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Willow Palin's Birthday Party Ch. 01

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Willow's Party is Prepared and things heat up early.
10.3k words

Part 1 of the 4 part series

Updated 10/08/2022
Created 07/16/2013
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Juliet Huddy was sitting at her desk at the Newscorp offices in New York City when her computer alerted her of an e-mail on her personal account. She smiled to herself when she saw it was from Sarah Palin up in Alaska. Opening it a huge smile crossed her face as she read it and suddenly she felt a moisture building between her legs.

Sarah had reminded her that coming up in July was Willow's eighteenth birthday. She reminded Juliet that she promised to be up there to initiate Willow and have a wild time doing so. She included her personal number and told her to call so they could discuss it in a more discreet manner.

Juliet knew what she meant, not wanting to leave an e-mail trail about the Palin sexual exploits and she totally agreed. Jotting down the number, she immediately put the e-mail in her trash bin and opening the trash bin deleted that too.

Picking up the phone she dialed the number and she felt another gush of moisture between her thighs as she heard Sarah's sweet voice on the other end of the line.

"Well Juliet, I'm surprised to hear from you so soon. Don't get me wrong, I'm glad you called and can't wait to see you here back in Alaska to celebrate another Palin coming of age!"

"Nice to hear your voice too Governor!"

"Come on Juliet, after all we've done together I think you can call me Sarah!"

There was a nervous laugh in Juliet's voice; "I guess you're right Sarah, so tell me what do you need from me and when do you want me there? I have a ton of vacation time coming and am anxious to use a bunch visiting the Palin clan."

"Well Juliet, I have a couple of favors to ask of you. First of all I asked Willow what she wanted for her birthday, knowing she knew of the type of party we were throwing her and her request was, shit I hate to ask you!"

"Don't be Sarah, just ask me and I'll try my best to accommodate."

"Well Juliet, Willow would like a black man, not just any black man, but one she watches all the time on Fox Business."

"Wait; let me guess, Charles Payne, right?"

Sarah began laughing; "How did you know?"

"A lot of the women here have a thing for him and his cock is legendary, but I'm afraid that this is nearly impossible. He is a devout husband and father and I've heard he has rejected several of the most gorgeous women here at Fox, along with me too. How about me finding a gorgeous black television star, I have someone in mind and I'm sure he'd jump at the chance, besides he's a devout republican too."

"Who, who, tell me who?"

Giggling she said; "Oh Sarah, let's make that a birthday surprise for Willow and you too. Just tell Willow she won't be disappointed, okay?"

"Fine, but I'm not happy with you Juliet!"

Giggling she said; "Alright Sarah you said you had a couple of favors to ask; what else?"

"Well the female and male choices up here are getting a little stale and we also need to be discreet, so I was wondering if you could bring along a few co-workers and associates you know and trust and who are willing to have a lot of fun sexually, if you get my drift."

"How many are you talking about Sarah?"

"Oh I don't know, including yourself and your black stud, maybe another two couples and maybe an extra lady to spice things up."

Once again Juliet laughed her patented throaty laugh; "Oh I think I can scrape up a couple or two to join in on your fun."

"Remember Juliet, digression it vital!"

"Don't you worry Sarah, I have a few in minds, let me talk to them and I'll call you back tomorrow. Is there anything else?"

"No just make sure you are raring to go and make sure you take your pill, if you know what I mean, we all did and will continue to. I'll wait for your call tomorrow and one other thing Juliet."

"What's that Sarah?'

"Bristol and I can't wait to taste that juicy pussy of yours again! Willow wants a shot at it too!"

"Oh you are so fucking nasty Sarah, but I know exactly what you mean, I'm already wet just thinking about your juicy cunt and that wonderful tongue of yours. I'll call you tomorrow, bye!"

"I'll be waiting, bye!"

Juliet hung up the phone and headed down the hall to Jamie Colby's office. She figured she would be perfect for the Palin men AND women.

"Hi Jamie, what's shaking? You'll never guess who I just got off the phone talking to, Sarah Palin. Remember my fantasy at the FFFF club? Well when I was there, if you remember at the end of the fantasy, she invited me back to have another "party" when Willow turns eighteen. Well it's coming up the first week in July and she wants me to come up there."

"Sounds great Juliet, but isn't that supposed to be hush, hush?"

"Yeah, but she wants me to bring a few guests to join in on the fun."

"Oh, so let me get this straight, are you asking me to join you and the Palin's for a sex party?"

