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Wife's Friend with Benefits Ch. 02

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My wife moves forward with our plan to be with another man.
8.2k words

Part 2 of the 4 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 06/24/2018
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Author's note: This is a story about a wife being involved with another man. This happens with full consent of the husband, but if this type of story offends you, I suggest you stop reading now. I am hoping to explore these situations within the safety of these stories, as they are fantasy after-all. If you are still reading, please enjoy.

This story was introduced in My Wife's Friend with Benefits - Introduction, please start there.


It was only a week ago my wife and I had the discussion about her being with another man. I must admit, the pace of the conversation, moving forwards to action has been more than I could have even thought possible. In that discussion, I brought up my fantasy about her being with our friend Jose. We had an open and honest sharing of ideas, and as it turns out, she would be in to that scenario. In these talks we shared how we felt about each other and our concerns about how things could go wrong. In the end, we felt strong enough about each other that the risks were worth taking. I am not sure I can properly explain why such a scenario is such a turn on to me, but I doubt very much, that if I was with another woman, we could have felt strongly enough about each other to actually do it.

So, here we are a week later, hatching the plan to make that happen. Not that the week leading up to this event was uneventful, as we have made love and fucked more times than even the first weeks of our relationship. I didn't realize how sharing fantasies and things that each of us finds exciting, without the risk of being judged, could be a very liberating experience. Just talking through what each of us wants from this situation has brought us closer, if that is possible. I am sure most people wouldn't, understand that feeling. We have always had a great sex life, but this has hit us with an unexpected jolt of energy, in a good way.

Normally these neighborhood block party things are not on the top of my list, or on my list at all, but now I was eager for the next one. The plan was, at the next party she would spring on Jose what we had talked about and gauge his reaction. Jaime was nervous about it, not knowing what he might say, but I am a guy, and I am pretty sure how this will go. My hot wife, wanting to be with a guy who obviously wants her, seems like a no brainer.

The real unknown is adding a third person, you never know how they will react. He must abide by our rules, and not having any control of what he might be thinking or feeling is a real question mark. We will have to see how that goes, and make sure we are as honest as possible. Obviously in this type of situation, things can get out of hand before you know it. As long as we all can be open about everything, then I am hopeful things will work out for the best. Wishful thinking, I know.

My anxiousness ratcheted up each day in the preceding week because we didn't have anything on the schedule yet. Luckily, being summer, we didn't have to wait long to get things going. Fantasizing about how this would go kept me up many nights, wondering what might happen, what she would do. Jaime had to work hard to temper my emotions, as she was more grounded and said it may not happen because they may not even have an opportunity to talk. She made it very clear to me that this wasn't about the sex for her, that it was about the chase, so I shouldn't just expect to walk in to a porn show. Just going in for the final 'act' doesn't get it going for her. She wants the guy to work at it and try hard to get her, anything beyond that is just a booty call and that wasn't what gets her off. In our discussion, she said she doesn't need to be with another guy, but if it does happen, she wants it on her terms. And that's fair. I supposes it's that emotional connection that get's me the most nervous, but I trust my wife, and us, that she can separate the two.

On Wednesday, when Claire reminded my wife of her son's graduation party this weekend, my heart just about stopped. Holy shit, this could be it. Jose would certainly be invited, and Claire's house is fucking huge, which should give them plenty of opportunities to talk, and whatever comes next. The number of people and kids could be a problem because we couldn't have them getting caught You don't want to get on the gossip columns of these neighborhood ladies. I'm overthinking it...damn I am nervous.

By the time Friday came around, I thought my wife would be sick of me. I couldn't keep my hands off her and I was full of nervous, sexual energy. She had to pull my cock out mid-afternoon and suck me off, just to have me leave her alone for a while so she could get things done. She loved doing it, but I suppose it just had to be done to get me to back the fuck off. When something like this gets in my head, it can take on a life of their own. and it plays out many times over.

Don't let my wife's cool exterior fool you though, she was just as excited about the potential of this weekend. In the days leading up to Saturday, she got her hair done, her nails, and I caught her in the shower trimming her pussy just right. If something was going to end up happening, she wanted to be ready.

