by DarkBreezly
I enjoyed this chapter. Wife needs to go on a date with Jose and get the full treatment...not some backyard fuck. 5 Stars.
Next chapter is outlined, and we'll see if Jose can finally have his moment.
Our cuckolding remains a fantasy, but I do love getting questions. The part where one of the party goers said careful..Jose is trying to steal your wife..was great. I too have simply (tried) say that he IS a work colleague. He understands what she wants to talk about. Etc. but always added..I love seeing her happy!
Even beyond all the other problems intrinsic to this sort of fucked-up arrangement, it boggles the mind that they'd start things in a party, where all of the rules, guidelines and nuances of this arrangement have to be conveyed in whispers and separate conversations, and where someone overhearing the conversation or walking in on the sex (which almost happened) means making the whole thing public.
I mean, I guess it kind of fits, that someone who gets off on walking the knife's edge and risking his marriage also gets off on walking the knife's edge and risking his reputation and friendships, but if this is how they *start*, it's pretty clear that the only way this isn't going to end in fiery doom is author fiat.
If they are neighbors, why do they have to wait for a party? Odd reasoning for adults.
First as I said in my long comment in chapter one the story is hot but the real life concerns are there already. First he’s a smug dick to walk in the party to ask a hubby where his wife is and not in a way did she come tonight. Second is she is way to into it from zero to sixty in one try. Third they are so obvious that there friends have been noticeing all along and now he’s touching her ass and inner thigh and exposed back at a friends back yard party where one say you better watch out for Jose he might steel your wife. Then he has the balls to take her on the side of the house to fuck her and he just found out about doing this. Anyone could of saw especially some kids who go every where at house parties. As the husband you have already been demoted by him and your wife and Jose is the only one who sees it .
Back to the story if I were Jose I’d be waiting at there house to continue and fuck her all night while hubby jerks off in some corner. The next morning at the table for breakfast I’d have her on her knees sucking my dick while I talked with hubby letting him see my control but telling him whatever he wants to hear. In no time at all the whole neighborhood will know what’s going on and Jose will be the guys hero , the wife will be the married whore who is a pig and hubby will be the humiliated emasculated wimp laughing stock among all the familyies. This is not a personal attack it’s just what happens. I don’t understand a guy who would want his wife to fuck others but I get people have different desires even if I don’t share them. One thing for certain that many have seen Jose and the wife as to close for a long time and now the more free he gets the more they will see is true. People like me are always watching and this goes on in every crowd with more than just a couple. There are always guys who think they are hot shit married or not to flirt will all the woman to test the water to see who they can fuck. It is shat it is. Jose would of been nicly warned way back that he’s a little to comfortable with my wife and my wife definitely would’ve know that I’m watching and don’t like it they are getting way to comfortable
That is one stimulating story. Sure wish I could be young enough to enjoy such an exciting event. Looking forward to more action involving those three lucky people.
thanks for writing and posting
the awkwardness was charming to the plot
I liked that aspect, the kind of "we're winging this and not real sure how its supposed to work." is actually quite endearing.
at the same time, everyone really seemed rather comfy about everything.
maybe a bit more tension. a la
how would hubby feel if she spent the night away?
especially if it wasn't a pre agreed and a simple text "be home tomorrow" sent.
or if an extra night was tacked onto a rendezvous, again rather cheekily communicated maybe just before her return time, or even a few hours after she was expected back.
if she spent a weekend away? a week?
what if their kisses began to last longer?
I'm just elbowing for more nervousness (fear?).
would love to see the benefits develop. and expand.
and you know what, the pace demonstrated so far is entirely enjoyable.
You have successfully gotten my attention with this story, and I'm looking forward to seeing where you take it. My wife had a romantic interlude like this with an attorney a while back and it really kept our bedroom hot for several months. Unfortunately he got married and their fling ended, maybe someone else will come along is my hope anyway, it was a very exciting time for us all.
I appreciate everyone's comments, I am glad that you are enjoying things thus far. These are my first two stories, so I know there are some gaps or issues, that a few of you pointed out. I kinda shook my head a few times and said to myself, "good point".
Suffice it to say, the next story will try to address some of these points and keep things going. We will also start to see if there are any lasting impacts from their decisions, but don't expect this to turn into some disaster story, that;s not how am writing this.
I have the next one outlined, I just need to start putting it together, and decide if I want to illustrate it.
At the party, I thought it would have actually been hotter if one of the strangers started putting the moves on her, before or rather than Jose. Would have been a real cool turn of events for the unexpected to have occurred like that, with her being seduced by some unintended guy rather than her actually getting it on with Jose.
Loved all your skillful writing and tension and build up! Eagerly awaiting the next chapter
this is a very exciting story and I like the way everything was cut short by Mike's arrival. And The way hubby got off on seeing his wife getting fucked buy Jose, (like Arsenio Hall said hummmmm. The Way She Just dove on on his 7-incher 8 him all up to her Delight) wishing it would have been my tonight to taste all of his come.
A recipe for disaster if you ask me (I know, you didn't).
1st boundary - you are a guest and as such will respect where you are going into at all times, you will not go into any rooms without first asking, you will not leave a mess if you spill something you will clear it up straight away and if you are asked to leave quietly and immediately.
2nd boundary - if there are certain things she does not like to do with you, he is not allowed to do them.
Also thought of another rule - any gossip among the usual crowd and it's over.
Anon's comment about one of the extras hitting on Jamie crossed my mind while reading and it would have been interesting to see that play out, even more so if the attempt happened after Jose was spoken to.
Enjoying the story, though I think Mike will twig before long and it will be interesting how that plays out. Will he approach Brad directly? Will he gossip (even just with Claire)? Will he try and get in on the action and how will that work out (especially as, at this stage Brad hasn't shown an interest in Jamie's MMF)?
Both Chapters have had a few minor typo's and grammar issues, but given your comment about English, you're doing well. 1 thing I find distracting - being from the UK we nod our heads in agreement and shake them to disagree. I get others use shake to agree, but you use both nod and shake to agree. It would help to be more consistent.
Sorry, as so much happened after (plus I've just been reminded in the comments), Jose's question about where Jamie was, to me, would have ended any idea of anything, just because of his public assumption. He must respect both Brad and Jamie, but Brad's excitement is possibly going to be his downfall.
Though it's not goint to be a disaster story...depends on POV, if DarkBreezly is a cuckold fetishist, it might be a good end for him and a disaster for others, if not, the cuckold fetishists will see it as a disaster.....
So well written and all the twists! Can't be your first story!
thank you
Too bad he’s not a cuck with benefits. At least LW’s, now missing, old whore liked it.
Great story; I like the plot, the discussions between the wife and husband, and how it’s all developing. My wife sneaking away at a party is a top fantasy of mine. Really enjoying it!