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Who is the Writer, SusanJillParker?

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An up close, personal look at the writer behind the stories.
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An up close and personal look at the writer behind the stories.

I've been busy writing, since I joined Literotica on January 1, 2007 and before, of course. I started writing, when I was 13-years-old. Graduating magna cum laude with a 3.65 grade point average, I received my bachelors degree in English from Northeastern University in Boston in 1999. I nearly went to Emerson College for my MFA. Having passed the test, interviewed, and accepted, I decided not to go. Unless I was going to teach Creative Writing, I didn't see the need to spend more money and time in school, when all I wanted to do was write.

Northeastern only required it's English majors to take just 5 writing courses. I took 32 writing and creative workshop classes, all they had, everything from expository writing, creative writing, magazine writing, news writing, and screenwriting, while reading everything I could find on writing. The only writing courses I didn't take were technical writing and business writing; they weren't creative enough for me. In every writing class my classmates moaned and complained, when the teacher gave them a 4 page paper to write. Typically, I'd hand in a 16 page paper.

My best compliment was when I made my creative writing professor cry. When I handed in my final exam, he read my paper first, while waiting for the other students to finish their papers. I wrote a story, base on the story, the Odour of Chrysanthemums by D H Lawrence. Only I told the story from the miner's perspective and not his wife's perspective. My story told the tale of the miner committing suicide and making it look like it was a mining accident, so that his wife would get his life insurance and live a better life elsewhere. A time just after the industrial revolution, when people lived a hard life, (some things never change) it was a dark tear jerker.

Anyway, the next period I was sitting in the back of the room of a Charles Dickens class, when my professor strode in the room. "I just read the best story in my 30 years of teaching," he proclaimed holding my final exam paper over his head. Then, when he saw me sitting there, he said, "But it was from another class and another student, a business student." He quickly changed the subject to Charles Dickens, but I was thrilled. Of course, I received an A in that class. He later confessed to me that he submitted my paper to the Dean of English for a writing award that Northeastern University gave to promising student writers.

One of my professors was the late, great Dr. Robert Parker, no relation. He was the first person to earn a Ph. D in detective fiction. I don't know why he became a teacher, when he so hated to teach. I seldom saw him. I more saw his student teacher.

Anyway, he wrote Spencer for Hire that became a TV series with Robert Urich and wrote Blue Bloods that became a TV series with Tom Selleck. My screenplay professor wrote every Moonlighting screenplay but four with Bruce Willis and Cybil Shepherd. That was a great class. As our final exam, we had to meet him at a restaurant and pitch him our idea for a movie project. I got an A in that class, when I pitched my project that I wrote in '95 about the Boston Strangler never being caught and still being alive and murdering again, 30 years later.

In my screenwriting class, I had to read the book first, before watching the movie. We'd compare and discuss what the writer did to write the book to make it come alive in the readers' minds and what the director did to make the movie come alive on the big screen. The only movie I saw that was exactly the same as the book was Edith Wharton's, The Age of Innocence. Because F. Scott Fitzgerald was such a rich writer with his imagery and well crafted words, his story the Great Gatsby didn't come alive on screen in the way that it did in his book. Even though I love movies, typically books are always better. Rarely is a movie made before the book is written, but Piano, by Jane Campion, was written after the movie was released.

With nearly all of my stories posted to Literotica, I've written nearly 1,000 stories and 100 poems under several names. In 2007 and 2008, I wrote under BostonFictionWriter, where I finished in second place, both years, in Literotica's year long Survivor contest. In 2008, I was nominated as the most influential writer and poet. No other writer has ever been nominated for both categories. Even though I didn't win, it was exciting to be nominated. My story, Love So Young, written under my BostonFictionWriter name, a love story about a 25-year-old woman falling in love with a 50-year-old man, is said, by my fans, to be one of the best stories on the site.

In 2009, I wrote under CarBuffStuff, PositiveThinker, and WmForrester. My story, I Love You, Mommy, written under my WmForrester name, was the most read story in all of 2010. Presently, it sits as the 94th most read story on Literotica's all-time, most read list with more than one million hits, not bad considering there are more than 50,000 writers and more than 3 million stories on the site. I would have had two other stories in the all-time top ten most read stories, written under my BostonFictionWriter name, had I not pulled them for publication in 2007. After only being on the site for two months, my mother-in-law story had 850,000 hits and my sister-in-law story had 650,000 hits. I can only imagine how many hits they would have had 5 years later, millions, no doubt.

In 2010, I wrote under the name of AndTheEnd and again finished in second place in Literotica's year long Survivor contest, the writer with the most stories in the most categories wins. I'm one of the few writers on the site, who writes in nearly every category. I write in thirty of the thirty-five categories. With writing a lifelong apprenticeship, writing in different categories helps me grow as a writer by stretching my imagination. Even though I've never had anal sex, am not into bondage, don't have a fetish, other than being an exhibitionist, am not gay, lesbian, or a cross dresser, I can imagine those who are, while writing about them.