Party Day

I don't know how early I woke up on Saturday, I just know it was earlier than usual. I could barely sleep, my mind once again taking me to all kinds of wonderful, naughty places. I must have wrestled with the images of what may come all night and my morning hardon was not the normal morning wood. I was rock hard because of what was in my lust filled dreams and the potential of what's to come. I don't remember a time when I was this nervous and excited about anything. I knew I had to leave my wife alone before we left because I don't think she could take my talk, advances, babbling...damn, I was crazy turned on.

I busied myself with some early morning errands and tedious tasks that could take my mind off the day's potential events. I finished up some projects I had on my list for a few weeks, that I for some reason just had to get done. I even cleaned out the garage of all things, my nervous energy fueling my efforts. As the time to leave approached, I took a shower, a cold shower, and got dressed in my normal, casual going out clothes. Jaime took a little longer and the usual down time waiting for her was excruciating. When she finally came out, my jaw hit the floor.

Now, my wife is hot, I think I mentioned that already, but she looked absolutely radiant. I suppose my own bias had something to do with that assessment, but damn, she looked good. Not slutty, mind you, she never dressed slutty, just straight up classy/sexy. I was very familiar with the top she was wearing, as she has worn it before for me on other occasions. It is a sexy summer top that accentuates her breasts, and more importantly, has built in support so she doesn't have to wear a bra. I know this from experience, as I have felt her up in public in that before and you can feel every curve of her breast without a bra getting in the way. Super sexy, and I knew why she decided on that particular top. She was wearing a matching skirt that ended mid-thigh and fitted her curvy hips perfectly. Most importantly, I could tell she wasn't wearing any underwear, so she was in full easy-access mode. When she caught my assessment, she gave me a mischievous smile that basically said, if he wants me, he can get me.

"Wow! Perfect! You look just perfect," I commented honestly.

"You think it's OK," she asked.

"OK? People are going to be going crazy. You might piss off some of your lady friends as they will have to chase off their husbands because of how you look," Which was probably true.

"Oh, I don't want it to be too much," she said a bit concerned.

"It's not too much love, it's perfect. You'll be fine, they will be fine." I tried to ease her fears. I knew she didn't want to come off as slutty, but at the same time, I knew because of what she was wearing, she was really looking forward to what may happen.

"OK babe, just understand that nothing may happen. I don't know who is going to be there and I certainly don't want to get caught. I am pretty sure Jose will be OK with our plan, but that doesn't mean today something will happen. I really don't know everyone that that will be there so it could be a crazy event," she tried once again to temper my excitement, but failed.

"I know love, but I am so nervous and excited, I don't know how I am going to keep it together. Come on let's go, if we don't leave I am going to have to take you right here," I added as I turned to get the car keys.

On the way over to Claire's we barely spoke, but it was clear we were both nervous, the tension building with each mile we got closer. "OK babe," she said as we parked on the curb. "Just remember that I love you more than anything else and above everything, you are my one and only. Whatever happens tonight, know that I will never, ever leave you." She leaned over and emphasized that last part with a gentle kiss on the lips and got out of the car.

At the Party

When we walked in the front door it was obvious the place was crazy. There were kids running about the house, people we didn't recognize having conversation in the kitchen, some of them turning to assess the new comers. I took note of a few of the husbands assessing my wife perhaps a little too long, but I couldn't really blame them. After negotiating some of this early traffic, we finally saw Claire and approached her with a bottle of wine and a gift for her son.

"I am so glad you guys could make it, this place is a zoo," she commented as she gave Jaime a hug and took the bottle of wine, placing it on the counter.

A quick survey of the immediate area didn't reveal Jose, so I started to already get concerned. I needed to calm down and let things just take its course.

"There is food out back," Claire continued. "Can I get you a glass of wine Jaime?"

