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Wife Who loves Strangers Pt. 24

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Airy's Adventure Gets Started, and One of my Own.
5.8k words

Part 24 of the 25 part series

Updated 06/11/2023
Created 04/13/2022
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This is a story about a wife and a husband fifteen years her senior. Sex and thrills were not their problem, but his wife's inability to behave with strangers was. She always wanted to let loose and let strangers take her, but she was afraid. She also confided in her husband that she wanted to be used and abused and taken, so he decided to make that happen without her knowledge.

Wife Who Loves Strangers

Part 24

Airy's adventure get started, and one of my own

When I left you last, Airy had been captured and partially stripped on the street, abducted and tied to a crude wooden bed, and John and I were watching on a closed-circuit feed. I was concerned someone from the mortgage Sept would go over there and walk in on all of this, so, I left John to monitor the action and I was going over to the mortgage side of the building, a place I had not yet gone to as Airy was helping set it all up. Now I was on my way over there to see what was happening.

I had been curious as hell about what had been going on over there, but John had cautioned me about interfering due to Airy's involvement but wouldn't give me any hints. Him being the company CFO, he was privy to everything as he had to sign off on every penny spent. Now I was going to get a glimpse for myself, and the curiosity was burning inside of me. But I was met by Deborah in the hall outside of the mortgage company space, and she wasn't dressed like any mortgage agent I ever saw.

She was wearing a women's tailored suit jacket with a deep "V" cut halfway down between the breasts and her belly button, no blouse at all, and a very small lacy bra, along with a matching skirt so short, well if she sneezed, she would have been breaking the law.

"Hello Deborah, what brings you out here?"

"Well, you're not the only one who knows how to use cameras."

"So, you spend your day staring at a screen to see if I'm coming over?"

"Oh, don't be silly, John called me and said you were on your way over."

"I thought he worked for me?"

"He does, but your wife left standing orders I was to meet you and show you around."

"All then, let's get on with it."

"Ah, if it were only that simple."

What's that supposed to mean?"

"More of Airy's orders. I am to give you this letter she left for you before taking you in for your tour."

She handed me a letter which I opened and started to read.

"Dearest love,

What Deborah is going to show you is months of work and organization

to get this to what I had envisioned for you. Deborah will explain the particulars as

she shows you around, but I wanted to make sure you knew this is for you. My

present to you for giving me another chance and such a fulfilling sex life. You can use

the company in any way you wish, for your private use, for you and your friends, or

even for clients if you wish. Just know this is yours and it is my gift to you.

Love Airy

"Well, now I'm intrigued?"

"Great, but first, what do you think of my uniform?"

She unbuttoned the one button holding her jacket closed and displayed her tits held in place by a very small 1/4 cup bra, making the nipples always exposed.

"I like it so far, what type panties go with the uniform?"

She pulled her skirt up showing me her bare lower half and answered me.

"Panties were not included in the list of what we wear to work, so we go without."


"Yes, it's me and 22 others working here."

"Even the Men...?"

"There are no men working here sir. Airy sent me to get my license and I run everything. I am basically the broker."

"And what do you broker?"

"Anything you ever want or need sir. Follow me and take the tour, and you will understand."

"Aren't you going to button up before going in?"

"No, just follow me and watch."

As we walked in Deborah took off her jacket all together and laid it on a desk, then made an announcement to the others.

"Ladies, the boss is here."

The other 22 girls immediately removed their jackets if they were wearing one, the others dropped the spaghetti straps of their short summer dresses, regaling they all were wearing the same type of bra.

"Well, what is all of this Deborah?"

"Tits! Tits of every size and shape. Airy assembled this crew based on body, good looks, and experience."

"Experience in what?"

"Sexual experience silly. Some of these girls are fully experienced in every sexual act, and some are waiting for you to train them."

"Train them?"

"Yes, you know the way you trained me for anal sex, except two of them are complete virgins and need to be trained from the start. Another two of them are completely submissive."

"And how will I know who they are?"

"They will strip in your presence, assume their Submissive positions, and call you either Sir or Master. But let's get this started, they've been waiting some time to meet you."

"Ladies, prepare yourselves to meet the Boss."

