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"I—I do," I said.

"Then come her and try it," Winter teased. I got up and took a couple steps over to the bed. I leaned forward and licked her finger. It tasted warm and sweet. As I stood up, the head of my cock accidentally brushed up against one of her tits, following the curvature of her breast until it hit her nipple. Winter let out a little squeak of surprise.

"Sorry," I said. "I didn't mean to do that."

Winter just shook her head. "No, don't apologize. It was actually really nice. I just wasn't expecting it. Anyway, what do you think? Did I taste OK?"

"Yeah, really good." I couldn't help but grin. "I liked it."

Winter's fingers had once again retreated to her furry mound and were busy stroking her labia. "I'm really horny right now, Bro," Winter stated, her breath sounding a little short.

"I know. Me too," I replied. And then I did something even surprised myself: I leaned in and planted a quick kiss right on Winter's clit. I could feel the heat radiating from her cunt on my face. I could smell her sweet aroma.

"Ooh," Winter moaned. "That felt so good, Chuck."

I was starting to feel less like my normal self, less like Winter's brother. I was quickly seeing her for the beautiful, sexy woman she had become. What we were doing was feeling less wrong by the second. It felt so right, actually. How could something that felt so right be wrong? I bent down and kissed her clit a second time. This time, Winter put a hand on the back of my head while simultaneously pushing her hips up toward me. The message was clear and simple. Winter wanted me to eat her pussy. I began to oblige, starting by licking up and down her warm, swollen labia. I heard Winter start to moan. I took to sucking on her engorged pink clit, which was peeking up between the folds on her snatch. I began alternately licking and kissing her little nub, and this seemed to really have an effect on her. She pushed my face against her crotch and ground her steaming hot pussy against my face. Her sweet juices were covering my mouth and chin. My tongue darted between her pink lips, tasting the flood of juices still trapped inside her slit.

"God, this is incredible," Winter moaned. She was making soft whimpering sounds in between her increasingly short breaths. I nibbled at her clit, and within seconds, she was moaning louder than before. I could feel her little clit pulsing beneath me and guessed she was having an orgasm. The flow of juices from her already slippery pussy probably doubled. It was all over her crotch, my face, and my bedspread.

"You OK, Sis?" I asked.

"Yeah," Winter responded after a few breaths. "It felt so good when you were down there. She looked down to her crotch. "God, I've never been this wet before."

I could only nod. Her pussy was, indeed, soaked. Her pubic hair was matted flat, stuck against her skin. I reached down to brush it away from her slit so I could look at Winter's pussy unobscured.

Winter laid back on my bed to catch her breath. "You still hard, Bro?" she asked.

"You know I am. Why?"

"'Cause—I wanna go further." She looked up at me with her big dark eyes, pleading for me to accept her offer.

"I want to, Winter, but we can't. We really can't. It's one thing for us to look, even taste. It's another thing for us to go all the way."

She bit her lower lip and thought for a moment. "I think we could. If we agreed on two conditions."

My cock jumped. "Condoms?" I asked.

"That's one. The other is we don't tell anybody. Ever."

I considered it for a long minute. If we used some protection and nobody ever found out, I didn't think there'd be any harm. And now that I'd seen my sister in a sexual light, I did want to go further with her. I really did. "If you're OK with it, Sis—then I am too," I decided.

Winter smiled. "Got a condom around?"

"Yeah, I think so. Let me look." I went over to my nightstand and opened the drawer. I found an unopened box of condoms in there and tore one out of the package.

"Keep your pussy warm for me," I said, rolling the condom onto the head of my cock.

"That's not gonna be a problem, Bro," Winter assured me. Her fingers were covered in juices as she lightly ran a finger up and down her waiting slit. "It's ready. I'm ready"

"Me too," I said, as I finished adjusting my condom.

"I'm not pressuring you into this, am I, Bro?" Winter asked looking up at me with a face of concern. "I want it, but only if you do too."

"No, Sis. I want it too."

That was good enough for Winter. She smiled and nodded towards my cock. "OK then." She said, opening her legs even wider for me. I knelt on the bed between them and gently positioned the head of my dick against her slit. I took a deep breath. My cock was throbbing now. I knew there was no turning back now. My thumb and forefinger parted her outer lips to expose her vagina. I took one last deep breath and then eased forward. Inch by inch, my cock was burying itself in Winter's hot pussy.

