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White Twins Split a Japanese Mom

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White twins share a Japanese girl until her Mom catches them.
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I closed the front door of our house and shook off my long woolen coat before hanging it on the nearest hook. Dropping my bag onto the table, I walked down the hallway to our living room. The TV was on and I could hear NFL commentators debating. I wondered if Hiro had returned from his business trip early.

When I turned the corner I saw Danny, Miho's boyfriend, sitting on the sofa, watching the game. He looked up at me in surprise when I entered.

"Oh, hello Daniel, how are you?" I asked politely, though I was mildly irritated that my daughter had brought him over without letting me know beforehand.

For a tall, handsome young man from a respectable family, I didn't have a lot of warmth toward Danny. He was the typical bad boy type that all young girls in America seemed to gravitate towards. I had hoped Miho had more sense, but apparently, the thrill of danger lured quiet, academic girls too. Upon meeting him, he had seemed well-mannered... initially. Soon though I felt his eyes on me, lingering on my ass or cleavage inappropriately. Miho didn't appear to notice. Then the lewd jokes began. It soon became apparent he was a filthy-minded jerk who prioritized entertaining himself over almost anything. If I was honest, I wished she would have found a good Japanese-American boy.

Luckily I had put Miho on the pill after she turned 18, to be safe.

I just prayed she had enough sense not to get pregnant by a cock-sure douchebag before she realized what was truly important in life.

"Ah, hi Mrs. Nakamura. I'm... actually Billy, Danny's brother. We haven't met." I knew Daniel was a twin, but I was surprised by how much he was truly a mirror image of his brother. Their short blonde hair and piercing blue eyes were extremely exotic to a Japanese native like me. They also had strong jawlines and rugged good looks.

He rose smoothly, his tall, lean frame suddenly looming over me as he offered his hand. He wore light blue jeans and a red and white striped t-shirt. I shook his hand, feeling the warm strength of his grip, his long fingers encircling me.

"Nice to meet you, Billy... I'm Ren." I replied coolly, trying to hide the slight intimidation I felt by his physical presence. "And... where is Miho?" I asked, with a raised eyebrow.

"Oh... uhhh... I think she and Danny went to... study... in her room." Billy replied coolly. His eyes had a glint of mischief in them which I didn't care for. I wondered if he was as arrogant as his asshole brother.

"Hmmm... is that so?" I almost hissed through gritted teeth. My eyes must have been blazing but it appeared as if Billy was trying not to smile.

Little shit, I thought.

I practically stomped upstairs to bang on my 18-year-old daughter's bedroom door.

"Miho?" I called, perhaps a little louder than intended.

I heard the sound of fumbling and the bed creaking from the other side of the door.

"Just a second Mom!" she called back, her voice unusually high-pitched.

I waited, my teeth grinding in anger.

After a few too many seconds, the door finally opened and Miho stood there, her hair slightly tousled. The room was darker than usual. I could see Danny sitting at the desk, wearing shorts and a white t-shirt, a laptop open in front of him. They were both breathing quickly and trying to appear not to.

"Hey, Mom. What's up?" Miho said cheerily, attempting to be nonchalant. She knew well that she was busted.

"Hello, Daniel," I said icily past Miho.

"Hey, Ren!" Little fucker, I thought. It seemed everything he said was some kind of provocation, whether consciously or not.

"I think you and Daniel should study downstairs... Poor Billy is on his own, just watching TV." I said pointedly. My eyes burned into Miho's.

"He's fine!" Danny interjected. "He's watching the Chiefs game, probably having a blast!"

I turned back to Miho, attempting to ignore the little brat. "It's not polite to leave a guest unattended... Perhaps I should send him up and the three of you could study together?" I offered, sweetly.

"What do you think, babe?" Danny asked Miho, a wide grin forming on his face. "I don't mind the three of us studying together if you don't..."

Miho realized what he was insinuating and shot him a sharp warning look, causing him to stifle a laugh. What a blatant little prick!

"Ummm... We're... nearly finished, Mom. Just one assignment to complete." she said, hoping to assuage my anger.

"That's right. We are VERY close to completion, Ren." Billy said with his trademark douchebag, double-entendre smirk.

That was it!

"FINE!" I snapped and turned on my heel, walking downstairs only to be re-confronted by the other brother sitting on my sofa, watching my TV!

