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Why I Hated The Guy From The FBI Ch. 15


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Vincent moved his hand down his wife's stomach onto her vagina and played inside the folds, until his fingers felt her clit begin to swell. He smiled to himself, because now she would become the aggressor. Her hips would attack his hand searching for that first orgasm of the evening. She was always quick the first time. He rubbed that collection of nerves, and then backed off. As soon as he did, her hips raised off the bed searching for his hand. When she did not find it, she called him a bastard, and moved her own down hand to replace his.

Before she got there, Vincent grabbed it, and she screamed at him again, not to tease her, because when it became his turn, he would regret it. He slid down her body kissing her belly and licking into her belly button. He licked over her pelvic ridge, and his tongue entered her slit and immediately encountered that swollen nub, which brought Donna over the crest and into Nirvana.

He looked up at her, as she reopened her eyes, and said, "You are so easy."

Donna smiled at him and replied, "I got you, didn't I?"

"No babe, I got the better of the deal; I got you."

He stuck his tongue back into her slit and played with that jangle of nerves again, after slipping first one, then two fingers into her weeping hole. He began searching for that rough patch on the top lining of her vagina. Once he found it, he started to massage it gently, while licking her clit and massaging her breast at the same time. Donna moaned his name, as she rotated her hips around his mouth. Vincent began to move his hand faster. He removed his mouth from her clit and replaced it with his thumb. His mouth moved north to encompass the free breast, which he began to suck on earnestly. As soon as she began giving him milk, he mashed his thumb down on her clit, placed a third finger into her cunt, and moved them into high gear, along her G spot. He pinched her left nipple, softly. Between the pleasure, and the pain he caused her, she exploded into her second and quickly, third orgasm, because of the conflicting sensations. While she lay there sated, and smiling, he lifted her legs over his shoulders and began sliding his steel like prong into her moist tunnel, slowly trying to revive her. As he saw her eyes refocused on him, he started moving faster, and pressed her legs closer to her body.

She said, "I am not a gymnast, Vinny, I do not bend like a pretzel."

"You used to when you were not this fat."

"Listen to me, tubby, only one of us has to go on a diet. The other one of us is eating for two, again. I expect an apology very soon."

Vincent stopped moving as her words sunk in to his head. He looked into her eyes and said, "You are pregnant?"

"Yes, Vincent, you have gotten lucky for the second time. I am awaiting your apology."

"How far along are you? Are you okay? Annarosa will never run out of milk, now, and neither will I. Maybe that is why you're getting fat?"

"When was the next time you thought you were going to get close to me?"

"Shortly after this one pops out, I hope."

"I don't think so Vincent. With an attitude like yours, I think the priesthood might be a good vocation for you."

"Not with all that money sitting in the bank, Donna. For $200 million, I would apologize to an amoeba."

"Why am I still waiting, Vincent?"

"I love you more than my own life. You know I do not think you are fat. If you were, I would love every inch of it."

"That is the most left-handed compliment I have ever received. You are very lucky that I will accept it as your apology." She grabbed his head, and kissed his face, as her body joined his in a desperate act of lovemaking that lasted for days, hours, minutes, or a little less. However, when they were done, they were wiped out. It was after midnight, and both had a class at 8 AM. They were very thankful Rose was here to take care of Annarosa. She told them not to worry about making noise, while they were alone. She had heard the noises of lovemaking, while Vincent was in high school. She had heard it, when she was with Frank and Antonia, in Milan. She surely did not mind hearing it from them, now that they were married. She would care for Annarosa, if she woke up, because of it. She told them to enjoy themselves, while she was here.

The following morning while Rose and Angelina were walking Annarosa, around the neighborhood, a government sedan pulled up along the curb and parked. Agent Sarah Appleby got out of the car and approached the women, who looked at her, with fright in their eyes.

