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Wheel of Vengeance


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Aileen got so lost in her little world she barely noticed when the time was up and power was cut to the computer. She had no idea how many times video of her humiliation had been shared across the internet but she hoped it would be enough to beat her sister. Aileen and Brigid returned to the studio to hear the results.

"Well guys I bet you're wondering how many people shared your video. Well it's the strangest thing, we have never had a round end this way, you both had your video shared 162 times." Deep down Aileen actually felt excited at the 162 people who wanted to fuck her. "It's a dead heat. So I've been talking to the producer and he says the only fair way to resolve this is to give you each a spin on the wheel. First things first let's refresh the board with two new categories." The board lit up again. All pretence of anyone claiming a prize had been dropped as the board only showed the following punishments.

1. Reverse

2. Tattoo

3. Spanking

4. Horny drugs

5. Shaving

6. Insects

7. Shock collar

8. Billboard

9. Piercing

10. Speculum

11. Double trouble

12. Wipeout

Brigid pushed her way forward and took the first spin. It landed on "Shock collar." The character actor once again took the stage, dressed as a mad scientist. He put the collar on Aileen, gave a maniacal laugh and left again.

"Now what you have there is a collar designed to stop dogs from barking, every time the microphone detects a loud noise, an electric shock will be delivered through the collar." Brigid, seeing an opportunity leant close to her sister and yelled.

"Like this?" Aileen buckled to the floor, writhing in pain as Brigid smugly returned to her podium. Aileen shakily got back to her feet and angrily spun the wheel. As the wheel clicked to a stop, fireworks went off and the music boomed from every speaker. She had hit "wipeout".

"Congratulations you hit the wipeout!" Todd announced, "This means all remaining squares on the board will be applied to your sister, in the order you choose. Let's see how that goes" Todd knew that the wipeout always took a while, and that the final show would always break to edited highlights at this point.

The first shot was of Brigid looking uncertain while taking the same drugs that made Aileen unbelievably horny. The screen then wiped to the mad barber looking over Brigid's formally pristine hair, clippers at the ready. Next the screen wiped to a now bald Brigid on a doctor's chair, having recently had her shock collar put on, the character actor doctor inserted the speculum into her, giving a maniacal grin as he began to, open her up wide for the audience and cameras to see, each time he twisted the gear, widening the speculum, Brigid would scream, causing the collar to shock her back into submission. The camera then wiped to the next scene in the montage, Aileen giving Brigid another five swats with the paddle, only this time it was clear that the drugs were taking effect as Brigid's face was getting more ravenous with each spank.

The next wipe took the view of Brigid lying in a glass case, the drugs were truly working their magic as she was fingering herself the best she could around the wide open speculum. Out of nowhere some arms pulled Brigid's hands up and locked them to the top of the case, while her feet were locked to the bottom. Suddenly a shower of maggots, worms cockroaches and centipedes rained down across Brigid's whole body. The wiggling, squirming and scuttling sending Brigid crazy, thrashing around and yelling despite the constant electric shocks she was getting. The camera then zoomed down to her open pussy, as the insects, looking for somewhere moist and dark began to crawl inside.

Finally the camera wiped to a very degraded looking Brigid, wincing and crying. The camera panned down, over her newly pierced nipples, to Aileen looming across her pubis with a tattoo gun. Aileen was not especially artistic, but she was quite proud of the crude penis she had drawn with the word "whore" written in big letters underneath.

At the end of the montage the camera zoomed out to reveal that the whole thing had been televised on a second Billboard, that Todd helpfully informed the audience, was outside their old school in Donegal.


It was now time for the final round. Aileen and Brigid stood behind their podiums, the drugs driving them both wild with desire, now loving every degraded humiliation they were being put through.

"OK girls it's time for the final challenge. Let's see what they are playing for." Todd opened an envelope that had been handed to him from offstage and read out its contents. "The loser of the final challenge is going to get our full life ruining package. This means that we will first send an email, with pictures of you in your current state, to every person at the company you currently work for, informing them that you quit. But don't worry, you won't be out of work for long, in fact we will have you sign a contract with the cheapest strip club in Dublin, although every penny you earn will be paid to the sister that beat you. Now we know what you're thinking, without getting paid how will I be passionate about my new job? Well that wonderful drug you took earlier on, is also available as a slow release implant, which you will receive, making you this horny for a whole year."

