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Wife Who loves Strangers Pt. 11

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Airy starts the afternoon, to take down Mark and others.
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Part 11 of the 25 part series

Updated 06/11/2023
Created 04/13/2022
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This is a story about a wife and a husband fifteen years her senior. Sex and thrills were not their problem, but his wife's inability to behave with strangers was. She always wanted to let loose and let strangers take her, but she was afraid. She also confided in her husband that she wanted to be used and abused and taken, so he decided to make that happen without her knowledge.

Wife Who Loves Strangers

Part Eleven

Airy starts the afternoon to take down Mark and others

It was Saturday morning and Airy and I were talking over eggs and coffee trying to act like what was about to take place was another normal day, but we knew better. She was trying to steel herself against her own thoughts and I asked her if there was anything I could do to help. She asked me to get her some cocaine so didn't have to deal with her own brain, but I told her the recordings would be worthless if She showed up drugged or high. It was imperative that she try to fight him drugging her, so that could be used against him. She reluctantly agreed and tried to control her thoughts by herself. I felt useless hoping I could help her and yet knew I could do nothing.

We finished breakfast and I told her to text Mark with the room number and a time two hours from now. She did and received an immediately reply, him being his regular piggish self. Then I suggested she go get dressed. She stood up and threw her robe to the ground, standing completely naked before me.

"Why don't I just go like this, it's the way I'm going to end up anyway, why not let everyone know I'm a whore on her way to work?"

I stood up and turned her around and held her tight from behind.

"Now Stop. Settle down my wife, you know you're not a whore on your way to work. You are a beautiful woman who has been taken advantage of and used against her will. And now you're a strong woman taking back her free will, her reputation, and her self-confidence."

I could feel the tension leaving her shoulders and arms and she relaxed, turned around and kissed me passionately. Then she went upstairs to get showered and ready for the task at hand. She now had the attitude I was hoping for, showing an inner strength that she lacked just an hour ago.

When she came back downstairs, she was wearing some of her old clothing, conservative but a bit sexy, and I have to say I was a bit surprised.

Airy, I bought you knew sexier dresses and skirts, why aren't you wearing any of them?"

She answered me with the attitude I was waiting to hear from her.

"That Motherfucker doesn't get to enjoy the new clothes you bought for me. He gets the old me in old clothes until we fuck him over, then I wear anything you wish or nothing at all if you choose."

"That's my girl, I was wondering how long it would take her to show up?"

"Well, she's here now. Do you want to fuck me and send me to him with your cum leaking out of me? That would certainly kiss that asshole off."

"I would love to, especially if he was eating your pussy, but we both know he doesn't care enough to give you any pleasure. Besides, we must play this one carefully, then we can shit on him all we want. Then remember this: if I come back high, horny, and out of my mind take advantage of it and use me all you want. That will be your reward for what you're doing for me."

"I know honey, I was just thinking out loud about how bad I want to hurt this jerk."

"I called the driver for you so he doesn't suspect anything, he should be here in fifteen minutes. I will come to the hotel once my men tell me he is inside, so I won't be seen."

"Just do me a favor honey, I want you to promise me you will not intervene with what happens today. Your security people know what to do and when to get involved, just as John told you. I want you to promise you won't get involved?"

"Why would you ask me to make such a promise?"

"Because I know how much anger you have built up inside you, I can feel it just speaking with you, and I'm afraid of what you might do. And if you get involved too early, that will ruin everything. I'm going to get this fuck to implicate himself, admit what he has dine, and maybe commit more crimes today. I just need you to give me the room to do it."

"Well, What if..."

"Stop right now! Do not get involved! You handpicked these people to protect me, now let them do their fucking jobs! Do you hear me?"

"Yes, my dear, I'll stay out of it and let the security people handle everything."

"That's my big strong man, now let me be strong today and we will rule this day."

She came over and gave me the most delicious kiss and hug and told me not to worry. This is the woman I was hoping would show up today, the one who will take this jackass down then spit on him. I held her and told her I loved her too and she left to get into the car. I was struck with how hot she looked walking to the car with a definite attitude, she had a wiggle in her butt and a skip in her step. I've seen her like this early in in our marriage, and I used to pity the guy who made her angry at the time. But not now, no pity for Mark, he was thinking he was going to use her, and her body language told me it was going to be the opposite.

As I requested, my security notified me as soon as she was in the hotel room, and I grabbed my stuff to head over there. I wanted to be there for everything, even though I told Airy I would wait until Mark arrived. I walked out the door only to find a strange car parked tight against my bumper in the driveway. As I started to walk towards the car, I heard a voice behind me from my porch.