In 2011, I wrote under my SuperHeroRalph name and won the 2011 Survivor contest. Without doubt, bar none, I am the most prolific author on Literotica. There may be one or two other writers who have written more stories than I have, but no other writer has written more words than I've written. Only, unlike so many other authors who throw words on a page, don't even name their characters, never mind develop their characters, all of my stories are real stories. All of my stories have a beginning, a middle, and an end. All of my characters, specifically my main characters are developed for the reader to see them in their mind. Too many writers don't even bother with dialogue, but just launch into the sex scenes. Without developing characters, the reader doesn't bond with the characters and doesn't feel the tension and realize their struggle. Too many writers just tell their story with huge paragraphs of narrative without showing their story by use of imagery and dialogue. The reader must see what the writer is seeing to enjoy the story.

This year, for 2012, I decided to write under my real name, Susan Jill Parker. Many of my readers, especially, when I wrote under my names, BostonFictionWriter, CarBuffStuff, and PositiveThinker thought that I was a man. I'm not a man. I'm all woman. Yet, being the baby in the family and having grown up with four, big, protective brothers, I've always been more a Tomboy type of girl. No doubt, just as they've inspired many stories, growing up with four older, forever horny brothers has influenced my writing by allowing me to write from the male's perspective. Preferring to throw a football, hit a baseball, and shoot a basketball than to play with dolls, I've always been athletic. Whether, skiing, water skiing, ice skating, or shooting, it was always my dream to compete in the Olympics. Alas, now too old, it's as much fun to write about doing all of that, than doing all of that.

Tired of answering the same questions, for the record, I'm 5'8" tall, weigh 128 pounds, and take a size 4/6. Naturally blonde with blue eyes, I'm a 36C with a toned 24" waist, 36" hips, and shapely legs. Without doubt, if ever I stopped running, solely based on other members of my family, especially my cousins, I'd be heavier. No, sorry, but I won't send you a naked or topless photo of me, nor do I want a photo of your cock. A Leo the lion, I'll be forty-years-old on July 26th for those of you, who want to send me a birthday card.

Much of what I write is from my real life experiences. A writer can only write what he or she knows. Many of my stories are true. My story, Exposing Oneself, a Sexual Disorder, written under my SusanJillParker name, from the garage door and through the mall, but for the sex at the end, is all true. My story Valentine's Exhibitionism/Voyeurism is true, too. My Ex was a voyeur with a wandering eye and it took me to strip naked from a distant window for him to notice me, which is why he's now my Ex, the foolish man.

My recent Earth Day contest story, Collecting Bottles, Cans, and Friends, is mostly true, too, but for the graphic sex throughout. I may be an erotic writer but I'm not a whore, even though I did spend four, happy, and sexually active years as a swinger in the swinging lifestyle, first with my ex and then with my girlfriend. We weren't lesbian lovers, if that's what you're thinking. Anyway, as in the story, Collecting Bottles, Cans, and Friends, I was homeless for four long, miserable months, after the Susquehanna River flooded it's banks in September 2011, before cresting 30' over flood stage.

Being unemployed for so long, having exhausted my 99 weeks of unemployment and all my savings, I moved to Pennsylvania from Boston in June to live with my elderly mother, after I no longer could afford my rent. We lost everything and I mean everything in the flood, as the flood water was contaminated with home heating oil. Still, I should have a problem, as three people died in the flood, one man was a fireman trying to rescue an elderly man trapped upside down in his car. Both were swept away. Now, I live in one small room in the house of a kind and generous church lady, who has opened her heart and house to us, until I can find permanent employment and get my life back to where it was. My brothers helped us with money, but with three of them living in Ohio and unemployed, and the other in California and underemployed, none of us were living on easy street, an understatement.

I lived in a homeless shelter with my Mom from September to the end of January in Harrisburg and ate my meals at a mission. For those who have never been homeless, I don't know if you can, but imagine spending the holidays homeless. It's so bittersweet, when the best time of the year, Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Year's Eve, is still the worst time of the year. Having to be the strong one, all my mother did was cry. Instead of listening to Christmas carols and hearing people laughing, we listened to the people yelling and fighting. It was horrible. A shelter is a place that no one should experience and there were lots of single mothers with children living there. After suffering so much so young, I can only imagine what those children will take with them from the experience of living in a shelter, as adults.

