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Wife's 2nd Lover at Hedonism II

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Wife's 2nd lover seduces her at Hedonism II.
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If you are like me you enjoy sexual stores about the things you personally find most erotic and are not interested in things that are a turn off to you. I made a mistake on my 1st story of my wife's 1st ménage a trios experience. I did not warn that these are simply accounts of experiences that I have enjoyed with my wife. There is no plot, no antagonist and no story line other than our sexual experience.

If you would also be disappointed to find that there is no bisexuality, no homosexuality, no cuckolding, sadomasochism, anal or humiliation then you should avoid this story. My wife is not a slut or a whore. I have no judgments here. The stories that really turn me on the most are both loving and true. They might even contain some clichés. If they were not powerful words they would not get used so much! I was not an English major and am a prime example of the declining value of a university education.

In short, if you are a lover please read on. If you are a critical, hostile person who wants to vent on others... please click away from this story.

This is an account of the second ménage a trios my wife and I experienced Hedonism II. After our amazingly erotic "first time" experience with Randy, my wife and I both knew that neither our lives, or our sex lives would ever be the same again! This is the next chapter of our amazing life adventure together.

This is not yet the third story of my wife's long term love affair and how much erotic fun we all had when Jim became part of our lives. I will save that story for number 3 (to come). She and I both believe her sexual experiences outside our marriage are made more erotic when they are "loving interactions". This story is about our trip to Hedonism II immediately after our wonderful time with Randy.

I am sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but we never saw Randy again. I did not mention this because I did not want to hurt what was otherwise a wonderful story and a wonderful experience. Randy was visiting from Colorado and left Dallas the next day. He delayed his morning flight to continue to enjoy his intimacy with Sheryl. Why we did not just book passage on the same plane I will never know. Too many ties still in Texas.

Our failure to develop a long term relationship with Randy is relevant to my story. As you can gather from my writing, the most erotic thing for me about my wife enjoying her sexuality with another men, is that it not be just a fuck. I do not know but I wonder if so many others that have "open" or "swinging" life styles limit their perceptions of it to, "it's just sex," because of reasons like, protection against having your lover wooed away or maybe a selling point for a reluctant wife. Maybe some are having so many lovers that it is not possible for love to grow. These are all valid reasons. In truth, if my wife would have let me have a female lover (more on this later), she would no doubt have never tolerated my also loving another woman.

The overwhelming point I would like to make is that I have come to believe that part of the thrill of ones wife having truly great sex with another is the risk factor! Infidelity is already dangerous and risky enough, but when you bring love, affection, intimacy and relationship into it, one is really hanging out there! This is especially true when you take into account that these emotions are the fuel that truly drive a woman's heart and therefore her libido over the top! If one wants their wife to have truely great sex outside their marriage i recommend encouraging her to let her bring her heart to the adventure and not just her body.

I have read much about polyamory. I love the idea of loving and living as more than two. The disappointment is that so many people sharing their stories and books about this lifestyle are not basking in the eroticism of it. Many are not even present when their mate is with the significant other. They seem to want to add legitimacy to it by downplaying one of the most amazing aspects of polyamory "sex with more than one person!"

My side note about my marriage being only half open came early on. We were so keyed up after being with Randy in Dallas that we booked a week at Hedonism II in Jamaica. At the time we were talking about a lifetime of being openly sexual with any one or couple that we wanted to be with. Hedonism II was incredible! Nude couples were everywhere! One couple had discrete sex in a hammock right outside our open 1st floor window in broad daylight! Their heads were on opposite ends and their groins were pressed together. She was stroking him and then simply bent his shaft into her! Few knew about it but it was directly under our window!

The giant hot tub was filled with naked couples night and day but especially at night. We met a very experienced couple the first night and ended up back in our room having sex with them in record time They had pretend names (Storm and Candy) which they said was part of their "Lifestyle" back in Florida.

