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Wife Unleashed!

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Prim and proper wife unleashes the whore within.
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Our life was really nice.

We met as childhood sweethearts, married in our early twenties, had two great kids who were now almost independent, and money was fine. I ran my own real estate business and my husband, Steve, had a great job doing what he loved, working in football. He travelled a lot during the season, and this year, as the kids had both basically moved out, I found myself feeling slightly lonely for the first time in my life.

As my daughter and her boyfriend left after having dinner with me, I relaxed on the couch but could not find anything interesting to watch.

I looked around the room, and realised that I was in fact, bored!

I spent the next hour or so doing some mindless housework, and then, deciding to take advantage of the peace and quiet, I switched on my pc and started to check emails from work. As I sat there working away, an email popped into my mailbox. It was from John, my husband's best friend. I normally wouldn't have even thought of looking at it, as it was meant for Steve, my husband, but the subject of this particular email intrigued me. It said, "Hot XXX".

My mind was a confusing mix of thoughts. I knew it was from one mate to another, and that I probably shouldn't open it, but with Steve interstate till the following Monday, six days away, I decided to open it and see what my husband's best mate was sharing with him.

When I opened the email there was a comment from John.

"Mate, I know your Mrs is not into this stuff, but check it out and see if you don't get a hard-on watching this chick fuck. I've stroked out three orgasms already imagining it was you and me banging this babe! Enjoy......and remember, it's your turn for our next highlight!"

There was a blue link under the message and it was titled: Mandy serves dinner and more.

I digested the message first. What did he mean by the part about me not being into this stuff? Did Steve want me to do something weird? What on earth did he mean, "...imagining it was you and me banging this babe?" Had my husband and his best mate done something I should know about?

Anyway, curiosity got the better of me and I clicked on the link. It popped up a porn site called Redtube, which I had never seen or heard of before, and on the screen was a big "play" icon. The title of the clip was as stated, "Mandy serves dinner and more."

I sat back as the movie started playing, and my eyes almost popped out of my head as the movie played. Ten minutes later, I discovered my fingers buried between my thighs as I sat at my computer desk, the woman on screen completely naked apart from some amazing high heels, a monstrous penis pushing into her pussy from behind.

I had never, ever seen anything like this movie, and I was shocked. My mind raced about why the boys had shared with each other such a thing. Why were they imagining it was them having sex with this woman? Had they actually done anything like this without me knowing?

As the movie continued, I found my hands getting very hot as they stayed squashed between my thighs. The woman, Mandy, was now on her knees sucking both the large, and I mean LARGE, cocks between her lips, trying to jam them both in her mouth at once. Then, in a scene that I assume was fake, she lay one man down, and climbed on top of him, pushing his huge penis inside her, before the second man moved in behind her, and then, as she kept yelling, "OOoh yes, that's it, fuck my tight arse," I suspect he actually pretended to fuck her in the arse. It looked amazingly real, but I know things can be faked very well these days.

The movie ended when the two men suddenly pulled their very large penises from their positions, lay the woman down, and then came all over her face. Yes, I said her face! They actually sprayed her face with cum at the same time, and Mandy amazingly tried to actually lick and swallow some of their white gooey cum.

I quickly switched off my computer, feeling very flustered, and went to the shower. Once under the water, my hands drifted to my breasts, and I found them swollen, my nipples tingling.

I had no idea why such a disgusting scene had affected me this way, and as I drifted off to sleep that night, my mind was a mess of confusion.

The next day was Wednesday and I had no appointments apart from a meeting just before lunch. I decided to go out for lunch and as I sat at the cafe eating my chicken and avocado sandwich, my iphone beeped indicating a text message.

It was John, my husband's best friend who had sent the movie to Steve.

The message read, "Christine and I wondered if you'd like to have dinner tonight? John said it might be nice to take you out. You free about 7.00? If so, we'll pick you up. Ok?"

Nothing about the movie.

I have to admit I was feeling a little lonely, so I thought it would be great to catch up with them, even with Steve out of town, so I texted back that I would love to have dinner with them.

