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White Wife's Black Study Partner

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Conservative Empty Nester wife/mom seduced by college guy.
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During my sophomore year of college, I had matured slightly from the immature hood rat from New York into a more confident 19-year-old college man in Boston. Sometime after high school, I grew a few inches, added some weight and muscle and with it, a bit of youthful sophistication.

I am sure you're thinking how mature a 19-year-old could be, but it was true. I was the first in my family to go to college and wanted to make sure I represented the family in a way that they would be proud of me. I was their only son from a poor Black family and saw how hard my father and mother both worked. So, it was my duty to do my part as well. Going to school and studying hard was important -- it became my job.

I am not going to sit here and tell you that I didn't have my fun. Boston is an amazing place to go to college because the bars were packed with young professionals and college kids, and we certainly had our share of late nights and parties on the weekends.

For those of you who read my other stories, I am Ryan -- now 28 but when this happened, I was 19, 6'2, just shy of 180 pounds -- I was somewhat unremarkable with short black hair and dark brown eyes -- no tattoos, no gang colors. Just a normal average college kid who wanted to make something of himself.

By your sophomore year, you've already gotten through some of your required classes and understood how the system worked. I took a few classes for my major but left room for a class or two of electives that interested me. Because I grew up in a religious home and was dragged to Baptist church every Sunday, I already knew and understood Christianity but always had an interest in Buddhism and Taoism so when I spied a class entitled Fundamentals of Eastern Religion, I thought it would be both interesting and a way to fill a few credits, so I signed up.

The first night of the Fundamentals class, I took a seat on the left side of the classroom by the wall so there would be no one on my left -- a buddy of mine told me that professors typically lectured from their podium and looked toward THEIR left when addressing the class -- so the chances of being singled out or called on was minimized if I was on the opposite side. Seemed like a wacky theory to me, but I found it to be true.

On the syllabus, the instructors name was just first initial last name, so I wasn't sure if it was a man or woman. I was looking around waiting for class to start, chatting with a few people around me when the door opened -- I glanced back and caught a glimpse of a woman who looked to be in her early 40's. She was tall, slender with smallish breasts and that shorter frosted brown hairstyle that women seem to go to when they reach a certain age. She was dressed stylishly in a button-down white top and mid length skirt and heels -- the type of woman I always found attractive. If I had to say she resembled someone famous, I'd go with a slightly older version of the model Rachel Cook -- same blue eyes.

I assumed that she was our instructor, but she seemed unsure of herself and was looking around the room for a place to sit. I caught her eye as she scanned the room and smiled -- then pointed to the open chair to my right. She hesitated and I saw her face flush but then she nodded and walked over to sit down next to me.

"Hi, I'm Ryan -- guessing you're NOT the professor?"

She smiled at me and offered her hand as she sat down -- "I'm Bailey, Bailey Thomas...No, not the professor...ha ha."

She caught me off guard because she had a southern accent, which was so foreign to the strong Boston accents I was used to from my time here. It was soft and almost had a musical quality to it...I felt my cock stir instantly...

As she was arranging her books and paper on her desk, I noticed an enormous wedding ring. I pictured the cartoon of the angel on one shoulder and the devil on the other duking it out over good and evil and something inside me CRAVED this woman instantly. The fact that she was married, sexy as hell, pale and white and very conservative made her the forbidden fruit that my grandmother had always warned me about. Bailey was as taboo as it got, and I wanted to seduce her in the worst way.

She was still fiddling with her books and laptop and getting set up when the professor walked in. Of course, he was Indian -- why wouldn't he be? It was an eastern philosophy class -- I sighed and thought to myself that this was going to be a LONG semester.

I have always struggled with understanding that Asian dialect and it was difficult to stay focused on his words while keeping one eye on the slender legs and thighs next to me at the same time. Bailey must have felt it too, because she kept letting her high heel dangle off her toe and adjusted in her seat, crossing, and uncrossing her legs several times. She caught me looking at her a few times and would smile politely but also turn bright red and turn her attention to the podium.