"Oh Jamie, it's more than that. It will be nearly a week long sex romp. She wants a few couples and maybe an extra female. Do you have anyone you would like to invite who would be discreet and like republicans?"

"I have the perfect stud to bring alone. Let me call him and make sure he's available and can keep his mouth shut."

"Okay Jamie, please let me know by tomorrow. I have to call Robin and see if she's game. I told her if the invite ever came through, I'd call her and let her in the party, catch up with you later."

She hurried back to her office and gave Robin Meade a call; "Hi Robin, Juliet here, Juliet Huddy, yeah it's me. Guess who called me today and invited me up to Alaska?"

"You have got to be shitting me Juliet, Sarah Palin actually called you and asked you back."

She laughed; "I guess Alaska was the giveaway huh? Well I'm calling to invite...!"

"Oh hell yes Juliet, count me in, when and for how long?"

"Well Willow's birthday is July 7th so we'd leave on July 5th. We'd arrive there on the 6th and stay five days. You and your male guest would fly up here to New York, we would fly to Alaska by way of Los Angeles to pick up Willow's present and the seven of us would fly to Anchorage where we would be picked up and taken to the Palin compound, so are you in?"

"What's this about my male guest and also Willow's present on L.A."

"Yeah, you have to bring a male guest, two requirements, he has to be very discreet and a republican, any problems finding that Robin"

"Hell no Juliet, I know the perfect guy, our meteorologist Bob Van Dillen, he had a great sense of humor, very discreet, I know first-hand and a republican who also has a HUGE cock! What's that about Willow and L.A.?"

Juliet chuckled, "That's a secret for now, but I think after seeing your fantasy you will love the surprise. I think Bob is an excellent choice, check with him and get back with me. I'll call ya later to firm up times and flights. Rest up Robin, the Palins and the rest of us will wear your ass out!"

Robin laughed her throaty laugh; "I can't do much more of that, I lost thirty pounds and got really, really firm, just wait till you see me."

"I saw you on your morning show, you look fabulous and I love how long your hair has gotten, the Palins will love you. Got to go, talk to you soon, bye!"

Juliet smiled to herself; she knew exactly who was going to be the unattached female. She hurried down the hall and knocking on the door she heard a voice; "Come in!"

She opened the door and stood before the wide grinning smile of Harris Faulkner; "Hi Harris, how are things going since the break-up of our fantasy group?"

"I sort of miss it, why are you asking?"

"Remember my fantasy with the Palin's?"

"Oh yeah, really, really hot, why do you ask?"

"Well if you remember, at the end, Sarah gave me an open invitation to return for Willow Palin's eighteenth birthday for a week long orgy. She called today and it's on. She wanted me to invite two other couples and a lone female. I already have the two couples and was wondering if you would like to join us. I know you admire Sarah and are a strong republican. What do you think?"

"Who are you bringing and who else it coming?"

My escort is a secret, but if you can keep a secret, it's Taye Diggs from Private Practice. Also coming are....!"

'I'm in, no more to be said!"

"What, why the sudden change Harris?"

"I've always had a crush on Taye Diggs and if there is the slightest chance that I'll be able to suck and fuck him, I'm in!"

Juliet laughed out loud; "Well that's great Harris, two things, utmost digression about this and please keep Taye a secret, at least for the time being, okay?"

"My lips are sealed."

Juliet came around the desk and kissed Harris on the mouth. Her lips opened and their tongues dueled back and forth. Breaking the kiss Juliet giggled; "I thought your lips were sealed Harris?" Before she could reply, Juliet gave her a love pat on Harris' bubble butt and was out the door.

On her way back to her office she passed Jamie's office. She motioned her to come in; "Great news Juliet, I called my male companion for the Alaska trip and he's in for sure."

"Great Jamie, who is it?"

"You're going to love him, its Nick Manning the incredible long lasting porn star."

"Oh my god Jamie, that's fantastic! I couldn't think of a better male for the Palin ladies, well I guess Mandingo might be better, but my guest is already a black guy for Willow, so I think Nick is an excellent choice. Sarah is going to be ecstatic, talk more lately, gotta go!"

I got back on the phone and called Taye Diggs and after a lengthy discussion he was definitely in for the Palin woman.

With the group now set, Juliet called Sarah back and gave her the lowdown on the group. She could not believe Taye and Nick were coming and she couldn't wait to tell Willow and Bristol. She was almost as excited about Bob, she knew who he was and couldn't wait to see if Robin was exaggerating about his huge cock or not.

