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Wife's Polyamory Plan a No-Go

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Who locks their glove box?
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Once again I'd like to thank blackrandl1958 for her editing and encouragement.

It shouldn't have been that easy, but it was. Almost too easy, in fact. Had she known it was going to be that easy, maybe she would have done it much earlier in life. She wondered why she had waited this long to try it.

Alex stretched languidly in her lover's bed. She turned onto her right side, pushed herself up and walked into the ensuite. She turned on the shower, adjusted the temperature and climbed in. She quickly scrubbed herself, being very careful around her slightly-sore, freshly-fucked pussy. She was about to turn off the water when Trey stepped in, so she let the water run as the two exchanged places.

The pair was ready to go 15 minutes later. The man leaned in, but the woman backed off slightly so his kiss would be soft on her freshly-done lipstick.

"Easy lover, let's stick to the plan so we can do this for a long time," she cautioned him.

"I'm sorry. You're right," he responded. "It's just that your lips are so damned kissable."

The woman smiled brightly. At least for the first month, this part of her life was going exactly as she planned. She expected nothing less; in fact, she expected this to go on for a lot longer.

Some would have called what Alex and Trey were doing on Wednesday afternoons an affair. She thought the term "affair" was much too crude. Alex loved Trey, and considered their Wednesday encounters much more than a tawdry affair.

Alexis Temple wasn't looking for love when it found her... for a second time. She had been married—happily married—for 12 years, to Chris Temple, when she met Trey Latham at an executive board meeting at Parkfield Hospital four months previous. Alexis was the Parkfield HR director, and Trey was the new marketing representative for Riley Gordon, the hospital's public relations firm.

Trey was wearing a pinstriped charcoal gray suit that had obviously been tailored for his 6-4, 225-pound athletic physique. His close-cropped brown hair was wavy and thick, and his large brown eyes flashed when he talked. She noticed a tingling between her legs when the man looked at her.

The pair interacted several times in the next few months before Alex realized that her feelings for Trey were more than superficial. An affair wouldn't be right: this would be a relationship for which she wouldn't apologize, nor feel guilty for having.


Chris Temple walked out to the mailbox on a Saturday afternoon and grabbed the handful of letters and miscellaneous posts that were dropped off that day. In the handful were two envelopes from the state of Indiana that included license plate stickers and printed registrations for 2023. Chris opened the envelope addressed to him, placed the new sticker on his license plate and dropped his registration into the glove box in his car. He then opened the envelope addressed to his wife, placed the new sticker on her license plate and attempted to drop her registration in her glove box... except that the glove box was locked.

"Who the fuck locks their glove box?" Chris thought angrily to himself as he walked back into the house, grabbed his wife's car keys off the key rack, opened the glove box and dropped the new registration in. He closed the compartment and was about to walk off when he was struck by that stray thought.

Chris re-opened the box and looked inside. He found the car manual, the last three registrations and a cell phone, only one of which surprised him at that point.

"Fuck. Fuck. Fuck," he muttered to himself.

Chris knew his wife was upstairs in the shower. As had been her pattern for the last six months, she had gotten home about 20 minutes earlier from her Saturday morning exercise class and, as usual, had gone straight into the shower. He took his time, turning on the phone and waiting for it to boot completely before looking through her call history. As she hadn't expected anyone to ever find the phone, she hadn't bothered to clear her history.

There was a short list of calls but a long list of texts, all to and from someone named Trey Latham. Even before he looked through the texts, Chris knew his 13-year marriage was over. Reading the texts did nothing to change his mind.

Chris turned off the phone, put it back in the box and relocked it. He replaced his wife's keys on the rack, listening for a second as he heard the shower still running upstairs. He blankly went out to mow the yard and think.

The texts told Chris that his wife had been having an affair with Trey Latham for almost a year. Her late Wednesday nights at the office had started about then, he remembered. Apparently, she had been taking a long lunch hour and then adding it to the end of the day so she could get her time in.

About six months ago, the two had added Saturday mornings to their play days, according to their texts. That jibed with the beginning of his wife starting exercise classes at a local gym, Chris remembered. Tears came to his eyes. He slammed both hands on the handle of the mower.

