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When Worlds Collide Ch. 12


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Demetri's black eyes swung to Rafe's and he watched him silently for a moment before he nodded his head slowly, his eyes suddenly reverting to their normal deep green colour. "He has tried to take both of our hearts from us," he whispered softly. "Lacey and Mara and also Annie who we hold jointly in our hearts. You can run with me if you can keep up, Rafe. I will even let you play with me but I will not let you slow me down."

"Agreed!" Rafe growled softly his eyes swinging to his Alpha, waiting for Jared to order him to stand down. Their eyes locked for a long moment and then Jared nodded his head, silently giving his second his permission to do what he needed to do.

Rafe smiled a truly chilling smile, turning back to Demetri just as the vampire once more reverted to his more feral state, his eyes going black and his head tilting to the side as he scented the night air again.

Andrei strode out of the trees, his brown eyes flashing with excitement, his smile widening when he saw Demetri's feral state. "This is going to be fun," he laughed softly. "Graves has about forty vampires left, the humans are all dead. We have about fifteen left in the forest not counting us." He nodded his head at Caleb's crew standing just inside the tree line.

"None of Graves' army leaves here alive," Demetri said coldly. "I don't care if they surrender. They die. Anyone who is uncomfortable with that can leave now. If you stay you are in agreement." The vampires didn't appear bothered but some of the Weres looked to their Alpha for guidance.

Jared's expression was hard and unforgiving. "They came to our land and have killed our pack members. They deserve no mercy for the death and destruction they have brought to my pack. I will find no fault in any pack member who wants to reside inside the house until this is over. But I will not hide while our vampire allies clear up our problem for us." Loud growls rumbled through the pack.

Caleb frowned. "Jared, these are vampires, not humans. Your losses are pretty low at the moment but that will change when the pack comes into contact with vampires."

"Alpha, Millie just called from the evacuation site," Mitch Fielding called, running from the house. "They were attacked by three vampires sent by Graves."

Jared paled, fear running through him. "Millie?" he ground out.

"They are safe. A vampire showed up and protected them." He looked like he had more to say but Caleb interjected.

"We sent Alexei to protect them, Jared," he told his friend.

"You knew and you didn't tell me my mate was in danger?" Jared growled furiously.

"There was nothing you could do about it, Jared," Caleb said quietly. "It was faster to send one of us when we found out about the danger. The attack happened on the house before I had time to find you and let you know what was going on." He watched his friend carefully seeing some of the anger die in his eyes but not all.

"Even more reason why we will not hide from this fight, Caleb," Jared grated out through clenched teeth. "He attacked the children. He sent his crew to slaughter the weak and the defenceless." He turned and strode away towards the house, his body rigid with his fury.

Mitch hurried after him, waiting until they were out of earshot. "Alpha, wait," he said in a loud whisper, pulling Jared away from the house because there were two other vampires inside. "Millie said they know how to kill the vampires."

Jared listened intently as Mitch related the conversation in quiet, hushed tones. He smiled coldly. "Excellent, Mitch! Get everyone shifted back to wolf form. I'll alert the pack when the vampires can't hear."

He hurried into the house, doing a quick check on Lacey who was back in human form wrapped in a throw from one of the couches. "Your clothes are upstairs still if you are uncomfortable," he said to her quietly, aware she still had issues with nudity.

"I know," she whispered softly. "But I don't want to go up there, Jared." Her haunted gaze slid to the stairs and Jared's followed hers, a deep scowl crossing his face when he saw the three dead Weres on the landing. He didn't have time to address the issue though, there was a war to finish, one they could now participate in with some hope of winning.

Jared strode to the hall cupboard and pulled it open. "Take what you need from here," he told Lacey, showing her the stock of sweatpants and tops folded neatly inside. "We tend to keep a few stock items here at the main house and also at the community centre, just in case we need them. It's not uncommon for people to lose their clothes around the compound in a moment of exuberance."

He left her to chose something and approached the sitting room. Mara was lying on one of the sofas, Rhianna resting on the floor beside her. There was an enormous, red haired vampire sitting in one of the chairs close to them. The man looked up then looked at the two women. When Rhianna smiled at Jared the vampire turned back to the window, looking outside as if bored.