They talked about the trip and Sarah told Juliet that Track and she would pick up the group at the Anchorage airport for the 45 minute or so drive back to their home outside Wasilla.

July 5th came quickly and Juliet, Jamie, Harris and Nick waited for Robin and Bob's flight to arrive at JFK. They all hugged when they got off the plane and the six of them headed for their concourse and gate to L.A.

Once there they found their gate to Anchorage and Taye was already there waiting for the plane to arrive.

Taye and Juliet hugged and Harris' knees went weak when she saw him. Juliet introduced him to everyone and Harris last and she hugged him and didn't want to get go.

She could feel her pussy getting wet and couldn't wait to have his big cock buried deep in her pussy.

The flight was uneventful and unfortunately most of them were scattered about the plane. When they arrived they deplaned together and headed to the baggage area.

Sarah and Track were there waiting for them and Sarah looked like a million dollars, wearing a black two piece skirt suit. Beneath the jacket was a cranberry satin blouse, unbuttoned enough to show her lace black bra holding her bountiful breasts nicely. Sheer black stockings covered her shapely legs. She was smiling from ear to ear, her sexy dark brown hair was swept up and her dark eyes twinkled behind those incredibly sexy glasses.

She hugged Juliet as she greeted the group; "I want to thank you all for coming and making my daughter's eighteenth birthday one I hope she'll never forget."

"We are more than happy to do this and I'm sure it will just as memorable for all of us too, let me introduce you to everyone!"

She did this and they headed out to the large Yukon Track was driving. Juliet go into the front seat with Track, she was wearing a purple wrap-around dress which showed off her ample breasts and sleek long legs.

The first thing she noticed was Track's bulge in his pants, she giggled; "Well Sarah I can see Track is happy to see me and raring to go!"

He blushed and reached down and placing his large hand on her knee, slowly slid it up and down her bare thigh

Sarah followed Taye into the second row of seats, while Jamie side in also from the other side. Jamie was wearing a simple straight red sleeveless dress. When she slid in it rode halfway up her ample thighs giving Taye something to look at.

Behind them on two seats facing one another were Bob Van Dillen and Harris Faulkner, she was wearing a bright yellow sleeveless dress with a deep V-neck showing off her dark full breasts.

Across from them were Nick Manning and Robin Meade, she was dressed in knee-hi black boots and a grey pinstriped dress that hugged her full breasts and when she sat, slid halfway up her gorgeous thighs.

Before they even left the parking area, Nick's hand was sliding up and down Robin's thigh and she loved the early attention.

Harris' eyes went wide when she noticed Robin's legs separate and Nick's hand traveled higher. She nudged Bob to look at them and when he did he chuckled and turning Harris' face towards his, planted a soft kiss on her full red glossed lips.

As Track pulled out into traffic Sarah turned to Taye; "Sorry for my formal attire, but I was doing an interview at the local station for children's rights."

He smiled from ear to ear; "Sarah you look stunning, I believe the way you look, you'd get every republican vote and half of the independents."

Bob chimed in; "Hell the way you look Governor, you probably get a bunch of votes from the Democrats too!"

"Please Bob and everyone, let's drop the formality, and call me Sarah. After all I'll most likely have your cocks in my mouth and hopefully the pussies too by the end of the week and calling me Governor may be a little uncomfortable, alright?'

The entire car was laughing and she broke the ice and to ease things even more her hand slid up Taye's tight slacks and found his half-hard cock. It quickly stiffened and with the assistance of Jamie unbuckled his pants and pulling down his zipper freed his now stiff big black cock.

Sarah's slim white hand gripped the black shaft and she could not surround his cock with her fingers.

Jamie turned his face towards hers and their lips met in an open-mouthed kiss.

Taye groaned into her mouth as Sarah's fingers slid up and down his shaft, her thumb swept a drop of pre-cum from the large head and gave her the lubrication needed to jack him off easier.

Harris' licked her full lips as she watched over Sarah's shoulder and she focused on Taye's huge black cock. She was drawn back to Bob as his mouth descended on her bare neck seeing she had her hair swept up, just like Sarah's. She let out a moan and her hand covered the large bulge in his pants. She let out another gasp when she realized it was just as large as Taye's if not larger.

Across from them, Robin had her one boot covered calf thrown over Nick's thigh as the two of them Frenched one another and Nick had her panties pulled aside and his fingers buried to the second knuckle in her dripping pussy.

