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Where the Climate's Sultry Pt. 09

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Tiffany drives Hunter over the edge.
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Part 9 of the 14 part series

Updated 08/04/2023
Created 05/06/2023
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When Tiffany returned from her trip, she didn't need Chloe to tell her about her fling with Hunter; she could tell what had happened from the bloom that she wore. When Tiffany heard about his prowess, she had what she immediately identified as a most dishonourable thought, wondering how she could manufacture a scenario in which she could be the recipient of all that the Australian had to offer.

She needn't have tortured herself or wasted time strategising, as her friend very generously offered to share him with her - not, I hasten to add, in the shape of a threesome, but after the manner of a baton change in a relay race. Tiffany was confident that she could hold her end up - there would be no dropping of the baton from her to deny her Gold.

When Briony saw the two older women chatting and laughing with Hunter at the pool (which had become the natural habitat for the oldies, as she called them), she knew what was afoot. With only a couple more nights at the hotel, she embraced a paradigm shift that would see her have the final night with Hunter.

'He'll be leaving the best till last,' she thought, confident in her ability to snag him on the eve of their flight back to England.

The three girls decided at the last minute to go on a half-day boat trip, taking in a visit to a nearby island as well as dinner at a restaurant that had received a recommendation, if not a star, from Michelin. Briony made a point of going over to where he was sitting by the pool and giving him a kiss before she left - in front of the two Americans. As she sashayed away, working her hips overtime, Tiffany knew instinctively that the black girl hadn't had Hunter. Her estimation of him rose considerably, even if the way he reddened noticeably as he mumbled something about her looking for a father figure indicated how excited he must be feeling. Looking down at his swimming trunks, Tiffany could clearly make out the outline of his arousal.

'What a day to choose to wear my Speedos!' thought Hunter, who reckoned he could safely do so when he learnt at lunch that the girls would not be at the pool that afternoon.

After half an hour or so, Chloe said she was going off to a Greek cooking class she had booked. This was the first Hunter had heard about this activity. He attempted to cover his excitement at the thought of being alone with Tiffany by making a joke about what a short class it must be - all Greek cooking consisting of feta cheese and lashings of olive oil. Chloe laughed politely, while Tiffany set her plan in motion. Nothing in it was going to be original, but she thought that might just make it more effective, Hunter being such an old-fashioned sort of fellow.

The first part required him to get up close and personal with her in a non-threatening environment. And what was more natural than asking him to apply a bit of browning lotion? Engaging Hunter in some meaningless chitchat, Tiffany was sure she had Hunter's attention before removing her blue floral beach shawl. She watched his reaction as she revealed her ivory bikini. The tall Australian's eyes nearly popped out of his head.

His first thought was that she looked like Ursula Andress in Dr No. He'd really had the hots for her when he first saw the film as a teenager, following it up by renting every film he could find in his local video shop which featured her. There had been The Blue Max and She, and a whole bunch of turkeys he couldn't remember now. Anyway, he found himself really regretting wearing his Speedos as she bent over to straighten her towel, giving him an eyeful of her butt, before laying down and waiting for him to perform his allotted task.

He decided to start with her feet. This both pleased and surprised Tiffany, who thought he would just be doing her back. He was, in fact, unbeknownst to her, on automatic pilot, since he was following the same template he had used for years with Mia. This was the best coping mechanism he could think of with all the stimuli he was receiving, not least from the now very prominent bulge in his swimsuit. He used perhaps more lotion than he needed to, since in his nervous state he kept going to the bottle, which he placed when not using it on the grass, and which, on account of the humps and hollows in the turf, would keep falling over.

'I seem to be all fingers and thumbs today,' he said with something of a forced laugh, as some of the lotion missed its intended target and landed on her sandals.

Tiffany scolded him for his lack of attention and asked him what he was thinking about. If he found the job such a chore, that was okay - she'd do the best she could herself. Hunter assured her that it was no chore at all; in fact, it was the sort of thing he enjoyed doing. Thinking that this sounded a bit pervy, he said that he liked doing things that gave pleasure to women, before realising that he'd dug himself even deeper into the hole.

'Well, you know what I mean, don't you?' he spluttered.

Tiffany replied that she wasn't sure that she did. She had heard from Chloe how sensitive and attentive to her needs he was, but he didn't seem to want to extend the same courtesies to her. Hunter found himself between a rock and a (now very) hard place and decided that the only way forward was to focus on doing a really first-rate job with the lotion. He was now on the thighs and was about to move to her lower back when she told him to do her 'upper thighs'. At this request, Hunter's hands began to shake so badly that a bit of lotion spilled onto her bikini bottoms.

'Oh my god, sorry!' he exclaimed. 'Look! I'll pay for the dry-cleaning.'

'What, now?!' Tiffany responded with pretended shock. 'I don't want to be walking around naked under my wraparound. It's almost see-through!'

