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Working at the Truck Stop

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Disappointed wife seeks out solace with strangers and earns.
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Story Code: M/F, Prostitution, Public Sex, unfaithful wife, Masturbation

How did it start? You may well ask!

We had just trundled through our fourteenth wedding anniversary; as usual Rob had forgotten a card, flowers, chocolates or gift. I'd got Rob a card and a pair of gold cufflinks with 'RC' engraved. The card wasn't new, I'd bought it for our ninth wedding anniversary and once I realised that Rob had forgotten our ninth wedding anniversary I put the card and gift I'd bought him away. Just like I would do once again, the gift wasn't wasted though; the gold cufflinks would be presented to him for his birthday present or his Christmas present just as I'd done with the gift I'd purchased for his anniversary for five years.

The following week, seven days after our non-existent wedding anniversary we were due to go to one of Rob's friend's wedding in Brighton. I'd arranged for our kids to stop over the weekend with Rob's parents and we were booked in for two nights at a seafront hotel. We'd planned to drop off the kids at Rob's parents straight after school and drive down to Brighton as soon as Rob got home from work.

Friday night was a big piss-up, twenty wedding guests were stopping over on Friday night and even more were due to stop over on Saturday night too after the wedding supper. The complaints on Friday from other guests in the hotel averaged five for each of us, I think Rob actually generated two complaints out of the one hundred lodged with the hotel management. Most guests were still drunk for the wedding on Saturday afternoon. From the wedding we all went to the funfair and the wedding photographs were all taken on the various rides.

The main wedding meal was from two o'clock in the afternoon until four in the hotel that many of the guests were staying in and at four o'clock the dining room was reconfigured for the evening disco. Rob changed out of his formal suit into something a little more casual for the disco while I changed into a little cocktail dress, charcoal rather than black and under it I wore a white basque, white thong and white stockings. It wasn't the way I usually dressed but as my fourteenth wedding anniversary had been such a bust I was hoping for a little 'Something-something' after the disco from my husband.

At ten o'clock I realised that my husband would yet again be a washout, he was totally pissed and unable to stand by ten-thirty in the evening and then, as bad as things were they took a turn for the worse. Five of the rugby players in our party had been involved in a punch-up with a rival party in a nearby hotel and the police had been called. As the police were trying to round up all the fighters someone triggered the fire alarm in our hotel to help the fighters evade capture and we were all asked to leave the hotel because of the fire alarm being triggered and while we were all standing around on the promenade the bell hops pulled trolleys full of cases and bags out onto the pavement in front of the hotel, they called out room numbers, they took the room key and handed the bags over containing everything they had found in the room.

As we looked down the main street full of hotels the 'Vacancy' signs flicked to 'No Vacancy' as if they were all controlled by a single switch. I didn't often drive Rob's car, I could park four of my little cars in the footprint of Rob's huge monster but as he was pissed and curled up on a bench on the promenade, I'd just have to put up with it for once.

I had to drag our heavy bag around to the car park and load it into Rob's boot. By the time I'd managed to get the car out onto the promenade again Rob was in the process of being arrested for vagrancy as he had no money in his pocket, no form of identity and was insensible through drink. I had to bat my eyelashes at the two police officers and flirt a little to get them to change their minds and instead of throwing my husband into the back of the paddy wagon, they threw him in the back of our car.

I selected home on the car's sat-nav and then reviewed the route, just as I had suspected the route was motorway all the way and the one place I didn't want to drive a car the size of a bus was on a late night motorway so I flicked through the options and selected avoiding motorways. The journey would take several hours longer but I would feel a whole lot safer on the minor roads.

About halfway home I was feeling very tired, very thirsty and desperately in need of a toilet. I had no idea how I would get a drink, a Red Bull would come in handy or an espresso but at two o'clock in the morning on the back roads there were few options, it crossed my mind to stop in a lay-by and find a secluded bush to take a piss behind. I was looking out for somewhere to pee when I spotted a brightly lit building on top of the hill ahead of me, an overnight truck stop and twenty-four hour transport cafe.

I pulled in behind a large van in the car park and I shook Rob to try and wake him, see if he needed a toilet break or a drink, as I shook him I realised that he'd already taken his toilet break some miles earlier, ''Bloody good job it's his car and the seats are leather. At least he'd be able to have the car valeted on Sunday so it would be ready for work on Monday.'

I grabbed my handbag and locked Rob into his own car. I walked across the darkened car park, as I walked past a lorry the driver leaned out of his side window and said, "How much love?"

I stopped dead in my tracks; I hadn't spotted the open window as I walked along because it was so high up so having a stranger suddenly talk to me out of the blue, or rather black of the unlit car park had shocked me almost as much as what he'd said.

"Didn't think we'd see any of you girls around here after last month's police clampdown!"

I was trying to say that I wasn't a prostitute but my mouth refused to work again until I'd had a pee and a drink. The man dropped out of his cab and gathered me up against him by wrapping his arm over my shoulder. I looked back nervously to see if Rob could see me but his car was totally hidden by two lorries.