A minute later came John's reply.

"Great. We'll pick you up at 7.00pm. Our treat."

I left the office early that afternoon and headed home to get ready. The problem was, that damn movie was still playing on my mind. I wondered if Christine had ever seen it? Or, even worse, had John ever let her do anything like that girl had done in the film? Then, remembering the comments attached to the link about the two men wanting to do it I was again totally confused. I switched the clip on once more, and watched in pure amazement at the woman and the two men fucking. This time though, I tried to figure out if it was actually real or fake. I could not see how it might have been faked, but surely women weren't able to take two penises inside them at the same time like that?

I showered and dressed, and found myself ready about thirty minutes early. I was wearing a pair of jeans, and a nice new pink angora sweater that was rather tight. I had a pair of heels on that Steve loved, but that I always thought were a little high. I put my blonde wavy hair up in a bun and added just a touch of pink lipstick.

I sat on the couch for a few minutes to wait for Christine and John to arrive, but then found myself walking back to the computer. I clicked on the movie link again, and this time I had a reason. I had decided to find out more about the sex that was depicted in the movie.

On the right hand side of the screen were some other clips that I was able to click on. The first one showed a woman with two men but this time they only put their penises in her pussy and mouth, and then ejaculated all over her breasts as she played with them. I smiled, thinking that the Mandy movie was indeed faked, and sat back relaxing a little as I opened another clip.

My eyes almost exploded from my head!

This clip, way, way more raunchy than the Mandy clip, astonished me.

The girls in this clip was called Belladonna, and she had some tattoos. However, it wasn't her tattoos that shocked me. It was what she did in the movie that stunned me and left me speechless. I swear with all my heart that in this clip, Belladonna had sex with four men at the same time. I have no idea how she did it, but it was clear that two men had their penises inside her vagina at the same time, before a third man pushed his own penis into her arse, and I have no doubt this was real, as she actually screamed as the head of the penis pushed inside her before the fourth man roughly forced his penis into her mouth. The four men had sex with her until she was covered in sweat and squealing in what I can only assume was pain. Just as she started to have what I assume was an orgasm on the three penises, almost biting off the one in her mouth, the doorbell rang!

I was totally flustered.

I hurriedly switched off the computer, and answered the door. It was John.

I must have looked unsettled, because instead of his usual smiling greeting, he looked concerned, and said, "Hi, Dee. ok?"

"Yes, yes," I said, not knowing where to look.

"Come in. Just let me grab my purse and keys."

Dinner was lovely and we had a lovely time chatting and eating as old friends do. Just after dessert Christine excused herself to go to the bathroom.

"So, Dee. What was going on when I picked you up? You looked like I caught you in the middle of something."

I didn't know what to say, but my mind wanted me to find out more about why he had sent the movie to Steve.

Worried that Christine might come back and hear us talking, I whispered quickly.

"I happened to find that movie link you sent Steve in an email yesterday. Where did you find such a thing? How do you know Steve would want to see that?"

He sat back, obviously a little shocked that I had found it in the email.

"Ooh, my god. I'm so sorry. You weren't meant to see that! It's just some fun that Steve and I know, blokey stuff. I'm embarrassed now! Sorry you had to see that."

Just then Christine returned and we dropped the conversation. The evening ended well and as they dropped me off home, John got out to escort me to the door.

Kissing me on the cheek he whispered in my ear, "I'll ring you tomorrow and explain everything, ok?"

That night I could not resist switching the computer back on and looking at more of the movie clips. I watched all sorts of filthy, nasty sex scenes, and I think by the time I fell asleep in bed at about one o'clock, my mind was shocked by the things I had seen. I awoke at about four a.m., my fingers of my right hand buried in my pussy, and I wondered how and why they were there. I didn't really get back to sleep and when I arrived at work, I knew I had to get through the day without thinking of the sex that I had uncovered in the last twenty-four hours or so.

It was Thursday night and I was exhausted when I got home. I showered and had some dinner before falling asleep on the couch with the TV on.

