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Wife Unleashed!


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"Well, let's just say that I'm not quite as innocent as you think I am. I go with the flow, if you know what I mean."

I had no idea what she meant, but John arrived back with two champagnes and a beer, and the music suddenly lifted to a level that made basic conversation difficult.

When we finished our drinks, Chris took me by the hand and lead me out for a dance, whilst John went to get another round. We were dancing together and trying to talk over the music, when a young man came between us and asked me to dance.

I was a little flustered as I had not danced with another man in years!

"Go on, he won't bite!" said Christine.

"That's true" said the guy, "Unless you want me to of course!"

I laughed nervously as he took me by the hand and lead me away a few metres before we started moving to the beat together. He was a good mover, and I enjoyed being a few inches taller than him in my thigh high boots too! Steve is a lot taller than me, so it felt nice to be so tall for a change.

After a couple of songs, I starting to relax when John came over and passed me another champagne.

"We'll be back near the bar. You o.k. here for a while?" he asked politely.

I was pleased my husband's best mate was looking after me so well.

"I'm fine. Thanks!" I said, before switching my attention back to the young guy I was dancing with.

I lost track of time a little, until my guy asked me if I wanted another drink. I accepted his offer and he took me by the hand. I jumped a little when he did that, but then figured it was innocent enough as we walked back towards the bar area.

As I was standing behind him as he ordered our drinks, another man came up behind us and I felt him a little too close for my liking. There were about eight people standing near me, and this guy just stayed there, and I wasn't certain at first, but it felt like his cock was pushing against my thigh above the top of my boots.

Luckily my dancing partner turned around and passed me a champagne, and we moved away, passed my pressing guest behind me back towards the dance area.

I was a little hot and somewhat flustered and so my drink didn't last long.

I was starting to get a bit lightheaded from the drinks, and so I suggested we get some fresh air.

We walked out to the large outdoor patio area which had a wonderful view over the hills in the distance. Leaning against the rail to steady myself a bit, I glanced past the guy I was with and noticed a woman was being fondled by two guys, right in front of us! She looked me in the eye, smiled and then leaned left and tongue kissed the guy to her right, ad his hand openly reached under her dress!

I was a little shocked.

"Relax, honey. That happens all the time here. Just go with the flow!"

I smirked as I had heard Christine say those exact words minutes earlier!

Anyway, shortly afterwards another girl came out. She was much younger than me and she asked my guy if he wanted to dance. He raised his eyebrows and looked my way, asking if it was ok for him to leave me.

"I'll be fine!" I said, "I'm a big girl."

In truth, as he left, I was totally freaked out, scared and more than a little tipsy. In fact, I found myself really leaning on the railing as I watched the woman and the two guys get pretty serious not more than a few metres away!

As I stood watching, the woman was alternating her lips kissing her two men. They both had their hands under her very short dress by now, and were clearly both fingering her. My mind drifted back to the movie I had watched the days before and I wondered if they were both fingering her pussy or if she were letting them be dirty and play with her behind.

My mind was getting foggy with arousal watching the three get it on, and I found myself glued to the spot, my pussy starting to throb, my nipples hard and poking at the front of my bustier.

Before long the woman dropped to her knees, and I watched transfixed as she pulled their cocks from their small shorts and began to suck them both! It was a very sexy sight, and I felt some droplets of pussy juice start to form in my g-string as I watched the amazing woman suck off the men, who continued to play with her boobs they had pulled from inside her dress.

I watched for a few more minutes until I realised what was going to happen, and I think I panicked a little. The woman stood up, and as one guy got in front of her and sucked on her nipples, her hand rubbing his now very hard cock, the other guy moved behind her, pulled his shorts off and positioned his cock at the entrance to her pussy. The woman was going to let this man fuck her! I knew that she was probably also going to let the other guy fuck her, and suddenly my mind snapped and I wondered what the hell I was doing!

What would Steve think? What would my kids think? Why was I standing there watching, my pussy on fire?

I left and walked quickly inside, hoping to find Christine and John, but they were not in the big room, and as I looked at the people dancing, I decided to try to find them and calm down a little.