Lucky that I could defend myself, glad my brothers had taken the time to show me some moves, I had homeless men and others hitting on me, while trying to cop cheap feels of my ass and tits. They tried forcing me to do things that I'd never do with them. I watched other women, good women, desperate mothers with hungry and sick children to feed and buy much needed medication, fall to their knees to take them in their mouth for just a few dollars. How sad? So sad. What has this country come to that we have so many people, too many people that are hungry, homeless, unemployed, and underemployed. Before they give our money overseas, our politicians need to help our citizens first. Only, they won't. There's no money in giving us jobs. There's only money in "spreading Democracy."

Already having lived not such an easy life, it's cathartic to relieve my mind of my woes and worries by putting my thoughts to paper. Having written more than six million words that have amassed tens of millions of hits, my passion is writing stories, developing characters, and creating imagery that makes the reader see and feel what I see and feel. It's fun and I'm having a good time. Actually, if it wasn't for my writing, excited each morning to get up and write, I would have lost my mind.

Now that you know something about me, I'd love to hear from you. Mostly, I'm writing this non-erotic story to ask for your vote and for your feedback. Too many readers don't vote. I don't know why that is? Maybe they figure if they vote, somehow, their wives or girlfriends will discover they're reading dirty stories, I mean, of course, erotic literature, on a porn site, I mean, of course, on a creative writing site.

For every 1,000 readers, who opens a story to read, only 5 readers will vote. That's a shameful statistic, but a true one. Still, that number pales in comparison to the next number. For every 10,000 readers, who opens a story to read, only 5 readers will leave a feedback comment and/or add me or any writer and/or my story or any story to their favorite lists. Now, how would you feel, if you put so much time and effort in writing a free story and readers can't even take the time to vote and/or make a comment.

As most of my stories are contests stories, I'm dependent upon you, dear reader, for your voting support. I'd love to win a few dollars in a contest. Literotica has monthly contests and six theme contests, Valentine's Day, Earth Day, National Nude Day, Summer Lovin', Halloween, and the Winter Holidays contest. Whether you read my story or someone else's story, please vote, comment, and/or add me and/or that writer and story to your favorites list.

We writers write because we love to write and must write but, also, we write for your sexual pleasure, I mean, of course, your reading enjoyment. We writers write for free. Just as Literotica does not charge you to read the stories nor does Literotica pay us to write them. All that I ask in return for writing you my story is for you to vote and/or make a comment.

It's a common courtesy when reading one of our stories to vote and/or comment. Your vote and your feedback is the only payment that we writers hope to receive. Your comment tells us not only if you enjoyed the story or didn't enjoy the story but also why you enjoyed the story or didn't enjoy the story. Think of your feedback, if you will, as applause. Would you go to a live performance and not applaud? It is no different with writers, who write stories for you on Literotica. When you read a story either applaud or boo. We really don't care which, so long as you explain why you applauded or booed. One of the worse comments to leave is, "I liked the story. I thought it was good." Or "I didn't like the story. I thought it was bad."

Truly, I'd love for everyone to like the stories that I write but it's so much better for a writer to know why you liked the story or didn't like the story. How are we writers going to write better stories for you, dear reader, if you don't tell us what you want and what you enjoy reading? Help us to help you. Vote, comment, and add us and our stories to your favorites list. Those interactions on your part inspires us to write better stories.

What is worse is when the story leaves the main board and languishes in the archives. The story still receives many hits but rarely receives a vote and never a comment. Do you think that because a story is archived that the writer does not need, want, appreciate or look forward to your feedback or vote of confidence? That story still appears on our page and we know when someone has voted and/or commented.

Surely, you took the time to read it. Surely, you must have been curious about the story to open it. Surely, you either enjoyed it or didn't enjoy it. Surely, after reading the story, you must have an opinion to share or a question to ask. Why not take a second to cast your vote or to write your comment?

By casting a mere vote, you can still remain anonymous if you want. You don't have to register with the site and log in with your screen name, that is, unless you want to leave a comment. Because of the huge number of bashers on the site, sorry, but I don't accept anonymous comments. You must register and log in with your screen name to comment on my stories, but you can still vote for them without having to register and log in with your screen name.

Personally, when I'm writing, I never read. Other than term papers and final exams, I didn't write a damn thing in college. Then, as soon as I graduated, I was a writing fool. I couldn't stop the flood of stories. I wrote six novel length manuscripts in five years.

Just as I can't write, when I read, it ruins my writing when I read someone else's work. My creative juices dry up and I stop writing once I start reading. Conversely, when I'm reading, I never write. I can't write, when I'm reading the work of others. Further, when I do read a story that I enjoyed, I vote and make a comment. On the other hand, if I read a story that I did not enjoy, usually, I'll vote but I won't comment, unless my comment is constructive and not destructive.