"You okay?" Jared asked crouching down beside the two woman. Mara was still very pale but appeared to be healing from whatever injuries she had sustained. She managed a weak smile.

"I've felt a lot worse," she answered. "Think most of my bones have healed now, just the last couple of ribs to go and I should be fighting fit again."

"If you need more blood, tell me," Rhianna said quietly. "My wounds have healed thanks to Nors. I can afford to give a bit more blood if you need it, Mara."

The brunette shook her head slowly. "No, I'll be fine, Annie. You've done more than enough as it is." She watched her friend's brow furrow in a deep scowl and she reached out a hand and touched her curls lightly. "It is not your fault, Annie. You can't blame yourself for Sandro's actions." Her friend nodded and her expression cleared but she could see that the little redhead wasn't totally convinced. In time, she would come to see that she wasn't accountable for her injuries.

"The wounded are on their way in. That won't be a problem will it?" Jared asked his eyes on the big vampire in the chair.

"Nors will be fine, Jared," Rhianna said reassuringly. "Won't you?"

"As long as no one tries to harm any of my charges, I will be the perfect gentleman," Nors growled softly his eyes never leaving the window.

Jared took that as the best he was going to get. No one entering the house would have any cause to try and hurt anyone inside it. He was actually quite relieved the vampire was there. He wouldn't need to worry about leaving the house undefended.

Jared turned and went to head outside as Lacey limped to the sitting room doorway. "Your leg?"

"It's healing fine," she answered. "I thought it was broken but Mitch said it was just badly sprained. There is hardly any pain anymore." Her eyes met her Alpha's. "Rafe?" she whispered softly.

"He's fine, Lacey. Worried about you but I will let him know you're fine. Just stay inside and help with the wounded if you can."

Jared finally left the house as people began to move inside. He shifted immediately to wolf form and quickly began transmitting his plan of action to the pack members who were going to finish the battle at his side.

Caleb watched the wolves. He knew something was up, something they were hiding from him. He turned to Rafe and raised a questioning eyebrow but the big man shrugged his shoulders. He wasn't in wolf form so he had no idea if anything crucial was being discussed.

Sighing Caleb turned to Andrei, Rhianna's words suddenly coming to mind. "Andrei, do a sweep of the back of the house. Sandro entered from there. Check and see if there are any wounded Weres that need help." He didn't hold out any hope that anyone survived the vampire's attack but there was no harm in checking. Plus, he had promised his woman he would see to it and he wasn't about to let her down. She had been through enough tonight as it was.

Andrei nodded, turning and heading off in the direction indicated. Demetri seemed rooted to the spot at the moment, trying to find Graves' scent through everyone else's. He had time to do this quick side trip before they finally moved off for the last stance against the invaders.

He rounded the back of the house, his keen gaze taking in three dead Weres beneath the shattered window on the first story. He didn't need to approach them, he could smell they were dead and he detected no heartbeats. He turned to leave when a sound attracted his attention. It was a weak, dull thud, the sound of a laboured heartbeat further off to the left, closer to the tree line.

He crept forward quietly, his eyes settling on the broken form of a wolf, lying at the base of a tall tree. The Were was still alive but barely. Ensuring there were no enemies near, Andrei approached and knelt down before the wounded animal. How it was still alive was a complete mystery to him. It looked like just about every bone in its body was broken. There would be no magical Were healing for the wolf.

Pursing his lips he toyed with his options. He could leave it until it died or he could give it a mercy kill. He knew he'd been ordered not to accidentally kill any Were but this was doing the wolf a favour. He would be putting it down, sparing it the pain it was so obviously in. Making up his mind he leaned down, baring his fangs close to the wolf's neck. The sharp tangy scent of cinnamon assaulted his nostrils and he blinked slowly in surprise, raising his head slightly as the wolf opened its eyes to look up at him.

Loretta forced her eyes opened, trying to breath through the pain. Her head was on fire, excruciating jolts of pain flashing periodically through her tired mind. She couldn't feel her body for which she was grateful. Her back had broken when she hit the tree, cutting off most of the pain she felt but the harsh throbbing in her head was more than agony. She didn't know how long she had lain there. All she knew was someone was close so she forced her eyes open.