I stormed into the kitchen and began making dinner. I was livid at what had happened and suspected that Miho was pushing boundaries, trying to see what she could get away with. Oh, believe me, we would be having a VERY frank conversation once her guests had left.

As I turned back from the refrigerator, a figure stood at the door.


"Can I help, Mrs. Nakamura?" he offered.

"No, thank you, Billy," I said, brusquely.

"No problem..." he said and turned to leave.

I immediately felt a little guilty. Maybe he wasn't as bad as his brother, I certainly couldn't imagine Danny lifting a finger to help around the house.

I sighed.

"Actually... sure, that would be a great help." I handed him some peppers, garlic, and an onion.

"Thick or thin slices?"

"Thin, please."

"Sure thing." I watched him to ensure he knew what he was doing... and that he wouldn't lose a finger, but he began dicing them expertly.

I was impressed.

We chatted a little as I began to prepare the rest of the meal. I asked him about school and what he wanted to do after graduation. He told me he didn't know yet. I advised him to do something productive, like work hard and save money until he figured out what he wanted to do. He nodded thoughtfully and seemed to take my suggestion on board.

It was a relief to have a normal conversation with the young man, and I began to wonder why Miho hadn't chosen him over his dickhead brother.

"Will you stay for dinner, Billy?" I asked, surprised that I genuinely wanted him to. His brother, I could give a rat's ass about.

"Oh, no thanks, Mrs. Nakamura. I had something to eat before I came." His phone buzzed then and he took it out to scan the screen. "Oh, sorry just gotta take this."

I continued cooking, pleased that the interaction had gone well. The last thing I needed was two horny teenage boys sniffing around my daughter.

About twenty minutes later, I went to see where Billy might have gone and found him sitting on the sofa watching silly meme videos on the TV. I rolled my eyes.

"God Billy! Don't tell me you're one of those guys who watches TikTok all day?" I jibed.

He looked up at me, and I noticed a sheen of sweat on his forehead. He smiled and said, "Got a little bored of the game." His eyes held mine and I felt vaguely uncomfortable.

"That smells delicious, Ren." His eyes flicked down to my chest before returning to meet my gaze. I tried to ignore it.

"Well... if you want... I can give you a plate?" I offered again, though this time I was less sure I wanted him to stay.

"Oh yeah, that'd be sweet Ren!..." he said enthusiastically. "... I haven't eaten since breakfast."

It took a few seconds for his words to sink in.

When they did, however, I felt a cold feeling in the pit of my stomach.

Oh no...

"Danny?..." I asked, barely above a whisper. I would have given anything for my instinct to be wrong.

The edge of the young man's lip curled into a shit-eating grin, and I knew my gut feeling was right.

"... Oops." was all he said, his unblinking eyes almost daring me.

My blood ran cold as I realized the little pricks had swapped clothes, presumably so Billy could take over where Danny left off!

I felt fury wash over me. I slapped him hard across the face, something I had wanted to do for a long time. My palm left a large red mark on his cheek.

The smile seemed to grow bigger if anything.

"Danny... If you don't get your brother and get the fuck out of my house right now, I'm going to get my carving knife and CUT THE BALLS OFF BOTH OF YOU!!!" I hissed at him.

I meant it.

He stood up slowly. This time the size of the young man didn't faze me at all. My maternal adrenaline was in full flow.

He fished his phone out of his pocket and I watched as he wrote a message.

"If you EVER talk to my daughter again, I'll call the police!" I threatened him.

"Whatever..." he said over his shoulder as he stepped past me. He walked slowly to the front door and opened it. I stood there watching as he unlocked his BMW and got in.

I heard footsteps rapidly descending the stairs, and Billy, dressed now in a white t-shirt and shorts, hurried past me without a word. He had enough shame for his eyes not to meet mine.

"You sick little bastard!" I called after him, though not loud enough for Miho to hear.

Billy jumped in the passenger seat and Danny reversed out of the driveway, where he stopped. He rolled down his window, and to add insult to injury, he put his hand to his mouth and blew a kiss towards me before driving off.

I could feel my heart pounding in my chest as I closed the door. My daughter had probably just unknowingly had sex with two brothers. The poor girl, I thought. If I told her, it would crush her. She would feel so humiliated.

It occurred to me then, with a sickening feeling, that there was no way of knowing if this had happened before.

I didn't know what to do.

I paused at the stairs, unsure as to whether I should tell Miho the truth. I realized I could only hope that Danny would be sufficiently afraid of me to break it off with Miho without revealing what had happened.