Appleby said, "Please relax, this is an unofficial visit. I wanted to stop by and tell you myself, how terribly sorry I am for all the heartache my team and I have caused over the past years. I know that it is of no solace to you, however, I can tell you, from the bottom of my heart that no one from our office deviated from protocol. We followed up on every lead that had to do with either of your husband's. When we found a thread of evidence, we followed the evidence by the book, just like Frank said in his interview. We never skipped a step, ever. We are going back to the beginning to see if we can find if that evidence was planted. It may take us years to go through it all, but we will, because we hate being wrong. I also want you to know that Mr. Cross has had every senior agent, in the New York area, take a lie detector test. He wanted to know if they had anything to do with what happened to Anthony, or you, in Italy. Several people have been fired, because of incompetence, but no one was found to have anything to do with the shootings, in Milan. He and I wish you a speedy recovery, and hope that one day Anthony, will be returned to you, in good health."

Rose was about to answer, when Annarosa woke up and started to fuss. She bent down, picked her up, and saw the smile on Sarah's face. Rose asked, "Would you like to hold this little bundle of joy?"

"I am as clumsy as an ox, with little babies."

"She may or may not try to "gum you to death," but I can guarantee you, it will not hurt."

Sarah laughed, "Okay, I will give it another try."

"True to form, as soon as Annarosa was transferred to another pair of arms, she started to kick her feet, giggle, and smile. She was the center of attention once more, and she loved it."

Angelina said, "One day, you are going to make a wonderful mother, Sarah."

"Mrs. Mancuso, in this job, you tend to meet two types of people: Men, who are looking for advancement, and not for attachments; or criminals that are trying to kill, steal, or deal their way through life. I knew this going in to the service, but I did not believe it would be to the exclusion of my entire social life. After 14 years on the job, and not being advanced into a supervisory position, I know I am stuck as a field agent, until I have my 20 years in. Then, I will retire. Maybe, if I am lucky enough at that age, I may find a man to settle down with, and make a home for us."

Angelina said, "You already have a college degree, why don't you go to law school at night?"

Sarah smiled and said, "We work 12 hour shifts, and then if we are working a case, we can be working 72 hours straight. There is no time for anything else."

Rose smiled and said, "You are right, Sarah, there is no time for a social life, while you were working for the FBI. There has to be something better out there for you to do."

"No Mrs. Caruso, not for six more years. I will not lose my retirement."

"I would never allow that to happen, Sarah, never in six years."

Sarah Appleby did not understand that part of the conversation, but she had to get back to the Brooklyn office. She gave Annarosa back to Angelina Mancuso and again, Annarosa giggled. She loved this game.

Before leaving Sarah asked, "Rose, when are you going back to Milan?"

Rose did not hesitate when she replied, "I have no one to go back to. I am going to stay here and be with my granddaughter, my children, and my friends. I will go back, before Antonia has her baby in June, but not before then."

If Appleby was looking for a crack in the armor of the plan, to have Tony come out of his coma, in a short time, she did not get it from Rose. She would have to make a full report of this meeting, to Ed Cross, and then begin the fact checking of every clue, which led them to Anthony Caruso, Alberto DiAngiolla, and Marco Mancuso. She would start this process, with many of her counterparts; as soon as she got back to work. However, she would only be with the bureau, for four more months. She was not aware of this life-changing event, yet. Rose did not know why but she felt empathy for this woman. She looked old beyond her years, like life was being sucked out of her. She had made up her mind to help Sarah, and it did not include a future in the FBI. It had more to do with a man and diapers; hopefully, a husband, and not 'Just a Friend with Benefits.'

52. He has risen!

As the days of May past into June, Rose began to wonder when the phone call for her to return to Milan would come. Antonia was due to deliver her child within weeks, and she wanted to be there for that event. Phone calls back and forth, between them showed there was no rush for her to come back. Antonia was showing no signs that she was ready and the baby was not in the correct position, yet. When Rose asked about Anthony's condition, she was told there was no change at all. She was depressed that they did not want her back yet, but she knew there had to be a reason why.

Rose received a phone call from Celeste, on June 19, telling her that her aircraft would pick her up, at Kennedy Airport, at 7 AM, the next morning. Antonia was showing signs of going into labor. She wanted her mother to be there for the birth of her first baby. Celeste said to Rose, "You will be here on time. Do not worry that you will miss it. Everything will work out for both Antonia and you."

Rose understood the message. She was now to return to Milan, and she was extremely happy about this turn of events. She started to say her goodbyes to everyone, and packed.