After about an hour of lecture, the professor said we would take a 15-minute break. Bailey sprung out of her seat and out to the hallway -- I wasn't sure if she had to use the bathroom or just needed to get away from me, so I waited a few minutes before going out the door for a drink of water. I went to the restroom, got a drink, and walked past her on my way back in... She was texting someone, so I waited until I saw her sigh and close her eyes...

"Hey, Bailey -- class is about to start back up -- we better get back in."

She sighed and nodded -- "Thanks Ryan, I'll be right in."

I saw a bit of resignation in her eyes and said, "You okay? Trouble at home?"

She paused, looked me in the eyes and I thought she was going to cry. But she shook her head and said, "Nothing new...let's go back in and listen to Professor"

I laughed and we walked back in. After class, as she was packing up her stuff, I told her it was nice meeting her and that I was curious about why she was in school.

Bailey laughed and said, "Don't you mean, what's this old lady doing in a classroom full of kids in their pajamas?"

I smiled and told her that 'old lady' never entered my mind and that she was in better shape than 99% of the girls in the room.

She patted my arm and said, "You don't have to be nice, Ryan -- it's a fine compliment, but you DID think I was the professor, didn't you?"

I laughed and said, "Well, if you turned out to be the teacher, you would be the best-looking instructor I'VE ever had."

We chatted a little more -- she was interrupted by two more text messages -- she looked down at her phone, frowned and sighed -- and put her phone away without answering.

As she looked up at me, she smiled and said, "Asshole..."

I laughed out loud at that -- "I didn't expect that coming from a sweet southern belle like yourself!"

Bailey smiled and said, "Yes, that was rude of me, wasn't it? My apologies..."

I asked if there was trouble in paradise. She paused and said, "My husband -- He's not a fan of me going back to school and was checking up on me...He's afraid some young stud is going to try to pick up his wife or something stupid..."

I laughed and told her that as beautiful as she was, the thought had crossed my mind... She laughed and said, "Bless your heart...LOL."

We chatted a little more and Bailey told me she had to get going but would see me on Thursday for class and to save her a seat.

I said, "You sure? I thought you southern girls sitting with the Black boys was scandalous behavior. I don't want to ruin your conservative reputation with your husband!"

She laughed and said this was the 21st century and what her husband didn't know wouldn't hurt him. Ha ha. She also said that once she got to know me a little better, she'd share a story that she was sure to surprise me.

I smiled and said, "Hmm.... you've got my attention Mrs. what's this great story?"

Bailey laughed and said, "First of all, it's Bailey, Mrs. Thomas is his mother and I'm NOTHING like that woman! And secondly, we just met, and I don't spill the family secrets that'll have to be patient. No promises!"

I laughed and wished her a good night.

When I got back to my apartment, I got thinking about Bailey and decided to do a little google search -- no Facebook, no Instagram, nothing on social media. Then I remembered that she was a little older than the kids at school and did a LinkedIn and found her. She was an accountant for a big blue company in North Carolina. Great smile and those piercing blue eyes that made me crazy. I scanned her contact links and saw a dour looking gentleman with the same last name and assumed it was the hubby.

Yes, it felt a little creepy to be spying on her like this, so I called it a night. But not before resorting to old habits and stroking a little, thinking of her in that skirt and heels earlier.

Thursday came and class was about to start and no Bailey. I was starting to bum out when the professor took to the podium and all of a sudden, the door in the back of the room burst opened and she walked in all flush -- the instructor gave her a stern look and then down at his notes -- she spied me and waved, smiled, and sat next to me.

"Thanks so much for saving my seat" she whispered, "I didn't think I was going to make trouble."

I told her it was my pleasure and asked what she was driving. She said a Mercedes SUV, but it was having electrical issues -- it was always hit or miss if it was going to start. I asked her if she had it looked at -- that it was just a loose battery cable. She said she had asked her husband to look at it, but he had been too busy. I told her I was no mechanic, but I'd be happy to take a peek.

The conversation that night was much more animated and livelier -- we were becoming friendly, and I asked her what brought her to Boston and what she did for a living and about her family. Bailey said that her husband's job got him transferred up here but that they both desperately missed North Carolina. She confirmed that she was an accountant for a major bank but that the nature of her work let her work anywhere.