"Ooh—" Winter moaned once again, her brow knitting. "That feels so good."

"I'm still not all the way in yet. Just a sec," I said.

"Doesn't matter," Winter gasped. "You're stretching me. I feel so full."

She was so wet that my cock was sliding pretty easily up her velvety hole. As soon as I was in as far as I could go, I reversed direction and began to extract myself from her. I wanted to take the first few thrusts slowly and give Winter a chance to get used to me. I could tell she wasn't a virgin, but I had no idea how many guys she's been with. As such, I figured it would go best if I took things slowly at first.

I placed my hands on Winter's hips as I rocked back and forth, my dick absolutely covered in warm juices from my sister's tight cunt. I tried to make each thrust into her different. I tried different angles, different speeds, and different depths. I wanted to give Winter something really memorable. I wanted her to love my cock. Her moaning increased. I was on the right track.

"You feel so good." Winter moaned.

"So do you, Sis. I'm trying not to shoot my load here," I panted.

"You're doing great," she responded. "Just keep going."

My index finger found Winter's clit positioned directly above where my cock was still busy stretching her pussy out. I lightly circled my finger right on it, causing Winter to buck involuntarily.

"Oh God, I'm gonna cum. Don't stop," she panted, breathlessly. I didn't dream of stopping. I kept touching and stroking her little pink clit. At that moment, I wanted nothing more than to give Winter the best orgasm she'd ever had.

I had gradually picked up the pace of my fucking, but with Winter so close, I really wanted to give her a chance to savor the feeling. So rather than go faster still, I chose to return to a slower pace. I wanted to give her a chance to feel every inch of my cock as it passed between her aching lips. Winter's pussy responded by ratcheting down on my cock, squeezing me tightly. The sensation was almost too much to bear. I groaned. My breathing was heavy now. My cock felt like it was read to explode, but I wanted to hold out just a little longer.

I rocked my hips in a circle, working my cock all around inside Winter. My fingers, still circling her clit, began to stroke it between my thumb and forefinger. This, apparently, was exactly what Winter needed.

"I'm cumming!" she squealed with delight.

Now was the time for me to pick up the pace. My cock pushed in and out of my sister's pussy again and again. I could feel everything tightening up and then, just as quickly as it had come, everything released in an orgasm of pleasure.

I gasped. "I am too, I said. Winter said nothing, but wrapped her legs tightly around my midsection as both my cock and her pussy finished their uncontrollable spasms. I looked down to see my pubic hair mixed in with my sister's. We were so closely intertwined that it was impossible to tell where my bush ended and hers began. When our respective orgasms had finally subsided, Winter relaxed her leg lock on me and I shifted my weight forward so I could lay down on top of her. I could feel her warm, soft skin against mine. Her nipples, still hard, pressed against my chest. I reached up and brushed a curly lock of hair away from Winter's smiling face.

It took a long time to finally catch our breaths. Eventually I pulled my still semi-hard cock from my sister and took the spot on the bed next to her. We laid together in bed for several long minutes, not speaking, basking in the pleasant feelings we'd just experienced together.

"So—what now?" Winter asked, finally breaking the silence with a voice that was tinged with concern.

"What now? Now I go find a new job. I trade my hair net in for a new nametag. Or an apron. Or an ugly-ass hat with a hot dog glued to it. It doesn't matter. Minimum wage jobs are all pretty much the same to me." I pulled the condom off my softening penis and threw it in the wastebasket next to my bed.

"That's not what I meant," Winter said. "What about us? Is this going to change us?"

"It's probably inevitable," I said.

Winter's face fell. "I've always liked our relationship," she said.

"Me too," I said. "But why can't it be a change for the better? We've always been open with each other and I want it to stay that way. As long as we can do that, I think we'll be fine."

"I hope that's exactly the way it happens," Winter said, her features softening into a slight smile. "I never thought something like this would happen between us, but now that it has—well, I don't want to lose it, you know?"

I nodded. I did know.

I stood up and went to my closet, rummaging until I found my robe on a hanger. I slipped it onto my nude frame and tied it closed in the front.