Within 20 seconds, all of them had stripped totally naked and sat at their deskes waiting, but I did not know for what."

"Well, walk around and inspect your group. There are name plaques on their desks and each has a list of what they have done, and what they would like to try, laminated and laying on their desks also."

"Are you telling me all these women are for my personal use at any time?"

"However you want to use them."

"And do they replace you?"

"Oh no, Airy was very specific about that. They will do anything you want, with anyone you want, anyplace you want. I, however, am NOT permitted to have sex with anyone but you and Airy. I am your private whore, and I manage all the rest. If you have any problem, or dislike, just let me know and I will attend to it."

I walked up to the first desk and the woman stood up, handed me her laminated card, out her hands in the small of her back, spread her heels to shoulder width, and stared at the floor waiting for me to address her.

"My name is Amy.

I am 100% submissive.

I am experienced in ALL types of sex and perversion.

My life revolves around pleasing my Master in ALL manners.

"Well Amy, I see you're submissive. How long have you been living this lifestyle?"

"Most of my life Sir, I discovered my submissiveness when I was 13 Sir."

"And how long have you been without a Sir?"

"About 6 years now Sir."

"That is a long time for you to be without direction. I'm glad you found us."

"I didn't Sir, Miss Airy found me Sir."

"And you will do anything I ask of you?"

"Yes sir, from exhibition to BDSM and everything in between Sir."

"And what were you wearing today, before I came in?"

"A short button up dress Sir."

"Well, I'm sure I can find time to enjoy you, Amy."

"I would like nothing more Sir."

"Alright then, you can go ahead and have a seat."

"I can't sit if Sir isn't sitting Sir."

"Well then, turn around and let me see all of you."

"Yes Sir."

She turned to show me her back side and I could plainly see a chrome plug.

"Do you always wear a plug Amy?"

"Yes Sir, I remain clean, lubed and plugged until Sir needs my body."

"Very good Amy."

I walked around examining the different women and I was astonished by the diversity and beauty that filled that room.

"Deborah, how do you meet customers with this being an are that the girls are naked?"

"John had a separate entrance out in on the parking lot side, and a tone will ring if anyone comes in. Then one of us gets dressed and we have offices and a meeting room on the other side of the back wall."

"And how much does all of this cost me?"

"Nothing Sir, this company already pays for itself."


"These women, although all your fuck toys, are also trained and working every day. We turn a profit every month."

"And that's all done on the up and up?"

"Oh yes, Airy makes sure there is nothing going on that can cause legal troubles."

"Then I'm up for all of this and can't wait to sample some of your girls. But for now, I need you to do something for me."

"Right away, anything."

I wrote down an address on a piece of paper and handed it to her.

"Please pull the file on this property."

She left and retrieved the file and handed it to me. It had red tape holding it closed that had printed on it, NOT for sale or use.

"Were you aware of this Deborah?"

"No, I think John out that on there, and the keys aren't here either."

"And you're not curious about this?"

"Yes, very but I wasn't sure if I should ask about it."

"Get dressed, you and I need to take a ride."

"Yes sir, right away."

I called John on my phone and asked him if he could hold down the watch for an hour, which he said he could. Deborah was already dressed, well she out on her jacket and skirt, and we walked down to my car."

"Where are we going Sir."

"I want to show you something, so you don't get curious and don't accidently walk into something."

"OK Sir."

We walked to my car, and I opened the door for her, and she unbuttoned her jacket and pulled her skirt up to her abdomen before stirring down.

"A new way of taking a car ride?"

"Our new rules are we will be as close to naked as possible, in the situation we are in, anytime we are with you"

"Airy again?"

"Yes Sir, and I have to tell you, most of the girls are horny as hell waiting to meet you."

"That's always good to know."

"Yes, but be careful, with 23 of us, your cock will be sucked until it's ready to fall off."

"Yes, I imagine 23 women could really hurt a man, but what a way to get hurt."

"How long until we get to where we're going?"

"Oh about 12 minutes. Why do you ask?"

"That's enough time."

She j did her safety belt, leaned into my lap and took my cock out as I drove, then started slowly sucking it in a very sensual way.

"I've missed this part of you."

"So, you're one of the horny ones?"

"All of us are horny Sir."