"Yes, I could really use one," she replied and just like that she was in her element. The other girls from the 'inner circle' came in from the outside and caught sight of Jaime and a similar exchange of pleasantries ensued. After the meet and greet they were off into their own gossip world, leaving me with my thoughts. With a last look over her shoulder, my wife winked at me and headed outside.

It was at that moment I realized that I hadn't eaten a thing all day. I can't be passing out in the middle of all this, so I worked my way through the kitchen and out onto the patio in search of some food. Sure that Mike would be working the grill, I followed the smell, and the smoke, and found my prize. Sitting down with my burger, I scooped a beer out of the cooler to help wash it down. After a few bites, I turned to Mike, "Big party, who are all these people?"

"I know right," Mike replied. "Aunts, Uncles, friend's parents, you name it. This is going to be a long day."

I shook my head in agreement, a bit disheartened by the crowd. I had no idea how my wife would be able to sneak in anything with Jose, if he is even here. My beer was somehow empty already, so I grabbed another, preparing to wash down my excitement with a stream of alcohol. I don't work well in crowds as it is, and my focus wasn't on any conversation really. I had one thing on my mind and from what I could see it seemed everything was working against that idea.

The next hour went by painfully slow. I'll be honest, I don't remember any of the conversations I had during that time, same old shit as likely. I met a few of the new folks, they seemed nice. So and So's kid was all county something or other. The local team still sucks as much as they did last week. Where is the sun this summer? All things that at that moment I could care less talking about.

I crossed paths with my wife a few times and she seemed to be having fun in her own way. Her girl friends can pass the time easily enough, but I could tell she was on the look out for Jose, who had yet to show, or if he was here, was hidden in the sea of unknown faces. She gave me a nice peck on the check and whispered, "Relax babe, it's still really early." I nodded a little solemnly as I went to grab what must have been my fourth beer, I need to slow down.

"What's up Brad, you seem distracted?" Mike added when I came back around for a beer and second burger.

"Do I," I said innocently, knowing full well that I am wearing my heart on my sleeve. "I suppose it's a lack of sleep, I have been getting up early all week."

"How come?" He asked flipping another set of burgers and a few brats.

"I don't know I... ," and I stopped mid-sentence as I caught sight of Jose coming out onto the patio from the house. I quickly turned my head to where my wife was, and she must have sensed me looking as she looked up and caught my eyes. I gave a head nod over toward the house where Jose was, and she got a quizzical look on her face before grasping my meaning.

Standing up, Jaime looked over toward the house and she couldn't suppress a little smile when she caught sight of Jose. She looked back at me and her smile broadened. Lifting her glass to me in a toast, she downed the rest of her wine and tried to causally go about her conversation, but I could see the nervous energy tensing in her body language.

"What was that?" Mike asked.

"Huh?" I replied.

"You were saying something about being tired and just stopped," Mike responded, my concern that he caught some of the unspoken exchange with my wife assuaged by his continued burger flipping.

"Oh, right. I was just saying I have had a lack of sleep is all. Just a lot of work I guess," Mike nodding his understanding as he continued to cook for the masses.

Jose caught site of me, he is tall like me so could see above most of the crowd, and gave a wave as he made his way around the patio. I waved back, and he went about trying to worm his way through the throng. When he got to the grill, I shook his hand, hoping my nervous energy didn't come through in the hand shake. "Hi Jose, how's it going?"

"Good," he responded grabbing a burger for himself and I offered him a beer from the cooler. "Thanks. This place is crazy Mike."

Mike just offered a "Yep," over his shoulder as the cook continued his work unabated.

"Is Jaime here with you?" Jose asked me.

Already thinking about her I see, I thought, answering, "Yes, she is over there with the crew. I am sure she will be happy to see you."

Jose gave a little look to me, as if assessing my response, as he downed a few bites of the burger. It's probably not normal for a husband to say that his wife would be happy to see another guy.

"She really enjoys your company," I went further. I know I was playing with him a bit here, but I wanted him to know I was OK with whatever conversation he may have with my wife later, and exert at least some sort of control. I imagine he will connect the dots when he talks with her.

