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Wheels On The Bus

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A graduated girl is violated in the back of a school bus.
8.6k words

Part 1 of the 5 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 12/16/2020
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This work of FICTION contains themes of non-consent, humiliation, abuse and other related kinks. This is meant as entertainment to bring enjoyment, not as something that should be carried out. If this offends you, please do not read.

"Nerd!" I hear the asshole yell as I pass him in the hallway, and a moment later there's laughter at it. Sure, some of it is half-hearted laughter, but most of it is honest, proving how stupid the students here can be. I don't say anything or react as that's what they want.

My name is Yesnia. I'm 18 years old and yes, I am a nerd. And I don't mean one of those cute, small E-girls that you see on TV or in TikTok videos. I'm a real nerd. A true nerd. Sure, there was a time that I hated that word, but I've grown into it. Plus I happen to have the highest GPA of my school as well as winning every competition that I've ever been in.

What makes me a nerd? All of me. From the fact I don't wear makeup or that I always have my dark hair in a ponytail, or that I don't really dress like a girl as I always wear baggy t-shirts or hoodies and baggy blue jeans. Plus, I like to wear men's clothes as they tend to be so much more durable than the flimsy crap that passes for female clothes. And they have pockets. Don't forget my thick glasses that everyone says I stole from a 60-year-old man. Or maybe the fact that I rather watch Futurama or Firefly than go to one of the parties that my classmates throw, not that I'm ever invited.

I press the two textbooks against my chest as I walk as this is something I always do. You see, I'm top heavy. Very top heavy. If I was one of the brainless girls that go here, I would call myself thicc and wear low cut tops to show off my cleavage but I'm not like that. Sure, a part of me would love to do that, but no way. I just couldn't. It's just not me.

At the moment I'm 5'2 and weigh around 130. And because I know it's the first thing people want to know when they find out that I'm top heavy, I wear a GG cup. I say "when people find out" because I've become very good at hiding my bust size from others. Like I said, I wear baggy clothes which makes it hard to see the shape of my body.

I mean, a part of me would like to wear clothes that would reveal more, but I'm too shy to do it. The attention of others in "that" way is something I've always wanted, but it scares me, you know? But, as strange as it is, I have a fantasy about someone wanting to see my body. And by that I mean that they really want to see it, if I want to show it or not. That they hunger to see what I've hidden for so long. I know, I know, I'm weird. Or I guess you could say that I'm a freak. But hey, nerds can have fantasies as well.

I'm walking down the hallway of my school for one of the last times ever. You see, I've already graduated and there's just a couple more days of school left. I'm just here because I belong to the Science Club and have to pass on my duties to the new Science Club president.

You would think since it is close to the end of the school year the school would be empty, but it's not. It's busier now more than ever. To make it worse, there's an after-school field trip today in which everyone that signed up and who is 18 and older get to go to. They are going via buses to visit the state capitol to see "the government" in action.

You would think that everyone that is going is going because they are interested in politics and want to see it in action but it's not. Most are going because they are planning a party at the motel they are staying at. They'll be away from home and in their own motel rooms so they can party and do whatever. They know the teachers can't do anything to stop them as they are adults. It's not like they can expel them or anything.

Stepping out the main doors of the school, to the right I see the parking lot that's filled with the busses going on that trip. There are students all around, hanging out in groups as they wait for the busses to start loading.

Since I'm not going on the trip, I turn to the left as I mean to walk home. Immediately, I stop and groan. In front of me is a group I call "the goth goons." They are a group of 5, with 3 being boys and 2 girls. I think every school has a group like them, the stereotypical goths. You know, the type that wear all black, have inverted crosses as jewelry, wear eyeliner, including the guys. Their clothing looks like they all work for Hot Topic and their vocabulary is comprised of words that in some way relate to the word "death." I mean, one of the girls wears a series of handcuffs off of her belt and tells everyone it's a statement to show that we are all cuffed by society.

The biggest thing about this group is that they are assholes. They love attention and are constantly getting into trouble. And they never miss a chance to make my life hell. Most of the time it is them making fun of me but a few times they have gotten physical, such as tripping me, knocking the books out of my hands and in one case, dumping water over my head.

