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I laughed, "I don't think I'm into that!"

"How do you know if you've never tried?" She asked, and slipped her middle finger in my slit and teased my clit, "Your pussy is nice and wet."

Then Erika kissed me again and the second time was better. It didn't help that she was teasing my clit, I was fighting getting turned on, but I was quickly losing the battle as her tongue slipped into my mouth, and she pressed her nice warm boobs against mine.

"I've always thought you were the hottest girl I've ever seen," Erika whispered, her lips barely pulled away from mine.

"I don't know about this?" I whispered back, but my clit didn't want her to stop.

"Have you done this before?" I asked her.

"No, I would've told you." And she kissed me again harder and ran her hand from my crotch slowly up my tummy and grabbed my boob.

There was no denying that my best friend was getting me turned on! My reluctance was melting away, as she started kissing my nipple and then sucked it gently.

"We shouldn't! I told her in my last ditch effort to stop.

"No rules," Erika whispered, "I want to find out what you taste like Jade...I want to lick your little-wet pussy!"

"OH GOD!" I groaned, letting her have her way.

Erika slowly kissed her way down to my belly button and teased it with her tongue, and rubbed my pussy some more. I found my legs spreading apart to let her between them. Erika started to kiss my pussy lips, and I let out a moan and gripped the furs.

Her tongue licked the opening to my vagina and then slid all the way up my slit, and I groaned loudly, "You taste perfect!" I heard her say before she did it again.

Then Erika started on my clit with her tongue, and it didn't take very long for her to make me cum. I held her head, and my hips bucked up and down as she sucked and licked me until my orgasm was over.

She crawled back up on top of me kissing my nipples with her wet mouth and chin, "That was fun, will you do me?" She asked.

How could I refuse after that?

I never realized how hot and juicy pussy gets during sex. I guess I'd always been so turned on that I didn't notice myself leaking and how swollen your lips get. But I found out as I licked Erika between her legs. It turned me on how she was moaning and squirming from my tongue.

When Erika arched her back and humped my face, I licked and sucked all of the juices leaking out of her. I loved how she moaned and told me how good it felt. It hadn't taken more than fifteen minutes for us both to get off, and we held each other afterword's winding down from the lovemaking.

"I need a bath!" Erika laughed, "I'm a hot mess down there."

"Me too," I told her, "Let's go up to that pond and get cleaned up."

We were about to head out when I remembered the warning about wolves and bears!

Erika said we should go anyway, and I was about to give in when I noticed the rain barrels at each corner of the cabin.

"Hey I got an Idea," I told her, "Get the bucket from the bathroom!"

The sun was almost all the way up as we stripped down beside the cabin and took stand up baths. Soaping each other and dumping ice cold water over our heads to get the soap off. Afterword's I felt clean and frozen, so we stood by the fire until we were warm again.

The only thing left to do was sit on the front porch in the sun waiting for our dads to get back.

I could hear wolves howling off in the distance, but I sure wasn't about to go looking for them. Erika got some beer out of the shed after we cooked some big hunks of Elk meat and ate. We sat there enjoying the wilderness with the breeze full of pine scent rolling up from across the lake.

"How did you like having sex with my dad?" Erika asked me as we sat there sipping cans of Budweiser.

"It was terrific!" I told her, "How was my dad?"

"Didn't you hear me yelling?" Erika laughed, "God his penis was gigantic!"

"So was your dads, I've never had one that big in me before!"

Then she asked, "What if our mom's find out?"

"What are they going to say?" I replied, "They did the same thing!"

"Oh Yeah!" Erika laughed, "I guess they did!"

"I guess we're all a bunch of swappers now."

"Swappers?" Erika laughed.

"Yeah, we all have been swapping partners!"

"I'm a swapper are you a swapper too?" Erika said in a funny voice.

"GOD you're sick!"

We laughed some more until Erika brought up the question that had been flitting around in my own mind.

"What are we going to do if they want us to swap beds again?"

"I'm not sure what I'll do?" I said honestly, "You think that's going to happen?"

"They are men aren't they, of course, they will...I'm sure they will get around to it sooner or later!"

"Seriously?" I asked.

"Remember how they swapped our moms?"

"Your right!" I told her, "I forgot about that!"

"They keep telling us there aren't any rules up here. So what do you think is going to happen?"