Even through the cloud of sexual depravity, the scale of this forfeit was breaking through to Aileen and Brigid, and the camera's made sure to get a close up of the fear on their faces as Todd announced, "Oh and one more thing. It's not just your earnings that will belong to the winner, your body will as well, you see the shock collar you are both wearing can also be voice activated. So as well as locking the collar in place, we're going to configure it to the winner's voice so they can shock you if you disobey them in any way for an entire year." This really spurred Aileen on, the idea of owning that little bitch put a fire in her belly and soon she found herself psyched up and ready to go on the final challenge.

"And now the final challenge." Todd announced, he walked to the centre of the stage and removed a sheet from a previously foreboding lump that had been ominously sat in front of them since this section started. Under the sheet were two seats, the base of each seat was attached to a rail that ran out of the front door of the studio. There were 2 dildos pointing up from the seat, two small platforms either side of the base where feet could be strapped in, and handlebars with straps for the hands. The sisters were ushered onto the seats, as they slowly lowered themselves so that both their holes became penetrated by the dildos, they both let out a long sensual moan, followed by a slight squeak as the seat lurched forward. Todd began to explain while assistants strapped the girls to the seats.

"The final challenge is a race, every time you push down on the seat, the seat will lurch forward, the harder and faster you thrust the faster your seat will go. First one back onto the stage is the winner. It's as simple as that and I'm sure there's no surprises along the way." Aileen and Brigid both felt a strange mixture of determination and lust as they got ready to move. Todd got his chequered flag ready and the audience counted along with him.

"3, 2, 1, go go go!" He yelled as Aileen and Brigid began pumping their seats as hard as they could. The chairs started lurching forward and it wasn't long until Aileen and Brigid were moaning with delight.

Being the taller sister, Aileen was able to get a longer thrust and this was faster than Brigid. In the lead Aileen burst through the door to the side of the studio and began to thrust in herself down a corridor, with Brigid in hot pursuit. Even though the constant orgasms were slowing her pace, Aileen was still putting distance between her and Brigid as she burst into the next room.

The next room was another corridor, wider than they first. However this corridor was lined with people in army uniforms, the moment Aileen was in the room, the soldiers each took out a handheld catapult, and began loading them with eggs. Aileen slowed considerably as she was battered left and right by the flying eggs, this allowed Brigid to catch up, but she also was suddenly slowed by the egg onslaught.

Aileen burst out the other side covered in egg, taking a moment to compose herself before thrusting forward once again. She was in a dark corridor but the light at the end filled her with trepidation. As she burst through the doorway and her eyes adjusted to the light, Aileen realised that she was on the High Street outside the studio, and a crowd had gathered to watch the spectacle. Aileen had been seen humiliated by so many people today, she was unperturbed by the laughter and insults thrown at her by the crowd. In fact her moans got louder and the crowd loved every moment. It wasn't long until she heard a cheer behind her, signalling that Brigid had gotten outside as well.

Aileen turned the corner and saw her latest challenge, outside the front of the studio, a large sign had been erected. At the time it said "go" and Aileen thought nothing of it, but so lost in the pleasurable competition she didn't notice it change to "stop". The moment Aileen finished her first pump forward, pain erupted from her pussy and ass. The dildos had been electrified and she had even received a shock through her collar as a result of her screams of surprise. On top of that, her seat was slowly moved back to a line drawn on the ground about 100 metres from the sign. Eventually the electricity turned off and Aileen knew she would have to take it slower.

Aileen had only just been returned to the start as Brigid rounded the corner. Going slowly, Aileen knew it was only a matter of time before Brigid learned the same lesson she had. Of course soon enough Brigid, elated at her overtaking of the cautious Aileen, screamed out in pain and frustration as her chair was wheeled back to the line on the ground. Aileen was overjoyed, she continued to grind her chair slowly and steadily making progress on the stop sign but also on a growing frustration that threatened to bloom into a glorious orgasm at any moment, but kept being delayed by the whims of the stop/go sign.

