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Wife Cheats at 75

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Husband gets more than he wanted and loves it.
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Authors Note: This story was inspired by the app America's best pix and video's, if you aren't familiar with the app, you might see a pick of an older woman in a sexy swimsuit or lingerie. It might say would you cum in a fifty five year old or sixty and I saw one that said seventy plus. She was a very sexy mature woman, I wish I had saved the pick but I didn't I have looked for it but no joy finding it again. It was about a week later I decided to write a story of the possibility of a woman that looked like her at that age. Hope you enjoy the story and give it a good rating! It is fiction! And all corrector's are eighteen or much older. LOL!

My wife Cheats at 75

Chapter 1

It is twenty twenty-two and my wife of fifty seven years cheats for the first time in our marriage. At seventy five years old she is still a very attractive woman due to the fact she was a professional dancer all her life, she manages to stay in shape because she works out every day. She only gave up dancing and started teaching because her arthritis started getting bad when she was in her fifties so she taught dance until she was seventy.

I know you have seen pictures of women in their seventies that are hot; well my wife is one of them.

Now we enjoy our retirement living in a house we built at the end of a five mile long road. We own the property on both sides of the road for the full five miles in any direction so we don't need to worry about neighbors. When you do get to our place there is no way out you must turn around and drive the five miles back to the main highway.

Skyler my wife is five foot seven inches and has the figure of a woman in her thirties only her face would give her age away, she is still attractive but her age lines tell the truth. My God she has the most magnificent body of anyone her age.

I have horses and travel a lot to buy or sell a horse. We decided to expand and remodel the kitchen. Living in such a rule area it isn't easy to find good work crews but I found the best worker was a hundred and fifty miles away. I called and he agreed to come and give us a quote.

His name was Chris, he was in his mid-thirties, about six foot one or two inches tall with a muscular build. He was very nice and my wife seemed to like him and told me later she would feel safe being alone with him because she knew he was a perfect gentleman. We agreed on a price and he was to stay with us in the guest room for the deration of his employment.

He was to start in two weeks and when he arrived he and my wife hit it off right away. She pulled out her old albums and described every picture he had of her younger days as a professional dancer. He seemed to enjoy her stories and I felt good about having him around because I had three horses I needed to deliver and would be gone a week because they were spread out in three locations and it would take at least week to drive to deliver them.

When it came time for me to leave my wife and I hugged and kissed good buy plus I took the liberty of squeezing her ass cheek and pulled her to my crotch and said to her jokingly.

After driving for about six hours I pulled into a truck stop and let my helper water the horses then told him he was driving the last leg to the first stop, I said to him we would spend the night there and said for him to come in and we would eat before heading out again.

I took the opportunity to call my wife Skyler to tell her we were doing well; you guessed it the first thing she said was. "Hello babe... what did you mean just before you left?"

I said. "What do you mean... what did I mean?"

She said. "It sounded like you... you were telling me... it would be okay with you... you know."

I replied wanting to seem oblivious.

"What... that it would be okay with me if you wanted to give that young stud a ride."

After a pause she said. "Yes... that is what it sounded like."

I replied quickly. "Because... that was what I was saying."

I heard her gasp loudly then she said. "Why would you say that?

I told her. "We aren't getting any younger you know... first let me say I don't intend to have sex with another woman... I just figured you might be wondering if you can attract another guy at your age... especially a younger one... I'm betting you can and I want you to find out for yourself... I know you still have it... I don't think you know how sexually attractive you are... so if you are wondering you have the chance to prove it to yourself.

" She said. "That is very cosmopolitan of you."

I told her. "Guess I'm more modern than even I thought... there is one condition though."

She jumped in and asked. "What... what condition?"

I replied. "You have to tell me every little detail."

There was a long pause then she said. "Every... You mean every little detail?"

I quickly said. "Yes... I intend to live vicariously through him... you got to give me that."

Again a long pause then she spoke. "It sounds like you want me to do something with him?... ... I guess if anything happened I would owe you that much... but I don't really think anything will happen... I'm old enough to be his grandmother."

I told her. "A stiff dick only knows one thing... it wants to get wet... he will see your wet spots and fill them... he will want you to suck it to get him wet and then fuck you."