Flustered, I instead returned to the kitchen and somehow finished preparing the meal.

As we ate dinner, Miho seemed pleasant and in good spirits. I was so rattled by the events of the day that I forgot to scold her for bringing Danny to her room without permission.

She told me about a presentation she had given in school that day. A vision of Danny fucking her on her bed while Miho panted like a dog appeared in my mind as she idly chatted away. She began recounting a funny prank Danny had played on a boy in their class. Soon the mental image was replaced by Billy, now taking her from behind. I almost felt nauseous and pushed my half-full plate away.

I acted as normal as I could under the circumstances but that night I tossed and turned in bed, undesired fantasies creeping from the depths of my imagination. Again, I saw Danny on top of my daughter, and Billy's dick in her mouth. I imagined Miho cumming on Danny's dick, then Billy's afterward, before the final repulsive thought of both twins fucking my teen daughter at once manifested in my mind. Billy was in her pussy while Danny fucked her ass.

I prayed in silence. Please, God... I will do anything you ask... if you will spare my daughter ever finding out the truth.


The next day, I toyed with the idea of speaking to Miho, in the hopes that she would tell me Danny had broken up with her.

Instead, I had two extremely unwelcome guests drop by in the early afternoon.

The doorbell chimed and I went to see who it was.

When I saw the outline of two men, I assumed it was gardeners or perhaps a delivery my husband had arranged while away on business.

When I opened the door, I was disgusted to see the twins standing there, Danny smiling as usual.

"Hey, Ren... Mind if we come in?" Danny said lightly.

"What the hell do you think you're doing!?! I told you if you ever come here again, I'm going to call the police!" I reminded him, my fury rising.

"Oh yeah... I forgot about that." he mused, thoughtfully. "But... I wonder, what exactly would you tell them?"

It took a moment for me to make sense of what he had said.

"I'll... I'll tell them that you two fucking snakes shared my daughter!... " I snapped. "... and without her consent!" I tried to sound convincing... but I had the sudden awful feeling that this nightmare wasn't over.

"Hmmmm... Well, I guess they'd have to arrest either me or Billy for that. Or both of us." he continued.

I didn't like where this was going.

"Yeah! So you better just... fuck off!" I said with a faux aggression which even sounded hollow to my ears.

"The only thing is... I mean... where's the proof?" he asked, with a feigned naive look on his face. "I mean, I KNOW Billy didn't bust a nut in Miho..."

I opened my mouth but found I suddenly had no words.

"He didn't cum in her cunt, cos you told us to leave. And I came in her mouth... which she swallowed... gladly. So...?"

I could tell by his expression that Danny was enjoying this. Billy was occasionally licking his lips nervously, but he seemed to follow his brother's lead.

I knew then that Danny wasn't going to let Miho go. I had to do whatever it took to protect my daughter.

"I swear to God Danny... if you come near my daughter again, I'll cut your fucking throat!" I snarled.

He paused to consider my words. He knew I wasn't lying.

"Hmmm... I believe you, Mrs. Nakamura. The problem you have is... I don't need to come here to fuck Miho..." He put a hand against the doorframe and leaned close to my face. "We both know... she'll come to me."

I began to speak but he raised a finger to silence me. "BUT!... luckily, I have a solution."

I paused with my hands on my hips, my annoyance only increasing as I waited for him to continue.

"So... could we please come in to discuss further?".

I faltered then. The last thing I wanted was these twin assholes in my house... but I knew I had to protect Miho.

"Fine!" I replied, and stood aside, allowing them to enter.

Once in the living room, Danny immediately jumped onto the sofa and put his feet on the coffee table. Billy sat beside him. They already seemed more relaxed.

When I followed, I didn't like the way both of them were looking at me.

"So?..." I said, impatiently.

"So... what I think is... you have something we want. You give it to us, we'll... or should I say I'll... leave Miho alone."

"Oh, so you want money, you fucking scumbag!?!" I yelled at him.

I was partly relieved if the problem could be resolved that easily. Money could be recouped over time.

"Money?" he replied, nonplussed. The two brothers looked at each other, and Danny laughed. Billy smiled shyly.

"Nah nah nah, we don't want money. Nothing that boring." Danny said, dragging out the moment.

"Fine then!... What is it you want?" I demanded, beginning to regret entertaining these clowns.

"Well... Basically... what we want... is you." he finished, simply.

"... Excuse me!?!"