Her neighbors hoped it was a boy, so she could name it after Anthony. Alberto and Marco wished her well. However, Vincent, and especially Donna, was very sad to have her leave. They knew she would not be back for a very long time.

Rose asked Philip and Gloria Gennaro, if they wanted to return with her, to Milan, or if they wanted to stay longer, here in Brooklyn.

Philip told her that it was time for them to go home.

Three happy people were at the airport at 6 AM, and cleared the private customs and security areas. They were greeted by Celeste's crew, and the pilot asked if this was everyone that was going?

Rose said it was.

The pilot said, "If it is okay with you, we can board the aircraft and leave now."

Everyone was in agreement and they boarded the aircraft. The co-pilot radioed for takeoff instructions, while the pilot started the two engines.

The air-traffic controller joked with them and said, "Trying to beat the 7 o'clock rush?"

The copilot replied, "There is nothing like being first in line."

As they reached the end of the taxiway for Runway 22 Left, the air-traffic controller cleared them for take-off, and said, "Do not wake anyone up, or we will hear about it and so will you."

The copilot replied, "With these new Rolls-Royce engines, I could be at 4000 feet before the end of the runway."

"That is not possible with the noise restrictions."

"If we do not wake anyone up, you give us a tour of your facility; if we lose, we will buy you dinner."

"You are on."

"Write down the tail number, because you are going to have visitors."

"N10651, Standard Instrument Departure, Runway 22Left, climb and maintain 17,000; cleared for takeoff.

The pilot hit the intercom button and said "Hi, this is the captain; buckle yourselves in tightly, we are going to do a very rapid climb through 5000 feet and then we will resume a normal rate of climb. We have been cleared for takeoff."

The captain maneuvered the jet to the very edge of the runway and set the parking brake. He spooled up the engines to maximum and released the break, which sent the jet racing down the runway. At 2800 feet the Gulfstream leapt into the air, and started climbing like it had afterburners. Runway 22 Left, at Kennedy, is 11,351 feet long, and the Gulfstream did not need all of it to climb through 4000 feet. It did not set off any bells, which indicated excessive noise in the residential areas, and the pilot called the tower and said, "How many people can we bring with us on that tour?"

The controller replied, "If I can have a ride in that airplane, you can bring your entire family."

"I can bring all 106 of us?"

"You would have to do that in shifts."

"It will just be the two of us, then. I will give you a ride, the next time we are in town."

"That would be magnificent. Let me talk to someone at the Center, and I will be right back to you."

Moments later; "November10651, upon leaving flight level Three One Zero, cleared direct to Milan, maintain flight level Five One Zero. Contact the New York Center, 132.55.

"Thank you very much, Kennedy. I have to make sure you lose bets more often."

"Roger, out."

10 hours later, Rose's feet touched the ground at Milan's Lineata Airport, and she was attacked, by her very pregnant daughter. She said, "Why aren't you at home resting. My grandbaby needs it."

Antonia replied, "Mom, Frank has been driving over every bumpy road in this city. He is trying to get his baby out of me. He is so horny; I have holes in the walls at home."

Rose laughed. "What is he going to do, when the doctor tells him there will be no sex for a month, after you deliver the baby?"

"If the Doctor says that to Frank, he had better be on the other side of a steel wall, because Frank will kill him."

Philip and Gloria laughed at their son's personal problem. Gloria asked him, "Frank, would you like to look at some of your high school record books. Maybe seeing some of those girls' names will make it easier on your hand."

Frank groaned, while his father and both mothers laughed, joyously, over his condition.

His dad said, "I never thought I would see the day I was getting more sex then you are Frank. It must be the alignment of the planets or something, because this is the funniest thing I have ever heard."

"Dad, what do you think about walking home?"

"Frank, just in case you forgot, I am the very wealthy man. I can take a cab."

"Dad, I remember the days you would walk 20 blocks to save a dime."

"Those were the days you were eating us out of house and home. As soon as we got rid of you to the army, your mother and I were able to start living."

"I hope you and mom have twins this time. I will be able to hear you two complaining twice as much. If they are both boys, I will teach them everything I know, especially how to eat."