She said. "Don't be so gross!"

I told her. "That's not gross... it's the truth."

Then my helper came up so I told her I had to go, but I managed to say. "Have fun... baby... we need this."

Then I disconnected the phone before she could reply.

I called her the next morning when we were ready to hit the road again, it was about ten in the morning where she was.

I said. "Hello babe... how was your night?" She said. "Good yours?"

I quickly asked. "Did anything happen?"

She paused then said. "Yes... you can say that something happened!" I asked. "Did you have sex?"

After a pause she replied softly.

"I guess that would be a yes." I knew she could hear the excitement in my voice when I said.

"Great... what do you mean you guess you had sex?"

She was slow to answer then said. "Because we haven't stopped yet... it only been ten minutes ago since the tenth time... won't be long and he will be hard again I'm sure."

I said. "Wow... really or are you just saying that?"

She told me. "Really... we have been fucking all night... really... we did it in his room then in the kitchen... and on the couch... on the back deck and the last was here in the kitchen again... he gets hard faster than the Energizer bunny... oh... thank you by the way... you were right it didn't take much... he told me that if he got it once he wouldn't be able to stop... He was right... glad I work out or I couldn't keep up with him."

I could only say. "You got to tell me all about it when I get home... keep track of everything so you remember... I want to know it all... I will get off the phone... keep having fun." This time I gave her a chance to reply. "Okay babe... I will be careful and I might take pictures."

She laughed. Then I said. "Yes! Do that... and videos too."

Then I hit disconnect the call.

I told my helper we needed to get these horses delivered as fast as we can.

It wasn't 20 minutes later my phone chirped and it was a text I opened it and it was a picture of my wife on the table with her head hanging off the edge and a big cock was ball deep down her throat, then my phone dinged again it was another picture, it was a pic of a ten inch cock head resting on my wife's nose.

I stared at the pictures for a long time and my old dick started to get hard without any pills. Dam she had never taken me all the way down her throat even when she was younger.

So then in a little bit I told him I needed to get home soon because the trip was getting to me.

I called my wife again and told her I was going to have Wan drop me off and finish the deliveries.

She said. "Good then asked when will you get here."

I told her. "About five tonight."

Then she asked me. "Can we adopt him... did you get the pix we sent?"

I knew who she was talking about a giggled a little and told her. "Yes... I loved the pix... but we need to feel him out... is he willing to fuck you in front of me... if yes we can adopt him... I will build a house out back for him and his daughter to live in... he can build it.

My wife seemed so happy and said. "Oh Sam... you are the best husband ever." Then I said. "Tell him you have been telling me everything and ask if I can watch?"

Chapter 2

When I got home Chris wasn't there. I asked my wife. "Where is Chris... did we scare him off?"

She giggled and said. "No silly... he went to get his daughter so he can introduce her to us... he said when I asked if you could watch he said he would fuck me on TV if we wanted him to... I told him about him building a house out back for him and her and asked if he could go get Amber... that is his daughters name... I told him to go get the girl."

I said. "Wow... I told you he would want you... I knew he would but I never expected him to want you that much or as often." Then I asked. "How did you ask him?" She said. "I was on my back and he was ball deep in me and had just cum when I pulled his face to mine and kissed him on the lips and asked if he would like to do this from now on." I asked. "What did he say?"

My wife went on. "He told me he would do this for ever if we were okay with it... then I told him we would build him a house out back... I corrected myself and said he could build a house out back... then he asked if he could go pick up his daughter so we could meet her... I told him yes!"

I asked my wife. "Are you sure he is a good guy?

She replied. "When a guy is ball deep in you... and ready to fill you up with his hot seed... you can read his soul... believe me he is a keeper."

I just said. "Okay... I trust your judgement... if you say he is a keeper he is a keeper!"

Then she went on to tell me what he said about him and his daughter's relationship. "He told me he had to tell the truth... His daughter's name is Amber... he says he has never fucked her... but she is a cum freak and she has sucked him off and eaten his cum out of a hooker... before you ask he showed me a doctors test that says he is clean... I asked if she would suck his cum out of me and he said he was sure she would want to... I told him I would like that!"