She returned her attention to my cock and gave me the most wonderful blow job she had ever delivered up to this point, and when I cam in her mouth she didn't miss a beat. She kept that slow sucking up and down my cock and was driving me wild. When she was done making sure I was clean, she put me back in my pants and zipped me up, then returned to her seat and fastened her belt across her mostly bare tits.

"That was amazing Deborah, you've gotten quite good at that."

"Yes, Airy made us all take lessons."

"So now my wife is teaching you all how to suck a cock?"

"Not only sucking Sir."

"I can't wait to discover what else she was teaching."

"You will be pleasantly surprised."

We drove a bit and I pulled over two blocks away from them warehouse.

"You know my wife's drive to be gangbanged and sex with strangers, right?"

Yes, she and I have talked about it."

"Well, she was getting urges, but she swore to me that she would never go off and do that again."

"Yes, that's what she told me."

"Well, once before, I arranged a gang bang for her, but then I did it out of anger, and what happened with the old board members I don't feel safe having her go out and feed that part of her psyche."

"So, what are you going to do?"

"I've already done it. This warehouse we're going to drive by is where Airy is right now. She thinks she'd been abducted my a group of Young, and very hung, men. They're going to hold her for ransom and use her while they have her."

"How long are you going to leave her there?"

"I'm monitoring it all on closed circuit video with sound. I'll be able to tell when she stops enjoying herself."

"And you set this all up for her?"

"Absolutely. I can't let her just go out and out herself in danger. This was, in the moment, she believes she was taken off the street and tied to a bed to be raped by multiple big cocks. Let's take a drive by and see what's going on."

We drove past and two of the Men were standing out front while the rest were visibly in the office. I knew nothing was going to happen until I got the prearranged ransom call, so all of this going on is just to heighten her emotions and adding a touch of fear.

"God, just thinking about being her is making me wet as hell."

"Maybe I should make the next one for you both?"

"Now you're making me even wetter."

"Well, I didn't want you coming down here and stumbling into this, so I showed you myself."

"I'm glad you did. I could have sent one of the girls down here to do a spot check. You should have told me before today, so I would have been prepared."

"No, I couldn't as close as you and Airy were working, so I had John take all the keys and mark your file accordingly."

"You're the boss. But I want you to know you can trust me to keep a secret if you need me to."

"That's good to know. Let's get back to the offices."

As we drove back something filled my mind, and I couldn't shake the thought: I was going to be alone tonight and might want some company.

"Deborah, are the girls available to me just during the day and at work?"

"Not at all Sir. They are yours 24/7 anywhere you wish them to be."

"That's good to know."

"What did you have in mind?"

"I was thinking of having you and Amy stay with me tonight, as Airy won't be available."

"You just say the word and we'll meet you at your car."

"I'll let you know. Don't you want to cover up before we pull in the lot?"

"We were instructed to be dressed or undressed in any way you wish, and when you don't give us your preference, we are to be as close to naked as the situation allows."

"Are you telling me if I told you to ride with my totally naked, that you would do so?"

"Tell me to be naked and find out."

"Fine, put your clothes in the backseat."

She immediately took her jacket off and threw it in the backseat, and her skirt joined it a few seconds after that.

"I've got to say, I like the way my wife thinks."

"Airy had each of us out in public naked to break us of any reservations about being nude in public. I will walk through the offices naked if you ask me to."

"Although that sounds hot, hearing from Helen about it doesn't make me feel so warm and fuzzy, so just get out and get dressed when we get there."

"Yes Sir."

We parked in the lot, and she got out naked, first putting her jacket on without securing the button, and then leaned against the car to step knot her skirt."

"Anything else Sir?"

"No, that was quite good enough."

"OK, Call me about tonight."

"Yes, I will let you know."

"Thank you, sir."

She walked away with her jacket blowing in the breeze and I went back to my office."

"John, you've been keeping secrets from me."

"Yes, and how did you enjoy your surprise?"

"It was fantastic."

"I'm sure Airy will enjoy hearing that."

"Anything happen here that I should know about?"

"Yes, they're waiting on you."

"How do you know that?"

"The one guy got up in front of the camera with his phone and acted like he was texting, then pointed towards the camera then to himself. Did you guy's have a preset plan?"