"Oh come on, Mrs. Nak! It can't be that big a surprise!"

I was incensed.

"No fucking way! You think I'd let either one of you touch me after what you did?!?"

"... Well... Honestly?... Yeah... I guess I do think that." Billy replied coolly. "I think you'll probably let us do some fucked up shit to you. For Miho's sake."

Her name seemed to take all of the fight out of me. I felt like a cornered beast. If I didn't do something, I just knew she would run back to this creep... and unwittingly most likely his brother too.

There seemed to be no way out of the situation.

I thought about how some animals bite off limbs to escape a hunter's trap.

The thought of agreeing made my skin crawl, but... I knew I would sacrifice my body to save my daughter from these reprobates.

Tears quickly formed and rolled down my cheeks.

The two young men waited for my response, the air heavy with their anticipation.

I exhaled. My shoulders slumped.

"... Fine," I whispered, the words costing me a part of my soul.

"... Fine?" Danny repeated, hardly able to believe what he had just heard.

I sighed heavily. "Yes... I'll fucking do it, alright!?!... Just once. Just this afternoon." I said, wiping the tears away.

"Holy shit!" Danny punched the air, then hit his brother's arm. "See bro!?! I fucking TOLD you she'd do it!"

Billy seemed shocked too. His eyes freely roamed my body now.

They had me.

I sighed again.

I felt so humiliated, even agreeing to allow these despicable men to touch me. The reality of it seemed too mortifying to contemplate.

Danny leaned back in the chair, seeming to assume control of the situation.

I guess he truly was in control.

His eyes were fixed on my chest.

"Now!... Why don't you take those uncomfortable clothes off, Mrs. Nakamura? Show us those big titties and your hot ass!" he goaded, the taste of victory sweet in his mouth.

My cheeks flushed red as I reached up to open the buttons of my white cotton blouse. I quickly slid it off, trying to make the act as unsexy as I could. The two boys were in silent awe as my black D-cup bra came into view. My eyes fell to the floor as I unhooked the bra and threw it to the side.

To that point in my life, I had only ever slept with my husband. We had met in Osaka before moving to the US. I had dated before him, but only ever gave handjobs and blowjobs to those guys. He was the only man I had ever made love to. Admittedly, he could only make me cum with his tongue, but that was enough for me... though I had always wondered what it would be like to have a well-hung man ravage me.

Now, however, I was about to be fucked not just by one other man. I was about to be fucked by two other men... Two white men.

And twins, at that.

It was a strange thought. I didn't know exactly how to feel about it. I knew I was afraid, at the very least.

Afraid they would be rough. And frightened that it would somehow get back to Miho what I had done.

But... maybe I was also afraid I would like it more than I wanted to.

Danny whistled as I displayed my body for them.

"Holy shit! They're even bigger than I thought!" Danny said, almost to himself. He rose to his feet and Billy followed suit. Danny began to squeeze my tits harder than I liked, and flicked my nipples. He lowered his head to suck one and motioned for Billy to suck the other. With both twins sucking my tits, I felt vaguely heady. I tried to ignore the sensation. I just had to get through the next hour... or two.

Danny stepped back and lifted his t-shirt over his head, before beginning to open his belt. Billy did likewise.

The two young men were probably 6'1 and both had similar physiques. Tall, lean, and defined pectoral and ab muscles. Danny looked slightly more muscular. If it was any other situation, I might have appreciated their bodies. As it was, I was on a mission. One that I wanted to finish as soon as humanly possible.

What happened next took me by complete surprise.

Danny's jeans fell to the ground, and I gasped when I saw his hard cock swinging freely. It was easily the largest cock I had seen in real life. If I had to guess, I'd say it was probably 9 inches. And thick, covered with pulsing veins. His balls looked much larger than my husband's too. Seconds later, Billy's identical cock came into view.

I gulped involuntarily.

I barely noticed a slight stirring in my pussy, attributing it to nerves.

"Sit down Ren."

I did as commanded. I tried to disassociate from the situation, to act like a sex robot in the hopes that I would not remember it afterward.

When I sat on the sofa, my head was suddenly at the same height as the two largest dicks I had ever seen. Both were pointing at me, expectantly.

I looked up at the two young men then. Danny leered down at me, the smug smirk now accompanied by pure lust in his eyes. Billy too seemed drunk on his desire. I wondered how badly both of these well-hung boys wanted to fuck me. I wondered, would they want me one at a time, or both together?

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