Alex smiled as she heard the sound of the mower from the master bedroom on the second floor. She knew Chris loved to mow the yard, both because of the exercise he got and because he truly loved the look of a well-cared-for yard. As she got dressed to enjoy the rest of her Saturday, she truly knew she was indeed a lucky woman to love an adoring husband and a hot, younger lover.

It had been almost a year since Alex broadened her love life to include Trey, and things were working out as well as she had planned. With careful planning and good organization, her life had never been fuller: a loving husband, two great children, a great job and a 29-year-old second husband to fill in both the emotional and physical gaps she felt she had in her marriage. Yes, there were times when she almost felt overwhelmed, but for the most part she knew she was living her life to the fullest. Taking on a lover... a second love, in fact... completed what she wanted in life. She wasn't taking the easy way out; she was living her life right to the brim, she felt.

On this day, living her life to the brim meant the possibility of having sex with two different men on the same day, a hugely lustful occurrence that always resulted in mind-blowing orgasms when she was able to get her husband to make love to her at night after her lover had made love to her earlier in the day.

Alex had always showered and cleaned carefully after she and Trey had sex, so she had no problem if Chris initiated sex with her on those nights. In fact, after she was sure her husband couldn't tell that she had had sex earlier in the day, she started to initiate things on her own to enjoy the extra arousal of her own naughtiness.

Alex's relationship with Trey was truly one of love, not just lust. The younger man was warm and smart and his interests were different from those of her husband, giving her a more rounded life, she believed. Trey knew from the beginning that she was married and loved her husband, but that she had more than enough love to include Trey in her heart as well. As for the sex, Trey was 13 years younger than her husband and was more forceful in both personality and physicality, having six-pack abs and about 30 more pounds of defined muscle on his body. The sex with each was mostly different, as well, as she and Chris usually made slow, passionate love, while she and Trey usually fucked harder and were physically more intense.

Alex didn't get sex with two men on that Saturday, as Chris begged off due to fatigue that night. She had to admit to herself that he looked a little off when he came into the house after mowing. In reality, Chris was pleased with himself that he didn't throw up when she tried to start something. As he lay facing away from Alex, he wondered to himself how many times his wife had given him sloppy seconds.

Chris was vice president of finance at a medium-sized tool and die manufacturer. He got in every morning at 7, threw a K-cup into the Keurig coffee machine and dug into his e-mail inbox. The plant officially started for the day at 8. At 8:15, he stopped into the office of production manager Bob Casey, a friend who had been divorced from his wife of 15 years about five years ago.

"Got a few minutes for something personal, Bob?" he asked, and when Bob nodded, Chris walked in and closed the door behind him.

"This can't be good," Bob declared.

Five minutes later, Bob had the whole story from Chris and was on the phone to his divorce attorney, who was an old college friend. Bob's friend squeezed Chris in that afternoon.

Alex was shocked when she was served divorce papers the next Wednesday afternoon at the hospital as she got back from her Wednesday afternoon tryst with Trey. She never had a clue her husband was unhappy with their marriage. She completely missed the irony of the timing of her being served. As her mind scrambled to put things together, she never even considered the possibility that Chris had learned about her relationship with Trey.

As soon as she was calm enough, Alex called her husband.

"Why? Why?" she asked through her tears. "What did I do wrong?"

"Seriously? You have to ask? You've been having an affair for about a year, yet you can't figure out why I'm divorcing you!"

For the second time in just a few minutes, Alex was stunned. She continued to sob, but had no words for Chris. He ended the call.

As Chris expected, Alex was waiting at the house when he got home, instead of working late as usual.

"Isn't Mr. McCoy going to be upset with you for not making up your hours for that long lunch?" Chris asked as he walked into the house from the garage.

"I love you, sweetie. You know that. I'm sorry for not telling you about Trey, but I felt it was better for everyone concerned..." Alex said.

"Everyone?" Chris interrupted. "You and lover-boy. That's not everyone. What about me? Aren't I part of everyone?"