Hunter made the best of a bad job by resuming his work on her thighs - going about as 'upper' as he honestly felt he could go without infringing on her privacy. Tiffany lay back and enjoyed the experience, dreaming of the things she would do when she finally got him back in her bedroom. She had just checked her phone and Chloe (bless her!) had told her she was going into town after her cookery class, and would have dinner there.

'Don't expect me back before 9!' she had written with a cluster of winky emojis.

By now, Hunter had moved to Tiffany's back and was feeling much more comfortable. He tried his hardest not to stare at the woman's ass cheeks, but found it very difficult not to, as they filled out her flimsy garment so snugly. When he thought he perceived a wiggling of those fine orbs he put it down to an overactive imagination, but the second time it happened he knew it was for real. This woman was definitely coming on to him. He immediately thought of Chloe and felt he was being unfaithful to her. What he didn't seem to notice was that only a few days ago he felt he was being unfaithful to his beloved Mia. Now, it pains me to say, he didn't give her a second thought.

When he got up to her bikini top, Tiffany asked him to unhook it, so he wouldn't get lotion on it. Remembering his disaster with the bikini bottoms, he wasn't going to take any chances, so he got up, walked to his own recliner, rubbed his hands on his towel and returned to perform the requested operation. This time, all went smoothly until he eased the two pieces of the underband apart. This simple action suddenly assumed disproportionate significance - Hunter's cock being sent into a spasm of twitching, as unbidden images of Tiffanys' boobs being bisected by his rampant manhood sent his head spinning.

To alleviate the tension he was feeling, he applied lotion liberally and rubbed it vigorously into her shoulder blades, this time getting lotion on her strawberry blonde hair, which he'd neglected to sweep away. He could clearly see globules of the ochre liquid starting to matt her hair, but this time he thought he'd got away with it and, as his mother used to say, 'What the eye doesn't see, the heart doesn't grieve over.'

'Don't worry about that,' said Tiffany. 'I'll wash my hair when we get back to the room.'

Hunter decided it was time for a dip, and, excusing himself, dived into the water. From her seat, Tiffany watched Hunter with the faint outline of a grin on her face. He was just as Chloe had described him - absolutely adorable! She couldn't wait to get him back to her room and experience what Chloe called his tomahawk for herself.

He was obviously intent on making her wait though, as he went to through his whole repertoire of strokes: freestyle followed by breaststroke, then butterfly (which he probably should have attempted earlier, when he was less tired) and finally backstroke, which was definitely a mistake, as he ended up ploughing into a honeymooning couple. The girl - wearing a black string bikini - took the collision in good part, which is more than could be said for the man, who Tiffany noticed gave Hunter quite an earful. Hunter quickly swum off, but not before the girl had patted Hunter on the arm, while her boyfriend was leaning over the side of the pool to get something.

'He really does have It' Tiffany thought. 'If Clara Bow was the "It Girl", then this man was surely the "It Man".'

When he finally returned to his lounger, Tiffany wasn't there. He noticed that some of her things were still around, so imagined she'd gone to the washroom or back to her room to fetch something. He remembered how Mia, even though she always carried enough stuff to sink a battleship, was always going back to her room to get that essential item which she'd forgotten.

He suddenly realised how much he missed Mia - her common sense, her quirkiness, her irrationality, her quirky sense of humour. And yet he felt sure that she would be looking on approvingly from wherever she was, as he relived something of what they had had together with these other women, even if it was just fleeting and fragmentary compared to their great love.


He had just opened the book he seemed fated never to finish when Tiffany returned. She had an iced lolly for them both, offering Hunter the choice of flavours. Touched by her little act of kindness, Hunter thanked Tiffany and watched as she slipped off her wraparound and stretched with her arms above her head. A vision of her bra straps snapping and her breasts springing free came unbidden to Hunter's mind. Once again his penis braced itself as if ready for action and the flustered Australian had to place his book on his lower abdomen until such time as the swelling had gone down. It was a mark of the effect this woman was having on him that he wasn't able to resume reading for a good ten minutes.

While ladylike enough to pretend she couldn't see the effect she was having on Hunter, Tiffany was woman enough to add it to all the other signs he was giving her, albeit unintentionally. She decided she couldn't wait any longer; she was desperate to optimise the time she had before Chloe returned.

'I think I've had enough sun,' she said. 'Perhaps we could continue our conversation in my villa.'

Hunter wasn't aware that they'd been having much of a conversation, but was loath to demur or make another suggestion. He'd only got his Speedos and a T-shirt but since that didn't seem to bother his host, he thought it should be okay. It was not like they were going to be chatting for the rest of the afternoon. In this, at any rate, he was absolutely spot on.

Once they got back to the villa which was by now quite familiar to Hunter, Tiffany said she would have a quick shower and told Hunter to make himself comfortable. He pointedly took the armchair rather than the sofa and waited what must have been nearly 20 minutes during which time the thought of Tiffany preparing herself for him took hold of him and caused his penis to become so engorged that he had to rearrange it so it was as inconspicuous as possible. His efforts - it must be said - didn't really do much good at all.

