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Wolf Within

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Ryan discovers his inner beast. Erotic sex & Passion
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Hiding among the large overgrown bushes, I tried to mask the glow of my naked body as the moonlight shone over me. Holding my breath as the police car whirls past at speed, their sirens blasting as their lights illuminate everything in a flashing blue strobe. I sit a moment, making sure it is clear before darting across the road. Rushing into my apartment, my heart pounding violently as I slam the door behind me, leaning against it breathless and slightly confused. The last I could remember was going to bed here in my apartment. Then I woke up in the middle of the park, naked and covered in blood and dirt.

My body ached in ways I couldn't explain, both inside and out. As though a bus had hit me, not that I knew what that felt like, but it was as if my bones had broken and then put back in my body. I felt wrong. Too tired to take a shower just yet, I slip back into my bed, needing to let my body rest. I was sure it would all make sense in the morning.

Smacking my fist down, a firm whack on the button to turn off my alarm, as I stretch my arms and legs. The dull aching and oddness remained from last night. Laying there a moment, I lift the blanket. As I glance at my naked body before me, I gasp, not recognising what I saw. How do I put into words what I saw?..... well.

Before going to sleep, I would describe my physical appearance and physique as ordinary, slightly lean, or even normal. Average height, with a thin body and thin legs, my penis was a bit on the small side, but it was in proportion. I certainly had nothing to make women turn their heads or start drooling if they saw me naked. But I was happy with what I had.

Yet now, before me, was something completely different, leaving me utterly shocked and in disbelief.

My chest was broad and big, my abdomen adorned a six-pack, firm and very prominent. As for my legs, well, three trucks of solid muscle. My penis had immediately nearly made me shout, as it was huge. Both in length and width, my pubic hairs seemed different too. Neatly surrounding my bulky shaft to my balls, which were also bigger.

Dropping the blanket, I slide from the bed and stand in my wardrobe. Pulling open the door, so I could view myself in the mirror which hung from it. As I stood there, staring at the new reflection before me, I just couldn't believe it. Even my arms and hands were different.

Kneeling in the mirror, moving close to the glass, I look at my face. Now this was the same, but with a subtle difference, my eyes. Instead of being the deep blue they were, they now had a slight hint of green. Although the blue was bright, the green flashed among it, drawing my attention. Glancing into my lap, I touch my new length, lifting and admiring its size and girth.

Noticing the dried blood and dirt all over my body, touching it. Unable to find any cuts or reason for the blood, though could see it wasn't mine. Perhaps I had led on a dead animal or something while I was lying in the dirt at the park. I was on the ground when I woke up. Nothing made sense.

Running my hands through my hair, I stop. The hair surrounding my fingers felt different. I hadn't noticed, though it seemed thicker and healthier. It was long, to just below my shoulders, blonde with a slight wave. I wore it loose. I tied it back for work, mainly so I didn't get it caught in engines. As a mechanic, this was a daily possibility.

Composing myself, I walk to my bathroom and take a shower. Discovering my new body as I wash every inch. Still in shock that this was even happening, I felt like I had woken up as someone new. Like I'd been reborn, knowing this was ridiculous. You couldn't grow muscles and enhance body parts overnight. With no explanation for what happened, nor why I was outside naked in the early hours of the morning, with my body tainted with blood.

I had to leave for work soon, quickly pulling on a grey vest with a pair of blue jeans. Searching for a pair of socks, finding a pair, I quickly pull them on, followed by my boots. Everything felt tight, as though it was being stretched to its maximum because of my new physique. Pulling on my jacket, and grabbing my helmet, I leave my apartment.

It was a clear morning; the sun was coming up, and it had the promise of a nice day. Relieved, as riding in bad weather was not appealing. Starting my bike, I lift my leg over the seat and get comfortable. Pulling off, out onto the road, I feel a sense of power run through me. Pulling back the throttle hard, I ride fast. Not aware of what was around me, that was until I pulled into my work. I'd arrived in minutes, a ride which would normally have taken thirty. Confused, I sit for a moment with the rumble of the engine beneath me. I look at myself in the office's reflection window, noticing my size. Shaking my head, still trying to make sense of it all. Turning off my bike, I pull off my helmet and hang it on the bars. Walking briskly inside, hoping no one would notice me arriving.

"Ryan, hey dude that you?" I hear from Keith as I approach. He stares at me in shock. "Eh dude, what the fuck?" His jaw dropped.

