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Wolf Moon Pt. 02

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Indulging private fantasies on the night of a full moon.
10.2k words

Part 2 of the 2 part series

Updated 06/16/2023
Created 05/10/2023
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Grace took a deep breath and knocked softly on the thick, wooden panel; so softly, in fact, that nobody would likely hear her. Holding that breath for the longest time, she eventually exhaled as she pushed open the door. A loud creak swiftly rattled through the previously silent air, courtesy of the old hinges, rendering her attempts at knocking completely unnecessary.

'Come in, Grace Amelia Taylor,' invited a deep voice from across the room. Grace was grateful not to hear even the slightest smugness in his tone. Benedict just sounded welcoming and pleased that she'd changed her mind. 'Come and lay down beside me.'

Tentatively, she walked towards the huge four-poster bed that dominated the centre of his bedroom, using the faint moonlight to guide her. Aware of Benedict throwing back the bedcover as she approached, Grace took the hand which was being tenderly offered out to her, and took her place on the bed beside him, as instructed.

'You don't have to be nervous,' he explained gently, unable to ignore her trembling form. He fully appreciated that her reaction was partly from fear, but also from desire. 'Nothing happens here that you don't dictate. Would you like a cuddle?'

'Yes, please,' she murmured, immediately finding herself pulled into Benedict's warm, powerful embrace. Up close, he smelt earthy and very male, in an entirely pleasing way. Whatever his night-time task had been, it was safe to assume it involved physical exertion.

Unlike the last time she'd been pulled against his amazing body, when carried across the moorland, this time he was wearing far less. Operating on the touch points of their bodies alone, Grace decided that he must be clothed in just a pair of boxer shorts because the bare skin of their legs was pressing against each other in the most exciting way. Furthermore, when her head fell back against his chest, that too was unclothed.

Grace was astonished at how incredibly comforting it felt just to be held. Instantly, feel-good endorphins flooded her bloodstream, ensuring that it wasn't long before her pulse began to lessen. Ethan had never been much of a snuggler, whereas she loved it. It was another good reason for their relationship to have ended. Benedict, on the other hand, felt like the world's best cuddler. Grace was in heaven.

'This is so nice,' she breathed, closing her eyes in bliss, as every worry she'd ever had miraculously evaporated from her mind.

'Mmmmm, isn't it?' agreed Benedict, squeezing Grace a little more tightly within the embrace, before returning to platonically stroking her arm.

The longest time passed, during which Grace grew to feel entirely safe within Benedict's company, even though they had only met for the first time earlier that night. It was therefore quite a surprise when he pressed his lips against her exposed neck. His actions sent all kinds of incredible flutterings through her.

'Do you want to stay like this for the rest of the night?' he asked, speaking in a gentle, enquiring tone across her skin.

Grace's eyes closed slowly, savouring the intimate caress of his mouth against her body, the ghosting of his breath across her face. She wasn't entirely sure what her answer was to his question either; on the one hand, this amazing closeness they were sharing felt incredible. But on the other hand, she knew it could potentially be even better.

'I'm quite happy to remain this way all night, if that's what you want. It's just...'

'What?' she demanded, when his words ran out.

'Well...forgive me but, I can smell you. I know you're wet for me,' Benedict explained without shame.

'I...I...' gasped Grace, knowing he was correct, but certainly not wishing to own to it.

'It's no problem,' he chuckled gently, understanding both her arousal and her confusion. 'Like I said, nothing happens here that you don't dictate. But if you change your mind, you are most welcome to simply turn around in my arms and kiss me.'

With a smile daring to spread over her face at the sheer blatant nerve of the guy, Grace chewed bashfully on her bottom lip. Then, filled with a shot of courage, she did exactly as he'd suggested.

'Like this?' she asked, sending him a small smile.

'Yeah, exactly like this,' he confirmed. Grace was aware of his large hand steadily reaching towards her face, causing her fluttering eyes to naturally close. In a confident move, his hand cupped around the side of her cheek, sliding his fingers into her soft hair and pulling her very gently towards him. Offering an almost-there kiss, his lips brushed in a chaste way across Grace's own, before he retracted back a few inches. But still the sensation of his warm breaths caressing her face, while holding her so intimately, was almost too much.

