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Wife Tricked While Filming a Porno


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After a few moments, John sighed. "That's not doing it. Still can't get the lighting right," John did things with the camera. Neither Dana nor Max could see her husband's grin.

He looked over the camera at them. "I think it's because he has those blue jeans on. They're a different color than skin." He stood there, thinking.

Dana leaned over and watched her husband. She loved to look at his face when he thought. He always had such wonderful ideas.

"Max, can you take off your pants real quick and try it again?"

"Take my pants off?" Max asked, his eyes wide as he turned and looked at John.

He nodded agreeably. "Sure, just until I get the camera set up."

"Oh, okay." He rolled over and lay next to her and unbuckled his jeans and pulled them off, dropping them to the floor. He got back into position over Dana in his shirt and underwear.

"Excellent! Let's try that again," John beamed at them. "Start moving, please."

Max moved again, but this time his bare legs slid along her open thighs. She looked down, but couldn't be sure if she saw an erection poking out of his dark, tight underwear. There wasn't much light between their bodies.

"Okay, that's still not right."

Max stopped moving and sagged. His lower belly landed on her pussy, making him jump back. "Sorry, ma'am."

Dana giggled. "That's okay, Max. No harm done."

"Max, it's your shirt, I think." He looked at his deep red garment. "Can we try without it?"

Max pushed himself and knelt between her spread legs. He glanced down at her pussy and his breath hitched. The smell of her arousal filled the space between them.

He quickly unbuttoned his shirt and tossed it to the side. He sat there in his dark, tight underwear.

"Yes, I think that might do it." John looked over at the camera. "You two ready to try it again?"

"Sure thing, honey," Dana called out. She couldn't see her husband, as Max was right in front of her. Looking at his chest, she saw he was thin, but had nicely defined muscles. It made her quiver between her legs, and she blushed.

"Yes, sir," Max said, and stretched himself over her again, holding himself up on locked arms.

John did things with the camera as Max moved his body over her again. She had to resist the urge to wrap her legs around him.

After several moments, John sighed. "Okay, cut. This still isn't right." He looked over the camera at them.

"Okay, I think I know how to fix this." John came around the side so they could both see him.

"Did I do anything wrong?" Max asked, still moving his body as he'd been asked.

"No, and you can stop," John said as he smiled at them. Max grinned, and his arms shook. "I think the problem is that you're propped up over her. There's a gap between you."

Both of them looked between their bodies, and she knew he had an erection then. The head poked out of his waistband. She smiled up at him.

"When I'm making love to Dana, we're touching. There's no light between us. I think that's what's messing up the filming."

Dana's eyes lit up. "So if he's on top of me, then it'll work?" She smiled, and he returned her smile.

"Uh, I don't know if I can keep myself up much longer," Max said as he grunted. His arms shook.

"Oh, yes Max. Go ahead and lower yourself onto her."

Max looked at John. "You sure?"

"Of course! It's just so we can get the lighting right. Then I'll take over." He patted the younger man on the back. "You're being a tremendous help, really."

"Oh, okay." With a relieved sigh, he lowered his bare chest onto her. She gasped when he settled, his warm, bare chest pressing down onto her tits.

"You alright?" Max asked her.

She smiled and nodded. "Sure thing, sweety."

John smiled at them. "Right. Let me get the camera ready, then we can continue." He walked back and adjusted the settings. "Max, can you start moving again?"

"Ah, sure." He started moving his hips slowly, and they both felt his erection through his thin underwear. It slid over the top of her mound as he rocked back and forth on top of her.

Dana moaned, surprising Max, and he twitched. The movement pushed the waistband down, exposing more of his stiff cock as it slid over her mound. Her juices made a wet spot on the elastic of his underwear where they'd come into contact.

"How's this?" Max asked, panting. Dana knew he wasn't moving very much and wondered why he'd be tired so quickly. His pants sounded almost like John's when he was fucking her. But she knew that couldn't be it. Max was just helping them out.

She knew this was work, not actual sex. He was only helping, even if his cock was sliding along the top of her slit, through her light bush and tickling her clit. Each time he did that, she felt herself get wetter.

A minute went by, then John sighed deeply and shook his head. "Still not right. Dammit."

"I'm sorry honey," Dana called out from under Max. "Is there anything I can do?" She gasped when Max's cock slipped down again, pressing against her opening. She felt the tip of his cock split her inner lips, then hesitate, staying put at the door to her body. It pulsed, sending a quiver through her.

"No, it's the clothes." John looked at them as he stood by the camera.

"Clothes?" Max asked as he held his erection at her hole. His hips twitched, making his cock push into her a fraction of an inch. He gulped, his eyebrows high. She smiled at him and patted his back with one hand.

"Yeah. Your shorts are dark. Can you slip them off?"