She stared up at the vampire with his fangs bared, ready to bite her and she wanted to weep with relief. 'Do it!' she screamed in her head, praying for him to bite quick and deep and put her out of her misery. She tried to tell him to when he paused and watched her with an almost curious expression on his beautiful face, but she was still in wolf form. Using the last of her reserves she pushed her wolf down, knowing she was losing the strength of her beast and the pain would be even worse, but this was the only way she could communicate with the vampire.

Loretta shifted, a tortured scream escaping her lips as the fire in her head blazed brightly. "Do it," she whispered weakly. "Please. Just do it."

Andrei stared at the woman before him, her face a mask of agony, her entire body covered in black and blue bruises. She was so badly bruised it was hard to tell she was naked as she lay broken before him. Her whispered plea surprised him. Her pain must be unimaginable if she pleaded for death. He leaned forward again, his fangs grazing the side of her neck and the haunting scent of cinnamon assaulted him again and he found he couldn't bite her.

Puzzled he sat back, staring at her as her eyes followed him, accusing him. Why couldn't he bite her? She wanted him to. She didn't want to suffer anymore but every time her scent washed over him he just couldn't do it.

"Bastard," she hissed, her breathing sounding tortured, her eyes full of tears as she glared at him. "You get off on watching others suffer?"

Her words infuriated him and he reached for her, pulling her broken body into his arms, his head descending once more to her neck. His hands ran down her back, his thoughts in chaos as he traced her spine until he found the point of the break. He stroked the area lightly, knowing she couldn't feel his touch. He couldn't kill the she wolf. Three times he had tried to and each time he couldn't complete the kill. He was confused, angry. Never before had he been unable to complete a kill. Why he couldn't do so with the Were in his arms he didn't know.

Groaning in irritation, Andrei turned her over until she was laying face down in his lap. He lengthened his talons and drove one pointed nail deep into her back. She didn't move or make a sound as her blood began to pool out of the hole in her back, his finger feeling around inside until he found the damaged area. Withdrawing his finger he ripped it open with his fangs and plunged back inside, allowing his blood to mix with hers, rubbing the break, searching to the damaged nerves and coating them with his blood.

When he was satisfied he had done enough to heal the break, he withdrew his finger and leaned over and licked at her back. Her sweet blood exploded onto his tongue and he stifled down a groan. She tasted so good. His fangs wanted to sink into her soft skin but he controlled himself, closing the wound on her back and selfishly licking up her spilled blood. He'd done her a favour by starting the healing process on her back. It wasn't much for her to donate a little of her own blood for his enjoyment.

Andrei reluctantly raised his head, licking his lips clean before he turned her over and shifted her down his lap until her head was cradle in the crook of his arm.

"What have you done?" Loretta growled as her body exploded in a massive wave of pain and she struggled to hold back sobs as her legs began to twitch involuntarily.

"Healed your back," he answered, holding her tightly. "But it's our little secret okay? If the Council finds out I'm running around healing Were bitches I'll be in deep trouble."

She bit her lip not to scream out loud with the pain, her breath coming in deep panting rasps. "Why?" she ground out. "You should have just killed me like you were going to."

Andrei ripped his wrist open and pressed it to her mouth. "Drink, it won't kill you," he ordered softly. "It will stabilise you until your own healing abilities kick in. This is another little secret just between the two of us." He pressed his wrist tightly against her mouth so she couldn't ask anymore questions he just didn't have the answers to.

She fed from him reluctantly but she did drink and he closed his eyes and allowed himself a brief moment of enjoying the purely erotic feel of her soft lips sucking against his wrist. He knew his actions were madness. Letting the Weres know that vampire blood could heal them was not a smart move but there was something about this feisty, brave little bitch that called to him on a deep level. He was loathe to let her die so the only option he had was to heal her.

Loretta drank, feeling the pain beginning to lessen, her limbs no longer twitching. She stared into the face of the vampire as she sucked at his blood. His eyes were closed and his beautiful face was almost serene, as if he was taking some kind of personal enjoyment out of her drinking from him. Part of her wanted to be offended that he was getting off on her pain even if he was trying to help her. But another part of her, her wolf part was suddenly rumbling deeply as his blood sent liquid fire through her veins and the pain was soon down to a dull ache.