"Where you off to buddy?"

"John, what are you doing here?"

"Airy asked me to park down the street and park you in as soon as she left. "

"Wait, what, she asked you?"

"Yes, she called me and asked if I would sit on you after she left."

"But how did she know when I would be leaving the house?"

"Come on dude, it wasn't hard to figure it out."

"Well move your car, I must get to the hotel. She's in the room right now."

"No, and Ill take you over after Mark shows up."

"Hey, I'm your boss and I'm telling you to move the car."

"Well then you're going to have to fire me, but I still won't move the car."

"Mark may be there right now."

"He's not. Security will notify me when he gets there. Don't forget you may have hired them, but I'm the one who pays them. They told me right after they called you. When he gets there, Ill take you over in the rental, so no one recognizes the car. So, for now have a seat."

So, there I was the guy who was always in charge of everything in his life, forced to sit and wait for this poor excuse for a man to abuse the wife I just recently reconnected with, my trusted friend hampering my going to her aid, and her instructions not to get involved, and who knows if its just him or if he brought friends. Sitting there with Airy's words ringing in my brain to let security handle this, the only solace I had was she was loaded for bear when she left. I was beginning to doubt if this was a good idea at all, and I'm not the type of man that questions what he decides to do.

Finally, the call came to tell us that Mark, and hiss sidekick Mel, were pulling into the parking lot. It was time to head over, but John insisted on him driving the renal car that no one would recognize, and without me behind the wheel. I guess he thought that maybe of I was driving, and the opportunity presented itself, that Mark might end up the victim of a hit and run accident, only there would be no accident involved. As we headed over, he told me that security had brought one extra person for today, and that we would never be out of his sight. Yeah, He got a guard for me, how impulsive does this man think I am, or how on the edge does he think that I am? Well, I guess it doesn't matter, he ordered it and now I have my own security officer to follow me and watch everything I do.

When we arrived, we were ushered in the back where deliveries were made and used the service elevator up to the floor and room that we set up as a security and monitoring station. They had chairs, an 80-inch big screen showing 8 camera angles, sound and individual tablets for each seat to look at ant feed that person wanted. Airy, Mark, and Mel were seated in the suite when Mark told her to make them all drinks, and Mel suggested she do it in Bra, Panties, and heels.

"That sounds like a great idea, Whore strip down to Bra and Panties and make us all drinks."

"Look Mark, I came her to say this is over and I don't want this anymore."

Mark walked over to her, grabbed her by the neck with his thumb and forefinger on each side of her neck and pushed her head against the wall with force. Airy struggled to get free and remove his hand, but she couldn't get free.

"Look you fucking slut, you'll do this for as long as I want you to, or I tell your husband and send him video's of using your cunt like Mother nature made it to be used. Do you understand that?"

Without being able to speak, and with fear in her eyes, she just nodded her head and he let go of her. He appeared to turn to walk away but at the last moment, he turned and swung the back of his hand across her face.

"Don't ever fucking argue with me bitch, you just be a good obedient whore, and everything will be fine."

Airy said nothing and turned to strip down and make them drinks, in including herself as she was going to need it.

"Now do a little dance for us while we get plowed with alcohol, then you can put on another show for us, if you know what I mean."

"Mark, I can't keep doing this and I don't want to be treated this way anymore, I'm quitting this debauchery for good."

Mark just punched her right in the face, swelling up her left eye. Then turned her around and shoved her face into the wall behind her.

"You don't get to tell me what you'll do, you don't get to decide if you like it, and you Don't get to embarrass me Infront of one of my friends bitch. We're going to make you pay for this bullshit whore."

I was in the edge of my seat telling the guys to stop this before it gets worse, but they kept me from getting up. Then John walked over in front of me.

"Stop and relax, she told us NOT to intervene unless her life or ultimate safety was in jeopardy. She also said she took beatings from this man before, and we were not to stop this one. She knows what she is doing so just sit back and let her hang this son of a bitch."

I continued to watch this all play out on the screen in front of me. All of a sudden I realized that Airy and Jong had more of this figured out that I did, I wanted to go,into that room and choke this bastards until he stopped fighting, but they knew to have people there to prevent me from doing so.

"You seem to have too much attitude tonight bitch; do I have to remedy that condition or are you going to behave."

"Please don't hit me again, I'll do whatever you want me to do."

