or if it healed close through lack of use. You're never going to get me naked, I'm gonna..."


Finally Brigid removed her panties, cursing whoever invented steady hand games. She was now stood completely naked as cameras encircled her. Her only comfort was that her sister was also naked, and seemed far more embarrassed than her about it.

"OK audience, we now have two naked contestants, you know what that means..." Todd announced, spurring the audience to yell in unison:

"The wheel gets worse!"

The board of what was on the wheel dissolved away, only to be sensationally replaced with a more aggressive looking board:

1x Reversal

2x €2000 / Spanking

2x €3000 / Shaving

2x €3000 / Suction

2x €3000 / Billboard

2x €2000 / Gross

1x Double trouble

"A good selection, but don't forget, every time something is taken off the board, something worse takes its place." Aileen felt her blush become more intense, this was starting to get a bit much, she was already naked on national television, the audience had been ogling her since Brigid got that lucky reversal and the host had made some devastating comments about her ginger bush. Then she looked over to her bratty sister, smiling smugly despite everyone gawking at her, that bitch needed to be taken down a peg and fuelled by anger, Aileen got her courage back.

"The next round is a classic, the glory hole round" Todd announced as a fake toilet wall partition moved into place. "The game is simple, you will each be given a different colour lipstick, the person whose lipstick makes it furthest down the cock wins. This round also comes with a bonus, if you can get the whole cock into you and your lips touch the wall, you get an extra spin on the wheel."

Aileen was lead up to the wall first and was shocked to see a real penis fed through. She steadied herself, purged from her mind the audience of people in the studio, people watching at home and her bratty sister and took as much of the penis in her mouth as possible.

The audience cheered at the gagging and retching as Aileen's fury pushed her forward while her gag reflex screamed no. Eventually she pulled away and saw her deep crimson lipstick almost reaching the wall, it hadn't been easy but she had managed to force herself into a strong position.

The smug look on Brigid's face didn't waver. She was the picture of serenity as she strutted to the wall, not caring about the whoops and cheers coming from the audience. She then turned her back to the wall and bent over backwards into a crab walk. The curve of her throat now aligned with the curve of the penis, she was able to effortlessly slide the whole thing down her throat as her pixie pink lipstick left a kiss mark on the wall. The crowd went wild as Brigid straightened up, gave Aileen a patronising look and took her place next to the wheel, Todd barely had to finish the question before she melodically chimed that she wanted to punish Aileen.

Brigid rolled the wheel and it clacked to a halt on shaving. Aileen was a bit relieved, losing her pubic hair was, in her opinion, the least harsh punishment on the list. The stage hands lead her to a chair as an over the top barber bumbled onto the stage carrying hair clippers. Aileen demurely opened her legs, hoping to get the punishment over with as quickly as possible. Todd decided to interject at this point.

"You haven't watched this show before have you?" He asked Aileen, Aileen couldn't bring herself to answer as a creeping dread crept over her. "The barber isn't here to shave your pussy. He's here to shave your head." Todd let the cameras pick up the look of fear that crawled across Aileen's face and sat down to one side while the barber did his work. The editors always cut that bit out.


The camera started on a close zoom of Aileen, her face a picture of determination, only the slight wobble of bottom lip giving away her inner turmoil. As the camera zoomed out her smooth head came into view, the curly ginger hair that used to frame her face now nothing but a memory and the audience cheered on cue. The barber gave a last flourish with his razer before exiting stage left.

"Now thanks to her stunning work, Brigid gets another spin, but first let's see what is replacing the first shaved slot." The board adjusted, removing one shave slot and replacing it with "€5000 / horny drugs." barely waiting for the applause to finish Brigid rolled the wheel again...

"€5000 / horny drugs."

"Wow" exclaimed Todd, "I've never seen a category go on and off the wheel so quickly." The actor who played the barber rushed back on to stage, barely having time to finish putting on his doctor's coat, before theatrically giving Aileen two tablets and a glass of water.

"Take two of these and see me whenever!" he announced as he left the stage.

"Thank you doctor, now Aileen what you have in front of you is a drug of the studios own design, a mixture of ecstasy, aphrodisiacs and anything else we could get out hands on to make you as horny and sensitive as possible. Aileen looked at the pills and knew if she didn't take them they would stop the show and she would lose the chance to put her sister through hell. With trepidation she swallowed both pills and got to work trying to distract herself from the effects they would soon have.