When Tiffany called to him from the bedroom, he replied 'Hi!' since he had no idea what she was saying. When she spoke again, her message was crystal clear.

'Come here, Hunter. I need you.'

With some trepidation he entered her room. She was dressed in the skimpiest pair of women's underwear he'd ever seen: the bit he could see (a minute triangular patch of material) was pink. He was also assailed upon entering the room by a powerful fragrance, which he found extremely alluring.

'Could you help me with the bra?' Tiffany asked. 'I think I've got it all tangled up.'

Hunter walked up to this highly sexual woman, who didn't help him by turning her back to him, and saw the problem. She'd somehow managed to twist the horizontal strap so that the hooks had been inverted before being attached to the eyes.

'You got into quite a mess here,' said Hunter, trying to keep his hands from shaking.

I haven't mentioned that the matching bra was virtually see-through and had afforded Hunter an eyeful of her breasts (nipples to the fore) as he made his way across the room. It was all he could do not to stare at them, so prominent had they been.

The moment Tiffany felt Hunter undo the closure, she turned swiftly around, causing him to drop his hands and the bra to tumble to the floor.

'I want you to fuck me like you fucked Chloe,' she said, driving her tongue into his mouth at the same time as her hands attempted to rip off his swimsuit.

The operation was unsuccessful owing to the fact that his erection prevented easy removal of the trunks. Giving up the less important matter of the kiss, Tiffany dropped to her knees, pulled down the intractable garment and began to feast on his cock.

'Look, it's probably a bit chloriny from the pool,' he managed to say in a reasonably level tone of voice. 'Let me just have a quick shower or at least rinse it off in the basin.'

'Fuck the chlorine!' Tiffany said unequivocally. 'I've waited long enough for this monster.'

Put like that, Hunter had no choice but to take what was coming to him. Tiffany was driven by only one thought, and that was to drink to the last drop his seed.

'Fuck the consequences!' she said to herself. 'If he can't get it up again and fuck me senseless, then I'm not the lover I think I am.'

Tiffany faced the usual problems with Hunter's girth but wouldn't let that put her off and worked almost manically on the head. It may have taken two or three minutes but Hunter was powerless to hold out against this woman's technique and her sheer determination. When the moment of release came, it came with a guttural noise from Hunter's throat which sounded as if it belonged in the farmyard. Tiffany noted this and challenged herself to make the Australian positively yell when he emptied himself inside her.

'You fucking prick tease!' said Hunter, as he literally ripped off the American woman's panties.

'Take this!' he snarled, kneeling down and shafting her love canal with his tongue.

'Oh my god!' she cried. Don't. Ever. Stop!'

Drooling like a rabid dog, Hunter went berserk down there, dealing as best he could with all the frustration that had been building up in him during their time at the pool.

'Fuck you and fuck your bra! And fuck your fucking panties!' barked Hunter, taking the briefest break from his frenzied cunnilingus.

Tiffany knew she couldn't hold out much longer and decided to cut her losses by goading Hunter one more time.

'A real man would be able to pleasure me much more deeply than you can manage.'

Like Pavlov's dog, Hunter redoubled his efforts, slurping away as if someone had put him on fast forward. When Tiffany came, she almost raised the roof. But she was far from finished and signalled her intent by throwing herself onto the bed and challenging him to come inside her - if he was a real man!

Thus goaded, Hunter lined his tool up against her box and drove it home in one easy movement. Easy for him, that is, but hardly for her, as she struggled with his dimensions.

'If it was on the roads,' she thought, 'it would have to carry fluorescent orange flags and have a police escort.'

After a while, her vagina somehow managed to adapt to the intruder and she was able to enjoy the sex in the same sort of way she would with a normally well-endowed man, such as her two ex-husbands had been. Bring the person she was, though, she couldn't resist one more provocation.

'Chloe said you were big but she also said you knew how to use it!'

Riled beyond measure, the Australian banged her like there was no tomorrow, so deep that Tiffany thought he must pierce her uterus. Something had to give, and as it happened they gave simultaneously: Hunter shooting his load inside her with a yell of triumph even as Tiffany cried out in ecstasy. Her goal for the afternoon had been achieved - and then some. And it was still only half past six.

'My word!' said Tiffany. 'That was wonderful. I'm so glad I managed to catch you before you fly home.'

'I hope I wasn't too rusty,' said Hunter.

'How about dinner at eight in the restaurant?' he added - ever the gentleman.

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Inthehole93Inthehole9312 months ago

I still can't believe that this fellow is a multi-millionaire. He's about as hapless as Mr Bean!

Lovely stuff, though.

ClivestaplesClivestaples12 months ago

Wowee! Someone needs to give him anal!

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