"Yeah." John's voice was soothing and comforting. He always explained things in a way they understood. Of course, the lighting wasn't right. Max's underwear was dark, and John's butt definitely was a lighter color than that. It made sense, now that she thought about it. Max would have to be naked just like John, if he was going to get the camera set up properly.

"He's right, cutie. John's butt is a lot whiter than those drawers you have on," she said as she looked up at Max.

"Oh, yeah," Max said, chuckling. He rolled over onto his back next to her and brought up his knees. He slid his underwear down his legs and kicked them off, tossing them aside with his other clothes. His hard cock slapped against his stomach.

"Good. Thank you, guys, for being so patient," John said as Max got back between her legs. He lowered himself onto her, but this time he moved down so his exposed cock didn't touch her.

Max started the humping movements again. His upper chest still moved over her warm boobs, making her heat rise as her pussy flowed. Dana loved it when John was on top of her, and couldn't wait for him to get his technical issues fixed. She didn't know what he was doing, but he always figured things out.

After several moments, John said, "Guys, this just isn't right."

Max looked around. "I'm doing what you asked me to."

John put up his hand. "No, Max. You're doing it right. I think the lighting is finally correct for the shot from here." He patted the camera on the tripod. Max continued to slide over Dana's boobs, their sweat allowing his body to glide over hers.

"It's when I do the close-up, between the legs."

"Oh, yeah," Max said, his voice strained. "I hold the camera and make sure I can see between your legs." He looked down at Dana and blushed.

"Exactly," John said, smiling. "What you guys are doing isn't the right movement. The close-ups won't come out correctly when you're far away from her like that."

"How should I do it?"

John came around and looked at them. "Try sliding up more."

"More?" Max gulped again. "Ah, I'd be pretty close to... you know, like that."

"That's the point, right?" John asked reasonably.

"Honey, are you asking Max to put his thingy in me so you can get the camera right?" Dana looked at her husband, her eyebrows raised.

"Yes! Good, my love, you're right. That's exactly what we need to get this all perfect. Then you and I can finish making our movie."

"Oh, well, okay, I guess." She looked up at Max. "Ready?" she asked him.

Max nodded. He moved his body up, making Dana flinch when his dick poked her between the legs. She wriggled and felt him part her lips, then push into her. She arched her back and moaned as Max entered her.

John smiled and laid his hand on her shoulder. Her eyes opened, and she saw his loving face looking down at her. "You guys are doing a fantastic job helping me. Stay like that and we'll have everything ready in no time."

Max made a sound and Dana gulped. "We will," she said, but her voice was strained. She moved her hips, trying to get comfortable. Max gripped her tighter and pushed into her a little more, his cock pulsing inside her.

She heard her husband doing something by the foot of the bed, but couldn't see him over Max. She was not used to staying still when a man had his thing inside her. They never did it like this. Usually, they'd be bouncing all over her by now, telling her how beautiful she was, how kind and wonderful she was to help them this way.

"Alright, I'm almost there, I think," John said from near her feet. After a few more moments, Max grunted and moved his body, which he'd held rigid over and inside her. It made his cock slide out and back in.

"Yes, Max! Wonderful idea. Do that some more so I can be sure the hand-held camera is working perfectly."

"Oh, okay," Max said, almost groaning as his hips pressed to her, then pulled back. He slid deep into her, then retreated. Over and over. They settled into a rhythm, and her hips rose to meet his thrusts.

"Wonderful, guys! Keep doing that and we'll be ready in no time."

"Okay, love," Dana gasped, her arms going around Max as his butt moved up and down between her legs. He fucked her steadily, filling her deeply, then pulling almost all the way out. Very much like her husband did when they made love.

Dana knew that Betty Sue, whoever she was, was one lucky girl. Max was doing a great job filling in for John while he finished getting the hand-held camera working. She caught glimpses of him moving around behind them, but Max's body kept her from seeing much.

She was glad this wasn't sex. If it were, she knew she'd be cumming soon. This was something technical they were trying to get right. It was part of the movie-making stuff they had to do to make the best videos possible.

But damn, this felt so good to her.

Max's grunts matched her squeaks as John worked the handheld camera. She caught John stooping, as if pointing it between their legs. She wondered if Max's long dick sliding in and out looked different from when John did it.

She remembered what John had said about filming with other guys and briefly wondered if he should start recording now. It must look like they were actually fucking, and not helping get the cameras right.

Her mind wandered, as it did so often. The rocking motion of her head against the pillow as Max helped her husband out lulled her into a peaceful place. Her legs widened, then her heels wrapped around Max, coming to rest on the back of his knees. They bounced lightly as he thrust into her.

"How's it going?" Dana asked, her words interrupted by grunts as Max thrust harder into her.

"Almost there," John said from the foot of the bed.

