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Whole New Slave Game Ch. 06

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Spies, Strip Poker and Scary Sex in New Jersey.
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Part 6 of the 14 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 09/18/2017
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Chapter 6 -- Business and Pleasure at home

I am writing about what happened to me in connection with the Whole New Slave Game as I go along. Many days go by in which there is little to write about. There are also days when there is too much going on to have time to write. But now, July 12, before I get back on a plane for Bolry, I can write of what happened in New York after I got back from the filming of the movie for Whole New Game participants.


The week following my trip, I worked at the firm and I was home a lot. This still involved lots of exercise. Whether at home or away, any day that I am not booked solid for sex, I report to a trainer and work out on a wide variety of exercise equipment. The Bolrian Lottery Corporation is not going to let its' sex slave get flabby.

Also, Fred and the children can be a challenge. The nanny we had was ok but far from perfect and her English is not very good. The dishwasher repair did not cost much. It is almost always annoying, though, to have to deal with repairmen. No, I did not trade sex in exchange for them showing up when they said they would. Maybe I should have because I wasted one morning waiting for a repair guy who called at 11:59 to say he'd not be able to get to me that day.

I told Fred of everything that had happened in Bolry. He did not seem jealous. He was not very sympathetic either. When I noted his lack of sympathy, he answered, "Why should I be sympathetic, you obviously enjoyed most of the trip even though you say you didn't. You can almost look at the thing as the BLC going to great expense to hire many men to cater to your perversities. The only problem is the threats and dark hints.

"You remind me of a schoolmate I knew in New Jersey. He wanted to wrestle in private all the time and always lost. When he was powerless on his back, he'd always beg the winner in the most passionate manner not to squeeze his testicles. A few sadists did squeeze his nuts which I'm sure is exactly what he wanted even though he may not have known it himself. You whine about all the bondage and rough sex but you can't live without it."

Mann changed the subject. "Something very curious happened in your absence. A guy showed up at the law firm office and said that there was a matter of great importance regarding the Republic of Bolry that he needed to discuss. Naturally, he was directed to me as I manage the firm's business with Bolry.

"The man spoke English with a Slavic accent so I started to speak to him in Russian but it became clear that he spoke Russian with an accent at least as strong as mine. I think he is Serbian. Anyway, he said that he was Pirko Dupov, a member of the Bolrian Security Police, and wanted to make arrangements for what the firm would do if something happened to the leaders of the Bolrian government.

"I told him that our retainer agreement is with the Chief of the Bolrian Department of Commerce, Dantorov, and that if there were to be any new arrangements regarding Bolry's assets or representation, I would need to talk to Dantorov, Foreign Secretary Lermanov or Premier Pytor Tolski himself. He then became angry and said again that he represented the Bolrian Security Police. I told him that I did not care if he represented God because the firm represents its clients and has an ethical duty to do that. He said that there would be repercussions from our failure to cooperate with the Security Police. I told him that there would be repercussions if he did not leave our premises immediately.

"Next, Dupov told me not to tell anyone about his coming. I said that I would most certainly tell my client, the Bolrian government, as I was obligated as a lawyer to tell my client of all facts that might be important to the matters about which we represented the client and that a man tried to insert himself into the representation without showing any authorization from the client fit squarely into the category of important facts.

"Dupov then threatened to blow our premises up if necessary and stormed out. What do you make of all that?"

"I don't know," was all I could say initially.

"I don't know," Mann said, "if Dupov was serious or whether we are being threatened or tested."

"Oh fuck," I said, "why did we get entangled in the affairs of a brutal little country so far away, but with such long arms?"

"I was already entangled with them long before we met. Do you think there are any law firms in town without difficult or slimy clients? Do you think we could make money without representing casino owners, slumlords, crooked politicians, corporations with blood on their hands, or out and out criminals? Do you think you are representing widows and orphans while being one of the highest priced lawyers in the world?

"Ok, ok," I said, "sometimes I think you are as bad as Svetlana." To my mind came the fact that Mann had been part of a grand deal that got the firm a lot of business by getting me to participate in the Sex Slave Lottery at a high level of risk.