I awoke with a jolt as there was someone at the door. Wearing only my dressing gown, I stood up, tightened the belt and went to see who it was.

It was John.

I invited him in and we had a coffee and chatted about the email, the movie clips, and why they shared things like that. John explained that he and Christine had been interested in kinky movies for a long time, but that Steve had recently been asking about porn and so John and Christine had shared some of their favourite sites and movies with him, without me knowing.

I was hurt and confused.

"Why didn't anyone tell me? Why does he need this stuff? Is something wrong with me? Don't I give him enough sex?"

I started to cry, more out of confusion and hurt at not being told about all this earlier by my husband or best friends than anything else.

John spoke for a long time.

He explained that he and Christine had watched pron for a couple of years, and they found it enhanced their marriage. He told me Christine had never had sex with any other men, but that she fantasized about what they saw in the movies, and that she had a few sex toys that she liked to use to pretend other men were fucking her when they had sex.

I was shocked.

He went on to say that Steve had asked him about some of the sex and porn when they had been drunk one night, and that the email was the first movie he had sent Steve.

I assumed from that comment that Steve had not actually seen any of the porn then, because I had answered them email and he was interstate still.

John finished by explaining that he was very sorry I had been exposed to all this, and that he hoped it wouldn't come between our friendship, as that was very important to Christine and he.

I assured him it wouldn't and we kissed and hugged and he left, before I went to the computer and opened the movie site again, my mind full of different thoughts.

That night I slept well, but I had a wild dream that was very vivid. In it, I was in bed with two men, and I ended up doing lots of nasty things that I had seen on the computer the night before and again this night. I actually fingered myself to orgasm in the middle of the night when I woke up covered in sweat, the images of large "cocks" implanted in my brain.

It was Friday morning and Steve was due back on Monday night.

At work that day I was sitting in my office when my mobile phone beeped. It was a text message from Christine.

"Dee. John told me you found his message for John with the movie link. Soo sorry! I hope you don't think anything wicked. Free for lunch?"

I was, so I texted back, and we met at the 'Shepherd's Pie' a lovely little bakery near my agency office. Christine worked two blocks away and so we often lunched together.

During lunch we had a fascinating conversation where I learned a lot, no, a LOT more about my best friend and her husband. She was much more willing to share the specific details of their porn habits with me, and by the time we finished lunch, I was flabbergasted! Not only did I learn that they watched porn, but Christine also told me she had once had a threesome with two strangers while John sat back and watched, playing with his "cock" as she described it while the two men made her have orgasm wilder than anything she had ever imagined.

Back in the office that afternoon, I was unable to concentrate at all, and I ended up leaving early and heading home. On the way home though, I pulled into a shop that Christine had told me about. It was called 'Sexyland' and was a massive sex toy, movie and lingerie and kinky clothing store. I was terrified walking in alone, but when I entered, it was really bright and open, and the girl behind the counter greeted me like an old friend, so I relaxed a little and felt a bit calmer as I began to look around.

I was wearing my usual office attire, black pencil skirt, heels and a white satin blouse. Underneath was my standard skin coloured bra, and my hair was once again up in my trademark bun, with some small hoop earrings. As I walked to the closest section, I was taken aback by the footwear that was on display. Boots that must have gone up to a woman's pussy, heels that seems seven inches high, and platform sandals with incredibly spikey heels were everywhere. Every colour, style and size were available. I wondered what Steve would think if he were with me. Would he want me to buy anything? Would he be shocked? Would be encourage me to be a devil?

The next section was toys, and my god I was stunned. There were vibrators, dildoes, funny looking cone shaped things that I didn't understand at all. I spent almost thirty minutes in that section alone before moving on to the video section, where DVD's showed every imaginable act being performed. My nipples started to throb in the DVD section as I read some covers and looked at the amazingly graphic images on the front and back of the cases. Finally I went to the kinky clothing section and found myself wondering what my body might look like in several of the sexiest outfits.

By the time I was ready to leave, I was incredibly confused by my feelings. My body was on fire and my head was spinning.