"Yeah, you are," she said quietly. "I guess I need to explain."

"Ya think?" Chris huffed.

"We... I... didn't tell you about Trey because I knew you wouldn't understand... and you'd ruin everything, just like you're doing now," she started.

"I'm ruining everything? Excuse the fuck out of me. What exactly am I ruining?" Chris growled.

"I didn't go looking for this relationship, Chris. It just happened... And I'm glad it did. Trey's a wonderful man. You'd like him if you would get to know him. This is so much more than an affair. It's so much more than sex, than lust.

"I love him, the same way I love you, Chris. I could no more give him up than I could you."

"But we're married. You can't love two men at the same time," Chris argued.

"Yes, I can. Being married doesn't mean you can automatically shut off your emotions, shut off love. You are my first love. He is my second. I have the capacity to love more than one man at a time. It's not a one or the other thing," Alex said.

"Trey understands I already have a full life. He has been willing to take the little bit of time I have for him. You and the family get the lion's share of my time... the way it should be.

"I haven't taken anything from you and the kids. I have added something for me, outside of you and the kids."

"Trey isn't your husband. He's an interloper. He should be grateful for any time he gets from you. But I'm your husband... and you have two children. All of that time should be given to us," Chris said.

"I love my life the way it is right now. I don't want to change anything. I want you all," Alex said. "I don't want a divorce."

"Yeah, well, I didn't want my wife to be sleeping with another man. Apparently, we don't always get everything we want," Chris said.

"Remember when we got married, babe? Remember the words 'love, honor and cherish?' How is fucking another man loving, honoring or cherishing me?"

"You make it sound so... dirty, disgusting," Alex said. "It isn't anything like that."

"From your standpoint, maybe. From my standpoint, definitely," Chris said.

"Aarrgghh!" she growled.

The argument ended when the couple's two children came downstairs to greet their father. Both parents knew their children heard the heated discussion. The children, Josh, 13, and Kayla, 10, looked very uncomfortable.

"We're sorry you had to hear that," Chris said. "We'll try to act more like adults in the future. But, yes, we're getting divorced. We both still love you, and you guys had nothing to do with our breaking up."

"I agree with everything your father just said, except that there will be no divorce," Alex said. "He won't be selfish enough to ruin your lives because he's having a snit."

"He won't be ruining your life because he's not the one who cheated," Chris said.

"Mom! You cheated on Daddy? How could you?" wailed Kayla.

Alex grimaced at the outburst. She glared first at her daughter, then at her husband.

"Watch your mouth, Kay... I'm still your mother," Alex rasped.

"Only because I can't divorce you, too!" the child yelled back before running upstairs to her room.

"Well, that was pleasant," Chris said to no one in particular. "I guess we need to have a family meeting while we eat. Josh, get your sister so we can talk."

While Alex sat and glowered at the other three members of her family, they had a frank discussion of her infidelity and the coming divorce. He told the children that he was filing for joint custody, instead of letting Alex have primary custody.

"You can't take my children from me, Chris!" she yelled.

"Not planning to, but you're not getting primary custody either. You don't get to cheat and make me a weekend dad," he barked.

"So who is this guy you're cheating on Dad with?" Josh asked his mother.

"That is hardly appropriate, young man..." Alex started to say.

"I consider it very appropriate," Chris interjected. "The kids are old enough to hear the truth, regardless of what you want."

Chris spent a few minutes telling his kids everything he had learned about Trey Latham in the last week. Alex was surprised at how much her husband knew about her lover. He was beginning to make a habit of surprising her, and he wasn't shy about telling his children what he had learned. Alex spent most of that part of the discussion looking down at her plate.

"Not going to be a divorce, kids. I just need to make your father see things right," Alex said as she gathered her empty plate and glass and went into the kitchen.

Both children looked at Chris, who shrugged. They both knew their father well enough to know that he wasn't the type of man who would put up with a cheating wife.

The kids headed up to their rooms immediately after finishing dinner, but not before Josh said, "We're here if you need us, Dad. We'll talk, but we don't want to be in the way of any stray bullets, if you know what I mean."