"Exactly what I thought this morning." I pat him on the back as I pull off my jacket, hanging it on the rack behind him.

I turn and look at the ramp. An old fiesta from yesterday was waiting for a new exhaust.

"Want me to get that finished?" I shout to him, seeing he's joined now by Suzie from the office, both staring at me and whispering.

I ignore them and start working on the car. Still sensing them watching, I could hear Suzie's heels nearing the pit. I could see them, with her slender legs stretching beyond where I could see. Her perfume fills my nose as I peer up at her. Still unable to see anything more than her smooth legs and heels.

"Alright, Suzie?" I ask while holding the back box in one hand and trying to tighten the nuts holding it to the car in the other. Her timing is terrible.

"You gonna come and say good morning properly?" She says, in a demanding manner.

"Kinda busy, but hey, morning," I shout to her, trying to continue without dropping anything.

I could sense she wasn't happy. Stomping her heels, she turns and walks away. The fast clicks as she rushed away made me chuckle to myself. Now it was secure. I move out of the pit, wiping my hands down my jeans. As I lower the car down, Keith comes over.

"So whatcha done, seriously dude, looking good?"

I laugh, catching his eye. I could see he was wanting me to answer, though I didn't have one.

"Woke up a new me is all." Seeing the car was down, I moved to open the driver's door, hearing Keith mutter something.

"What mate?" I glare at him.

"Oh nothing, just Suzie is waiting for you." He walks through the garage, back to the Audi he was working on.

Driving the car round to the front, I lock it and head to the office. Having to give Suzie the keys, there was no way of avoiding her. Walking in, I dangle the keys up to her. She smiles as she takes them, her long nails brushing my fingers purposefully as she stares at me.

"All done. Let them know I checked the oil filter and sump too. All were good. It's ready to rock."

It was clear she wasn't paying any attention. I could see her eyes were moving up and down my body instead of listening to me.

"Suzie?" I snap. She instantly looks at my face, fumbling with the keys, as she takes a couple of deep breaths.

"Oh, eh, yes, I will book it in." She says, slightly flustered, trying to compose herself.

"No, it's ready to go, are you alright?" Seeing the redness of her cheeks, so I knew she felt embarrassed, not like her. Normally she was fierce and quite a stern bitch, to be honest.

"Right sorry. You made me jump." She coughs and smooths her forehead, tiny beads of sweat forming, her cheeks flushed.

"Right..... anyway.... on to the next." I turn to leave, though can sense she wants to say something, so I turn back, meeting her gaze I smile.

"Ryan, em......." She asks me, but I interrupt as I hear what she is going to say, hearing the final part of the question in my head.

"Sure, you got a helmet?" I smile at her, a shocked look on her face. She nods as I leave the office.

I finish the work on four other vehicles. It was nearing 5 pm. Taking the last car into the car park, Keith was heading to the office, so I quickly locked it and tossed him the keys.

"Give these Suzie, tell her I'll be out the front." Keith nods.

Pulling on my jacket, I head to my bike. As I fasten my helmet and start the engine, I see Suzie coming out of the office. She was wearing a blue skirt suit with black heels, along with a black crash helmet, which surprisingly fitted her well. However, her clothes were not suitable for riding at all, but hey, it was all I had to take her somewhere. As she climbed onto the back, her arm's grip on my waist tight, I could feel she was squeezing me.

Checking she was ready, seeing her nod, I pulled off and headed into town, looking for somewhere for us to go. Pulling up into a small restaurant, I switch off the bike. Suzie climbs off and pulls off her helmet. Shaking her hair and adjusting her clothes, she hands me the helmet. I hang it on the handlebars, putting mine on the floor by my front wheel.

Taking her hand, we walk into the restaurant. Given a table in the middle, I sit opposite her. She hadn't said a word since getting on my bike at work.

"You ok?" I smile at her softly.

"Sorry, I eh..... well sorry." She smiles, blushing red once more. I could hear her thoughts of wonder as her eyes kept catching mine.

"I don't mean to make you uncomfortable. Would you like a drink?"

"Yes, that'd be nice." I watch as she puts her hands under the table, fidgeting them in her lap.

"Is this place ok? wasn't sure what you'd like, and where they'd let me in. I'm not exactly dressed for a five-star place."