Dana hung on, feeling wonderful, but worried that she did. Max was only trying to help, right? John couldn't get the camera thing working correctly without Max doing this. Once it was ready, he'd get off and John would come and fuck her. They'd get their movie done and John would do that stuff on the computer to make it so that other people could see it, and pay for it.

She never understood all the things he had to do after they made love on film, but she enjoyed watching them together when he was done. Sometimes they'd fuck while it played on their big TV. She loved doing that.

Max shifted, his body moving higher so that his cock was going almost straight up and down. It put more pressure on her clit, making her gush with wetness. She hoped John would hurry. She was really horny and smiled up at Max, glad he was there to help.

Her mind went back to her early days, remembering how she'd helped the guys in the neighborhood. They'd come to her, telling her about how badly their girlfriend had hurt them. So many girls out there were so mean to all those nice guys.

She'd hear about how the girls cheated on the guys and lied to them. They made them feel so bad about themselves. Dana would reassure them, holding them close, their heads pressed to her chest as she cuddled them.

She wondered how putting their hands on her body made losing a girlfriend feel better, but they assured her it did, so she let them. She found she could make it all better for them when they put their thingy in her. They'd always leave her with a smile, thanking her for being so kind and understanding.

It seemed like several times a week, one of the many guys she was friends with needed some kind of reassurance. She was only too happy to help them. They were all so nice to her.

Sometimes she'd cum when she was helping them out. She tried to hide it, but they knew when she did. It was her dirty little secret, and no one said anything to her about it. She was grateful to them all and really enjoyed being helpful.

But Dana always wondered why the other girls avoided her, and it hurt her feelings. She'd see the angry looks but never understood. All her life, boys, and later men flocked to her. She bloomed early, having nice, plump boobs and a round ass at a young age. The guys loved them. What was a girl supposed to do?

Max pushed hard into her, putting pressure on that spot at the top of her pussy, just like John always did.

Many other guys had figured out how that got her so worked up. It was almost like they talked about her, or something. Once the first guy figured it out, all his friends started doing that to her when she helped make them feel better. She came much more often after that.

Max's movements became erratic as he pounded up and down on her. She could tell he was holding back, trying to help her husband the best he could. She was so proud of Max. So many people were mean to him. Dana knew he wasn't smart like John. He was more like her. She wanted him to do well, and for John to be happy with how good a job he was doing.

"I'm almost ready, guys. Just a little more. Keep doing that, it's perfect!" John said, obviously happy with how they were helping him fix his problem.

Max shook, then slammed down onto Dana. He ground his dick as far into her as he could, then began pumping hard into her. Dana held on, used to guys getting really excited when she made them feel better.

She felt herself tingling, and before she knew it, she came as Max shot his stuff into her. She pushed with her hips, matching his thrusts as they both groaned and grunted.

"Wonderful job, guys!" John called out. He zoomed in between their legs, capturing when Max's dick pulsed as it slammed in and out of his wife. After several thrusts, a coating of thin white cum spread around her lips and on his cock. John got it all on film.

The two came to a stop, both going limp as they caught their breath.

After several moments, Max looked back. "Sorry about that. I couldn't keep going. Did you get the camera working right?" he asked, gasping.

John beamed down at them both. Dana's legs relaxed, spreading wide as she smiled up at her husband.

"It's perfect. Thank you guys. Why don't you two take a break. You look a little tired. There's a shower in the bathroom over there. Both of you get in and clean each other up while I get everything ready to continue filming, alright?"

"Okay, honey. I could use a quick shower."

"Go right ahead, my love."

Max got off Dana and stood. John held out his hand and helped his wife up. He kissed her and patted Max on the shoulder.

"Awesome job, guys, you were both such a big help. I've got the camera all setup. Go get a shower. Take your time, I've got to do stuff here."

He looked at Max. "Hey, can you make sure she's all clean? Wash her all over, and make sure to get in deep and clean her up down there, will you?"

He looked at Dana. "You too. Help Max out. He's been really helpful today, and he's probably tired. Make him feel as good as you can."

She grinned at Max. "Oh, I know how to make him feel better."

"I'm sure you do, my love. Make him very happy, just like you do me."

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plaything073plaything0735 months ago

I thought this was great. I'm a beginning writer and have not received very good comments. But U learned a lot from this story. Thank you.

WoodencavWoodencav6 months ago

That was fun ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️.

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

Funny. Is Max a virgin?

GuyfromShadesGuyfromShades7 months ago

Thanks for your writing.

26thNC26thNC8 months ago

Cuck tricked the whore to get friend laid.

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

Well, the author did say it was a fun, goofy story, not to be taken seriously. But I liked very much. Thanks to the author for sharing it here. I just wish I could meet a girl like Dana at this point in my life. Thanks again for the story.

5 ☀️☀️☀️☀️☀️

Regguy69Regguy698 months ago

"Say Good Night, Gracie!" (You younger guys may need to look that up.)

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