I asked surprised. "You told him you would like that?"

She said. "Hay... I didn't want to make him think I was a prude... he was being honest and... I guess I do... I have thought of it... I just never told you!"

I said! "You should have... I think it is hot as hell... what about those pix you sent me... when did you learn that deep throat!"

She said. "He explained... how to do it so I tried it... I like it now... he seemed surprised when I took my teeth out... but said that would make it better."

I said. "It looked like you liked it... I want to see that in real life!"

She smiled with a sheepish little grin and said. "Oh... you will... and more probably... trust me."

I grabbed my cock and looked at her then she grabbed my hand and said, "Come to the kitchen with me."

She led me to the kitchen table and lay on her back with her head hanging way off then she wiggled until her shoulders were almost off the edge of the table, she dropped her head back and said. "Try it!"

My cock wasn't as long as his, but it was fatter, especially the head. Her mouth was wide open and I placed my hard cock on her tong and pushed it in some and she closed her mouth so I pushed it as deep as I ever had and she opened her mouth as big as she could and I pushed in deeper and I felt the head slip down her throat and I pushed it until my balls were resting on her nose.

I pulled back and pushed it back in again as deep as it would go. I felt my knees begin to feel weak and she grabbed my hips and moved me faster in and out of her throat.

"I'm going to cum." I yelled!

She moved me back so I would empty my load into her mouth and I did. Then she moved me back so I came out of her and she moved up to her hands and knees and opened her mouth to show me my cum. Then she seemed to swish it around in her mouth and swallow it all.

Then she said. "I wanted you to cum in my mouth so I could taste it... I wanted to taste the difference between you and Chris.

I asked. "Well was it as good?"

She said. "Every bit as good... just not as much... but I loved it!"

I said. "I bet you tell all the guys that."

We both laughed and then she said. "Oh dam."

I asked. "What... was that oh dam?"

She looked at me in the eyes and said. "Dam... I'm a fucking cum freak... just like Amber... you better keep an eye on me... I might try and find guys to suck off."

We both started laughing again then she said.

"No... probably not... Between you and Chris I'm sure my every hole will stay full of cum."

I just said. "I know we will try... how did Chris tell you how to do that?"

"I was in the kitchen sitting in a chair sucking his dick and he asked me to deep throat it... I pulled off him and told him I didn't know how to do that... he asked me if I wanted to learn... I looked up at him... I saw the look on his face... I didn't want to disappoint him so I told him 'Yes!'... He told me to take him as deep as I think it will go... then think you have a mouth full of biscuit and swallow the lump... don't think about it being attached to a shaft... when it's just past your tonsils... hold it there for a few seconds and then swallow some more... it will just slip in deeper... then pull it all the way out and go back in as far as it will go... do that a few times and before you know you can deep throat any dick.

I kissed her and said. "Thank you for that baby... I will have to thank Chris too!"

Chapter 3

It wasn't long before Chris came back with his daughter Amber. My chin dropped when I saw Amber. She was a ravishing beauty; her hair was a dark brown and fell just past her shoulders. I was told she was eighteen but she looked more mature than any eighteen year old girl I had ever seen.

She was five foot eight inch's tall and had a shape any young woman would kill for. She was wearing a short skirt that showed her ass and gave a full view of her magnificent legs. Her feet were covered in a nice wedged heal that flattered her legs for maximum shapeliness. She was a vision of loveliness.

Chris introduced her to us and she hugged Skyler and then me, she had a smile that radiated through any room she was in. She stood back and admired my wife in nothing but a Metallica T-shirt. She pulled the front up enough to show her shaved pussy and said. "Daddy... you are right!"

Her dad replied saying. "Didn't I say she had a hot body... and pussy... bet you will enjoy eating cum out of her?"

Amber admired my wife's slit and said. "Very... very much!"

Skyler gave a little shiver and hugged Amber again. Amber hugged her back and let her hands move to her butt and pulled the bottom of the T-shirt up as she kissed Skyler fully in a tong swopping kiss. Both moned as the kissing got more and more passionate. Before long Skyler pulled Amber down onto the bed couch as she let Amber's body nest between her legs.