Finding a hallway leading off the main room, I decided to see if they had gone down there. A few metres down the hallway was a door which was open. I glanced inside and was shocked to see two men kissing! They were both wearing leather pants with nothing on top, and as I recovered from the initial shock of their erotic display, I enjoyed a moment watching as they explored each other's muscle bodies with strong hands. They had amazing abs and I was surprised just how my body reacted. I was flustered and found my heart racing as I watched them kiss and rub each other. I found myself somehow wanting to join them and explore their wonderful bodies, but then sensibility took over and I moved on down the hall.

The second room had the door closed, and I pressed my ear against it to see if I could hear Christine or John's voice.

The only thing I heard were muffled groans and moans, and again my nipples went hard as the sexuality of the noises got to me. I knocked quietly, but received no answer, apart from a small yelp from one of the people inside.

I decided to see what was happening in there, and slowly turned the doorknob until it was open and I peeped inside.

I froze.

There, on the bed, on her hands and knees, with John sitting on the bed having his cock sucked, and another very large man fucking her from behind, was Christine!

My eyes must have almost popped out, and my mouth shot open in a huge gasp as I saw them fucking with this stranger.

John saw me first, and he smiled as Christine managed to keep sucking his cock as the man behind her pushed in and out, rocking her body back and forth with each thrust.

I walked a couple of VERY nervous steps inside. I had been friends with these two for years, but had never seen them have sex. Gosh, I don't even recall ever seeing John naked! I'd showered at the gym with Chris, but that was it.

As I managed to calm myself enough to take in the detail of what was on display in front of me, I noticed John had a large, no, a HUGE dick.

Christine's mouth was struggling to get around it, let alone suck it all the way down her throat the way my Steve loved me to do to him. The man behind Christine also smiled at me, and in a show of eroticism, he reached forward and cupped Chris's boobs in his hands and then jammed his dick into her really, really hard and deep. It made her pop John's dick from her mouth and I was stunned at just how long it was as well as how fat it was. I had never seen a bigger dick in real life, and my pussy immediately twitched.

Christine looked in my direction and she had a look of shock on her face too. I'm not sure if it was from the guy fucking her so hard, or the fact that I was standing there watching her being fucked by two men!

"Hi, Dee. Enjoying the party? I sure am! Why don't you come and join us? There's plenty of man to go around!"

Her face was wickedly sexy and I was shocked at how slutty my husband's best friend's wife was behaving, but when I saw the size of her husband's dick again, I almost was tempted to take her up on her offer!

However, Steve's face flashed before my eyes and I knew I should get out of there and leave them to party without me. I ducked backwards without saying a word, and then closed the door, leaning against the wall for a moment to catch my breath and regain my senses. As I stood there, my heart racing, I heard a loud "smack" and then a squeal as I presume they got back into the rhythm of fucking all together once more.

I waited a few more moments until my brain was clear and I decided suddenly that I needed to go to the toilet. My head was spinning from what I had just seen, but my bladder was also needing some attention. I quickly found the bathroom, and then, locking the door, pulled down my skirt and g-string, and sat down to relieve myself.

A few minutes later, all freshened up and having washed myself clean, surprised by just how wet I was, I dried my face and hands and unlocked the door.

Just as I opened it to leave, the two men I had spotted kissing earlier pushed inside the bathroom and almost bowled me over!

I squeezed past them, their amazing hard bodies rubbing against my nipples, and the electric charge that pulsed through me was stunning. My pussy throbbed again as my nipples shot to hardness before I had the chance to even get out the door.

My mind was full of madness. What was happening to me? Why was I here at this orgy? What would Steve think?

I turned right down the hallway, not wanting to go past the room where Christine was being screwed by John and the other man, and found another door at the end of the hallway. Nervously, I decided to peek inside, and as it was open, I could see everything in the room clearly.

I froze once more, but this time my legs propelled me forward into the room, even though my mind was saying stop.