"Lookie, lookie, DumbleDork is looking for her Smelly Potter," the lead boy says to the others in what I assume is supposed to be an insult. But as they all see me, they all get a rather sinister look. The lead boy who is named Paul is taller than the rest of the group (and myself) as he has to be over 6 feet.

"This nerd is so ugly that she would turn Medusa to stone," one of the others says. And like clockwork, each of them says some hurtful joke about my appearance and/or about me being a nerd. Knowing it is best to let them finish, I just stand here and take it.

I know that I'm a nerd. Just like I know that I am, well, timid. That's why people love to bully me as I hate confrontation. I just sort of take whatever abuse in hopes that a teacher or someone will break it up. I don't know why I'm like this, why I don't just slug those that bully me, but I don't. I'm too scared.

And this group does intimidate me, badly. I try to avoid them at all costs, going so far as to take the long way around if I see them in the halls. But now, there's no avoiding them. They are right in front of me and can plainly see me. Worst, they are blocking my only way home.

Looking at the group, I get a very bad feeling. Something is different about them this time. They are not their normal selves at all. The first sign is that their faces seem faded and disjointed. I mean, they sort of look like their normal selves with their emo/goth type makeup and pale faces, but something is off.

Then I notice something they all have in common; red eyes. From this I spot that a few of them have a very vacant stare. That stare when you are looking forward but are not really seeing anything. The sort of look that says you aren't on this planet.

It's only after the wind blows softly that I smell that unique smell; weed. They're high. They are all high. Upon learning this, a cold shiver of fear runs down my spine. They are high. They are on drugs. Oh help me, they are on drugs. DRUGS. They are high on drugs.

"Not going on the trip? Don't you want to look at all the other lab mice like yourself, scurrying around telling everyone what to do?" Paul asks in a very condescending manner. As he says this, his friends begin to circle around me like they normally do when they catch me. Normally it is bad enough, but this time knowing they are high I start to tremble a little as I have no clue what they might do. I mean, when people are on drugs, they some times try to eat others' faces off!

"I....I don't want any trouble, and no, I'm not going, I'm going home," I finally am able to say, the words coming out dry and soft. I know I'm showing how scared I am, but I can't help it. I mean...they are on drugs! I've never had to deal with anything like this before.

"You know what?" A girl named Jennifer says as she steps up to me from the side. She proceeds to pull my hair band out so my hair runs free. Then she runs her hand into my hair, to which she grabs a handful of it. I winch at this as it is very painful as my head tilts towards her grip.

"I think she would look so much better if we shaved this side of her head," she tells everyone, to which they laugh. Terror hits me as I can picture them actually doing this. Taking me behind the building and shaving my head to make me look like the two girls. Making me look like some freak on drugs.

"Please don't," I whimper as she keeps holding my hair. Suddenly the other girl steps behind me and grabs my backpack. She pulls down on it hard to which I think she was trying to make me fall on my butt. But instead, she makes my backpack slide down my arms a little bit to which the straps pull my arms back.

"Or what?" The girl hisses into my ear as a clear threat. I'm still looking forward at Paul and then I see something that makes me pause. Paul is looking at me, but then his eyes dart downward as if he's seeing something catch his eye. That's when I spot his pupils dilating as he must see something that he likes.

Confused and very scared, I look down in a sad effort to see what he must be looking at. I almost start to scream in embarrassment and fear as I spot what it is. When the girl behind me, Lynn pulled on my backpack, my shirt was pulled back as it is caught in the straps. Instead of my shirt hanging limply off me, it is pulled back where it becomes taut. Now he and all of them can see just how large my bust is.

Freaked out and scared, I in a huff pull the straps of my backpack and step to the side, pulling my backpack out of Lynn's hands and making Jessica let go of my hair. Only when I do this, both laugh to show that they find this amusing.

"I have to go now," I tell them in my most confident tone, which is not confident at all. What doesn't help is that I look at the ground as I don't want to look Paul in the eyes after what he saw. After I say this, I wait in hope for them to get out of the way...but they don't. They all stay as they are.