'You're beautiful,' growled Benedict, his fingers never stopping stroking, as he allowed Grace to slowly process what was about to happen between them. He waited until her sparkling eyes opened once more, before repeating the kiss, this time allowing his lips to linger a little longer. Encouraged, Grace's confidence grew and she melded their mouths together, increasing the pressure and fuelling their mutual desires.

Over time, her hand dared to reach out for his broad, hairy chest, stroking playfully as their tongues started to entwine. As they both groaned low with pleasure, their kiss grew slow and passionate, sending a powerful surge of molten lust straight through Grace's core. Shocked by her own lack of restraint, her movements became more extreme, eventually clawing at Benedict's powerful body, delighting in the feel of his muscles contracting beneath her fingertips. It took an incredibly long time before they eventually pulled apart, both panting heavily with faces flushed, obviously needing a lot more from each other.

'God I feel amazing,' sighed Grace, a massive smile spreading over her features. 'Thank you. I can't ever remember enjoying the act of kissing so much.'

'Me neither,' he almost growled in response. 'Although I've got so much more planned for you than that. Are you ready?'

'Mmmmm, yeah,' Grace groaned, stretching luxuriously against his hard, powerful form. 'I can't wait.'

'Good girl.' Playfully nuzzling her neck, causing all manner of pleasure to explode across her skin, Benedict then backed away and opened the bedside drawer beside him. When he returned to her side, he was holding a length of cord which was already being tied into an intricate loop.

'What's that for?' asked Grace, looking slightly concerned.

'You know exactly what this is for,' he replied, in a tone that sent a hot surge straight down Grace's spine to her pussy. 'Because you've fantasised about this for most of your adult life.'

'Oh God,' she groaned, as he carefully fixed the surprisingly soft rope around her delicate wrist, before encouraging her to wiggle up the bed a little, so he could tie it off against the bed frame. Benedict then repeated exactly the same with her other wrist, leaving a trembling Grace bound firmly to his bed, feeling exposed, defenceless and more than a little sexy.

'Beautiful,' he sighed, admiring the sight of her vulnerability in the dim moonlight. 'And please don't worry. I promise to look after you.'

Positioning himself above her, Benedict's powerful arms took his full weight, the thick cords of muscle prominent and defined. Then, lowering his head down, his warm, soft lips returned to Grace's, brushing against them teasingly. Never quite giving her enough, he held himself back, forcing Grace to writhe and struggle within her restraints, in an attempt to deepen their kiss and derive the necessary satisfaction she so desperately sought. But thanks to her wrists being tied, even when she arched her back and attempted to lift herself towards Benedict, it was hopeless. Grace was quickly forced to admit defeat; he now had control of the situation and whatever was going to happen between them, it would only be progressed under his terms.

Drawing away unexpectedly, Benedict sat back on his haunches, his attention moving to the topmost fastening on Grace's nightshirt. He easily flicked the button undone, causing a powerful quivering to escape from within her chest. With a single finger, he began to explore the newly accessible part of her body that his action had uncovered, drawing shapes across her recently exposed skin. Having extended the agony, Benedict progressed down to the next button, which sprang open at his command.

'Do you know,' he said conversationally, as his finger dipped down lower still, moving dangerously close to Grace's breasts which were starting to feel more constricted and much heavier. 'It is entirely possible for a woman to orgasm, without being intimately touched at all. That's how powerful the brain is.'

Grace didn't doubt it. It felt as though Benedict was perilously close to caressing her breasts now, and to know he was so near but yet so far was unbearable. Arching her back, Grace groaned with frustration; she needed to experience the release of her sensitive nipples being compressed, instinctively appreciating that it would help to ease the growing ache between her legs.

'Just imagine what my mouth will feel like around your hard, throbbing nipples,' added Benedict, almost as though he were able to read her thoughts at that moment. 'The sensation of my teeth closing around them...'