Against the wall on one side of this room a woman wearing a tiny little dress and high heels was pinned between three men. The men were fondling her breasts openly. They were kissing her, fingering her, and I thought for a moment they were raping her. But then, just as my pussy pulsed and my nipples ached once more that evening, I realised she was LETTING them ravage her. She was WANTING this wanton sex attack.

Suddenly one man ripped her dress completely from her body, and her large breasts shook with the force of the dress being torn off, and she yelped a little as the other two men pinned her and roughly squeezed and bit her nipples.

I was frozen.

The men either side of her pulled her legs apart and began to finger pussy. I watched amazed as two sets of fingers disappeared inside her pussy and then pumped in and out repeatedly until she was totally soaking wet down there and moaning as if she was about to cum. The third man was kissing her, his tongue clearly visible flickering in and out of her mouth as he roughly pashed her and explored her breasts as the two others continued to finger fuck her relentlessly.

As I stood transfixed, my hand dropped to my skirt and subconsciously lifted the front, pulling aside my g-string until my fingers found my clit. It was swollen, and I rubbed it until the wetness from my pussy smothered my fingers as the three men continued their assault on the woman who was obviously enjoying being the centre of attention of these three hunks.

The guy in the middle stopped kissing her long enough to turn and watch me a moment, as his two mates continued to finger fuck the woman. Looking me in the eye, he reached for the woman's right breast and gave it a firm squeeze, causing her to moan loudly at the touch.

I flicked my clit harder, feeling the heat rising in my pussy as I watched the show. Without warning, the man in the middle let go of her breast, and as the two man fingering her removed their juice covered fingers, one turned her around side-on and lifted her leg to gain access to her pussy. My fingers flickered even faster, my clitoris throbbing now as I watched the guy now behind her push his cock into her pussy, as the other man forced her head down to suck on his extremely hard cock at the same time.

The third man was by my side now, and I shivered as his hand touched my shoulder, the heat of his fingers causing me to gasp as I watched the woman being fucked with long, deep strokes as she tried her best to suck the cock in her mouth. I adored watching her boobs shake and bounce with each thrust of the cock in her pussy, and as the man next to me watched me watching the other three fuck, he suddenly made a move that shocked me and excited me completely at the same time.

Without warning he grabbed the top of my bustier and jerked it down, flipping my boobs free with such force that the nipples flicked over the edge of the leather material, making me gasp once more as the swollen nipples poked outwards inviting touch from the stranger.

But he was not finished yet.

Reaching roughly under my short, tight, black miniskirt where my fingers were playing with my clit, he found my g-string panties, and in one go, ripped the completely from my body.

I was unable to move as his hands found my boobs, my eyes fixed on the fucking in front of us, his hands squeezing and fondling my boobs with force. Suddenly his mouth was on my right breast, and as I felt his teeth start to nibble at my nipple, his fingers forced their way into my soaking wet vagina.

Steve and I met in high school, and no other man and touched me this way since our youth. I was shocked, not only at the way this man was fingering me and sucking my tits having never met me before, but at how my pussy was ridiculously damp, and my legs were parting almost automatically, allowing the stranger to push his fingers further into my pussy as I grabbed his head and jammed my boobs further into his mouth.

Across the room the woman was really being fucked now, and I was completely turned on by what was happening to her, and to me.

My legs were about a foot apart now, and the fingers inside me were making me hotter than I had been in months. The mouth on my nipples was gorgeous, rough, sloppy but magnificent, and when he dropped to his knees and started flicking my clit with his very talented tongue, I knew I was going to climax very quickly.

And so it was, as the woman across the room pushed back and jammed the cock in her pussy deeper in her pussy, I came on the face of a man I had never met. A man who was treating me like a slut, licking my cunt in public in full view of the three lovers in the room with us.

I came, and came, and came, until my legs actually gave way and I dropped to the floor on top of my licking lover, his tongue refusing to be dislodged from my cunt until I rolled off him, the shaking and quivering of my wild orgasm finally ceasing.