Trying to make conversation to ease her discomfort, hoping to relax her somewhat. The server returns with a bottle of wine, pouring her a glass. I had water. I just craved water, feeling incredibly thirsty. As she took a sip, I could see her breathing had calmed slightly, her chest not rising too much now.

"So Suzie, you from here originally?" I found myself lost in what to ask her, not wanting to let her know I was hearing her. It is very distracting to me. Her thoughts pictured many dirty things she would do with me.

"Oh yeah, I am. Look, Ryan......." She leans into me, beckoning me closer. Her lips against my ear.

"Want to come back to mine?" She had a cheeky glint in her eye, mischievous and dirty.

Shocked, I move back. Was she wanting more? We hadn't even finished our first drink. Now don't get me wrong, she was certainly a pretty woman, though something was stopping me. Despite my sexual frustration, I couldn't accept her offer. She just did nothing for me.

"Eh......I don't think that's a good idea." I say softly, trying not to sound callous.

"So what's dinner about, then?" She scowled angrily at me, her glare fierce, the look which was familiar to me, normally from her when at work.

"So dinner automatically equates to sex?" Shocked by my sudden blunt manner, which was not like me at all, I'm a very easy-going guy, laid back and chilled.

"Ryan!" She looks at me firmly, crossing her arms.

"Well, what else would you invite me back for?" I say in my defence.

"Yes.... but......." She looks embarrassed again.

"Look, I like you, but I prefer to take things slow. I'm sorry." She looks at me, her eyes softening once more.

"Hungry?" I ask. She smiles and nods.

We ordered our food, and it was nice. We chatted casually, and she relaxed, letting me past her hard exterior. Whether it was because it was clear we were not romantically interested in each other, well, so I thought. Despite our casual conversation on the surface, all seemed friendly, I could hear another voice, the voice of her thoughts, telling me her truths.

'His is so hot. Make a move, go on.'

'Kiss him, kiss him.'

'He said no. Ask him, ask him.'

Shaking my head, for a second, I watched her face, checking she wasn't saying what I was hearing.

'His lips are so kissable...his eyes.... argh.'

'He's just so sexy......I need him.'

Her thoughts are constantly being pumped into my head, more and more, getting dirtier and dirtier as she starts to imagine me tearing off her clothes. Unable to take it anymore, I lose it.

"STOP!" I shout, pounding my fists on the table hard, making it shake and spill some of her wine.

She jumps, as the boom of my voice echoes throughout the restaurant, causing the other diners to all stare at us. She stares at me wide-eyed, looking confused and embarrassed from the unwanted attention.

"What?" she says angrily, trying to shy away from the prying eyes of those staring.

"Sorry, I......." Realising she had said none of it out loud. Her thoughts were still pouring into my head.

'Why did he shout at me..... great everyone's looking.......... his eyes are so wow...'

"Sorry, I didn't mean to shout." I take a sip of my water, trying to silence her voice in my head. I couldn't. Her thoughts were relentless. I had had enough.

"Do you wanna go?" I ask, standing from the table, so it is clear I wasn't asking.

Surprised, she gathers her things together. I summon the server, who rushes over so I can pay my bill. He thanks me and we leave. Outside, it had turned cold. Suzie was shivering.

"Want me to call you a taxi?" I could see she didn't look too pleased about getting back on my bike.

I sit with her and wait for the taxi to arrive. Her thoughts were now of her going home alone, moaning about my rejection, her plan on having a long bath and snuggling to watch a film..... I smile to myself, feeling a pang of guilt that I wasn't fulfilling her desires, though I was not one for pointless sex. I was not that guy. I wanted more, much more.

When her taxi arrives, she stands and hesitates a moment as she turns to me. Her eyes searched my face. Perhaps she was expecting a kiss from me. I stand firm, pushing my hands into my jeans pockets as I make it clear it is not happening. She climbs in the back. I could see her watching me as it pulled away. Climbing on my bike, I have to hold the spare helmet on my bars as I ride slowly home.

Parking my bike, I notice my neighbours all gathered outside the building. Pulling my helmet off, and carrying the other, I walk over, trying to fathom what was going on. I approached Vince, who lived below me.

"What's this about?" I asked, seeing several police officers talking to a group of residents from the other building, who I didn't know.

"Something about the park." He said flatly as if he was not interested.

"Really? Do you know what?"

"Dead rabbits, they found some dead rabbits from what I heard." He's fumbling in his pockets, pulling his cigarette packet from it, along with his lighter.