In the front seat, as Track drove slowly down the freeway to Wasilla, Juliet had her head buried in his lap and her red glossy lips slid up and down his thick, stiff cock.

Sarah looked up front and into the back; "Oh fuck this is going to be one hellava week, we haven't even gone twenty miles yet and everyone in the car is already sexed up!

Even though Track was driving slow; trying not to get into an accident as Juliet sucked his cock, he arrived at the Palin compound way too soon for him and everyone else in the car.

Everyone adjusted their clothes before getting out of the car and the sexual tension in the air could be cut with a knife.

Bristol, Willow and Todd came out to meet everyone and Todd shook his head as Sarah got out; "Couldn't wait till you got home could you Sarah?"

She laughed her throaty laugh; "Well Todd, I did have some help from the others in the car also."

Jamie chimed in; "We were all behaving ourselves until Sarah began to play with Taye's dick!"

"Yeah!" came from the group.

Bristol dressed in a tight white t-shirt, no bra and very short, shorts shook her head; "Mom, you can never behave can you, let's take this inside before you try something else out here!"

They all piled into the house and Bristol and Willow showed them to their rooms; "Meet you all out here in twenty, okay?"

Bristol and Willow ran downstairs and Willow spoke to Sarah and Todd; "Oh my god mom and dad, I can't believe this is really going to happen. Mom, did you see that black hunk, I'm getting wet just thinking about seeing and playing with his big black cock!"

"Woo there Willow, remember you don't turn eighteen till tomorrow, so hands off till then!"

Bristol spoke up; "Well I'm past eighteen and wouldn't mind testing it out for you Willow! I think mom already tried it out in the car didn't she Track?"

"Well, I'm not sure I was a little distracted in the front with my cock halfway down Juliet's throat. Boy, I nearly forgot what a great mouth she had. I can't wait to sample that pussy of hers again, right dad?"

"You got that right Track! As a matter of fact your mom and I got our sights on her for the evening hours. Who would you like to hook-up with tonight son?"

"Mmmm, I'll have to think about it, give me a few and I'll tell you."

Willow was pouting, "What about me? I thought this party was for me, but it seems like I'm being left out!"

Saran came over to her and hugged her; "Just you wait and see Willow, you have to be patient. I swear to you, beginning tomorrow, you'll get so much cock and pussy that you'll be begging us to give you a break, okay sweetie?"

"I guess so; tell me Bristol, who do you hope to hook-up with tonight?"

"Mmmm, I was thinking I'd love to get a shot at that sexy porn star Nick Manning, I saw him come in with Robin and his hard-on was bugling against his jeans, it made my mouth water!"

"Slow down sis; don't forget I get the next pick."

"Well Track I didn't know you were into guys, so tell me big brother, who are you setting your sites on?"

"I think I'd love to spend tonight with that gorgeous black lady, Harris, she is so elegant and carries herself with such dignity, but I betcha when you get her behind closed doors, she's a wildcat!'

Todd chuckled; "Don't you mean panther son."

"Now dad, don't be racist!"

"I'm not Track, just making a joke, don't you worry, and before the week is over I want a shot at that gorgeous piece of chocolate too!"

Willow giggled; "Daddy you and I are so much alike, I can't wait to strip Taye naked and suck on his chocolate log!"

Sarah spoke up; "Okay you two, enough talk about chocolate and our two black guests."

"Alright, alright Sarah, lighten up, we'll tone it down. By the way Sarah, when are your surprise guests arriving?"

"Ssssh! I don't want the people from Fox hearing you, I talked to her before we picked up the group and she and my surprise gift to Willow should be here first thing tomorrow morning. Hopefully just in time for our wild kick-off party for Willow."

Willow's eyes lit up; "Who is it mom, who, please tell me!"

"Sorry Willow, that is why it's called a surprise, you'll just have to wait till tomorrow to find out."

"Oh alright, but I still think tonight stinks!"

Just then the first guys came down, Nick, Bob and Taye were all dressed casually in jeans and open collared dress shirts and Sarah, Bristol and Willow stopped speaking to watch them come down the stairs from the rooms above the large living room.

They were all greeted by Todd who led them to the large bar to give them something to drink.

While this was going on, one by one the ladies came down and gave the guys and yes, the Palin women something to take in.

Harris was first and she was still dressed in what she wore when she arrived. Her make-up was freshened and she let her hair down covering her slim willowy neck and brushed her shoulders and upper chest.

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