"Yes, you do," Paul remarks. Hearing this does give me a sense of relief as I think that he has to be leaving soon too if they are going on the trip. If they don't get on the bus when they are supposed to, they'll be left behind. That means no party. Maybe even on drugs he remembers that.

"You have to go...and get on the bus," Paul says in a stern sounding tone. "You are going on that dumb ass trip, because I know it's going to be boring as fuck, and I feel like playtime has only begun," Paul says and the others laughs.

Their laughter increases as I look up at him, clearly confused by what he means. I clearly said that I wasn't going and that I need to get home. I can't go on that trip. I'm not signed up.

"N-No, I'm not signed up and I can't go. I have-" I begin to explain that first, I didn't sign up and two, I have to prepare an essay for a grant that I want to get for my college next year...but Paul cuts me off. He cuts me off by leaning over so his face gets dangerously close to mine.

" fucking nerd," he says very calmly, where I can smell the smoke and weed in his breath. He proceeds to put his finger to my lips. Feeling stupid and cowardly, I do shut up. I do this because I don't know what else to say or what to do. Who knows what he is capable at the moment from being on the drugs.

The best that I can do for myself is keep scanning the area in hopes that one of the teachers or someone I know will come and save me. But seeing how it is after school and we are in front of the school, I don't have much hope. No one ever comes out here except when School just ends.

"You see that bus?" Paul then asks as he points to the closest bus to us. In reaction I look at it and then back to him, nodding that I do see it.

"You are going to get on that bus, in fact, you should be the first in line to get on. Once you are on, you are going to go allllllll the way to the back of the bus. All the way. Then you will sit in the last seat like a good little girl, and stay there," Paul explains slowly his voice animated, very much showcasing how high he is. Each word he says serves to make that cold tingle of fear run over my spine.

"But I..." I begin, still trying to explain that I can't. That I have things to do. That I'm not signed up, which means there will be no room for me at all.

"Now, you might be thinking, 'what will happen if I don't do as Master Paul says?' That maybe you could run off, or go and tell on us," he says in a condescending manner. He is using his height difference to great effect, as I feel like he could step on me at the moment.

"My answer to that you really want to find out? Do you want to see what happens when you make me and my friends veryyyyyy upset?" He asks, again lowering his face to the point it's almost an inch away from mine. Again I smell the drugs on him and feel that cold fear run up my spine.

He's on drugs Yesnia. Drugs! People on drugs do crazy and weird things. If I don't do as he says, who knows what he might do. Tie me to the hood of a car and crash into a wall? Tie me up and throw me into a river? Make me part of their goth goon squad? Eat my hands off?

I look at Paul as time slows down. The only thing I can think is; "What do I do?" I mean, I can't get on that bus. I just can't.

But I can't say no to him either. They are on drugs! No telling what horrible things they would do if I make them mad! So what do I do?

Something inside me feels like it drops to my feet as I know what I'm going to do. I just don't want to admit it. Again, I know I'm a nerd. Just like I know that I am cowardly at times. Like right now.

Hating myself for admitting this, I turn around without saying anything. When I do, Lynn moves out of the way and makes a big production of saying, "this way please ma'am."

Red faced I start to walk as my trembling hands hold the straps of my backpack. Scared, no, terrified, I walk down the sidewalk towards the busses. As I walk, I look around for anyone that could help me. But I don't even see anyone I know. Nor anyone that could help me. All the teachers are far away at the first bus, and I don't know anyone nearby. You see, I've never had that many friends in person at this school. Have tons online, but in real life, not so much.

I stop in front of the bus that he pointed at, standing close to the door. When I do, I hope someone might see and make a fuss about me skipping. That they will bring attention to it and a teacher will come. But no one cares. Even if they see me do this, they don't care enough to say anything about it. Everyone just stays in their own groups and conversations with no one paying any attention to me. Most of the time I love this. I love just being a figure in the background, but not today.

Time speeds up as the doors of the bus open after a few short moments. As they do, there's a voice on an intercom that announces for everyone to get on because we'll be leaving shortly.