At the panting stage now, Grace was becoming very mindful of how increasingly exposed she was. The nightshirt she was wearing, although ordinarily long enough to cover her, had ridden up high, thanks to her arms being stretched and fixed above her head. Consequently, the bottom of the garment was only just covering her panties. Aware that she wasn't wearing a bra, she knew that only one more button needed to be undone on her nightshirt, to fully expose her breasts to Benedict for the first time. But then, much to her surprise, instead of opening the next button in the sequence, his hands moved downwards, opening the very lowest button. Slowly continuing upwards, he gradually exposed her tummy, his fingers feeling quite enchanting as they temptingly circled over her skin, making her body spasm with longing, and causing Grace to cry out urgently for relief. Eventually, only a single button remained, which was the one ensuring her breasts remained covered.

'I need you to touch me,' Grace groaned, surprised by the desperation in her tone.

'Oh, believe me, I'm fully cognisant of that,' replied Benedict, doing nothing to fulfil her request. Reaching back towards his bedside table, he located two more lengths of cord. Before Grace fully appreciated what was happening, each of her ankles had been tied to a bedpost, stretching her legs wide, ensuring she remained fully open to whatever wickedness Benedict had in store for them to enjoy.

'Oh my God,' she whimpered, scarcely able to compute that this was no longer a dream or a fantasy. This was one hundred percent real and happening to her...right now.

Hyper-aware of the blood pumping to her pussy, Grace watched in silent disbelief as Benedict lowered himself over her panties and inhaled deeply several times; an action which struck Grace as very raw and almost animalistic. There was no doubt in her mind that she was incredibly turned on. Her flesh felt swollen and deliciously wet, each and every time she wriggled against her restraints with barely contained longing.

'You smell good enough to eat,' he admitted, smirking to himself. 'Which, of course, is exactly what I ultimately intend to do with you.'


Reaching across one final time to his bedside table, Benedict collected a long, black scarf. For a short time he simply sat, observing meditatively, running the silky material continuously through his fingers. Not daring to imagine what he was considering, Grace stared back, her mouth open slightly in astonishment, like a proverbial rabbit caught in the headlights.

'I'm not sure...I...' she stuttered, slowly comprehending what Benedict was planning.

His eyes narrowed slightly as all his attention became focused upon her. It almost felt to Grace as though he was staring deep into her soul. This achingly sexy man who had tied her to the bed for his pleasure. And for hers too, of course.

'You are sure,' he muttered at last, the corners of his mouth rising slightly. 'You're a lot more than sure... The thought of what we're doing right now excites the hell out of you, even more than you've ever dared to admit to yourself.' And then he leaned in closer, carefully wrapping the scarf around Grace's eyes to entirely block her vision.

'Fuck,' she muttered, knowing that every single word he'd just spoken was true. All the same, she engaged in the pretence of twisting her head from one side to another, only to discover that her blindfold was extremely well secured. Instantly, the adrenaline in her body took hold as she pulled against her restraints to no avail. Shit. This was real. This was actually happening. It almost felt as though she'd taken drugs, such was the strength of this immoral, if not illegal high. 'Touch me,' she pleaded, in a voice so low that she was surprised any noise came out of her own mouth.

'You mean like this?' he asked seductively.

And then came the longest interval of Grace's life. She had no idea where, how or even if Benedict would yield to her demands. She could only wait there, trembling in the darkness, silently pleading for him to show mercy. Painfully aware of the liquid now pooling between her open legs, her breasts swaying in front of her, Grace knew she was entirely unable to prevent his caress. And that knowledge provided the biggest thrill of her life.

Eventually, a single finger ever so gently started to circle around the base of her foot. Unwittingly, Benedict had instantly stumbled upon one of Grace's highly sensitive erogenous zones. With a growl so strained that her throat physically hurt, she writhed against her bonds as the intensity took hold, urgently trying to twist away but unable to do so. Obviously enjoying her extreme reaction, Benedict did nothing to reduce her suffering. On and on the torturous finger continued, soon to be joined by another finger on her opposite foot. The dual combination was almost too much for Grace to cope with, causing her to cry out with such lustful hunger that it took all of Benedict's self-control not to devour her right then and there.

At long last, his fingers snaked their way from her feet up to her ankles, and a violently shaking Grace allowed herself to take a deep sigh of relief. Thanks to Benedict's teasing, she knew her panties were sodden by this stage, the wetness no doubt turning the previously light blue silk to a much darker hue. But Grace very quickly discovered that her sense of relief was way too premature. Skimming a path up her calves, his talented fingers soon discovered the ticklish skin behind her knee, before drifting to her delicate inner thighs, which remained spread wide for his close scrutiny, thanks to her restraints. When he gently blew across the intimate area, ensuring Grace knew exactly how close his mouth was to her, she cried out with pleading, desperate words.