Erika had a point, and up here in the wilderness, we kept getting reminded that rules didn't apply like back home.

"What are you going to do if your dad tries to make love to you?" I asked her.

"I don't know?" she replied and took a big drink of beer, "I think it would feel kind of weird him being my dad and all."

"Yea but what will you do?"

"I don't know yet," Erika told me, "Maybe we just swap dad's while we are here."

We sat there with our own thoughts for a while, just enjoying the view across the blue lake.

"Jade this is the craziest trip I've ever been on!" Erika said at last, "I never imagined we'd be doing this."

I knew what she was referring to, "Yeah maybe we ought to just stay drunk and enjoy it?"

Erika started laughing, "You know me, when I get drunk I get horny!"

"You're a tramp!" I told her.

"So are you!"

I guess maybe Erika was right; I'd had my share of parties and guys. Right then I didn't care; I was eighteen and free to do whatever and whoever I wanted!

I think being in the wild had affected me by then. I really didn't know what was happening to me because I hadn't even felt guilty about being with Shaun! If I ended up screwing my dad, it didn't seem all that terrible at that moment. Alaska was changing me for sure, or maybe it was the booze. I really wasn't sure, but I planned on rolling with whatever happened.

When I look back on it, I guess I had started feeling sort of wild just like the land around me. It was cold in Alaska, no T.V., no cell-phone, or even a mall. But it was one of the most exciting times of my life.


"Looks like we're eating Elk again tonight!" My dad said as he and Shaun showed up with their rifles and no food.

"I took a shot at a Caribou but missed!" Shaun told us as they walked up to the front porch.

"What have you two been doing all morning?" Dad asked, slipping his rifle off and leaning it against the porch.

"We took a bath!" Erika told him.

"I hope you didn't go alone up to that lake!"

"No, we did it here with a bucket!"

"That was a good idea!" Shaun said, "I see you've been into our beer!" as he picked up the last three cans and pulled two from the plastic holder.

Dad took one from him and popped it open, "How would you girls like to go see something amazing?"

"Sure, it's kind of boring hanging around here all the time," I told him.

"Good, get some jackets or whatever you need."

Erika and I ran in and got our coats and a roll of toilet paper. Dad and Shaun left the rifles in the cabin and took pistols instead. They packed beer in a backpack and some dry foodstuff and Elk jerky.

I noticed that the sun was warm whenever it came out of the clouds. When it was covered up, it felt pretty chilly because the wind was blowing pretty hard. More so than being back in town for sure. Being in the trees helped, and I loved the sound of the pines rustling when a big gust would blow through their tops.

It took an hour or longer of hiking before we got to this opening in the trees. We walked out on this granite cliff, and you could see for miles!

"WOW!" Erika said, and I had to agree with her.

It was beautiful and looked like no one had ever been there before!

"Let's have a beer and enjoy the view!" Shaun told us.

I sat down with my feet hanging over the edge of the cliff. It looked like it dropped off hundreds of feet!

Dad came up behind me and sat down behind me with his legs spread out around me. Then he hugged me, "Jade, be careful you don't fall."

"I'm okay, I'm not afraid of heights."

Dad gave me a beer, and I took a drink as he put his arms around my tummy and pulled me back to his chest, "What do you think about the view?"

"GOD it's so beautiful dad!" and it was.

Dad had his chin on top of my head holding me tight against him, "Not as beautiful as you!"

"Thanks, daddy," I told him still not tearing my eyes from the scenery. I looked over and saw Erika, and her dad having a conversation further down the cliff face and wondered what they were saying.

"It sure would make me happy if you'd come to warm my bed tonight," Dad said in my ear and gave me a squeeze.

And there it was, my dad, making a pass at me! I had to give him credit for being honest about it.

"You really think we should?" I asked him, "You already cheated on mom with Erika, and now you want to do it with me?...what would mom do if she found out?"

"She's more open-minded than you think," He replied, "We sort of have an agreement for things like this."

"Like when you all traded partners in the hot tub the other night?" I asked him.

"You saw that?" he asked surprise in his voice.

"Yeah, Erika and I saw you."

"Well yes, we've been doing that for years. It keeps things from getting boring."

"Oh dad," I said, and turned to look him in the eyes, "I'm not sure I'm ready to do that unless all you have in mind is sleeping?"

"You don't have to do anything you don't want," He replied.