We probably should have spent more time getting to know them. We were in the same bed, Sheryl riding atop Storm with me stroking into Candy next to them. Sheryl was not happy. I did not know what was going on but we ended it fairly quickly. We talked at length after they left. It seems that for all our talking about swinging with another couple, Sheryl had no idea that seeing me with another woman was a giant turn off for her. I wish it was not so, but this was both the beginning and end of our adventures in swinging.

I was a little disappointed but I made it clear to her, that my real passion was about her being sexual in our marriage and that me being with other women was not my primary turn-on. I spent a lot of years single during the sexual revolution and have been with lots and lots of women (enough women for a dozen lifetimes). I made it clear to her that I had no problem being monogamous with the hottest, most erotically exciting woman I had ever met, especially if she would at least remain open to the possibility of more experiences like our night with Randy!

She knew I was dead-serious and the next morning (late) she proceeded to make our trip to Hedonism II everything I had hoped it would be. With my encouragement she went out to Sun on the lounge chairs directly outside our window. She had been sunning naked on our roof top deck at home for the month before and had a head to toe tan on her beautiful, 105lb body.

Remember that her breasts are larger than average and firm. Her bottom is small and round. She is a petite 5' 2" with eyes of blue and long flowing blond hair. I was actually able to film her walking the path to the lounger wearing a one piece suit that had two thin strips of shear fabric that went around her neck, over her nipples and down to her bikini bottoms. The fabric could contain only her nipples and not her large swaying breasts (if the wind were not blowing). Since the wind was blowing the fabric completely off her breasts, she was erotically topless to everyone on her long walk to the lounge chairs under our window.

There were many naked people everywhere and not too many chairs. She chose a spot where I could not only see, film and hear her, but one with an empty lounge chair directly next to her, actually touching her chair. Two more lounges were to her left occupied by a naked couple (the woman was closest). Sheryl turned, looked directly at me filming her in the shadows or our window, blew me a kiss and sexily slid her swim suit downward and off revealing her near perfect body to at least 100 people on the beach! The majority of the people on the beach, actually stopped whatever they were doing at that moment, to enjoy the unveiling, of the sexy new arrival with the smoking hot body they had all seen coming down the walk! Are we having fun yet!? I know I am!

There were surprisingly few singles at the resort. There may have been 150 people on the totally naked half of the resort where we stayed (virtually all couples). By the second day I think I could recognize them all. Looking at each other was a primary activity! What is the word, "Serendipity". A new bus from the airport must have just arrived with some new people. In less than 10 minutes of Sheryl's sitting down, a handsome, tall, well-built man with cut-offs on was taking his first walk onto the oceanfront and approached her from the front. He asked Sheryl if he could lay down in the lounge next to her. She raised her hand to shield the sun from her eyes and see his handsome face more clearly. She must have approved of what she saw because she responded, "be my guest."

In less than a second he dropped his cut-offs down to the sand and his big slightly erect cock flopped out in Sheryl's direction. He plopped down almost hip to hip with my wife! His big cock flopped onto his leg as if he could command it to fall toward Sheryl! I nearly dropped my camera! I think I did swallow my tongue! Remember, I am not gay but this was already getting me to boiling and nothing had happened yet!

There were no arm rests on the loungers. He truly was almost hip to hip or should I say cock to Sheryl's hip, as my wife and he lay naked together! I could see Sheryl's big breasts rising and falling as she began to breath more heavily! He introduced himself as "Bob" and began to chat as if there were nothing unusual about their amazing situation! The suspense was killing me but then again every minute that passed was like another once in a lifetime experience! I knew that if this was going to happen that being good looking alone was not going to get Bob the prize that everyone knew he was seeking! I was determined not to interrupt their getting comfortable with each other.

Bob was from California, was well educated like Sheryl and was very personable. As he learned more about her he was adept at paying her genuinely sincere compliments and their regard for one another continued to build over the next two hours. He had a clever wit and soon had my wife's approval (as a good person at least) as he evoked one round of laughter from her after another. This was becoming quite a turn on as her breasts quivered every time he made her laugh and his cock was also bouncing around every time he laughed with her. They were naturally leaning toward one another as they laughingly conversed and my wife later confirmed to me that his cock had actually touched her several times as her breasts brushed his arm on more than on occasion. This kind of foreplay went on for two hours!