'Mmmm, good girl,' was the only response Benedict provided, but the thick pleasure in his tone was undeniable.

Having repositioned himself, Benedict traced along the waistband of Grace's panties, slowly dragging his finger into her navel before continuing in a northerly direction. When he reached the only remaining button of her nightshirt, he sprung it open without effort. Instantly, the material which had been maintaining her modesty flopped down to the mattress, providing Benedict with his first view of her full breasts. The sound of a sharp inhale fluttered through the previously quiet room, but Grace couldn't be sure if it originated from herself, Benedict, or both of them.

'Exquisite,' he grunted, obviously enjoying the sight beneath him. His words sounded so authentically honest that suddenly, Grace no longer cared about her exposed state, or that the only thing she was capable of doing was panting noisily. She had literally never felt so aroused in her life. So desirous of one single man.

Having circled her breasts wide, never once providing the relief she continued to beg for, Benedict's exploratory finger brushed around Grace's delicate under-arm. Squirming at the ticklish sensation, aware that once again Benedict's naughty actions were causing her to grow ever more wet, she begged for mercy.

'Please! I can't bear it!' she yelped, shuddering beneath him, unable to contain her reactions. Grace could hardly believe it, but she could sense his teasing explorations were starting to ramp her body slowly but surely towards an impending climax.

'But what choice do you have?' he asked, continuing on as though she hadn't spoken.

'Fuck!' Grace almost shouted. 'Why won't you let me come?'

'You know the answer to that,' he chuckled, continuing to tease her. 'Because it's way more arousing to be made to wait, until I decide that your enjoyment is fully deserved.'

Grace was all set to respond to Benedict's observation when his fingers unexpectedly altered direction, to head towards her hard, throbbing nipples. Gasping sharply, Grace stilled instantly. She silently willed his hand not to cease, so frantic was she to be touched in any way. To feel any kind of relief. Shortly afterwards, a low groan of despair passed her lips when, at the very last second, Benedict opened his fingers, to swerve around either side of her sensitive flesh. But although no contact was made, Grace's hips unexpectedly leapt upwards. It was an entirely natural reaction, solely caused by the amazing thrill which Benedict's caress inspired. Somehow, the way she leapt beneath his touch only seemed to reinforce the depths of despair she was being driven to.

'You're a bastard,' Grace growled, her clenching fists showing she meant every word.

'Thank you very much,' replied Benedict, smug amusement evident in his voice.

'That wasn't a compliment,' she groaned, knowing that was exactly the way he'd taken it.

'Well, it is to me.' And then, quite unexpectedly, Benedict lowered his lips to Grace's. Given the desperation she was feeling, their kiss was surprisingly unhurried, measured and languorous, probably because Benedict was entirely able to control it. Throughout its entirety, Grace loved the way he made her feel; as though they were the only two people in existence, and Benedict had all the time in the world to draw out and fully appreciate her pleasure. Over time, he lowered his superbly sculpted body onto hers, truly trapping Grace in place beneath him and making her groan with hunger. She could sense his heavy erection resting against her thigh and knew she would do just about anything to experience the thrill of him sliding slowly inside her.

Eventually breaking apart, Benedict continued to hold himself above Grace, his mouth slowly migrating down to breathe over her hard nipples. Groaning with longing, her hips began to writhe, back arching in a determined bid to join their bodies in any way, but Benedict refused to allow it.

'I want you to do something for me,' he murmured. 'I want you to imagine that what I'm about to do to your nipples, I'm actually doing to your poor, neglected clit.'

'Oh God,' sobbed Grace, making a renewed effort to free herself. But it was all in vain.

'I want your imagination to set up a direct link between the two,' he continued, ignoring the reactions of his captive. 'Every time I touch your nipple,' he explained, before gently running a feather-light caress across the swollen skin with his tongue. 'I want you to imagine me doing the same to your clit.'

This time, Grace's reaction was violent. She moaned and twisted with desperation, but the knots that Benedict had so conscientiously tied, remained firm.

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