There was a rug in the middle of the floor, and as I started to come down from my orgasmic high, I rolled onto the rug and looked up to see what the three lovers were up to. I was astonished because the woman was now on her knees, only two or three metres away, and both men were pointing their cocks at her mouth, stroking them furiously, and she was lapping her tongue at their shafts, begging them to cum in her mouth!

A week ago I had never really watched porno movies. Now, here I was, on my back, having just been licked to orgasm by a complete stranger after he had ripped off my panties and bustier, watching a woman being fed cum by two strangers.

It was intense.

Suddenly the first guy started to spurt cum from his cock held tightly in his fist, and as he pumped the white goo from his cock, she lapped it up and actually swallowed it! Before she had finished gulping down his large load, the second guy spurted onto her chin, tongue and cheeks, and she used his cock like a spoon to scoop all the cum into a pool on her tongue, before making sure she swallowed all his load down too, finally poking out her tongue to show she had been a good girl and swallowed the lot.

My hands were pinching and pulling my own nipples as I watched this amazingly erotic, disgusting scene unfold before me.

The sudden realisation of what I was involved in hit me, and I got up, gathered myself together and left the room, much to the annoyance of the man who had just made me cum. I'm sure he expected a fuck, or at least a return orgasm from me, but I couldn't stop thinking of Steve, and how I had kind of cheated on him just now. I walked quickly from the room and headed back down the hallway to the main room.

When I got to the bar and ordered myself a drink, I realised John and Christine were probably still in the room back down the hall, where I had seen John's large cock and Chris being fucked by the stranger.

"Thank goodness I didn't let that guy fuck me," was all I could think.

As my drink arrived I sipped from it and headed back towards the hallway. I had decided it was time for me to go home and resume my 'normal' life, and wanted to let John and Christine know that I would catch a cab, presuming they were still having a wild time.

I found the room where I had seen them before, but this time only Chris was there. John was nowhere to be seen. Christine, meanwhile, was being royally fucked by a different guy than I had seen fucking her earlier, and instead of sucking John's large cock like before, her head was now buried between the thighs of a wonderfully dark skinned asian woman, who was leaning back moaning in pleasure as Chris licked her pussy!

I was learning more about my husband's best friend's wife all the time at this party!

I was also learning that my own sexuality was a mess.

Once again I started to feel arousal, and my nipples started to pulse as I watched Chris being fucked really hard as she licked the woman's clit at the same time. My pussy itched and throbbed once more, even though I had orgasmed only a few minutes ago thanks to Mr Stranger.

I was a confused bundle of nervous energy, and I once again found myself unconsciously entering the room to watch my friend being fucked and giving oral sex at the same time.

As I sipped my drink I realised that the scene before me was totally turning me on. Was I wishing it was me? Should I join in and go crazy? What would Steve think? Was I sick?

Before I had a chance to answer my own questions, a hand reached under my skirt from behind and squeezed my ass.

"Fuck I love watching her being fucked!"

It was John, and his hand felt amazingly hot as he pushed lower and reached under me to find my pussy, still wet, and my lips slightly open from my orgasm.

My mind said to stop him.

My legs parted.

My instinct told me to run.

My nipples told me to turn my head and kiss him.

I turned my head and kissed him, a deep, tongue-locking kiss that made our hands reach up and go crazy exploring each other.

My left hand reached low. I was on a mission.

I had to feel that large cock. I wanted to squeeze it, feel it, taste it, fuck it.

My mind said NO!

My hand and pussy overruled, and within seconds I was fondling the biggest cock I had ever felt or seen, as John continued to tongue kiss me, his fingers now pumping up and down in my vagina, my legs wide apart as we both watched his wife sucking a pussy while being fucked on all fours.

I knew I was about to cheat on my husband with his best mate, but at that moment, after spending such a week, and ending up being licked to orgasm by a complete stranger in a room watching a woman being double fucked, I didn't care.

For the first time in my life my carnal instinct took over.

As I glanced away long enough to see the guy behind Christine pull his cock out and swap places with the guy fucking her face, I positioned John's wonderful cock in place of his skilful fingers, at the opening of my sopping wet vagina.


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