"And now for a bonus spin we have one question for you two, buzz in if you know the answer, whose cock was that?"

Confusion crossed the faces of Aileen and Brigid, had they got in a celebrity or something, how were they supposed to know? However Aileen thought about it through the lens of a soap opera and decided to buzz and give the worst answer she could think of.

"Was that my dickhead ex-husband?" She asked, the audience burst into cheers as a positive chime sounded and Todd brougt Loughlan Lynch onto the stage. Aileen swallowed her pride and allowed herself to be excited to exact a revenge on her sister. The wheel had not changed from last time, and not wanting to wait for Todd and Loughlan, she took it upon herself to go spin the wheel. Todd being a seasoned professional was able to quickly move to next to the wheel, ready to read out what had come up.


Brigid was lead to a waiting table and encouraged to bend over, while Aileen was handed a paddle that looked like a repurposed cricket bat, she was going to enjoy this. Todd managed to stumble out a thank you to Loughlan before pushing him off stage to talk to Aileen. He informed her that she got five swats and the audience would be counting along. Aileen grinned as she approached her sisters bare bottom, and with the first swat, hit so hard she worried the paddle would break, but savouring her sister's cries of pain, taking out her frustrations on the bitch who ruined her life.

"2! 3! 4! 5!" The audience cheered with glee as Aileen vented her frustrations on her sister's rapidly reddening bottom. She felt powerful and a little turned on, unaware of what was catharsis and what was the chemical effect the horny drug was having on her. As she saw her sister stand up with tears in her eyes, Aileen started to feel a small pang of guilt, but Todd was ready for this.

"Ok Aileen, as Brigid nurses her bottom, we have a special bonus round just for you. Your question is' on which date did Brigid first sleep with your husband? Get it within a week and we'll give you a spin, get it to the day and we'll give you two. However if you are out by more than a week Brigid gets the spin." This question had its desired effect of rekindling Aileen's rage. She knew that she caught Brigid with her husband on her birthday, but Brigid had been at the house all week, so Aileen decided to guess the first day she was down.

An evil grin spread over Brigid's face as Todd ceded the microphone to her.

"You really think your birthday was the first time Loughlan came to me to complain about his bitch of a wife. I had been fucking him since the family reunion in the previous year." Brigid announced to the cheering audience. Aileen stared daggers at Brigid as she skipped back to the wheel. The new addition to the wheel shone on the board, "€8000 / tattoo", before Brigid gave it another spin.

"Reversal" Aileen practically exploded with joy as she passed Brigid to take her turn spinning the wheel. She stood next to the wheel and found her hands stroking herself up and down her body before snapping out of it and spinning the wheel with sadistic delight.


"Oh goodie, this is a new one just for you guys. If you will turn your eyes to the screen you will see what is happening." The monitor above the stage showed a busy Street in Dublin. Brigid immediately recognised it as the street outside her apartment. As the camera zoomed out a digital billboard came into view. Todd then made a big show of pressing a red button in front of him, and the Billboard flickered to life, showing a live stream of the camera focussed on Brigid's naked body. Brigid writhed in shame as Aileen felt herself getting warm with excitement. Brigid made sure to make lots of friends in her area, not to mention her housemates who all would inevitably see her naked and humiliated on the screen. Brigid saw red and her carefree attitude of earlier was lost.


After a quick commercial break Todd was now outside on a busy street with Aileen and Brigid. Both women were blindfolded and each held and handful of sharpies.

"Now ladies your next challenge. You are currently on the street outside the studio, you have 5 minutes to get as many people to sign your naked body as possible, however if you take the blindfold off you automatically lose and your sister gets two spins." The sisters barely had time to drink in the breeze on their naked bodies and the humiliating sounds of passers-by before Todd announced, "3, 2, 1, go!"

Brigid immediately ran out to the road, yelling and pleading with passers-by to sign her body, occasionally getting the odd person or two willing to indulge this crazy naked women. However the drugs were really starting to affect Aileen and she came up with a different strategy. She walked a few steps out into the middle of the road, sat down, and began masturbating furiously, all the while yelling.

"Please come sign this dirty whore, I beg of you masters and mistresses, sign the submissive not that other bitch." Todd smiled, this was not a strategy that he had seen before. The cameras watched this spectacle for a bit before fading to black and through the magic of editing Aileen and Brigid we're back in the studio. Brigid had a few signatures on her but clearly Aileen's strategy had worked as she was covered in pen. The contest had mainly been cut as there was no suspense, it was clear who had won.