I never bash a fellow writer. I know the pain he or she had to endure to create, develop, write, rewrite, and edit the story. How rude is that? I dare say that if I was standing before you, you wouldn't bash someone to their face, so why bash the stories of writers, who are here to entertain you?

Yet, over and again, I've read comments from bashers who think that it's funny to bash the stories of those writers, who write here. Curiously though, most of these bashers can't even write a single grammatically correct sentence. Their illiteracy backfires more powerfully than their bash. Yet, they have the audacity to bash a 10,000 word story because of a typo. They only show everyone what fools they are.

So, if you take the time to read the story, please take the time to vote and/or to comment on the story after you have read it. After a while, we writers throw up our hands in frustration and say, "What's the use? No one liked my story. No one voted for it or commented on it. I give up. My writing must suck."

Now, what if all the writers suddenly felt that way and stopped writing their stories because you did not take the time to vote and/or to comment? That's right; there'd be no more stories. As a show of good faith, I want everyone and I mean everyone who reads this story to not only vote for this story but also to comment on this story. For once, just once, I want to see the hit total equal the vote and comment total. For once, just once, I'd like to know that there really are real people reading my stories.

I thank you in advance for your vote and/or comment.


Please vote, comment, and add me and my story to your list of favored authors and favored story. Thank you for reading, voting, and/or commenting on my story.

tarl009tarl0093 months ago

A very moving piece by an excellent writer.

I feel sad that you had to endure such financial hardship given the talent you have.

The world is cruel to beautiful people.

eso4useso4usabout 1 year ago

I admire your perseverence, in both good times and not-so-good times! It is so nice to hear some of the foundational experiences of a helps with context and helps me "connect" a bit better! Now....I have A LOT of reading to do!!!!

ParkriteParkritealmost 2 years ago

Very good stories. Exceptional writing. Fantastic storylines. And really erotic sex. Thank you, and keep up the good work.

NudistDavidNudistDavidabout 2 years ago

Nice to get to know you better ... I love your exhibitionist themed stories ... This was a great little biography, and I'm looking forward to reading more of your stuff!

OldUncleAlOldUncleAlover 2 years ago

….and I am so glad I saw your comment posted here. Because by your own hand you say nothing here is real , so that comment is not real. And most importantly, you are not real. I sure would hate to frequent a site with someone so callous they make Donald Trump look compassionate! So watch me wave bye-bye as you go round and round in that big commode I just flushed to get you out of this Lady’s life!

OldUncleAlOldUncleAlover 2 years ago

That was so sincere! I could feel the emotion in your words. And no offense but the LAST thing I want to do right now is anything sexual with you . I feel like I want to hold you, gently rock you back and forth , assuring you that the hard miserable days are never going to return. And I will do my very best to make them all seem like a bad dream. And i really would not care what you’ve done , you are Not in any way a woman of the evening. Sorry, but after reading that I cannot use you and that word in the same sentence . A person who had no self value who truly was willing to put what they had up for sale would not have endured what you did. No she would have used whatever means she had to obtain the money to leave the shelter and have a quiet room, if only for a couple days. Just for the mental health break.

And even now, have you considered putting yourself on Patreon, I believe it is called. It is where authors can set themselves up and fans pay to read their stories. There is one author here who still posts his stories on Literotica and also posts on Patreon. I sure hope that’s the correct spelling. Anyway, it costs me $5.00 a month to be a sponsor of him. If 100 of his readers do that, he is starting to get somewhere. A small step towards his true ambition of writing for a living.

Look, I am terrible on this little key pad. My finger darn near covers two keys. So I will stop here and hopefully continue at a later date. You have contact info. If you want to exchange thoughts drop me a note and I will most assuredly reply. Just a note , nothing else requested nor required. Either way, I mean what I say. If Old Al writes it, he lives with it.

I suredo hope you get to smile a whole lot. It’s most deserved.


Urlover7Urlover7almost 3 years ago

Great bitter sweet story , but sad that you went through it. Hopefully that made you wiser and stronger.

Thank you for your stories , big fan.

DelsaDelsaover 3 years ago

Very interesting pIece. The work hard bit resonates. for sure. I am amazed at the amount of writing has under her belt. Such amazingly crafted stories! Some float me back forty years, to when I took the tide at full flood. Now I see why- focus, work, practise, dedication, reading, study. The results speak for themselves. No bashing for prepositions ending a sentence with (not that I found any). I'm grateful for ! Keep on truckin, lady!.

amadeuseroticamadeuseroticover 3 years ago

I discovered you on this site only recently. When I looked through your stories and found your autobiography, I decided that this is the best place for me to start. 9 years after you posted this, it still gets noticed. I can only echo the sentiments of those who commended you for your courage and honesty, those who showed empathy for what you have gone through, and everybody who shared their opinion in a spirit of engagement and respect.