"I can't believe that mom wouldn't mind."

"That was just sex Jade, men have needs. So do women, and I didn't hear you complaining when you and Shaun were going at it."

That made me laugh because he was right. I didn't have any thoughts about Shaun except how good the sex had been!

"Meagan and your mom know about this place...and how rules don't apply like they do back home."

"They've been here before?"

"Yep, all of us shared the very same cabin years ago."

"So they are okay with that?"

"Like I said, there is a lot about all four of us you don't know."

I sat there leaning back against my dad, he was so strong, and I felt safe in his arms resting on the edge of that cliff. I knew he'd never let anything bad happen to me. I felt suddenly closer to him than I'd ever been before. I guess because he wasn't treating me like a little kid anymore.

I thought about how he'd spent hours teaching me to ride my first bike. The happiness on his face when I opened a huge present he got just for me every Christmas. All the school plays he'd suffered through and a million other things he'd done for me.

The real world seemed a million miles away. The wilderness had affected me in some way that made me glad I had made this trip. That my dad had brought me into his secret world that until now only Shaun had shared with him.



"I wish this trip would never end!"

Dad kissed the side of my face, "I wish we could make love right now."

I couldn't believe he'd actually said that to me! Like a lovesick puppy instead of the strong man, I'd grown up admiring my whole life.

I had to turn and look at him, "That's what you really want?"

"More than anything in the world!"

"Isn't that wrong for us to do that?"

"Is it?"

I just stared into his eyes.

"You have no idea how much I love you, Jade." He added and kissed me on the lips.

I felt all warm inside, "I don't know what to say?" I stuttered when the kiss broke apart.

Before he could answer, Erika came running over with two more beers.

"Hey, let's go see the old gold mine dad told me about!"

Dad got up and helped me to my feet. I felt light-headed from our conversation. It had been so honest and sincere, that my heart ached with love for him at that moment. I didn't know if I could give him what he wanted as I took one last look at the vast wilderness spread out across the horizon.

I felt like it was pulling all of us into uncharted territory, as dad took my hand and we turned and followed Erika and Shaun back into the woods.

All four of us spent the next hour checking out the old dilapidated log cabins of the gold mining camp. There were huge piles of rusty tin cans from food, and even a vast old steam engine tilted and rusting away. True to my word I'd thought about nothing but what dad had said to me on the cliff. I guess any other girl might have freaked out or something, but out here in the wild, it didn't seem so crazy.

I kept wondering what it would be like to have my dad as my lover as we laughed and explored the grounds. I was a little afraid of what might happen when it came time for bed that night. Mental images and strange feelings ran through my head all that afternoon.

On the long hike back dad and I walked together, following Erika and Shaun. He'd take my hand and help me over rocks and fallen trees. One time he picked me up off the ground and carried me over this huge field of rocks.

I felt closer to my dad than I'd ever felt before. No worries about school, his job, or the boys back home. They all seemed forgotten like a bad dream to me, and I was so happy to be in Alaska with him.

By the time we made it back to the cabin I was all smiles, and my spirit felt wild and free!

Later Dad and Shaun were lowering the Elk carcass to cut some meat for stew. Erika and I had the job of putting more wood in the cabin before dark. We made several trips with arms full of wood and got a huge pile just before they came in to make a stew.

Erika motioned me outside with her eyes.

"We're going to get some more beer from the shed!" She told our dads as they cut potatoes and messed with super.

"Okay, bring some for us!"

Out at the shed, Erika looked excited, "Guess what?"


"Dad asked me to stay in his bed tonight!"

I opened a beer, "Are you going to?"

"Oh...I don't know what to do!" She told me shaking her blonde hair out of her face.

"Dad asked me too!" I said, and gave her my can for a drink, "Should we?"

"I want to, but it seems..."

"So wrong?"

"Yeah, but in a good way!" Erika laughed and handed the can back so I could have a drink.

"Jade, what do you think we ought to do?"

"I guess we see how we feel when its bedtime." I told her, "Come on I'm starving!"

The stew was fantastic, and we all ate like a pack of starving homeless people. Food cooked over a fire has this Smokey flavor that is so wonderful! I loved the smell of the forest, the fire, and everything else around us.

After dark, I was feeling nervous about bedtime. I think Erika was too, I could see it in her eyes whenever she looked at me. I asked dad to get out the whiskey because I really needed a drink!