"Enough," Andrei whispered without opening his eyes, gently pulling his wrist from her mouth. "Rest for a moment."

Loretta licked her lips clean, closing her eyes and relaxing in his strong embrace, her body getting stronger with each passing moment. She wasn't up to running through the trees anytime soon but she was healing at a faster rate than was the norm for a Were. "Thank you," she said softly, feeling him lean down and run his nose against the side of her face, inhaling deeply as he did so.

He moved, lifting her gently into his arms as he stood up. "Tell no one, little bitch," he said softly staring straight ahead as he strode swiftly around the side of the house.

"Loretta!" Rafe yelled, hurrying over to them and reaching to take the injured woman from the vampire. "You okay, sweetie?" he asked softly, his brown eyes full of concern as he cradled her gently.

"Don't schedule me for any training exercises for a couple of weeks," she said drolly, managing a weak smile. "I'll be fine though, with a bit of rest."

"Rafe," Demetri called softly and the big man hesitated for a moment before Andrei took the decision out of his hands.

The vampire reached for Loretta and took her back from the Were. "I'll make sure she gets safely inside," he told the other man, looking down at the woman in his arms with a slight smile on his face. "Loretta," he laughed softly. "You strike me more as a Rose, all beautiful on the outside but prickly as a thorn on the inside."

"Drop dead," she grumbled but there was no heat in her voice and her lips threatened to twitch into a smile. "So what do I call you, apart from asshole, that is?"

Andrei threw his head back and laughed loudly as he continued on his way to the house. "Who told you my nickname?" he countered without answering her question.

"Andrei?" Rhianna gasped jumping up as he entered the house with a badly wounded Loretta in his hands. "Oh God, Loretta, are you okay?"

Andrei laid her down on the other sofa in the sitting room as the youngling moved slightly stiffly over to the pretty brunette and gently stroked her hair back from her face.

"I'm going to be just fine, Annie," Loretta sighed staring up at the brown haired vampire who set her wolf to prowling with agitation. Her lips twitched into a smile as he broke her gaze and turned away. "Thanks, asshole!" she called with a little laugh.

"Anytime, Rose!" he countered with a laugh of his own as he strode back out of the house without a backward glance.

"Private joke," Loretta answered Rhianna's unspoken question before she closed her eyes and allowed the welcoming comfort of the sofa to soothe her aching body. Andrei. She smiled slowly and fell instantly into a much needed sleep.

Rafe returned to Demetri's side as Andrei took Loretta into the house.

"I've found him," the vampire whispered in a cold, chilling voice. "If you're coming then you'd better shift now because I'm not waiting for you."

Rafe shifted instantly as Demetri took off into the night. He caught the vampire's scent and followed it. Demetri might be able to move faster than him but his skills at tracking had yet to let him down.

Demetri's movement seemed to trigger something in the other vampires, without a word they all transformed and turned, heading into the trees. Caleb looked at Jared with narrowed eyes, knowing the wolves were up to something. He considered asking but then shook his head. This was their compound, their pack which was being attacked. They had the right to do as they saw fit.

Caleb took a deep breath and let go. If Demetri was going deep then so would he. He was aware of Andrei coming to his side as he released his humanity completely, his eyes turning completely black, his thirst for blood driving him from his very core. He turned his head, saw Andrei had transformed too and they smiled coldly at each other before they blurred into the trees.

Jared watched the vampires leave and chuffed loudly. The pack knew what to do, how to take down the enemy vampires. Each and every member had taken a moment to scent their allies while they all stood waiting for Demetri to act. The likelihood of any accidents happening was remote. He howled loudly and the wolves disappeared into the trees, ready to kill as many vampires as they could get their teeth into.

To be continued...

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AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago

Just thinking as I re-read this whole series how much I'd love to be the filling in a Caleb and Demetri sandwich. 😍 I can't really make up my mind between the two, but I lean a bit towards Demetri. I have a fondness for his badass side and humor. He's that extra bit more dominant with Mara than Caleb is with Annie, and I love it. Plus the description of Mara matches me, brown hair and eyes, so it helps me dream. I really love when the vamps go feral, turning all vampire and ready to hunt. We don't see that in the more recent installments of the saga and I really miss the tension and excitement they bring. To me the ancients will always be the biggest baddest boys on the block.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
Love Love Love

Seriously only you could have a deadly war raging and vampires finding their werewolf mates at the same time! I love it!