"Oh?" I think for a moment, remembering the blood on my body. Had I done something to the rabbits? No, I couldn't believe it. Thinking it was just a fox who'd broken into their hutch is all.

"Yeah, they think a wild dog or something, warning us to keep watch, I dunno."

"Wild dog?"

"Yeah. I dunno, reckon it was kids myself, more likely that around here." He walks off, lighting a cigarette as he moves away.

Looking over at the police, I didn't want to be questioned. I rush inside, locking my door. I stand at my window, watching the crowd as they slowly disperse. It must just be a coincidence. Perhaps I just fell on them. It would explain the blood, though not why I was there, to begin with.

I strip off and climb into bed, still blown away by my new body. Thinking over my evening, how Suzie had offered herself to me, hearing her thoughts in my head. The dead rabbits. It was all a bit of a blur. Closing my eyes, I fall asleep.

Woken a few hours later by a sharp stabbing in my stomach, making me double over in pain. Yelling out, as the pain was so raw, it was as though I was actually being stabbed and torn apart at the same time.

Clutching my stomach, breathing heavily, as I recover from the pain. I am instantly met with another, this time on my lower back. Throwing me backwards, I fall off my bed. The pain was as though my body was stretching and tearing, crying out, my legs tingling and burning, and my eyes watering. I could feel my jaw tightening, my whole body swelling and twisting, bulging in places that shouldn't move.

My bones extended, stretching beneath my skin, tiny hairs sprouting all over my body. The pain consumes every part of me, taking over my whole body as I yell out. As the sound leaves my throat, I can feel it changing, the sound becoming a deep and powerful howl, loud and prolonged. It echoed around me as I drew a breath. I look down at myself, left shocked by what I see.

I was no longer a human man. I was a creature, covered in dark brown, thick hairs, covering every inch of my misshapen body. My legs were a different shape, wider and longer, my calves long, which led to enormous long feet with claws so big they could cut through anything. My arms distorted in their length with large hands and fingers, which had long sharp claws on each. Glimpsing myself in the reflection of my window, I could barely believe my eyes.

I was a wolf, a large misshapen wolf. Seeing what reflected at me was utterly terrifying, plus the realisation that it was me.

As I stare at the reflection in disbelief, a feeling fills my body, a scent fills my nose, and the urge to find the source of the smell drives me into a run. Charging from my apartment, the power of my movements so fierce and precise, launching forward with each thrust of my legs and swipe of my arms. I found myself on a farm; the smell was that of chickens.

Standing at the barn, their smell filling all of my senses, I move inside. A spray of feathers, thrashing of beaks along with the screeching of pain. Within seconds, silence falls, except for the sound of my teeth shredding, as I enjoy my kills.

Emerging from the barn, the brightness of the moon lighting up the field before me, I could see sheep resting peacefully. They seemed unbothered by the chaos which had just occurred within the barn. Drawing in a large deep breath, I let out a thunderous howl, long and powerful, as it echoed through the darkness, travelling on for miles.

I run fast from the barn, finding myself back at my apartment. I collapse on my bed, exhausted. My claws tear through the fabric of the sheets. I roll onto my side, closing my eyes, my body tired and heavy as I fall asleep.

In the morning, I open my eyes, quickly looking at my hands and body. It was normal, well, the new normal, not hairy and distorted. I lay there a moment, my heart racing as I think back to last night. The date with Suzie, coming home, the pain, what I saw, what I did. No, no, there was no way. Sitting up, I rub my face, trying to make sense of everything. I must have dreamt it.

As I move off my bed, I notice a feather on the floor. A shiver runs down my spine. Picking it up, I wander to the bathroom. Resting it on the sink, I look in the mirror, examining my teeth, and looking at my body. I could see claw marks, scratches on my arms, puncture wounds dotted about my stomach and thighs, realising they were from being pecked.

Fuck! It wasn't a dream. Looking at the feather, I realised I had killed over thirty chickens in seconds. Eating them fresh after killing them, tearing them apart with my hands and teeth. The thought made come shudder and feel slightly sick, realising that last night, I had become something different, something not human.

Unsure of what to do, how to feel or react, and feeling overwhelmed by what was happening to me. How could I go from being a normal guy, to now being something only to be described as hideous? It wasn't possible. Yet despite my trying to make sense of it, I knew my reality was; that I was a real monster.

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