What compelled you to belittle the author and 134 people who commented before you? Is sex not real to you? Is there no truth in sexual expression? Remove your "it's not real, it's just porn" filter, and you may discover the meaning of life.

As Oscar Wilde said: Everything is about sex, except sex itself. Sex is about power.

OverthefallsOverthefallsabout 4 years ago
Pretty funny stuff

What I find funny is that a lot of the commentators seem to take this seriously. Do they not realize this is a porn site and that nothing being said here is reality? This is an amateur writing site. The truth is non-existent. Fantasy Island if you will. So taking stories and comments seriously is just ridiculous.

SamCleaverSamCleaveralmost 5 years ago
New writer

I am new to writing erotic lit so I am looking to gain some perspective. I think I better understand what writing erotic lit is and what it feels like to write a story with feeling, not just explicit sex. Thanks

redbaron172redbaron172almost 5 years ago

Very interesting points, I love to read various stories but this is a twist I didn't expect on your honesty of your life and experiences. I will be reading your various stories, I have stories of my own that I would love to have on paper, but I'm not a writer. Never could put the creative juices into the flow mode.

dthakerdthakerabout 6 years ago
Whoa! speechless...

Whoa! You made me comment on this. Just mesmerized. I would try to be active, just to encourage writers like you. Really amazed.

Thank you. Thank you very much. Please accept this 'feeling' to sum up what I am feeling right now.

Tiger27Tiger27over 6 years ago

Nuff said!

FawndollFawndollover 6 years ago
Thank You.

I wish to start by saying, Thank You for sharing who you are so freely and open as you have to strangers.

As someone with a desire to write and an appreciation for well ordered words for me to read. Your words are an inspiring spark of passion to me. A positive nudge if not an outwrite push in the direction of literary excellence, which one day, dare I say it, I hope to achieve.

I shall be forever mindful of voting on what I've read and as constructive in my critique of the authors whose work I read.

I shall look forward to discovering more about who you are and what makes you tick or tock, as I read your stories.

KishoredreamerKishoredreamerover 6 years ago
Thank you for everything

Reading your biography was an inspiration. I am amazed on how much effort you have put over the years with no monetary benefits. I will keep in mind to appreciate other people efforts in Literotica. I am thinking of taking up writing as a hobby and your story was the best thing that could have happened to me :-)

StiffinKentStiffinKentalmost 7 years ago
Thank you

I enjoyed reading your autobiography, it's clear you write because you are compelled to do so. Fortunately, it also benefits all of us, your readers!

Thank you

For opening yourself up, if you pardon the phrase. I was actually quite moved by what i read. All i can say, from this reader at least, is your efforts have not been in vain and your time certainly hasn't been wasted. Long may you continue to put good quality, interesting work on here.

corrytonmancorrytonmanover 7 years ago
Thank you


Thank you for all your writings. I have enjoyed all of the ones I have read, and I am continuing to read your work as I find it (and as I find time). I have to assume you are writing professionally somewhere, somehow. I have written to you before, and we have exchanged emails. However, I did want to publicly say thank you for all of your excellent writing.

roned63roned63almost 8 years ago
A writer that makes Literotica real and essential

Susan, you are wonderful. A fabulous writer and valued friend. Since I know you well as well as your personal background, I hurt for you and will always support you. Please keep writing as you do or Literotica will suffer tremendously.

Love always, Ron

KingCuddleKingCuddleabout 8 years ago
Because I have just read (and made comments....:+)) on other stories of yours...

I checked. THIS is your story that I had cited as a favorite.

I can say now...It's because it reveals more character, and has fewer asides.

I vaguely remember we may have exchanged a couple of E-mails?

I'll check. And COMMENT if we did. :+)))

Still LOVE your ambition level.

Howzabout trying a story which is entirely developing with ONLY dialog?

wkwimpwkwimpover 8 years ago
Your life will make a good movie (or TV series)

Why don't you add script creation to your resume (how do I add an acute accent?) It will sell I'd bet. Your life and your stories, maybe toned down a bit, will make a great long long series of movies or long-running TV series.

Bill Wimpenney

Lyqs2LyqLyqs2Lyqover 8 years ago
Thank you Susan

Having lost everything in the last economic meltdown, I can sort of relate. Fortunately, I haven't had to take my family to a homeless shelter. I can however, imagine how horrible that must have been for you and your mom. If I could, I would give you two a big hug.

I don't think I have ever read a story and not voted. I think I have always voted a five. I figured, if I read it, I liked it. That warrants a five. However I don't think I have left a comment. This is probably my first. I will do it from now on. I'm also putting you in my favorites.