"What are you doing?" asked Winter.

"I'm going to go downstairs for a smoke," I said, as I pulled my lighter and cigarettes from the discarded pair of pants I'd been wearing earlier. Truthfully, I can't remember ever having two cigarettes in the same day, but after everything that had happened tonight, it just felt like something I needed. My hand reached for the doorknob and turned it, pulling the door open.

"Well, don't take too long, OK? Because I'm gonna wait right here and I think we'll have enough time to do it again before Mom and Dad get home. And I'd really like that."

"Me too, Sis," I said, casting one last smile in her direction before the door softly closed behind me.

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dikupinyadikupinyaover 4 years ago
thank you

now can we have another chapter? great work loved it.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago
Dream on

A few of you commented well after the author posted this story. This was written in '07' and he hasn't written anything since. He lost interest real quick, so dream on.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 10 years ago

Would liked to see more to this story

AllthatiwantAllthatiwantabout 11 years ago
Vey nice

Great storie please keep up the good work

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago

as woody allen once said, "if you smoke after sex, you're doing it too fast."

DarkBrotherDarkBrotheralmost 13 years ago

I live in a city named Medicine Hat! :P

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 15 years ago
Get Original

Why is it that in almost all of these stories, the girl bites her lower lip?? can't ypu people think of something original to write?

lenox732lenox732almost 16 years ago
Red Hot

Excitement plus... and then even more.....

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 16 years ago
awesome but...

Next time can we leave out the condom and maybe he loses his load inside her

prop69prop69almost 16 years ago
Damn fine Story

Good blend of erotica and believable. Had me hard as Hell. Condom was a good touch.

oldwayneoldwayneabout 16 years ago
I Liked It....and

would like to see you do a sequel. Thanks for your submissions.

klaxxklaxxabout 16 years ago
Very nice

Fine piece of writing, and believable characters, like everyone else said. Disappointing that he left her in bed for a smoke, though. Hardly romantic, alas, but realistic.

AnonymousAnonymousover 16 years ago
What a jerk

Couldn't get past the first few paragraphs

AnonymousAnonymousover 16 years ago

You obviously have writing talent, and did a good job of developing your character early on--unfortunately, a character still suffering from teenage angst in his early twenties is not interesting in an erotica setting. Kind of ruined the whole thing for me.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 17 years ago
Definitely a winner :)

Entirely plausible, erotic enough (just) and nicely moderated language. A winner all round for me - and just about how I would want it to happen for me .... he said .... wishing ....

ViepyrViepyrabout 17 years ago
Well Done

As everyone else has said this story was written extremely well, though I did notice a few typos, it was extremely enjoyable. (Typos are my pet peeve, and these are the ones a spell checker won't catch because they're technically not misspelled.) I hope you keep up the good work and turn this into a series as I think it'd do really well.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 17 years ago
Not very exciting

But very realistic and well paced and well written .

stonemostonemoabout 17 years ago
I'm bummed

You've hooked me. Delightful piece of writing. Unfortunately, when I went to find other offerings of yours, the proverbial cupboard was pretty bare. I'm looking, with anticipation, for further offerings from you. Very nicely done.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 17 years ago
The guy at work

How refreshing to get to know a character before he pulls his dick out. The guy at work was priceless. Hopefully, he will have more adventures, with or without his sister.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 17 years ago
Well done

Having the brother use a condom when he fucked his sister made the activity purely recreational sex, which is perfet for a brother and sister when they fuck. He was not trying to knock her up, he was just enjoying the act of pleasuring his peter by using it on his sister's pussy. Nothing wrong with that. It's what brothers and sisters should do. It's a nice sibling activity which they both enjoy. It is pleasant to imagine their doing this for years, especially after they mrry others.

GenghisKhanGenghisKhanabout 17 years ago
except for the "I wish I had a sister" part,

I agree with that last poster: dear author, this is truly one of the best little stories I've read. and I am merely talking about the writing quality of it. <p>

the first person perspective, in a smart alec sort of way but also with just enough serious contemplation mixed in there in his self-depricating idiocy ----- it's very well put together. I could easily imagine someone like this, because it is really believable. <p>

that says something about you, the writer, in whatever genre or topic you write in....

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