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
OMG!! Bloody amazing....

My hearts racing as though I'm there right with them. Have to mention Alexei and Andrei, who would have thought that two hard, vicious twin vampires could be felled by two she wolves. They are in so much trouble. ;) It's going to be so funny following them as they get to know their mates. :)

But, first there is Graves still to be dealt with. Looking forward to reading chapter 13. :)

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago
Wow, wow, wow...

So glad you're finally back on speed in this chapter in this series after the earlier 7,8 boringness.... JazCullen! Thanks! NHU

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago
Oh yes I almost forgot..

I can just eat Caleb up. He is sooo yummy. And romantic. And sexy. Shit and a fictional character :(

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago
Rafe is so fucking irritating

Wanting to have his cake and eat it. Apart from dumbass Rafe moments I love this whole series to bits. You are truly an amazing writer. I'm always torn between leaving a comment and moving on to the next chapter. Kudos to you Jaz. And ditto on all the other positive comments. Ps: Demitri is such a hottie!! Whew, it's gettin hot in here..


TiyeTiyealmost 12 years ago

I am so thrilling on all the new vampire/werewolf pairings. Great to see a sort of healing of the rift between the two species.

Beasts_onyxBeasts_onyxalmost 12 years ago

I literally squealed when the twins fell in love. There is a certain amount of repetition in the story between the sex scenes and the matings, but I've been more than willing to give the whole series 5s thus far. Great job JazCullen.

Also, just a personal agony. Why oh why did you choose the surname Cullen for the leading vampire male. I understand writer's choice and your username obviously shows you have an affiliation to the name for one reason or another, but I cringe at every reading of "Cullen". Regardless, thank you for your time and imagination. I can't wait to see where else this will go.

- onyx

EuphoriaSlam69EuphoriaSlam69almost 12 years ago
I love reading this story again!

This is where Loretta and Andrei and Cedar and Alexei meet! It's also where it becomes inevitable that Mara will be changed! I love to come back and read these incredible stories that are so important to linking with the future ones!

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
But it makes sense...

It kinda makes sense that if one twin was to find his mate in a were that the other would as well, just a thought.

SamiraLeilaSamiraLeilaover 12 years ago
One again..

This is the second time I've commented in this series. I love it. But...

I loved the fact that Cedar found her mate in a vampire...but now Lorr, too?

I really think that is a bit too much It would have been great if there was ONE vampire/were mating..but now there's two. Just like there's two vampire/human mating (Annie/Caleb Dem/Mara), three human/weres (Aaron/Jen Rafe/Lacey Millie/Jared) Now there's to be two were/vamps.

It really becomes quite predictable with how each character is going to react to their mate, if you know what I mean? It was quite a let down that both weres have found their mate in a vampire.

Oh well, still a great story, though.

Stormraven88Stormraven88almost 13 years ago
Get em

Get then fuuckk them up. I am so amped to read what happens next. Go get em

lili82lili82almost 13 years ago
I so love this story!

this is my fifty-eleventh time reading this and now my family thinks I'm a lil bit crazy cuz I'm screaming "F*** 'em up!" at the computer screen! LOL, back to the story!

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago

I've read this and the other series in order a couple of times and through it all Demetri is my all-time FAVORITE character!!! Excellent stories Jaz!!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago
Amazing, yet...

...I find it odd that in all the fights weres have seen to have with vamps that they wouldn't know the best way to fight them but oh well a tiny flaw in a great story

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago
I'M Finishing this story TONIGHT!!!

If I have to stay up all night reading it will be worth it!!! PLEASE PUBLISH THIS ENTIRE SERIES AS WELL AS THE OTHER INSTALLMENTS!!! I WOULD BUY IT DEFINITELY! :D

Seamless_HarmonySeamless_Harmonyover 13 years ago

I will be honest. I groaned each time I guessed what you were doing with the twins. It's crazy enough that it could happen. I'm not sure how I feel about it yet...I guess as long as the pairs are happy that's all that matters. On to the next chapter!