Sincerely, Brad

atticus4atticus4over 8 years ago
I'm a reader

I have always been a reader. In Jr High and High School I read so much that I read myself out of books at the library. I have taken several writing classes about character development, showing not telling, etc. and have written quite a bit in the past few years. I tell you that so that you will understand why I am commenting on this story and your writing in general. I know what it's like and how much an author puts into a story. (or should put into a story) My life has revolved around artistic endeavors. Painting, photography, music, cinematography. Writing, by far, is the most difficult and requires the most thought and experience. Of all the authors here who's work I have read, yours has the most character and emotional impact. The hardships you have gone through show in your writing. Well done.

Now for a suggestion. Take it or leave it as you please. This is not a right / wrong comment, simply my opinion. I understand that you want me to feel what the characters are feeling, I get that. But for me, sometimes less is more. I would prefer less (not none) narrative about what the characters are thinking. Sort of like in "A River Runs Through it", "very good, now rewrite it ... half as long".

One last thought, and you do this better than most of the authors here. Two descriptions of the same incident. Which do you like best?

1. After listening to Atticus, the Sheriff thought about what he had been told before speaking.

2. The Sheriff turned and strode slowly away from Atticus looking intently at the porch floor. He stopped to examine the flowers growing next to the porch for some time before returning to speak with Atticus.

cybclimbcybclimbalmost 9 years ago
Hi Susan Jill

I was surprised to know that you were in Harrisburg during the floods in 2011 and you were affected by it. Sorry to hear that you became homeless with your mom. You must have stayed at the Bethesda Mission. I was living in downtown Harrisburg that time too and if I have known you, I would have offered you free shelter temporarily. Anyway, I would like to commend you for your good writing. I only read 1 or 2 of your stories but now that I'm your fan, will be reading more and voting too. If you want to communicate with me, please email me at Maybe I can visit you sometime when I get back to Harrisburg.

Reno3600Reno3600almost 9 years ago
Thank you Susan Jill Parker

I have voted in the past but not commented on any stories....after reading this I feel guilty now. Before reaching the end of your letter I had already decided to comment now and on a regular basis from now on. If it makes a difference that you have reached through to at least one person through your writing, then you should feel successful as you have reached this one. Your writing passion is admirable and from the heart and shows in the several of your stories that I have read. Please continue to write and allow us the non-talented in the writing field the opportunity to enjoy your skills at your chosen passion this is much to our great fortune that you do this with the love that you do. Thank you sincerely, and God bless.

CDchrystalCDchrystalalmost 9 years ago
Very Nice

It was a pleasure to read your story in many ways. My comments are likely to echo many others here, but since you have asked for comment, here goes:

I enjoyed reading about your background. A person's history is what makes them who they are and I like to know who people are.

It is great to see someone like yourself who has such a command of the English language. As you have eluded to, it seems lost on so many here. Grammar, spelling and general formatting are qualities that speak to me. Properly done as yours are, such writings earn a high amount of respect from me. I wish I were able to write even close to as well as you do.

Thank you and keep up the good work.

angusmontroseangusmontrosealmost 9 years ago
a delight,,,,

what ever name you use,,, your work is a joy to read,,, how you do it ,, time and time again ,,, i can not understand,,,


BfreetorunBfreetorunover 9 years ago
I read this before, don't remember if I commented.

I was thinking that you wrote under a couple of other names and those were good stories, too. If I run across them I will comment on this site. I really enjoy your work and like sex stories with a lot of detail, especially mother/son and brother/sister. I don't care much for father/daughter stories (possibly due to the respect and love I have for my daughter). No, I never had incest (cousins don't count) but i do like to read incest stories. Revenge stories are also some of my favorites and death revenge is good, if merited. Thank you for all your efforts, SusanJillParker.

Lamar aka Bfreetorun (age very old, LOL) I was just getting into reading fiction every chance I had when Mickey Spillane started writing.

bogusguybogusguyover 9 years ago
sooo you say vote? lol

Very interesting essay! Would give it 5 stars if I could vote. I do vote but never commented till I joined up, now I comment if story is good. I rarely comment on typos or grammatical errors unless there is so many it gets to be so annoying it takes away from the story. Since this was written in 2012, I hope you situation has Improved. All my best to you

terryeoterryeoalmost 10 years ago

I would much enjoy a story of how to train a young man toward love making skills. Including foreplay and how much and including an enduring erection sometimes, when wanted. Gentle or vigorous fucking and its uses, what clues to look for in a woman for what she wants, and so on. Should male strive to remain hard while female orgasms many times, is this only a small part of a larger picture?

nameless111nameless111almost 10 years ago
Thank you Susan

You toke me by my hand and walk beside me while showing me your world. You were there, I was the listener. There are moment of being one, being there.