Porters were taking orders and delivering all inclusive drinks along the walk. Bob and my wife were on their third mixed drink and I knew that any reservations my wife might have had were melting in the sun. Bob then told Sheryl that he would hate to see her beautiful body get burned and asked if he could apply some lotion on her!

No man could ever seduce Sheryl without pursuing her in a loving and romantic way! This guy knew his way around a beautiful and intelligent woman! She was speechless as Bob slowly reached across to the opposite side of her lounge to grasp her lotion! He knew exactly what he was doing! His enlarging cock now made full contact with her side as first his arm and then his chest made full contact with her nipples and breasts. He was graceful as he also stole a small kiss from her lips in the one fluid motion of retrieving the lotion. Wow!

Once again... serendipity! We all knew where this was going! Of course Bob did not know yet that he was actually involved in a 3-some and had been since he sat down. At this point Bob was as powerless to stop himself as my wife was powerless to resist him! As he put a generous amount of lotion on his hands and briefly spread it over his fingertips. I was wondering which of our hearts were beating faster! He leaned toward her first laying both hands on each of her shoulders in a firm well lubricated massage. Sheryl's eyes closed and an audible groan escaped her lips.

His hands moved to her neck and then directly to each of her breasts! His thumbs and forefingers were kneading her nipples with considerable pressure. Her eyes remained closed as her hips began a slow undulation. She repeatedly licked and pressed her lips together with emotion!

Bob knew what to do next. He slid his hands down her flat belly trailing across her pubic hair and moist swollen labia! From his awkward angle he tried to massage her thighs at their union to her pussy but the angle was not good. He quickly pushed the recliners apart enough to put his feet on the sand. His angle was now good enough to not only message her inner thighs with his thumbs but to also be stoking her wet vagina and clitoris!

I could see has cock hanging straight down off the side of the lounge almost touching the sand. I could see her orgasm build and "cum" quickly! She was powerless to stop it! She literally imploded as she stifled the scream that was in her throat!

This was over the top for Sheryl We had not been preparing ourselves psychologically for public sex! She quickly sat up reaching behind Bob's neck pulling him to her mouth for a quick French kiss! No words of any kind were spoken as she took his hand and they stood up, they gathered their things with their free hands and began to walk stark naked, hand in hand, around our building!

She looked directly at me almost continuously in the window until their direction ended her gaze! Her completely red and flushed expression was that of an extremely aroused woman that had just cum very hard but had to hold it in! Her expression was that of being in a sexual trance! I knew exactly what she was going to do! What I did not know was where she was going to do it!

Time passed. Too much time passed for the walk to our room! I was now certain that they had gone to his room, where ever that was. They were so clearly hot for one another that I was certain that he already had his big cock inside my Sheryl!

This was an entirely new emotion! Maybe it was even hotter than seeing and hearing her pleasure with her lover! After all I knew she was taking him as a lover. I knew that he had seduced her with enough skill to cause her to surrender herself to him as her lover. I knew that once he found out how wonderful making love to her was, he would want her again and again!

But now it seemed they were also making love in my imagination. Nothing can match my imagination for erotic imagery! This was real! This was actually happening! The risk factor had been dramatically raised and it was making me crazy!

Finally I heard the knob on the door turning. I heard Sheryl's familiar voice and Bob's voice as she led him into the room hand in hand. Sheryl introduced me, "Bob, this is my generous husband Gene. Honey this my new friend Bob."

She held his left hand tight in both her hands to comfort him and his newfound anxiety. I shook his right hand and told him, "I'm very happy that Sheryl is making new friends. Why don't you make Bob more comfortable."