Chris and I watched Amber's skirt move up her ass cheeks exposing a magnificent pussy. Chris said referring to his daughter's pussy. "Wow... I haven't seen that for a long time." I looked at Chris and asked. "To long... I would say!"

Chris turned red in the face and softly almost in a whisper said. "Yes!"

Then Chris said to Amber. "You want me to fill her full of cum for you?"

Amber moved from between Skyler's legs and said. "Sure!"

Skyler quickly removed her T-shirt and moved to the already pulled out bed and opened her legs wide open and motioned for Chris to come to her. And he did with a big shit eating grin. Like a flash he was undressed and pushing his big fat ten inch cock at my wife's pussy and then bam he was ball deep in her.

I heard Skyler moan as his pumping took on a life of its own. He humped her fast and then slowed and back to a fast pump. He did that for what seemed like forever. Then he gave a big grunt and held his cock deep in Skyler I heard her say.

"Oh... yes... fill me again baby!"

I just thought wow she likes this even more than I ever thought she wood.

Amber moved in on Skyler's pussy licking and sucking like she had never had a meal before the second her dad pulled out.

My cock was hard so I pulled it out and started stroking it. I moved to Skyler's face and she asked Amber if I could use her pussy for a minute. Amber looked back at my stiff dick and said. "Remember... pull out so I can suck your cum out."

I didn't wait I moved behind her and pushed my cock in a little and then I was fully in her. I moved in and out slowly and then grabbed her hips and really fuck her as fast as I could. It wasn't long and I said.

"I'm going to cum."

Amber turned and sucked at my cock taking every drop I had. My knees were so weak I almost collapsed on the floor. When Amber was done she quickly buried her face in Skyler's pussy again I thought if she could she would crawl up in there and live.

When she finally finished I told Amber I would show her to her room. She smiled and followed me. She liked the room and then asked. "Where are you sleeping?"

I told her normally Skyler and I slept in the master bedroom but I had the feeling your daddy and her will be in there all night. Then I said. "I will be in the room next door... if you need anything just whistle." That was an old movie reference I thought of but I knew it was lost on her due to her age.

I returned to the living room to find it empty. I walked to the master bedroom and could hear Chris pounding Skyler's pussy again. Dam I thought I never had that much stamina when I was his age and didn't really know anyone that did. He must really be into Skyler.

Chapter 4

I made sure everything was locked up and went to the bedroom I was going to sleep in. I turned and went to grabbed a shower and then climbed under the covers, I decided to sleep naked something I hadn't really done in a long time.

It wasn't long and I heard my door open and a soft voice asked ever so softly. "Are you asleep?" I quickly replied because I recognized Amber's voice. "No come on in!"

She quickly moved to the bed wearing a robe, she dropped it as she moved under the sheet with me as and said. "Can I join you?"

Never giving me time to answer; but like what, I was going to say no.

After she snuggled close to me I said. "Please do!"

She pushed the sheet down and kicked it off both of us with her feet as she snuggled closer to me then said.

"I have to tell you something!"

I replied. "Go ahead... you can tell me anything."

"I know you won't believe this... but you... your... cock... was the first ever in me."

I looked at her face then she said. "Really... I have had many fake cocks... but yours was the first real one."

I was truly shocked at what she said; I did believe her, why would she lie, there was no need to? I paused for a moment and said. "Wow... I'm proud to be your first. Then she told me.

"I told my dad... I was a cum freak... but the truth is... I love eating pussy... I have always thought I was a lesbian... but... well I loved your real cock... I mean really loved it... it's nothing like the fake dicks my girlfriends use... because I love eating pussy I thought I was gay."

I told her. "Maybe you're not a lesbian... your just bi-sexual."

She looked at me and smiled and said as she stroked my cock. "I guess I am... I'm... just bi-sexual... mind if I find out for sure?"

I caught the meaning of what she was asking and said. "Please... be my guest!"

She moved down and sucked my cock for a bit and then moved up and straddled my legs as she bent over to kiss me she placed my raging dick at her entrance then she lowered herself down on my cock as our lips met again.


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