"Yes, He's waiting on me to tell him to make the phony ransom call."

"Then I guess he's ready."

"Great, I'll text him now."

I texted his number with just one word: Ready. It wasn't long before I got a call from Airy's phone, so I answered. It was a video call and it showed Airy tied totally naked to a bed with her hands bound above her head and he legs tied spread open wide.

"Your sweet cunt of a wife wandered into our neighborhood where she had no business being."

"I sent her there to deliver a package."

"Yeah well, she apparently got lost and brought her to our place, now you and her have to pay for her infusion."

I could see Airy struggling against the ropes and when she tried to call out, a hand covered her mouth.

"Gag that bitch until we need her mouth."

Someone immediately gagged her, and I couldn't make out anything she was trying to say.

"Now, I'll call you back with instruction is in about an hour, and until then you gather up all the cash you can. I've seen her ride and her fancy panties and such, so I know you've got money. Meanwhile We're going to enjoy your bitch for a while. How many fucks can she take in a row? Well, we'll let you know the answer to that later. You just worry about the money, and I'll work on am answer to that question. If I hear police, or you try anything, it's all over for this cute whore. Got It?"

"She's not a whore."

"She will be by the time we're done with her."

Then I heard laughing and I could see Airy's eyes open wide, then they hung up.

"That was pretty convincing?"

"We rehearsed it numerous times. Because Airy would be hearing it all, I wanted it to sound convincing."

"Smart move."

"Now, because I have this same feed at the house, I'm going to go home and watch from there."

"You want me to watch from here also?"

"Only until I get home, then lock up the office and go back to your own buddy."

"Aw, you're no fun."

"And you're as much of a deviant as I am. But this is between Airy and me and a bunch of other guys."

"Yes, I get it."

"OK, then, I've got one call to make before I take off."

I picked up the office phone and hit the button for Deborah's extension.

"Deborah, you and Amy get in my car naked, you in the driver's seat and Amy in the back in ten minutes."

I hung up the phone and looked at John snickering.

"Making good use of the new project?"

"Yes, I'm going to be alone tonight, why not?"

"Your wife is way too good to you."

"Yes, she is, so I'm going to take advantage of that. I'll call you when I get to the house and John, I can tell from there if someone is watching the feed here."

"I told you I would leave as soon as you told me."

"Just make sure Buddy."

"Yes Sir."

I got my things together and headed for my car, and when I got there Deborah was naked in the front seat and Amy was naked in the back. I handed Deborah the keys and jumped in the back where Amy pulled out my cock and started sucking it as soon as my ass hit the seat.

"This might have to be a full-time arrangement?"

"Anytime you want us" Deborah answered.

We got to the house and Amy did not want to release my cock, she just kept sucking all the harder.

"Come on Amy, we can continue after we get settled inside."

"Yes Sir."

After we got to the living room, I turned on the live feed and sat down in a large comfortable chair, and Amy instantly dropped to her knees and started removing my pants. After she had them off, she sucked me for about two minutes before she climbed in the chair with me, facing me with each leg over the arm of the chair. She straddled me guiding my cock to her asshole when I noticed her butt plug laying on the carpet, slowly guiding my cock in she took it all in one slow stroke.

"Does my asshole feel good to you Master? Do you like your cock up my ass?"

"Yes Amy, your ass feels wonderful."

"If you take me as yours, I will do this all day to keep you satisfied."

She saw me watching the screen, so she turned to look. Airy was servicing four men, one with her pussy, one with her mouth, and one cock in either hand.

"I would do that with a hundred Men if you wanted me to. I would please the crowd until they couldn't fuck me anymore, and still be ready for you Sir."

"And what if those men wanted to whip and beat you, Amy? Have you thought about that?"

"Yes, and I would take anything they handed out and still cum for each and every one Sir."

I couldn't believe the attitude of this woman.

"How long has it been since you were really fucked?"

"A long time ago, as I told you I haven't had a Sir for six years now. I want to serve you, no matter what you do or have done to me."

"Then get on the floor on all fours, with your knees spread and showing me your ass and your cunt."

"I'm ready Sir, come fuck me any way you wish. My body is for you no matter what."


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