Hubbys_PrincessHubbys_Princessover 13 years ago

Lol lovin what i have read so far of the saga jaz, BUT am i the only one who is twisted enough to thing the idea of Demetri, Calab and Andrei dropping there humanity as sooo fkin sexi? love how the twins have found "Dogs" as mates as well what a fab turn of events

ChasmFlameChasmFlameover 13 years ago

I stand corrected. This will surely be the last time I comment on a chapter of yours (however after this I don't think I will be able to contain myself). I don't know how you managed to drag the fight out but I am bristling with anticipation. You are remarkable in your storytelling. Never stop. I beg you.

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago
I love you, bitch.

Though I'm still curious as to what Andrei's secret is, I'm so happy with the direction this is taking right now. I keep pausing in my speed-reading (because I'm in such a rush to find out what happens next) to think to myself "this story is so. damn. good."

kuroukiphoenyxkuroukiphoenyxover 13 years ago
you know when you have to fight between playing ff 13 and reading...

yup! Reading this supersedes everything! No words......that i could come up with could grace the magnitude of this story. good/bad, friend/foe... getting down to the basics of survival... just wonderful all the way through. cant wait to get to the end

bulltlrbulltlralmost 14 years ago

Thankyou so much JazCullen for such. A wonderful chapter...

Love your alternate persona #5

lostchickenlostchickenalmost 14 years ago

Thank you so much JazCullen for such a wonderful chapter... love your alternate persona #74

sirreadsalot10sirreadsalot10almost 14 years ago
double holy crap!

I totaly didn't expect the twins finding mates among the pack. It was doubly powerfull considering their initial dislike of the wolves. FTI was good, TA was better, and now your are taking it to a whole new level of exceptionalism.

MizTMizTabout 14 years ago
Vamp Love

How can you not love these Vamps. Even at their most fierce they show a side of kindness we've never seen before. I have hope for the bloodsuckers.

canndcanndabout 14 years ago

I loved going down the shore for the 4th but damn, I had to be tortured knowing 13 was out and I couldn't read it! I decided to re-read this and enjoyed it just as much as the first time. On to 13!

I think someone below had a great idea of Nors and Emily! Can't wait for more! I really enjoyed the bantering between potential mates and others in this chapter. The humor was a nice break from the stressful events!

ShadowedDreamsShadowedDreamsover 14 years ago
Oh-dear, vamps and Weres... : )

... Those are going to be a couple of interesting relationships, I'm very much looking forward to seeing how you handle it.

Cannd, I agree I like that Loretta didn't immediately recognise her mate, if someone is so far gone that they want to die, mating would likely be the last thing on their mind.

Were knowing about the healing powers of vamp blood is one thing, but imagine a human getting ahold of that knowledge! Vamps would never be able to rest again, hunted, breed in captivity, forever being stuck in a hospital while being fed to injured humans.

With regard to burning Grave's remains, just chop down the surrounding trees (will be needed for building more homes soon if nothing else), add accelerant/napalm and incinerate the fine gooey paste.

Avidly looking forward to the next chapter,



P.S. How is Rhianna's book-shop coming along?

AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago

Absolutely great story so far, can't wait for the next chapter.

AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago
psychic? lol

I really pictured the twins getting mated to loretta and cedar only the opposite way round lol. Andrei shit scared me tho and i thought he was doing to be the least crazier of the two. AMAZING and by far i think the best of ur stories as it has a lotta characters finding there soulmates!

AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago
I just can't believe

I get to read such brilliant writing for free. Thank you. I am really loving this story.

AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago
LOVED it of course

First read WWC Chapter 11, and then I got hooked to your series.

I stayed up till 3AM reading WWC, then 2AM the following day when I realized FTI existed.(not my fault I discovered your stories at like 10PM, haha)

Hope chapter 13 comes out soon!