She said she had two boys but that they were grown and on their own and that the idea of coming back to school was partially to finish her degree but to get out of the house occasionally. I asked how things were going at home with the jealous husband and she said that Rick wasn't a bad man, but sometimes he suffered from a lack of confidence and felt that she was going to find some guy who was more charming than him or whatever -- that it was all silly...she never cheated in all the years they were married.

She also confided that he told her to dress more conservatively for class. I laughed and told her that I LOVED her outfits -- I said that the pajamas and cutoff jeans got a little old even for me. And I told her that she had great legs and should show them off.

She smiled and blushed a little and then she said, "Guess I should be glad you're not a boob man? I got shortchanged in that department" looking down at her breasts.

I laughed and said that I was a leg and ass man but that her breasts were amazing. I told her that more than a mouthful is a waste anyhow!

She blushed and grinned and then said, "For some reason, I though Black men all loved big breasted women with big asses?"

I laughed and told her that every woman I've ever dated looked very similar to her and that we all have our preferences.

She cocked her head and said, "You date white women?"

I laughed and said, "Thought you said this was the 21st century? Yes, it's my preference...slender, mature, white, conservative small breasted women with great legs and ass...!"

Bailey smiled a little and then said, "Well, I'm certainly not sharing that information with Rick..."

The rest of the class was uneventful. We chatted a little more when Bailey said she should be going.

I offered to walk her to her car and check her battery. She popped the hood, and I told her to get in and try to start it. The Mercedes hesitated but started. I told her to shut it off and I checked the battery cables -- they seemed tight, so I walked back over to the driver door where she was sitting, leaned in, and said that the cables were tight, but that the battery may be getting old.

She nodded and then followed my gaze down to her legs sitting behind the wheel... she looked back up at me and said, "Um, anything else?"

I laughed, knowing I was busted -- "Nope, that should do it -- and one thing, ALWAYS, ALWAYS, ALWAYS wear short skirts to class... You have the legs for it."

Bailey laughed and smacked my arm..." You are a bad man! Thanks for looking at my battery" and she drove off.

After she left, I could not keep her out of my mind -- it's like when someone tells you not to think about elephants, it's all you can do NOT to think about them. I KNEW she was married -- but fuck, she seemed so smart and fun...and her looks were amazing -- lithe, slender tiny...little B cup sized breasts and I guessed in my mind, VERY sensitive nipples.

It was a hot fall night and I laid in bed stroking my cock until it started dripping with precum...I looked at her very conservative picture online and imagined what it would be like to have her on her knees sucking my black cock. The imagery got to be too much, and I came all over myself. It was frustrating to say the least.

The next time we had class, Bailey wasn't there -- It occurred to me to take notes and give them to her, but I didn't have her number -- I made a mental note to get it the next time I talked to her. After class, I typed up two sets intending to give her one. I also chided myself for letting her into my head so much. This was so unlike me to be thinking about one girl, one WOMAN so much.

The following class, she was already sitting in her chair and had books on the chair where I usually sit. I snuck up behind her and whispered in her ear, "Did you save me a seat?"

Bailey jumped when she heard my voice -- "Ryan! Yes, I did...someone kept trying to take it and I told them I had reserved it for you."

I smiled and then noticed the outfit... a red and green pleated plaid skirt shorter than I had seen her to wear to class before and a black button-down sweater with sandals.

"Oh, going for the little schoolgirl look to impress the teacher?" I laughed "I approve!"

Bailey smirked and said, "No! And, hey, thank you for the other night for trying to fix my battery -- that was very sweet. I'm glad you approve of the outfit though!"

"As it turns out, you were right, the battery was weak -- that's why I wasn't in class last time. I got stranded on my way here and had to call AAA because my husband is traveling on business. I thought of calling you to tell you to let the professor know, so it doesn't appear on my 'permanent record,' but I didn't have your number. I was also going to ask you to take notes, so I don't fall behind. But anyhow, it is what it is..."