There were a few quickie sex jobs in the last week of June, but nothing worth writing about. If I wrote about everyone the BLC had me sleep with, I would have to write a tome.


Saturday, July 2, I did have a major sex assignment with one of the men on Lermanov's list.

As directed by the remote BLC dispatcher, I wore precisely 12 items of apparel, including earrings. Also, as instructed, I was dressed to work as a lawyer. I wore nylons and a garter belt. Since becoming a sex slave, I do not wear panty hose anymore. Svetlana says panty hose are not sexy and a sex slave must always be dressed sexy if she is dressed at all.

Nick Bolontini met me near the office in the back of his big SUV with dark shaded windows in back. He told the driver to take us to a place he said was in New Jersey for a poker game. He said it was a special game that involves women as well as players.

I'd heard vaguely of Bolontini. He is called "Blondie," probably as a play on his name and maybe he had blond hair as a child. It is now kind of an ironic name as he is as bald as can be.

It's been written that a lot of gangsters learned how to act like gangsters from the Godfather and Goodfellas. Blondie seems to have studied the "Jimmie the Gent" part. He played the gentleman although he'd spent five years in prison for racketeering and reportedly was involved in heroin, extortion, money laundering and a few murders.

I was not at ease in Bolontini's presence. He was kind enough to say that I was even more beautiful than he had been told. I thanked him and said that Walker talks a lot, to which he replied, "I've only just heard of Walker and never met the guy in person" before decidedly changing the subject. We discussed the weather and the Giants. When I saw a turn off and mentioned I'd never been to Atlantic City, Blondie muttered that he'd been there "lots of times" with Ron Club and his sons. I did not probe further.

They blindfolded me shortly after I saw an exit sign that said "Hillside" and took away my cellphone. After we pulled into a big house in a sort of rural area, they pulled off my blindfold. We were greeted at the door by a very attractive if sort of trashy bleach blonde woman dressed only in very high heels. It seems that we were the last to arrive. 7 other couples were there, in each case a middle-aged man with a very attractive younger woman dressed to kill. I assumed they were pricey escorts. I was right.

After a bunch of introductions using only nicknames, Blondie explained the events for the night. I could try to replicate his Newark accent but I would not get it right, so I will just try to get the meaning right and the color of his words.

Bolontini explained, "Well, it looks like we have a full showing for our little game tonight. For the benefit of the three or four ladies who have never been to one of our little parties before, I'm gonna say how this works.

"Me and my friends like to get out to play poker once a week. We've done that for years but after a while we decided that was getting a bit dull and decided to liven things up a little. We like the idea of strip poker but none of us old guys wanted to see each other naked and we wanted to keep real poker in the mix. We do like to play poker.

"So, after some chat, we decided that each of us would bring a girl to these poker parties and our girl would take off an article of attire if we placed a bet and did not win the hand. Something comes off also if a guy loses his ante three hands in a row.

"When the first girl is naked, the scenery will be very nice but still we keep playing poker. However, when a guy who brought a girl that is nude loses after placing a bet, the winner of that hand may take the girl into one of the bedrooms in this house and do what boys and girls do. A nice thing about poker is that you can play with a different numbers of players, so if the winner of the hand and the girl want to have a nice long romantic time together, they are welcome to do so.

"The girl of the biggest loser of the night gets to come back for the next party to serve as a greeter and waitress like Kendra here. Of course, that's fine with Kendra isn't it?"

Kendra smiled and nodded, I guess because she was being paid well for the night.

"Finally, some of you are probably wondering about the lady I brought with me. All of the ladies here are special, of course, but this one is a little more special. She's a sex slave. She's owned by a foreign outfit that rents her out to do what women can do. She does that exceptionally well. Also, you are allowed to treat her rougher than other women. No real damage or any permanent marks. I'm told if Laurel here gets damaged, there will be guys out to put a bullet through my head who shoot a lot straighter than all the clowns around already looking to kill me."

One of the guys interrupted, "You sure she ain't a fed?"