Wondering, does Rafe know how to defeat the vamps since he wasn't in wolf form?? Hope he figures out, or demetri/caleb/someone fills him in, or that he already knows(doubtful, as he would have told the pack I'm sure) I just hope he doesn't die

Just hoping no one major dies(I wouldn't mind if Graves and his cronies die, of course; I doubt he's going to go the remorse route at any rate)

Personally, I don't see Caleb getting in trouble with the Council? O.o Maybe, but not really, ,haha. Maybe someone will though, who knows?

Loved the vamp/were mate twist xDD

*About all your stories so far--I could care less about grammar/spelling. I don't even notice if there are any! I'm too engrossed in the stories to care xD*

AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago
Impatiently waiting

This is the first series in the Non Human genre I have enjoyed. I find myself counting the days until the next chapter. Your writing talent is far beyond your years.

sol76sol76over 14 years ago

Fantastic Chapter Jaz have really been looking forward to it and I wasn't disappointed. And the twins yeahhhhh and about time Loretta got some good stuff too :)

Great Stuff hun keep em coming :)

AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago

You killed this chapter . well done.Can't wait or the next one. Fantastic work.

willieonewillieoneover 14 years ago

Got a mate for Nors how about Alexei placing Emily with Nors since she is looking for a new sire since hers was killed! I am sure Alexei could arrange it! LOL Just a thought!

AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago
Thank you

This was such a fun chapter to read. Thanks for such creative story lines.

AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago

You have me hanging onto the edge of my seat. Can't wait for the next chapter!!!

catman71catman71over 14 years ago


AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago
As always

Jaz you are the best...please keep them coming we all wait for more...thanks for sharing yourself with us..a faithful fan

lilwolfspiritlilwolfspiritover 14 years ago

The twins found mates *giggles* to Were's no less!!, OMG Jaz hon, you've outdone yourself in this chapter, i like totallllllly loveeeeeeeeee that....And yes now i am over my dislike for them and can't wait to see where this leads, but now about Nors *wiggles eyebrows* He should have one as i can't wait to read the next chapter hon, keep up the excellent work.


canndcanndover 14 years ago

You knew you outdid yourself last chapter. Had alot to live up to in 12. You did it again! I loved it. I had said one of the twins might be good with Cedar. You picked perfectly. I really like the two of them. Then Andrei and Loretta are a good match too! I love that he tried to kill her a few times and couldn't and then healed her. That was so great. These two are debased in so many ways, but then this other side is there. I love how you point out that it is Rhianna that first started affecting them. She has always had this effect on people. I like that you didn't have Loretta's wolf immediately ID Andrei as her mate. I'd like to see it be a bit of a surprise to her while Cedar immediately saw Alexei as hers. I can't wait to see their stories. You always make it seemless and let it flow well like having Aben 'toy' with them and that made Alexei get their on time. I can't believe Alexei told them how to kill the vamps. I hope he doesn't get in trouble for it. Good cliffhanger leaving us to wait for the next to see what happens to Graves. Great going. Keep it up!!!

LeftoverStoriesLeftoverStoriesover 14 years ago
It's all been said...

...but I couldn't resist adding my own redundant comment. :P Great chapter, and can't wait to see what you do with the twins and their bitches later on. Really well done. J.

cantfightfatecantfightfateover 14 years ago
Oh, how the mighty have fallen!

I wasn't sure if you could make me like Andrei and Alexei. I shouldn't have doubted. And the perfect ladies for each of them. I'm interested to see how their relationships work out. The boys are going to try to resist and it will be very fun watching them take the big fall.

Now it's time for the big fight. Hope rafe doesn't get too badly hurt!

Cannot wait for morrrrrrreeeeeeee!

ReadandEnjoyReadandEnjoyover 14 years ago

Your scenes are absolutely amazing. They draw me in completely. Your work is seriously some of the very best I have read on this site.

katgoddesskatgoddessover 14 years ago

This story just keeps getting better!

lostchickenlostchickenover 14 years ago
Can I be your ULTIMATE FAN???

This is awesome!! Well done Jaz - I thought it would be a quick battle, one chapter max but DAMN GURL!!!

I love the twins twist - very very cool and I definitely didn't see it lol. I will patiently (yeah right) wait the next installment and promise not to harass you at all.