When a little look of concern showed on his face, I was quick to add, "No worries Jose, she doesn't have many guy friends and I am glad she can express herself with you." I don't actually believe that women can be true friends with a guy, as something usually hits one or the other, but in this case, I was making an obvious exception.

Jose seemed to relax a little bit, but I could tell was a little confused by our exchange. Perhaps he was concerned that I was angry over the amount of time they spent together at the last party. I wasn't worried though, I knew any talk with my wife would soon make senses of this conversation for him. Not wanting to keep him any longer I declared, "I have to hit the bathroom," and took my leave for the house, expecting he would, as usual, take advantage of my absence and find my wife.

It was a few minutes before I could get through the line at the bathroom, a line for Pete's sake. I wanted to get back out there and see where Jose had wandered off too, though I was pretty sure I knew. When I finally did my business and made it back out onto the patio, I wasn't disappointed. Jose had made his way over to the circle of girls, and was involved in some conversation with the crew, laughs and smiles were shared by all. If they only knew.

I know my wife intimately and I could read from her expressions that she was nervous, really nervous. She looked amazing, and that wasn't lost on Jose as caught him look her up and down when she wasn't noticing. Jaime must have been dying to tell him what we wanted, but the situation didn't come for her to pull him away and she had to keep going with the rest of the conversations as best she could.

The butterflies in my stomach were fluttering in overdrive and I could barely hold myself together as I watched them. So many things were going through my mind and I tried to keep focused on them as best I could, without looking creepy. I needed to be sure I caught sight of them for their 'talk' and it was hard to navigate through the throng of people without getting distracted. I grabbed another beer from the cooler and tried to find a good vantage point for whatever may come.

Thankfully, I didn't have to wait too long for her to break away with him, as I noticed my wife lean in and whisper something to him. Jose shook his head in agreement with whatever she said, and they turned and headed toward the house. Shit, I couldn't see the house from where I was. He was leading her around the crowd a bit, and I tried to shift so I could still see them. I didn't want to be seen while they talked but I wanted to watch how it went, and if they went into the house, that would be difficult. Maybe I should have had her call me on her cell so I could listen, but that maybe too James Bond. Damn!

When they stopped at the corner of the patio away from the main section, I breathed an audible sigh. If anyone was watching me, I am sure they would have wondered what the fuck I was doing, but everyone seem engaged in their on worlds. I found a good spot by the pergola post near the pool where I could see everything and hopefully not be too obvious. I took a sip of beer and tried to look as nonchalant as I could while they talked, but my hands were shaking visibly.

As I said before, I know my wife quite well and I can read body language, so I knew she was nervous as hell as she started talking to him. Jaime appeared to be doing most of the talking initially so I imagined she was going through some pleasantries, and he was nodding along as if everything being said made perfect sense. I imagine it went something like, I like you, you're a great guy, your attractive, we have good chemistry, blah-blah-blah. As she continued, I could see when things got a little more serious as he leaned down as if he didn't quite understand what she was saying. When my wife apparently repeated what she said, I could see is face go a little wide with shock. Uh-oh, what was he thinking? He apparently said something like "Wait really are you serious?" or something like that because he had this incredulous look on his face and my wife responded with an emphatic shake of her head.

Jose stood up away from her momentarily, as if assessing what she had told him, almost non-believing I would say. I suppose it is hard to understand what was going through his mind at that moment, a beautiful, married woman telling a guy who obviously has a crush on her that she has a hall pass. When the conversation continued, it must have gotten to the point where he asked if I knew because I could see him look up as if trying to spot me, perhaps with a tinge of guilt or self-consciousness. I was hidden well, so I confidently continued to watch without fear of being spotted.

When he looked back at her Jaime said something to him and he shook his head in agreement, so I guess he was over the initial shock and gave his agreement to continue. If I could read things from here, I think she was going through the rules with him, because he was paying closer attention and nodding every so often. After another 5 minutes of this, I knew she was finished because her shoulders seemed to shake off the nervousness of the situation and relaxed a bit. It was out of the bag now, no putting it back.

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