Back home, I showered and freshened up, then jumped on the computer and explored the Redtube site some more. Before I knew it, it was two a.m. and I was totally horny from watching kinky movies of men and women doing things I had never even imagined. I went to bed and fingered myself to an amazing orgasm imagining three men were filling me with their dicks, before splashing that gooey cum all over me.

It was mind-blowing and the next thing I knew my mobile was beeping and the sun was up!

Picking up my phone, there was a text from John.

"So, sexy. Chris tells me you know what a kinky couple we are! Only joking. What u up to today or tonight?"

I texted him back.

"I am in shock. You're deviates. I'm relaxing. Why?"

"Wondered if you want to come to a party with us? Sexy but fun. No pressure."

That message set me back a moment. Party? Sexy? Pressure? What was he on about?

I dialled Christine's number, hoping she would clear it up for me.

No answer.

Reluctantly I dialled John's number, and when he answered, my nipples pulsed as I asked him what he meant about the party.

John spent a good ten minutes telling me how it was a sexy fancy dress party, where people just danced and had a good time in erotic costumes. He promised me it was nothing more than that, and that Christine had been a couple of times before and really enjoyed herself.

I decided to see for myself, and agreed to go with them. John said I had to wear something sexy or erotic, and he would pick me up at eight.

Hanging up the phone, I wondered what the party would be like. Then, I wondered what on earth I would wear! Steve had always said my jeans were sexy, but I knew this was a whole different ball game based on what John had told me.

I decided to head back to Sexyland and this time do more than window shopping.

The day flew by as I shopped till I dropped.

When I got back home, I emptied my parcels all over the bed and sorted through them. I wondered what Steve would think if he walked in that moment, with well over $1500 of assorted sex toys, lingerie, shoes and DVD's sprawled out on our bed. His tame, shy wife had splurged and bought herself her first vibrator, a dildo, a jelly dong that had a suction cup on the bottom, which apparently sticks to the table or chair so you can ride it! I also bought a pair of spiked heeled sandals and some thigh-high boots, and a leather outfit that was stunning. It had a tiny, and I mean T-I-N-Y leather skirt, suspenders, stockings, a leather bustier and elbow-length gloves. There was a matching g-string panty made from satin.

The most interesting to me though was the DVD I had bought which featured a series of movies where the husband watched the wife being fucked by one or more men with incredibly large penises. I still struggled with the word, "cock" as described in so many of the movies I had looked at in the shop today.

I spent the remainder of the afternoon watching the DVD and by the time the doorbell rang and John greeted me with a kiss, I was totally aroused but ridiculously nervous and a little scared.

I had worn a black coat over my outfit for warmth, and kissed Christine on the cheek when in the car.

"I'm soooooo glad you're coming!" she said. "John told me you were coming and I thought he was joking. You'll have a great time, and trust me, you won't be lonely, THAT'S for sure!"

A short time later we arrived, and I was surprised to see it was a large house. I guess I was expecting a club or something, but we entered and once inside we took off our coats. John wolf-whistled when I disrobed, and a guy behind me rubbed my bum and smiled at me, which made me jump.

I needed a drink for sure, and so we headed to the bar which was set in this really large room with a billiard table at one end. I stuck really close to Christine and John until we found some bar stools and John went to get the drinks. I took a moment to look around and counted about twenty people in all.

"So, what did he tell you, Dee?" asked Christine.

"He said it was just a fun party where we dance and have a good time, but dressed sexy."

She laughed, which made me a little more nervous if that was possible.

"Well, he's right in one sense. We do dance, and we DO have a great time. Just remember, don't do anything you don't WANT to do, and say 'NO' if you ever need to. That's a house rule here to keep everyone safe and happy."

I wondered what she was on about to be honest, but as I looked around and saw the crowd building with amazing looking people wearing all sorts of kinky outfits, I also started to get a little apprehensive.

"So, what have you done in the past and where DID you get that incredible outfit?" I asked Chris.

She was wearing a pink tube dress that was amazingly tight and was strapless, showing off her incredible boobs.


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