Eventually, Aileen was only a couple of metres from the end waiting at the stop sign, she decided to wait for the sign to turn to go and then power herself forward, hoping to get past the sign before it turned again, but also to finally push herself over the edge to the orgasm the sign had been brutally denying her. The sign turned green and Aileen pumped as hard as she could, the chair lurched forward and Aileen swam in the sensations from hard penetration. Unfortunately she had misjudged how long the sign would be allowing her to go. She was one pump away from freedom when the sign changed.

Electricity pumped deep into Aileen, mixing with her orgasm creating a delight mixture of pain and pleasure that took her to another world. It was some time before Aileen could break out of her stupor, in the end the only thing that brought reality crashing back was her sister's mocking laughter as she got closer and closer to that damn sign. Brigid was now in the lead.

Aileen pumped wildly trying to catch up while remaining as still as possible every time the sign turned to stop. She was about halfway there when Brigid cleared the end of the sign a sped around the corner. Aileen raged and pumped, ignoring the chafing that was starting to build up from the constant pounding. Eventually she made it past the sign and began pounding her chair as hard and fast as she could manage, fighting through the pain building up in her muscles. No amount of muscle pain was worse than the fate that awaited her if she lost the race.

Around the next corner the rail led Aileen back inside. There was the door to another room ahead and to her dread no sign of Brigid. As she powered through the door the next room was bare, however the track split into two, each going to a different door, and stood next to a lever with a smug grin on his face was Todd.

"Aileen, nice of you to join us." He joked, Aileen tried to ignore him and keep going but the seat had stopped moving forward. "Sorry Aileen, no going forward until you choose a door, now one of these doors..."

"Left" interrupted Aileen, she didn't have time for his patter and she was sure that both doors would be equally horrible. Todd was initially taken aback by Aileen's impulsive ferocity, but in the end shrugged and pulled the lever.

"Don't say I didn't warn you. It mean I didn't but is wasn't my fault." He quipped as Aileen went back to pumping herself up and down as fast as she could. She burst through the door determined to push her way through whatever she had to face.

The next room was pitch black, Aileen kept moving forward despite the pit of fear she felt heading into the unknown. Suddenly she felt a liquid splash against the bottom of her feet. The liquid was slick and oily and with every lunge forward it rose higher and higher on Aileen's body. As the liquid rose each lurch forward became harder, by Aileen powered on. Soon the liquid was splashing at her bottom. To Aileen's joy the liquid was slick and acted as a lubricant as she continued to pump the dildos in and out of herself. She also felt her skin getting more sensitive, as the liquid overtook her breasts her whole body tingled with every push she made.

But soon the liquid was at her neck. Aileen began to panic, she knew the show wouldn't let her drown, but she was certain that she would soon have to hold her breath and be prepared to completely submerge herself in the slick, tingly liquid. Aileen took a deep breath, pictured the look on her sister's face when she won, and dove under the goo, frantically moving her hips to get out the other side.

Suddenly the dark world was filled with light as Aileen re-entered the studio. She was covered in the slippery goo and couldn't make out anything beyond vague shapes and colours, while her ears filled with the roar of the crowd. It was all she could do to bring herself to yell.

"Did I win?"


"Hello and welcome to another episode of wheel of vengeance" Todd announced. "Oh boy do we have a treat for you tonight, two work rivals are ready to square off, little do they know, their boss have given us the choice of who gets a promotion. But first, an update on the fierce family rivalry we sorted last week."

The house lights turned down, as a video rolled on the big screen in front of the audience, soft music opening on the outside of a small house in Donegal.

"Well, we were really happy to hear they were getting along again" the elderly female voiceover cut to an old Irish couple sitting on a worn sofa. The information bar at the bottom reading...

Mr and Mrs Fitzgerald,

Aileen and Brigid's parents.

"And do you know why they are coming here today?" The voice off camera asked. The elderly couple looked confused for a second before the father answered.

"They said it was a surprise."

A well timed knock on the door interrupts the interview. The camera is looking over the parent's shoulders as they open the door.