"Usually we count up who won but I think it's clear, so come on up Aileen, let's find out what has been added and give the wheel another turn." As Aileen approached the wheel a tacky graphic of surfer appeared on the screen, at the end of the corny surfer jingle the crowd chanted along with the word "Wipeout!"

"Looks like the wipeout is now active again. Score that and every notch on the wheel will be applied to your sister. On top of that the game will end and we'll go through to the final showdown." Aileen purred in ecstacy at the idea and gave the wheel a spin.

"Double trouble."

"Oh dear Aileen. Looks like you have hit the double trouble, this means that you get to spin the wheel twice more, but whatever you land on happens to both of you." Aileen didn't care, the drugs coursing through her system meant she was beginning to love her punishment almost as much as she was loving the schadenfreude of her sister's pain. She rolled the wheel again.


Out of nowhere assistants appeared, attaching suction cups to Aileen's nipples and clit. Aileen began to moan with joy as she felt the cups pull at her, turning her sensitivity up to 11, meanwhile her sister was screaming in pain. Aileen ran her hands up and down her body as Todd announced the new categories to replace the two suction panels. They were "insects" and "piercings". Aileen once again spun the wheel.


Todd guided Aileen back to her podium, where two clear plastic tubes descended, trapping her and her sister in a sealed pod for the audience to watch.

"Ladies, welcome to the 'gross' round. You see we always like to get value for money for people who advertise during our show. So we have a bucket of every product advertised during the commercial break and they will be emptied onto your heads. So the first commercial was for Guinness." This was a good start, as Guinness washed over their bodies, Brigid was fine with the experience and Aileen was loving it, putting on a shower show for the audience. "The next commercial was for Chappies dog food." immediately the tone of the punishment changed, and the screams of disgust rang out over the audience. Now that the tone had been set, the cheesy tune began to signify the beginning of the montage of horrible things to be dropped on the helpless contestants, Todd reading each one with delight."

Heinz baked beans

Cadbury caramel

Birdseye custard

Tesco sunflower oil

Mother care baby food

And finally Lidl's discount fish

The audience laughed and cheered as the two sisters became a bigger and bigger mess. Each squealing in repulsion with the occasional gagging noise thrown in. Once it was done it became clear that Aileen actually now had a stroke of luck in being clean shaven as Brigid felt the stickiness seep into her previously perfect hair.

Sticky and smelling, Aileen and Brigid emerged from their tubes more determined than ever to humiliate the sister that was putting then through this.

"Fun fact" announced Todd, "if you weren't so hell-bent on vengeance, you would both be going home with over €15,000 tonight. So that's another thing your sister cost you." The anger was palpable as Todd moved on to the next challenge.

Aileen and Brigid were each lead to a room, inside that room there was a table with a computer on it and a sofa a short distance away.

"Contestants can you hear me?" Todd yelled from the studio. Aileen and Brigid nodded. "Fantastic. For your next challenge, you are to use those computers to log in to your Facebook accounts. Once you are on, use the webcam on the computer to start a live stream of your current situation. The contestant who gets the most shares from your family and friends in the next 15 minutes wins. Ready, Go!"

Aileen was already panicking. Her slut of a sister had way more Facebook friends than she did. Aileen turned on the camera, and saw her face reflected back on her from her Facebook feed. She typed a comment that said "I will do whatever it takes to get this shared as many times as possible." Before shuffling back onto the sofa so her whole messy naked body was visible. Suddenly comments started rolling in about why she was doing this and why she was covered in filth, but Aileen didn't care, she needed to beat Brigid.

Aileen spent some time playing with herself, the suction had made her nipples and clit extra sensitive and the drugs made sure she enjoyed every moment. She responded to the occasional request in the comments section and watched her circle of friends begin to share her humiliation, but after five minutes she remembered that she was still friends with Brigid and could check up on her. Although all Brigid was doing was a sexy dance, her wider circle of contacts meant she had a seemingly insurmountable number of shares. Aileen knew if she wanted to win she would have to do something drastic. She picked up the keyboard and typed a new comment into the stream.

"I promise that anyone who shares this video can fuck me the next time we meet" Aileen's hand hovered over the enter key for a bit, but knowing what was a stake, she pressed enter, and then went back to masturbating as hard as she could, working with the drugs in her system to give her the loudest orgasms she could muster.


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