Gloria said, "If they start out eating like you, I can no longer invite you over for dinner. There will not be enough time in the day to prepare all the food for them and you. Your father will have to go out for dinner. It serves him right; he did this to me."

"I did not know it still worked, Gloria, otherwise, I would have used the other hole."

"Philip, you are a dead man."

Rose said, "Gloria, you have to tell me all about it; I have never tried that."

Frank bumped his shoulder against his mother's and said, "I am proud of you, mom. You took one for the team. No wonder dad has been smiling, lately."

"Frank, if you say one more word about that, your life will end abruptly. Do you understand me, mister?"

"Yes, Bum, I mean Mum."

"That is it Frank, you are dead. There is no reprieve for you, that little joke has cost you your life," his mother started chasing him, around the terminal.

When Gloria came back and joined the group, Antonia said, "Mom, do not worry about it, he will kill himself. After my baby is born, I will keep my gate closed and he will go crazy, without his quota of sex. He stalks around the house like a lion searching for his mate. Soon he is going to find her, and she is going to say 'NO.' He will go sniffing around the house, begging, pleading, and pledging to do anything to get laid. The only thing he will not do is break his word. One day he will walk to the edge of a cliff and we will all watch him, as he jumps to his death to alleviate his pain. Poor man, he just could not keep his mouth closed."

Frank said, "You women are sadistic. You blame us for everything, including getting pregnant, which normally takes two people. To have anal sex, unless it is rape, has to be consensual sex. If someone mentions it, and then it is mentioned in normal conversation, that person becomes a pariah. I now know why Greek men used to go on long trips away from home. They would come back years later, find out they had more children than when they left, and never say a word. It was not worth their time or the air it took to have a conversation, with their wives. That is why the Greeks were one of the greatest writing cultures of all time. The Iliad, the Odyssey; books that took decades to research and write, were done by men, who left their women at home. You know the reason why the men left their wives at home, alone. 'They Wanted To!' It was easier on their ears."

Antonia said, "So, Frank, when you are leaving?"

"You tell me when you want me to leave, Antonia, and I will pack my suitcase and go."

"You can leave anytime you want, I told you that."

"Yes I know, and all you have to do is tell me to go, and I am gone."

Rose said, "If you two do not stop this, I am going to start smacking both of you."

"I told you before the wedding, mom, I would be fine."


"Ouch. Mom, you were supposed to hit him, first."

"Young woman, you opened your mouth to me once too often. I told you to stop this nonsense, and you did not. Not one more word, do you hear me, do you understand what I am saying?"

"Yes, mother, I am sorry."

"Frank, come over here."

"If I come over to you, I am going to get hit."

"I would need a step ladder to get that high."

Rose stood like a referee, between her daughter, and her son-in-law; saying nothing to either of them. However, the look in her eye was enough to tell them what she was thinking.

When Frank dropped his head down, Rose saw her chance to strike. She rammed her foot down hard, on Frank's left instep. He screamed in pain, and bent down to grab it. When he did, Rose hit him in the back of his head just as hard as she could.

As he hopped away, to avoid Rose's wrath, Gloria hit him, as hard as Rose did. He turned and tried to hop away. However, when he looked up, Antonia was staring him in the face.

He said, "Oh shit!" He tried to do a 180, and was unsuccessful. He wound up falling on his ass. Lying on the floor, looking up, while holding his left foot in his hands, he had four pair of eyes looking down at him.

His father smiled, "Looking good, son."

Frank replied, "Feeling good, dad."

"Son, that was the last time Antonia and you will ever have that conversation. Do you understand me? If you do not, the position you are in now may become permanent. The pain you are feeling now will be minuscule compared to the pain you will be feeling then."

"I understand dad. I will never have that discussion with Antonia again."

Philip turned and asked, "Antonia, do you understand, or are you going to continue to playing these childish games."

Antonia stood there, stone-faced, and said nothing.

Rose looked at her daughter and said, "Antonia, this is not a game. You and Frank have got to stop doing this to one another. Do you understand what Philip just said to Frank, or do I have to hit you again."

Antonia still stood there and said nothing.

Rose took Antonia by the shoulders and shook her. "Antonia what is wrong with you?"

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