"I don't know where this defiance came from but you'd better loose it quick bitch. You are my whore, you fuck when I want, you fuck who I want, and you fuck where I want. You don't decide what happens with your mouth, cunt, or ass, I do."

Mark walked over to the table and out two large lines down for Airy, so he could make her more compliant, he wasn't liking this woman challenging what he said and was going to make it stop.

"Get you whore ass over here and Snort these lines, you seem to need something to get you in the mood, and I want you fucking like you can't get enough cock in you."

"I don't want to do anymore of your drugs. Please don't make me, Ill do whatever you want me to do?"

"Yes, you will do whatever I want, and what I fucking want you to do right now is Snort those lines bitch."

Mark walked back over to her, pushed her back to the wall and punched her hard about three I'm he's below her left breast. We discovered later that he broke one rib and cracked another, and yet Airy still went on with the plan.

"That's enough guys, get her out of there before he kills her. There's no telling what this asshole will do next."

"Take it easy, Airy told us when to get involved and we have a paramedic here to advise us, she will be fine."

Airy didn't leave that spot on the wall where he had punched her, so he walked over grabbed her hair and drug her towards the table, then threw her on the ground in front of it. Airy got the idea Mark was sending and reluctantly did the two lines he had put out for her.

"Mel, take this whore, strip her bare, and lay her sideways on the bed, ass hanging on one side and her head hanging down of the other, then plug her mouth with your cock. I'm tired of listening to this bitch and if she objects again, shove it all the way down her throat and keep it there. That will teach her not to talk back."

Mel occupied Airy's mouth while Mark walked over and opened his briefcase and removed two lengths of rope and walk back to the bed. Airy saw the rope and tried to say "NO" but with Mel's cock in her mouth all she could do was move her back and forth and mumble the word. Mark tied one knee to the headboard and one to the footboard, spreading her legs as far apart as they would go putting her on full display to him. He removed his belt and took two fingers to pin h her clit to get it to stand up proudly. Then he turned and took his folded over belt and smacked her directly on her clit.

"I've had just about enough (smack) of your talking back to me (smack) and I'm not going to (smack) put up with it (smack) any longer (smack). If I have to (smack) I'll just kill you (smack) and fuck your dead body (smack), so you'd better (smack) get with it (smack) you cunt (smack)."

"Come on you guys, he's torturing her, Just go get her out of there."

"Look, she made it very clear that unless her life, or body were in jeopardy of permanent injury, we were not to enter or interfere."

"But how could she know this was going to unfold the way it has?"

"She told us to expect it because he has done it before. We won't let him injure her but these were her wishes, and besides you're the one who set this up and had this idea to begin with. She knew you wouldn't be able to let it play out unless someone stopped you from going in there."

"Does she have a code or safe word to let you guys know to come in?"

"Kind of, she has an action to tell us she can't take anymore."

"And what is this action?"

She said she could always kick someone in the balls or bite down in their cock. She was confident there would be a way when they were vulnerable to injure one of them, and that would be our sign to come in."

John came over and sat next to me to calm me down, although if that were his purpose, he had a gigantic job ahead of him.

"Look to me and listen to what I'm telling you. I know it doesn't look like it, and that you don't believe it, but she is in control in there. She's knows what she's doing, and she knows this man. And there is something she wanted me to tell you when this was over, but I'll tell you now. She confided in my all of what she has done to you, and how much regret she had inside. She sees this as the only way she can show and prove to you that she is yours and wants to be forever more, kind of like this is her penance for the past. She told me she wants you to trust her as much as you love her.

How is a man to react to something like that? How can he tell her he loves her so much and not trust her to do what he asked her to do? And how could that man take away the most intense way she could show her devotion to him? Although every part of my body said, "Put a stop to this", my heart said let her do this.

So, I sat back in my chair to watch the rest of this afternoon unfold.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago
Part Eleven, Really? I Can't Remember Reading ANYTHING You've Written. Queer.

But thanks for the effort.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

11 chapters of cuck garbage. Gave each one a one star rating. Cuck shit gets one star always, no exceptions. I'm sure the cucks will fawn over this, like stink on shit and moan about the comments. Tough shit. lol

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

and the garbage continues 1* The usual cucks will praise it and whine about others, as always.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Why the heck are you doling this out, one spoonful at a time? I ain't got all day! Tell your stupid story and get it over with!

WetheNorthWetheNorthover 2 years ago
Mr Author

You lack writing skills

There are mistakes all through this that should have been fixed before this was released

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