We played a couple of games of gin rummy as the usual sounds of nighttime began. Wolves out in the forest howling their sad songs. Wind rustling through the trees in little gust. The old wood of the cabin creaking as the temperature began to drop. And the crackling of pine burning in the fireplace.

Then it happened, the thing I'd been worried about all day.

"Well, I think I'll turn in," Dad yawned and stacked the cards into a pile.

"Yeah, me too," Shaun replied and downed the last of his whiskey.

Erika eyed me and shrugged her shoulders like she didn't know what to do. I felt the same way and stalled as long as I could.

"Don't you girls stay up all night," Shaun said, "We have a big hike planned in the morning."

Erika and I put more wood on the fire as Shaun and Dad got naked and into each bed. We sat by the fire and had one last beer together.

Before going to the bathroom to get ready for bed, we piled more wood on the fire because it was starting to get chilly.

"I'm going to do it," Erika told me after she finished brushing her teeth and wiped her mouth with a towel.

"For real?" I asked, brushing my teeth.

"Yeah, here I go!" She told me and opened the rickety old door.

That didn't leave me much choice since there was only one spot left, and that was in dad's bed. I had pretty much decided I'd sleep with him anyway, but Erika had just made it easier to go through with it. I hoped I wasn't making a big mistake when I left the bedroom and went over to his side of the bed.

I heard giggling in the other bed from Erika and could see both of them were under the furs. Dad lifted the furs up, and I could see he was naked in the firelight. I started taking my clothes off as dad watched me undress in the firelight. I was going to leave my panties on but at the last second pulled them down to my feet and stepped out of them.

"I'm glad you're here!" Dad whispered and gave me a little kiss.

Dad laid back down flat, and I snuggled up to him because he was so damn warm. He started rubbing my back with one hand and whispering to me.

"Did I ever tell you what a beautiful sexy woman you are?" He whispered.

I smiled in the dark, "Guys have used that line before dad."

"Maybe because it's true!"

Dad was lying on his back, and I was on my side facing him. Soaking up his body heat like a sponge.

"Holding you like this is making me horny." He whispered, his fingers doing little circles on my bare back.

"Men are always horny!" I laughed, and put my right hand on his chest.

"Would you do something for me right now?" He whispered.

"What's that?"

Dad took my hand, and he guided it over to his dick.

It felt warm and was hard as a rock when I wrapped my hand around it.

"Can you stroke it for me? I'd love it if you did that for me."

"Dad, I don't think I should," I told him, but his hand kept mine around his cock, and he stroked it up and down a couple of time.

"Please baby, daddy needs it."

"Okay but nothing else."

I gave in, and he took his hand off of mine and let out a big sigh. I started to stroke his shaft slowly up and down. It felt like it was getting even harder if that was possible. It seemed so strange lying naked next to my dad and playing with his big hard dick!

After a few minutes, my hand was getting tired, and he hadn't cum yet.

"My hands getting tired," I whispered.

"Don't stop yet...Mmmmmm it would help if you kiss it a few times."

I knew what he really wanted, I hesitated for a few seconds just feeling his cock in my hand as I stroked it up and down slowly. Then I stepped off that big high cliff, full of doubt and a little afraid of what I was about to do.

I barely noticed what was happening with Erika and her dad because of what was going on in our bed. I could hear them making noises, but it seemed to be in the background.

"But Dad?"

"Please...I'd do it for you."

I slid my face down his stomach and lowered his big shaft until the knob was at my lips. I could smell his musty penis, big and fat in my hand. I gave it a little lick, and he let out a soft moan.

He put his hand on my head, "Put him in your mouth...for me...Damn that feels so good!"

I gave up trying to fight it any longer and took him in my mouth. It was really big around and filled up my mouth with warm, smooth skin.

Dad groaned and pushed my head down on his cock further, "Fuck that feels good...suck it for me...please don't stop!"

As crazy as it sounds, having my dad's cock in my mouth started to get me turned on. I began to suck it and slide my tongue around it while it was in my mouth. It leaked some slippery fluid when I sucked on it hard for him.

"Yeah, just like that baby," Dad moaned, "I want to lick your pussy baby."

When he said that I got even more turned on, and sucked and stroked him with more enthusiasm. My pussy felt swollen and damp between my legs, and I wanted to rub my clit so bad it was driving me crazy!

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