TousuiToraTousuiToraalmost 10 years ago
An intriguing essay

I greatly respect and admire anyone who can write such a heartfelt and candid essay. I shall do my best to fulfill your request to comment on the stories I read.

droid01droid01almost 10 years ago

Thanks for being open about who you are and sharing. I sometime vote and write a comment but now that I realize the importance I will write more often. Thanks.

jott50jott50almost 10 years ago

i read this because,quite frankly, i was curious about you. you answered many of my questions, not all though as i believe that you are much more complicated than you realize. actually, im in awe of you because you give us readers so many snapshots of your life while keeping so much of yourself private.

i will many times comment as to my reaction to a story without giving any constructive criticism either good or bad. my lack of criticism however shouldnt be taken without merit...if i tell you how your story makes me feel, then you did a good job, because you MADE ME FEEL. imho no writer can expect more. i believe that as a nonwriter, i am not qualified to criticize your work. im not a language nazi so an occasional mistake is ok with me. you are human after all.

although i have many favorite writers in my profile. you my dear are my favorite favorite.

RopecleatRopecleatabout 10 years ago
Interesting Bio

Your travails are unfortunate; mine have been from within. I agree with you on the story bashers who delight in telling you how poorly you write. They are like Quality Control in aerospace. They don't have a clue as to how to design anything or get it built, but they are experts in telling you its done wrong. Thanks for your insights into writing and living.

AlmostAnythingGoesAlmostAnythingGoesabout 10 years ago
Thank You

You write an excellent biography and some great points about the need for feedback. My wife and I have both started writing some porn/erotica and intend to begin posting some of it here, and your comments are a great help to us. I am not one who worries about my wife or girlfriend finding out I am reading on this site, as we frequently read the stories together. I also have a bachelor's degree in creative writing, and my wife has written for academic law journals, but this genre will be a new twist for us. I look forward to reading more of your stories.

LenaptLenaptabout 10 years ago
Thank you so much for some loving wet wet Big "O" moments of true pleasure!

My Dear and sweet Susan,

Please, keep on writing those loving Erotic Stories and doing what you most enjoy to do!

I love very much yours lovely stories and I use to score them, mostly with a 4 or 5 stars always!

In this case, we have No stars to score ...But I took it as my favorite Story!

You are also in my Favorites Writers!

As a Mature Lesbian Aunt in a long term family love relationship with my own lovely 75yo Aunt since my teens, I realy love erotic stories about adult and mature lesbian family love, specially Grannies with Moms, Aunts, Sisters, Moms-in-laws, daughters and nieces!

I know yours lovely stories are more F/m stories but it would be lovely to see more Women in the family love relationship of the stories, like FFF/m or FFFF/m/g stories.

Thank you soooooooooo much for some loving Wet Wet Big "O" moments of true pleasure and for bringing pleasure to so many people.

I wish you All the Best!

Aunt Helena

53yo lesbian Aunt from Portugal

max052max052over 10 years ago
Thank You

I found this to be both insightful and helpful in the creation of my own writing career. When I start posting I plan to do something similar, imitation being the sincerest form of flattery. Sorry, can't find any stars to vote with but would be five stars for certain. Best wishes to you.


tucsonbritucsonbrialmost 11 years ago
Life has a way.

I found your story of your life one of emotional strength and courage. I felt that the inner conviction you have to succeed from the late 1990's to today is so inspirational for others. Susan your writing keep me looking for other insights into you life. Keep your strong convictions and bonds with your family and friends and loyal readership.

I am a few years your senior but after reading this story of your life, I am the student learning to understand the will of Life. Thank you for sharing.

coinmancoinmanalmost 11 years ago
just another un-bash

First, I would like to thank you and the thousands of others who write for this site. You are correct that it is only fair that we who enjoy the story, give some back to the writer by voting or commenting. I can't speak for others, but I know that I don't leave responses because I feel strange commenting on stories of a sexual nature. I never had a sexual leaning towards incest, but I find some of the warmest stories to come from that section. I have never tried anything close to BDSM, but found that I liked being a fly on the wall in some of the stories. Most of us readers are just too shy to write a response. In this case I felt called out by you. Maybe breaking the ice now will make it easier to comment in the future. Again thank you for your work, btw, you are one of my favorite authors.

jaybird8100jaybird8100almost 11 years ago
Surprised to find this entry :) ***** stars all the way...