The camera begins with a close up shot of strappy red high heels over sheer black tights. The camera slowly pans up the legs to reveal more and more, eventually getting to the fine red thong under the tights, digging in deep against the quivering pussy lips it barely covered. As the camera continues to zoom up it becomes clear that the tights are actually a bodystocking and continue up the body. As the camera reaches the bust the body stocking gives way to two circular openings, allowing the bare breasts to hang out with only two pasties covering the nipples. The pasties are black but with the word "whore" embroidered in bright red on to them. The camera glances over the collar and up to the crying but manic face, shamed in front of her parents with her bald head and sexy appearance. Behind her a grinning Brigid in conservative clothes and a subtle blonde wig confirms in the parents mind how far Aileen has fallen.

"Aileen what's going on? Brigid why is your sister dressed like that?" The confused mother began to shout.

"Tell her Aileen." Brigid ordered. Aileen took a deep breath and recited the line Brigid had taught her in the journey over.

"Well mum, I'm trying to make amends for all the times I called Brigid a whore. She said I had no idea what it felt like to be thought of like that and I agreed so we decided I would wear this outfit as penance." The words came out flat and emotionless as Aileen numbed herself to what she was saying.

"But why is her head shaved?" there was a moment of awkward silence.


The next camera cut was to the lounge again, Brigid and the parents were sat on the faded sofas while Aileen knelt on the floor next to Brigid.

"So what we wanted to come tell you, was that Aileen had decided to move in with me, isn't that right Aileen?" Brigid announced. Aileen simply nodded. The parents were too confused and concerned about Aileen's current state of dress to take in the news. "In fact she has already been living with me this week. We've had so much fun..."


Aileen is alone in the dark in a dog cage while laughter can be heard from a neighbouring room.


"... We eat together every night..."


Brigid sits at a table, eating fish and chips, the camera zooms out to show Aileen, on all fours eating dog food out of a dog bowl.


"... We don't get in each other's way at all..."


Brigid drags a naked Aileen on a lead into a back alleyway, telling her. "I know you're constantly horny now, but from now on if you want to pleasure yourself you have to do it outside."


"... I'm even helping her patch things up with Loughlan..."


Loughlan is sat in Brigid's apartment, Aileen on her knees in front of him, her head buried between his legs. Suddenly Loughlan grabs the back of Aileen's head and pulls her close to him, her gags turning to wet chokes as he fills her throat with his seed. "I definitely prefer you as a whore to a wife." He exclaims as Aileen collapses at his feet.


There is an awkward silence in Mr and Mrs Fitzgerald's lounge

"I mean we're glad to see you two getting along again," their dad tentatively spoke. "But this all seems like a bit much. Brigid has a job and a life here in Donegal."

"Actually she already has a job in Dublin. Isn't that right Aileen."


Inside an old strip club, the dancer on stage is pulling in crowds of men to gaze at her elegant form. The camera then pans down to Aileen, naked and on all fours underneath dirty chairs, picking up spare change from the sticky floor as men spill their drinks on her and the odd errant hand makes contact with exposed flesh. One man unzips his trousers and Aileen, driven to frenzy by the drugs pounces on it and greedily stuff the dirty penis into her mouth.


Back to the lounge for one last awkward silence with the parents before the camera cuts to the interview room, with Brigid looking triumphant and smug while Aileen is collapsed into sobs next to her.

"I think that went well." Brigid announced. "I'm really looking forward to breaking my sister over the year. This afternoon we're heading to the tattoo and piercing parlour. So we can have matching tattoos and piercings"

"And would you be willing to come back on the show in a year's time?" The interviewer asked.

"Oh, double or nothing. Sounds fun. Count me in!"

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Not sure if I like. Life long servitude. I question that. Maybe for the year. But its your story and a fantasy. How many sisters who hate each other would like to have their sister as a life long slave. The only question might be their parents would they allow this if they knew to truth even in a fantasy.

SmokeBlowerSmokeBlowerabout 1 year ago

Great framework and outlandish fantasy. But this could have been so much more arousing by describing in detail the whole game and each penalty, from the slow stripping to the anxiety warring with the desire for vengeance in each sister's mind. Or do it in 1st person POV from one of the sisters.

111Alexander111111Alexander111over 1 year ago

What was the liquid she was immersed in?

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

LOVED this

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

This needs a part 2

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