"Nah, she's not a fed, I can tell you that. In fact, as well as being a sex slave she's a real high priced lawyer in a big law firm in Uptown Manhattan who represents a lot of Wall Street types and other crooks worse than us. She's a sex slave because she lost a real serious bet."

Another guy said, "You mean she's like one of the girls that Banny and Forty got for that really wild party in Moscow?"

"I think we agreed not to talk about any of our friends or business in Moscow," Bolontini said. "Don't make that mistake again, Jeffyboy."

"As I was saying, while we can have a lot of fun with her, we need to be very careful with this lawyer slave lady. Of course, we always wear protection because all our ladies insist on that and it's the right thing to do when having fun with a person that you don't know real, real well."

With that, they sat down and started playing poker on a big table in the dining room. Kendra waited on the guys being careful not to spill hot drinks on or put cold bottles against her nude body. Along with the other seven women, I sat initially in the living room. Every few minutes, one or more of us were called on to come into the dining room and remove an article of clothing. To make it fair, all of the women like me had been instructed to wear twelve pieces of clothing, including jewelry.

Naturally the other women siting in the living room were interested in who I was. I had to say that I was surprised Bolontini had mentioned my situation as no one is supposed to talk about it. I admitted that it was true that I was a sex slave and was rented out by the corporation that owned me as a result of losing a type of bet. One of the women, who went by the name Scarlet, asked why I'd made such a foolish bet. I said that the women who participated in the game who did not become slaves got a lot of money. I added that if they were interested in participating in a gamble that might lead them to be a sex toy for wealthy men for the rest of their lives, they could give me their contact information and someone might contact them.

A woman a bit older than the other women, maybe 35, said she was Connie and whispered she might want to take me up on the idea of participating as she went into the dining room to remove her blouse.

The poker game went on for some time. To the irritation of everyone except Bolontini, I did not make many appearances in the dining room. Bolontini was winning almost constantly. Scarlet, coming back from the dining room wearing nothing, said she'd overheard that they were not paying for small stakes. Bolontini was up something like 50 grand. I'd lost my earrings and one shoe. I was hoping I'd lose the other shoe soon as it was a nuisance to hopple around on one shoe. By the time I lost the other shoe, Scarlet was entertaining some gangster in a bedroom. Connie and another of the women were nude.

When I finally went in to remove my other shoe, I discreetly asked how the game was going. The guy Bolontini had called Jeffyboy said that Blondie was up over 70 grand while Jeffyboy's girl, Connie, was going be getting fucked soon, probably by Blondie.

About 2 AM, Bolontini decided to go ahead and retire into one of the bedrooms with Connie. The other guys played on until Bolontini returned and announced he'd had enough for the night. I had not been touched and had only to put my earrings, shoes and stockings back on. I was not exactly disappointed but I had been expecting to have sex that night.

However, as Kendra plus the four women cleaned up, Bolontini gave a speech. "As you guys might of noticed, I did pretty well tonight. I don't feel guilty or anything. It was an honest game and I've had a lot of bad nights. I do feel badly, though, that we did not get to experience the charms of Ms. Wall Street here. I've got her services until tomorrow night, though, if I want her. So those of you who want to come back here tomorrow after Mass can do so. We can party with Wall Street for a few hours. Also, Connie has talked to the Service she works for and she's available tomorrow too. Any of you other girls think you can make it? For whoever comes, the women are all on me as a gift to the community. I'm going to do a little shopping tomorrow morning too."

It developed that 5 of the 7 guys could come back the following day and Connie, Kendra, Scarlet and I would spend the rest of the night and morning peacefully in the house so as to entertain the following afternoon. Who it belonged to, I never learned. There were a number of bedrooms and we were ready to sleep.

Connie, though, wanted to talk a bit before sleeping. "I know what you are. You are owned by the Bolrian Lottery Corporation aren't you?"

"As I mentioned," I said, "We're not supposed to talk about our situation."

"You can talk to me. I know now why the escort service went out of the way to book me for this job when I was supposed to work a convention in Camden.