I laughed and told her how much I appreciated the outfit and that I had indeed taken notes for her and handed them to her. Bailey squealed and hugged me when I passed them to her and said I was her new BFF...I thought to myself BFF wasn't exactly what I had in mind, but I'll take it.

Class was about to begin, so I handed her my phone and told her to plug her number into it...she typed it in and handed it back to me. I looked at it, added her name and then took a picture of her in that sexy outfit. Bailey started to protest but I said I always have pictures with my contacts and scrolled through my phone to show her.

She laughed and handed me her phone and asked me for my "digits," which I was more than happy to provide -- I added my name "Auto Mechanic" to it and handed it back to her. She laughed and thanked me. She was going to take my picture as well, but class was starting so she put her phone away.

The Indian was teaching about meditation and showed us some different techniques -- we were all sitting quietly with our eyes closed doing something called Vipassana meditation using deep breathing. I looked over at Bailey and picked up my phone and typed her a text message that said, "You're a sexy breather" and hit send while putting my phone away.

Suddenly, her phone went DING loudly and the professor had a fit -- "PHONES AWAY!!" he said scouring in the direction of our side of the room. Bailey turned bright red and quickly turned her phone off, but not before seeing what I wrote....

She started giggling uncontrollably, which led to a coughing fit, and she had to leave class for a few minutes to get a drink. When she came back in, I looked at her out of the corner of my eye and she was wagging her finger at me in mock anger. She sat back down and closed her eyes and tried to resume meditating, but she was huffing too badly to make it work.

After class, she came up to me in the hallways and said, "You're in big trouble Buster! You got me in trouble!"

I laughed and told her that everyone knows you're supposed to turn your phones off in class and called her a rookie. She nodded her head in agreement and told me I was forgiven this time.

I walked her out to her car, and she thanked me again for the class notes -- she was sitting in the driver seat, and I leaned in and asked her how she got out of the house in that little skirt -- she grinned and said that Rick was back in North Carolina closing up some loose ends with the house but would be flying back on Saturday.

I gave her a thumbs up and said, "so, when the cat's away, the kitten will play?"

She smiled and said, "That's not how the saying goes, but yes, I thought you'd appreciate it, and he doesn't need to know..."

She had her hands on the steering wheel and I reached out and touched her arm lightly...She looked down at the contrast of my dark skin against hers and I swear I saw her nipples flair...

"Yes, I love the outfit...." I told her, "Especially the red lace panties."

Bailey looked up at me shocked -- "What? No...I did NOT show you my underwear.... What? How?"

I laughed and said, "look at the chrome on your dashboard...I'm getting a great view from here between your tease...!"

Bailey looked at the dashboard but couldn't see what I was seeing from my angle..." You're lying -- they're not red anyhow...!"

I gave her a smirk and reached for the hem of her skirt and pulled it up slightly to expose her sexy upper thighs and a hint of red lace... Bailey slapped at my hand and said I was fresh...and covered herself up.

I laughed and said, "You middle aged cougars teasing the young college kids with your little tartan skirts and pointy"

Bailey opened her mouth to protest and then burst into laughter.

I asked her if she had to hurry home since Rick was away and if I could entice her into a glass of wine at the bar right off campus. She thought about it for a little and then agreed ONE DRINK.

It was a Thursday night, and the bar wasn't too crowded yet, so we grabbed a little table in the back and started talking. One glass of wine led into two and I was about to order a third when Bailey said she should go. Suddenly, a beer and another glass of wine appeared at the table -- I looked over to the bartender who gave me a thumbs up, saying it was on him since it was so slow.

Bailey said she was a lightweight drinker and that I might have to pour her into her SUV if she had much more. I told her that if she felt she could not drive, I'd take her home and grab a UBER back to the bar.

We talked some more about her life and mine. I asked her if she was ready to share the story she mentioned before and if we were good enough friends yet to share the family dirt... Bailey looked down and then around to see if anyone was nearby that could hear before continuing.

"I have a sister...," she started, "She's a few years older than me and a lot wilder than me."

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