Can't believe I haven't already read this and commented. I think Susan is one of the best writers on Literotica-by taking a scenario or story line and then developing the readers thirst for a great entertainment. We read to learn, entertain and enjoy. I am one who prefers the quality of the writer and their characters, it doesn't need to be one spurt after another and everyone always naked to be quality. Susan has a special talent for creating and writing that's especially shown in the series entries. These always read like a small novel. While I'm relatively new to both Literotica and Ms. Parker, I have taken the time to read some of the stories crafted by her 'ghost writer' names and find them equally talented and for my money very enjoyable. I'm also guilty of sometimes reading a story based on a particular subject or theme and failing to either rate or comment, sometimes both. Susan's statements here are applicable to all that we read and I commend her for pointing this out. What a classy lady! I feel for the fact she's had some hardship in life, but still appears to be holding her head up high and forging her way in a increasingly difficult economy to not only live in, but survive also. Keep the creative juices flowing - you have created one hell of a fan who feels like they can consider you a friend :)

AmicusVerusAmicusVerusalmost 11 years ago
Compelling Bio

I hope you're doing well and that life and cash flow is improving. In addition to an interesting life story, you make some good points in your advice about voting and commenting. I recall reading some of your work as BostonFictionWriter (and I almost always vote and sometimes comment), but I don't visit the site regularly (as you can tell from only now getting around to commenting here). I hope you see your name on a paper book in an airport or bookstore one of these days. Good luck.

Bilbo55Bilbo55almost 11 years ago

You are one damn fine writer. believe me when i say you left me in tears. your bio is sooooooo touching. BUT YOU ARE A SURVIVOR! i doff ma hat for you. and i'll also take the issue of vote, comment and favourite seriously. mark my word. REMAIN POSITIVE, Love.

LeFrog08LeFrog08almost 11 years ago
interesting bio- thanks for sharing

I will keep your comments on ratings and feedback in mind-

I'm surprised at the low voting stats...

It's also nice to know a bit more on SJP, the

Author and person behind the name.

I wish you good fortune in the future,

professionnally and personally.

sam87778sam87778about 11 years ago
I'm back

Susan, I was a regular reader of your stories when you were writing as AndTheEnd and I did vote for all the stories I read back then and commented on many. I was also a fan of Sarahhh and had an ongoing battle with her over her beloved Steelers. When you both disappeared from Literotica, I lost interest and have not checked out the site more than a couple of times in the last couple of years. For some reason I decided to check back in about a week ago. I just happened across this story today and with the reference to your several pen names thought I'd drop a comment. Sorry to hear about your tough times, It sounds like things are going better now. I did enjoy this story and will try to check back to vote on your future work.

EMiamiRiverRatEMiamiRiverRatabout 11 years ago
Your life and accomlishments in the face of adversity make for an amazing story.

I've rarely met some one who has been, or is, in my position as a homeless Stage 4 cancer survivor whose wife left him to his fate.

Your work pleases me and I intend to read more as I have time and can get to the local library. This piece, in particular, is an amazing display of yourself. Thank you.

It seems that life's demands require more of me than permits writing at present, but I will return to the keyboard or pen when I'm able.

Take care and Godspeed.

Lust_of_dragonLust_of_dragonabout 11 years ago

I akways enjoy learning more about people who do the things they do, and this did not disappoint. Your story is an inspiration to women and people in general everywhere.

Bob in LondonBob in Londonabout 11 years ago

Hi, Susan. I didn't realise - like a lot of readers, I suspect - that votes could help win contests, but I'm now working my way through your submissions and doing my bit to keep you ahead (although, ironically, I can't seem to find the voting option on this piece).

Hope things work out for you, and you keep drawing inspiration from hard times.

mcwarren0702mcwarren0702about 11 years ago
My thoughts onn your writings

Having studied Theatre, and having taken a number of creative writing classes, play writing classes, and a technical writing class, I am impressed with your character development and dialogue. Few other writers on this site take the time to develop the story and anchor it with the qualities that are a required part of pulling the reader into the story, while allowing the reader to become mentally engaged in seeing the action. I applaude your work, and rate most of them in the standing ovation catagory even by broadway standards. You have a gift that you should share with the rest of us.

Having just read this piece, I must say that I feel you have truly suffered for your art, in keeping with some of history's most gifted Authors. I enjoy the way you craft your stories, and wonder where one might obtain a copy of your manuscripts. As far as grammer, when most Americans can not speak or write in a more gramatically correct manner why let it be of great concern when minor typos occur, and if their grammer is so wonderful, why do they not volunteer as proof readers? KEEP UP THE GREAT WORK YOU ARE DOING!

sam68pppsam68pppover 11 years ago
interesting and personal

Just so you know, I actually registered to be able to comment. Seriously, it is no joke.

Anyway, I have already read a few of your stories but did not comment nor vote for them. The simple reason is that I had no idea how this site worked (obviously it was my fault, I did not read anything other than stories here). In any case, this does not have much to do with your story.

I really enjoyed reading this even though it does not seem to be fiction. Not being creative myself, I do enjoy the works of other people. I found your prose easy to read and quite enjoyable (this includes the other stories as well). Your writing conveys emotion and uncertainty / ambivalence very well.

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