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Wife's Friend with Benefits Ch. 02


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My wife looked up at me when he was gone, a What the fuck, look on her face. "Did you...", was all she could get out before I pulled her to me and kissed her passionately. Not missing a beat, she replied with equal passion, sliding her tongue into my mouth. When she broke the kiss she said, 'We have to get back". I shook my head no, "Not before you take care of this. I am so turned on by you right now, I am going to explode."

With that I pulled out my cock from my still open fly and with a smile she immediately dropped to her knees and took me fully in to her mouth. She is an expert at sucking cock and she moved her mouth slowly up and down my shaft at first, turning her head and twisting her hand in a slow rotation. Then, she went right to work, sucking hard and moving quickly over the head of my dick. I was so worked up, it took only a couple of minutes before I breathed, "I'm cumming, I'm..." And then I exploded into her mouth. She slowed down as she tried to swallow every drop, but I just didn't stop unleashing my pent up cum into her. It started to drip down the sides of her mouth and face as she couldn't get it all. When she stopped for air and she looked up at me about half my cum was dripping from her mouth while the rest found it's way into her stomach.

"I don't have a towel," was all she could say as she stood up.

I picked up the bottom of my shirt and used it to wipe off her face, doing my to get it all off. I smiled at her and at the situation. "I love you", I said. "I love you too", she responded. "That was new", she added making some final adjustments on her outfit.

"Yes, well, a lot of new things happened today, I would say. All for the better I hope." I added turning to head back to the party.

"Well, we can talk about that later, let's get back before people talk." she grabbed my hand and turned with me as we started walking.

"So, the rumors are true then?" I asked lightening the mood.

"Oh, fuck yes." She answered with a broad smile. "By the way, you smell like cum."

We aren't sure what happened to Jose, but he didn't return to the party. We got a few knowing smiles from our friends, and that helped cover any suspicion that may have been creeping in to their minds about Jose. I 'accidentally' spilled a beer on my shirt to cover the smell. I guess it all worked out this time, and I can't wait for the next. I am sure Jose will want a chance to finish what he started.

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Medinamaybes_swingMedinamaybes_swingabout 1 year ago

Great story; I like the plot, the discussions between the wife and husband, and how it’s all developing. My wife sneaking away at a party is a top fantasy of mine. Really enjoying it!

hornyspermmhornyspermmover 1 year ago

lovely series.. helps me to imagine my sexy wife fucking around

cibixcibixover 2 years ago

a great chapter 2! loving it so far... :-)

26thNC26thNCover 3 years ago

Too bad he’s not a cuck with benefits. At least LW’s, now missing, old whore liked it.

cuckiemancuckiemanover 3 years ago


Mistress K 👄 & hubby

DexMandrakeDexMandrakeover 4 years ago
Chapter Deux

I will simply say, "I am Hooked"!!!!!!

Firmhands5Firmhands5about 6 years ago
great twists

So well written and all the twists! Can't be your first story!

thank you

kiteareskitearesover 6 years ago
And another thing

Sorry, as so much happened after (plus I've just been reminded in the comments), Jose's question about where Jamie was, to me, would have ended any idea of anything, just because of his public assumption. He must respect both Brad and Jamie, but Brad's excitement is possibly going to be his downfall.

Though it's not goint to be a disaster story...depends on POV, if DarkBreezly is a cuckold fetishist, it might be a good end for him and a disaster for others, if not, the cuckold fetishists will see it as a disaster.....

kiteareskitearesover 6 years ago
No Boundaries?

A recipe for disaster if you ask me (I know, you didn't).

1st boundary - you are a guest and as such will respect where you are going into at all times, you will not go into any rooms without first asking, you will not leave a mess if you spill something you will clear it up straight away and if you are asked to leave quietly and immediately.

2nd boundary - if there are certain things she does not like to do with you, he is not allowed to do them.

Also thought of another rule - any gossip among the usual crowd and it's over.

Anon's comment about one of the extras hitting on Jamie crossed my mind while reading and it would have been interesting to see that play out, even more so if the attempt happened after Jose was spoken to.

Enjoying the story, though I think Mike will twig before long and it will be interesting how that plays out. Will he approach Brad directly? Will he gossip (even just with Claire)? Will he try and get in on the action and how will that work out (especially as, at this stage Brad hasn't shown an interest in Jamie's MMF)?

Both Chapters have had a few minor typo's and grammar issues, but given your comment about English, you're doing well. 1 thing I find distracting - being from the UK we nod our heads in agreement and shake them to disagree. I get others use shake to agree, but you use both nod and shake to agree. It would help to be more consistent.

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