Sincerely - your ULTIMATE FAN (the other fan names where taken I see)

willieonewillieoneover 14 years ago

I feel so spoilt having you post so many absolutely amazing,addictive, wonderful chapters so soon after each other, don't stop now! When will you enthrall us with another brilliant chapter! Love the banter between the twins and their mates! Demetri was absolutely awesome as usual,I am on tender hooks waiting for the next chapter to arrive! Thankyou so much Jaz for posting so fast!


mikothebabymikothebabyover 14 years ago

Just when I think you can not surprise me or surpass your previous wonderful writing, you amaze me even more. And I do not agree with one of the other comments that at times it was hard to tell who was who at points. I knew exactly who was who at every point. Your writing style is wonderful and the plot twists are supreme. I am wishing this one will never end - simply just go on writing it and focusing on different charcters as you go - lol. I have fallen in love with most of the characters and will hate to see it end.


mokkelkemokkelkeover 14 years ago

you know my comment by now,(or you should ;-) )

those twins, line them up with the rest of "our" men, they're pure evil wickedness delightful. i can't wait to read the rest, but i will.

their mates are wolves, oh boy, those two are going to be in for a ride.

sandman0312sandman0312over 14 years ago
great job

Looks like you have developed quite the fan base. I'm really glad everyone is enjoying your work as much as I am. Once again, you have out done yourself. I swear this story just gets better and better. I really like that there is a sort of unwritten code of honor among the vampires. It makes them seem less like total bastards. Appearantly "when worlds collide" they also start to intermingle with one another. Nice twist with the twins, so many directions you can go with their stories. You are pulling everything together into a cohesive story. The fiction of the world you have created makes sense, and hell it even sounds like something you want to be part of. Awesome!

LakesLakesover 14 years ago
You came back with another chapter so quickly! Thank you!

Another fabulous chapter. I thought the last one was great and this one was even better. You change POV quickly and smoothly. Very well done. But there were times when it was not clear who was who. No big deal, but I will send you an example by email.

Miss_SeraphinaMiss_Seraphinaover 14 years ago
you have outdone your self once again!

I absolutely loved chapter 11, but chapter 12... amazing x a 100!

Andrei and Alexei were probably the last ones I would have ever suspected for falling in love with weres. Vampire - Were matings, thats a whole new world and I can't wait to see what it brings!

This has by far got to be the best story on literotica and I will be sitting on pins and needles waiting to see what happens next

MabelCinnamonMabelCinnamonover 14 years ago
I officially love you!!!!

Marry me!!! You are masterfully talented and I'm hooked on your work... I'm hanging on your every word... I love Andrei and I will love to see how his relationship with Cedar progresses... Great job once again... Keep it coming!!!

SuebeblueSuebeblueover 14 years ago
Best yet!

Ah bless, the brothers grim melting like chocolate on a summer's day!

Please continue to develop this fantastic tale x x

AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago

This so awesome a second update so quick thank u its like Christmas but as always I want more presence. Mechmas

NayeliNayeliover 14 years ago
Getting more and more interesting

When you introduced the twins I knew you were planning some interesting combinations, so when Alexei left to save the evacuated pack, I was sure you'd pair him up with Cedar. However, I did not see the Andrei-Loretta couple happening. It will be interesting to see how they manage the whole "my bite will kill you" issue :)

bulltlrbulltlrover 14 years ago
Wild Rollercoaster Ride........

You have accomplished it! One moment I am angry because Graves doesn't keep his word (we all knew he wouldn't but....), then in tears because Annie knowing she can't win against the stronger vamp risks her life anyway to save her family. Then the anticipation sets in... the wait for the next chapter... will Alexei make it to the evacuation site in time? OMG.... gasped when Alexei tells Cedar how to kill his own kind and then laughed when Cedar started toying with him! Big Bad Alexei falling for a wolf... and I love that she can see through him... Oh yeah on a side note would love to read their story one day! Then shock set in when it became obvious that Andrei had also found his mate in Loretta even though he seems to be a bit daft to the whole idea! Smiled when he couldn't figure out why he couldn't do the mercy kill and then I was in awe when he healed her, again giving away yet another secret. These boys have some explaining to do! Wonderful Chapter! Way to calm down the rush before the epic battle!

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