"Thanks, guys. I appreciate that," Chris responded.

The family usually adjourned to the family room to watch a movie or several television shows after dinner, unless the kids were busy doing homework. Alex was sitting in the formal living room, ostensibly reading a book, when Chris went into the family room to watch "Jeopardy." He smiled to himself as he sat down, knowing that Alex hadn't read a book in several months.

Alex held back tears as she sat in the living room thinking, occasionally turning a page of her book to make it sound and look like she was reading. Six hours ago, she thought she had a perfect life. Now she knew she was holding on to her marriage by her fingernails... and her perfect life was circling the drain unless she could make her husband understand what she wanted... needed.

Chris had made her relationship with Trey seem... tawdry, almost low-life, when in fact it was anything but that, Alex knew. Her husband was a good man, maybe even a great one, but he was not without faults... weaknesses, if you will. The addition of Trey into her life filled those holes, and their sex was a manifestation of their love, not the fulfillment of lust... well, mostly, she had to admit. She kept her relationship with Trey from Chris because she knew her husband would never allow it, but now that he knew, it made that relationship look... wrong.

Alex believed she had thought of all the details to keeping her relationship with Trey a secret. She made sure she did all the little things, including making sure she kept their sex life virtually the same as before Trey came on the scene, neither increasing nor decreasing the number of, and intensity, of their lovemaking. She wracked her brain hard trying to figure out how her clueless husband suddenly figured things out.

Up until a few hours earlier, Alex considered herself the smarter spouse, in part because she was able to hide her relationship with Trey for almost a year. She had to admit that the first time Chris enjoyed her body hours after Trey did, had not only excited her beyond anything she had ever felt before, but also made her feel... quite superior.

Trey seemed quite pleased with the status of his relationship with Alex. Although she was 13 years his senior, she had the body of a much younger woman, a beautiful face to match and was both smart and personable. He was surprised at how quickly he was able to persuade the seemingly happily-married woman into his bed. She made it clear that she was interested in more than just mattress gymnastics, although she wasn't looking to replace her husband. That was more than fine with Trey, who enjoyed the freedom of being a bachelor.

The only request Trey had made concerning the relationship was to add a second day to their weekly trysts. Alex had initially turned down Trey's request, but after a month she enthusiastically agreed, and thus began Alex's Saturday morning exercise class.

Trey tried to pretend he was sympathetic to Alex's situation when the two met for lunch at the out of the way restaurant they sometimes met at to actually eat. She had called the young man to make the appointment soon after she got in to her office.

"Well honestly, Alex, if you get divorced, that would give us more time together. That's not necessarily a bad thing for me," Trey said around a bite of sandwich. "But I know you don't want a divorce. Do we have to end?"

"I'm hoping not. I'm hoping I can make him see things my way," Alex said. "He's always been a reasonable man, and I know he still loves me, so if I can appeal to his sense of fairness..."

"I wouldn't give up any part of you if I had a choice," Trey jumped in. "Why would your husband?"

"Because he loves me, and I just need to make him understand that keeping things status quo makes me happy... and won't affect our love for each other," she said.

"But until I can convince him, I guess we need to cool it for a while. It won't help my cause to look like I'm rubbing his face in it."

Chris wasn't surprised when Alex didn't go to her "exercise class" Saturday morning. He knew that she was smart enough to back off, at least visually, from her relationship with Trey. Still, he just had to poke the bear, as much as anything to gauge her reaction.

"At this point, you may as well go to your lover, babe. I've already filed, and I'm not about to change my mind," Chris said as he and Alex were sitting in the family room and their children were outside being children.

"Just because you filed doesn't mean you can't change your mind, sweetie," she said.

"Do you love me, Chris? Do you love the children? More or less than me?" she asked rapid-fire.

Alex caught him off-guard. She could see the wheels turning in his head as he tried to search for the right answer.

"I love you all equally, but different. You know that. What's your point?" Chris queried.

"That people can love many people at many levels... different and the same at the same time," she said. "I love you and the kids and... Trey... all equally and yet all different. I couldn't give up loving any of you.

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