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Click here'Fuck it!' he thought. 'I can see everything: the boobs, the dark patch above her privies. Oh, fuck it, fuck it!'
He buried his head in his hands. Calm as you like, she called to him.
'Mr Jarvis, could you just help me with the clasp. It's a bit awkward.'
Turning round, he was confronted by the sight of the olive-skinned beauty wearing nothing but a pair of the flimsiest red knickers and a bra of the same colour, which she wasn't actually wearing yet, since it was this where she was having trouble with the clasp. She was standing there holding the bra cups against her boobs, with the straps dangling down below them - and a bit to the side.
Approaching her in a very self-conscious manner - not wanting to appear too keen and not wanting to keep her waiting longer than necessary - he found himself standing in front of her towering over her by at least a head.
'Um, do you want me to go round you?' he said awkwardly.
'No, you can do it from the front. You must have done it lots of times before!'
Never putting one on, he wanted to tell her. Just taking the damn things off.
'Um, okay,' he said, as she handed him the straps.
'You better, er, you know, hold them up,' he stammered.
'It's all right, it won't fall down,' she replied jauntily.
He took the straps - hardly more than bits of string really - and in his desire to get the thing over with as quickly as possible, pulled a bit too hard on one side. As a result, one of the cups slid up her boob, giving him an eyeful of her broad, dark areola.
'O god, I'm sorry,' he said, unsure whether he should adjust the flimsy material, but having the presence of mind not to make things worse by touching the girl's boob.
'That's all right,' said Julia. 'I won't report you to the police for assault. Not yet anyway.'
Trying to ignore this comment, Hunter took the straps round her back, doing his very best to avoid touching her with his arms as he had touched Briony earlier, and after a few failures finally managed to get the thing in place.
'Thanks - you're my hero,' said Julia, raising herself on tiptoe to give him a kiss on the cheek.
Excusing himself, Hunter went off to the bathroom, locked the door, sat down on the toilet seat and dealt with his erection.
Counted at least 4 mistakes, including things that I don't think are words.
He’s pretty hopeless for a self-made multi-millionaire!
One suggested edit - you use ‘widow’ in a couple of places. I think it should be ‘widower’
Impressed with the start (if a bit slow). Now suck this guy's cock , and get the ball rolling !