There is a cushioned window seat at the same window that I had spent the afternoon filming Bob's seduction of my wife from. Sheryl led him directly to it, sat him down and climbed almost into his lap! If she wanted him to feel welcome and comfortable, she could not have done a better job of it! Remember we are all naked! Hedo is all naked on that side of the resort.

She put her right leg behind his back facing him sideways as she draped her left leg over his left leg virtually straddling him sideways. Her left hand lay on his upper thigh near his hardening cock! Her right hand coiled around the back of his head lovingly stoking the back of his neck. His left arm was around her waist and his right was available for whatever they might do next. They could not have looked more comfortable and right for each other!

She told me later that they had been French kissing each other and talking the entire time just outside our door (on the partially enclosed alcove entry) to our room. She was preparing him to consider letting me watch their lovemaking. Once she started stroking his hardening cock outside our door, almost all his reservations began to disappear.

After all the time they spent naked in each other's arms outside our door, it was clear that Sheryl wanted him. I think he wished he could have just a little more time alone with her and he asked me, "Would you bring us a rum and coke from the beach bar Gene while Sheryl and I continue to get acquainted?"

"Great minds think alike Bob!"

As I walked toward the door I saw them easily move into a soulful french kiss! Sheryl's left hand moved to skillfully stroke the full length of his cock and his right hand that had been still, moved directly to her clitoris. One of my most vivid memories as I procrastinated going out the door was the amazing amount of precum that my wife was masterfully milking from his cock! The thick white sperm was literally dripping onto her small hand. She was able to skillfully make good use of it to lubricate her stroking of his shaft and purple knob!

I had no idea that there were men who dripped so much sperm when aroused! He did have unusually big balls so maybe there is a correlation. I was starting to regret having to once again leave them alone a while longer. Still it was very erotic knowing that I would likely find them making passionate love when I returned from my errand! Also I was excited to think that Sheryl and Bob had 4 more days to play together and that their fun in the sun had only just begun!

The line at the bar was far too long and my imagination was in overdrive. While I waited a petite blond that we had met in the hot tub (before Storm and Candy) came up to me and gave me a full frontal hug. Remember we are all completely naked! All the best parts are touching all the best parts! She was a young postmaster in a small town in Oklahoma of all things! She had been in her husband's lap in the hot tub next to Sheryl and I the day before.

Sheryl was in my lap and after much pleasant banter I suggested we let the girls switch laps! I think they were as new and nervous at this as we were as they remained speechless afterward. Obviously they had had a talk and my offer was now back on the table! She could not imagine all of the multiple dramas that were all going on simultaneously! I gave her another big squeeze and a kiss and ran back to the room with our drinks!

I think I was drunk with sexual endorphins firing off in my brain as I turned the knob on the door. They had moved to the bed and Sheryl had a hard grip on Bob's dripping cock-head rubbing it frantically up and down her wet slit and clitoris! She was literally masturbating herself with Bob's cock!

They both glanced at me but Sheryl was too keyed up to try to acknowledge me as I sat down onto the widow seat. Bob could endure no more as he pressed his full length into my wife! Sheryl was already in the throws of a powerful orgasm and Bob's cock now balls deep into her was more than she could take as she yelled her approval! She repeatedly yelled out Bob's name over and over in between her pleadings of "Please don't stop!"

The window was open. Many people could hear Sheryl yelling and were looking up at me with big smiles on their faces! Everyone knew instantly what was going on but I was much too excited to care!

Very quickly both Sheryl and I became aware that Bob was going to make her his in a way unfamiliar to us! She only weighs 105lbs and Bob's frame was near 200 lbs! His muscular back and butt were clenching and unclenching as he powerfully stroked his full length into her body over and over again!

In a single movement he sprung to standing from the bed with my wife hanging on! She remained empaled by him as he never lost his rhythmical stroking into her. Bob held her airborne the entire time with just the palm of his right hand under her small butt! Two long fingers on the same hand held a tight grip on her pussy lips as he relentlessly stroked into her!


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