"I participated in the Bolrian Sex Slave Lottery ten years ago but gave it up when I got too close to losing too many times. Ever since I moved from Florida to New Brunswick and got divorced, the Lottery has been trying to get me to participate again. They apparently know that I am not making much money as a nurse and do work as an escort on the side."

"Ok," I said, "I know the Lottery is making a big effort to get women who took their money and ran to participate again. This is particularly true of western women. The Security Police are complaining that they have to spend too much time monitoring former contestants even though they've never had a serious incident yet. Do you want me to tell you of my awful life as a sex slave so you won't go back there?"

"I would not believe you. I know you are older than me but you look wonderful."

"You certainly look good enough to participate again."

"I know it would be crazy to be a sex slave but working as a part time nurse and working as an escort to pay off credit card debt is not so great either. Are you a chattel slave? Dimitry used to say it was fair to beat chattel slaves and they could even be killed."

"The rules were changed after Dimitry died in an accident. Now there are sex slaves, who, as when you were participating, basically work like escorts except they have no choice of customers, can never quit and might be impregnated. Also, there are BDSM or pain slaves who do all of the things that normal sex slaves do but can also be subject to bondage, whippings, various painful toys, gangbangs and be required to provide a lot of other services. No permanent physical or mental damage is allowed, though, although Svetlana's interpretation of mental damage does not restrict the customers as much as I'd like sometimes."

"Well, you look awesome and if BDSM slaves don't get hurt, maybe I will try that this time. It's that or working 4 days a week as a nurse for lousy pay and 4 nights a week as a sex worker for too little money. Some of the clients the agency sends me scare the hell of me. Did this Blondie guy actually say that people are out to kill him? You remember that scene in the first Godfather where the sex worker gets killed with the mobster she's with?"

"Yes, I do," I said, "But the Lottery Corporation must think that it is safe to be with Bolontini or they would not have sent me out with him. Relax tonight. Let's sleep, perform tomorrow, and you can decide whether you want to try to pay off the credit card debt by risking your freedom. As to your present sex work, do you enjoy it or are you just doing it to make money?"

"I like it a lot," Connie said, "when I am not worried I might get hurt. With a good customer I can trust, I love the sex."

"Then, participating in the Bolrian sex slave lottery may be right for you. Don't think, though, that you'll get to live in New York and pretend to have a normal life. I worked out of the resort for five years, had a lot of grief and only got to my current situation a few years ago. And let me tell you, my current situation is very tenuous. They have a right to pull my chain right back to Bolry without any consent from me. If they had not made certain deals with my husband, I think I'd be back there now."

I woke up Sunday morning about 8:00 although I would have liked to sleep more. Not a whole lot to do in the house. They had taken my cell phone so I would not be able to tell where I was. I never learned what was so top secret about the house. There were a bunch of cookbooks, board games, cards, two pool tables, a huge television, and locked cabinets that looked about the right size for guns. I managed to find some coffee and played pool in the basement until the other women woke up.

About 11:30, the guys started to show up looking to get something out of all the money they'd lost the previous night. Bolontini came at noon in a group of three vans containing two more women who he had retained for the occasion and 6 guys who had not been at the party the last night. He also brought beer, wine and a suitcase that he said contained things that would be used in the course of the fun.

With now eleven men present, all of whom looked like mobsters, and six women, all of whom, like me, looked like sex workers, Bolontini kicked off the festivities saying, "As I was saying, I think it would be better luck to host a little party after my winning so big at the game last night. I really wanted you all to get a load of this high-priced sex slave babe I brought from Manhattan."

"We aint gonna make a mess like we did in Moscow are we?" Jeffyboy interrupted.

"If you mention Moscow again, I am going to get very angry, and, no, we ain't gonna make a mess. This house has to be kept clean and I'm not supposed to use Ms. Wall Street for anything too messy anyway."

"Well, what can we do with her other than look at her, although I will admit that that is really, really nice," another guy piped in.

Bolontini said, "Flinty, a regular escort will do what? Blowjob, regular sex maybe and maybe you can take her up her ass if you tip real well and want that. Of course, we never would pay for sex, because that would be prostitution. We just pay the lady for showing up and spontaneously consenting adults do what consenting adults will do.


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