I consider not moving. To just stand here and block the entrance so that the others will cause a fuss and a teacher would show up. But I can't. I just can't. That's so rude. I just can't do that. So I step up the stairs and onto the school bus, my mind whirling as I don't know what to do.

My legs tremble as I walk towards the back. I go slow on purpose, thinking and hoping someone might yell out, "You better not sit back there nerd," as I know the back is the one place most like to sit. But as I keep going, no one says anything to me. Instead they laugh and joke with each other, not even knowing I'm here.

When I reach the backseat, I plop down in the one on the left, not believing this is happening. No teacher stopped me to say that I'm not signed up to go. No driver was there for me to whisper that I need help. And no other student even knows I exist.

And so I sit here, in a daze as I watch more and more people get on the bus. Most have the same sort of ritual, they step on the bus, look around and when they see a friend, they move to them and sit close by. Most of which are sitting towards the front of the bus.

Then Paul gets on. He gets on with a cocky sort of walk and instantly locks eyes with me. He walks past all the others as he heads right for me. And behind him come the rest of the goth goons. With no one realizing that they are high on drugs.

Paul walks to the back and sits in the seat on the other side of the aisle from me. Sits there and looks at me with a wide smile and red eyes. The others then sit in the seats in front of Paul and myself, 2 people in each seat. All of them turn in the seats so they are looking at me, all wearing the look of those who are high.

Biting my lip, I don't say anything as they stare at me. I just keep hoping a teacher will get on and notice that I'm not supposed to be here. That I'm a stowaway. That I'm being kidnapped by the goth goons.

The goth goons keep looking at me and talking to each other, at times giggling or laughing. They whisper to each other and at times they look around but overall, they stay calm. And Paul just stares at me without saying anything.

After several minutes of tense waiting, the bus starts up. In all of those minutes, I see no teacher or anyone wondering why I am here. And when the bus starts, I actually moan out "no," as this can't be happening. When I do this, I hear the goons laugh. It's a cruel and mean laugh. Like when you learn that someone you hate fails a test that they studied for.

Then...the bus starts moving. It follows behind the caravan as it is the last bus in the line. It exits the school's parking lot and gets on the road, where it starts the multi-hour journey to the state capitol. It drives on, with me aboard, no one knowing or seemingly caring.

"Now..." Paul says, his tone damn near gleeful. The others fully turn to look at me. The ones on the inside of the aisle turn to look back while the other in the seat moves to their knees to look behind at me. They all look at me, and I know they are sitting like this to block me from seeing anyone else on the bus. And Paul...he moves to the edge of the seat so he's close enough to touch me.

"What to do with the nerd," Paul muses as if asking the group. The others give stupid suggestions at this, from tossing me out of the window, to giving me a goth makeover. One in his high state of mind suggests making me eat one of my own textbooks.

"Let's see what she has in that bag of hers," one of the boys says. The others say grunts of agreement at this. Now for some reason I feel like some object on display, like an animal in a zoo.

"Go on, take it off," Paul says as if I'm a stupid child that doesn't understand what I was told. I frown at this, but slide one arm out of my backpack strap. Then I remove my other arm. I know I should say no and scream FUCK YOU so the entire bus hears, but I just can't. I'm too scared.

With my backpack off, the two in the seat in front of me grab at it. They open it and look inside, declaring it is full of "nerd crap." I'm just grateful they didn't dump anything out. They then push it into the corner of my seat.

"You know, I think we all deserve to see...this..." Paul says, and moves his hand towards me. With a finger extended, he tucks it on the bottom of my shirt and lifts some. When he does, my shirt is lifted briefly, to which my stomach is seen before I bring my hands to pull it down with a gasp. This, of course makes them all laugh.

Hearing the laughter while holding my shirt down, something really weird happens. I feel a tingle like never before between my legs. It's a deep and sensitive tingle, one born of some sort of deep sexual enjoyment. But sexual enjoyment of what? Of him trying to lift my shirt? Or could it be due to how scared and helpless I feel?

Suddenly, Paul gets a very, very evil smirk on his face. At the same time, his red eyes light up revealing he's thought of something. He makes sure to look me in the eyes for a moment as he thinks whatever evil thought he has.

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