I obviously didn't have my head on right because I allowed the man to guide me over towards the cafe. The front of the cafe was brightly lit, it looked more like a disco than a cafe and the passageway from the outer doors into the building was illuminated with black light tubes, I could see the toilets ahead of me and the door into the cafe was on the left, I tried to say toilet but all I could do was point in the direction of the ladies sign, "Okay love, I'll grab us a couple of coffees and a table in the far corner!" he pointed into the far corner with a wicked grin on his face.

The lighting inside the toilet was also black light tubes, it was to prevent the use of intravenous drug taking as the veins wouldn't show under black light but I was brought to a dead stop when I saw my reflection in the mirror, the white of my lingerie had been picked out by the black light and it looked like that was all I was wearing, the charcoal dress had totally disappeared, no wonder the trucker was giving me a lecherous grin, he could see what I was looking at now out in the corridor.

I sat on the toilet mulling things over. Working out how long it had been since I actually had sex with Rob, well, I say sex, Rob had sex with me roughly every six to eight weeks but sex for him is more a 'wham-bam-thank-you-mam' and I seldom got close to my climax before he had fired off, kissed my cheek and rolled away from me to go to sleep. It had been almost a year since I last had an orgasm with Rob and then the thought crossed my mind, 'Rob was pissed out of his head and laying in a pool of his own piss in the back seat of his car and in the cafe there was a handsome, slightly older man who desperately wanted to fuck me!'

I'd have to tell him that I wasn't a hooker though, if he gave me an orgasm that would be payment enough, 'What the hell! There's no way you can be serious, that bloke probably uses prostitutes all the time, he could be infected with any kind of STD under the sun!'

I listened to my inner voice and mulled it over in my head, 'But a condom will sort out any problems like that!'

'Ah! But what if he doesn't have a condom or if he refuses to use one?'

'He thinks I'm a whore so he'll use a condom!'

'But if you're a whore you'll be expected to have your own condoms!'

'Bloody good point, now that might be a problem!'

I wiped, flushed and pulled my thong back into place, washed my hands and dried them and then left the ladies toilet. I hadn't heard any movement in the corridor outside the ladies since I had arrived so I took a chance and instead of going into the cafe's dining room I dodged into the gent's toilet and found what I'd expected to find in all men's toilets, a condom machine, I loaded the coin tray, pushed the money in and collected a three pack of Durex that I popped into my handbag.

I skipped quickly out of the men's toilet and over to the doors into the cafe, I spotted the trucker in the corner but instead of two cups of coffee on the table in front of him there were six cups and four other men as well. 'Ha! Now get out of that one missy, you'd better admit defeat now and run for the safety of Rob's car!'

I really hated it when my inner voice thought it had the better of me so I took a deep breath and I pushed the door open and sashayed into the room making the best use of my six inch heels to perform my best 'Cat-walk' impression as I walked over to the table and slipped in the seat at the side of the trucker that I'd walked into the cafe with.

I got five smiles when I flashed a little stocking top as I sat down. "I'm Roger, That's Steve, Bill, Gary and Alan. We all used to come here regularly for the girls that worked this truck-stop and I think I'm right in saying that tonight is the first night that we've all parked up here since the police raid, so, what's your name and how much do you charge?"

'Don't be stupid; don't tell them your real name!'

I really wasn't good at making things up under pressure; it made me a really bad liar.

"Clarke..." 'Don't say Victoria, for God's sake do not say Victoria!' "...Sarah Clarke!"

Okay, so how guilty did I suddenly feel for using my thirteen year old daughter's name instead of my own?

"So Sarah, What's the tariff then?"

'Tariff, what the hell is a tariff?'

'I'm not sure that I should help you but I think Roger means what do you charge for different services!'

'Services, services, what kind of services?'

'Don't ask me, I only know what you know but you'd better think of something quickly, they're all looking at you!"

I looked around the table; ten eyes all looking at me! "Well, I'm the new girl on the block, what do you guys usually pay out here?"

I saw Roger look around the table trying to hide a grin, "We usually pay fifteen quid for full sex without a condom!"

I took a sip from my coffee cup, "I'm surprised at you Roger, I thought that you were hoping for a little fun tonight but we won't have any kind of relationship if it's built on lies will we?"

"Okay, twenty-five quid with a condom!"

"Still sounds a little low to me Roger; I can't imagine a girl making a living on twenty-five a time."

"Okay, okay you've got me, thirty-five quid for half an hour, extra if it takes longer!"

Well, considering the fact that I was willing to let Roger fuck me for free I'd managed to parlay it up from fifteen quid to thirty-five pounds, not that I actually wanted the money but it was kind of nice to be valued so highly.

"So, we going to my truck, get the evening started then Sarah?"

I swallowed another mouthful of coffee and picked up my handbag and we walked to the door and the black light tubes that would make my dress disappear as we walked along the passageway.

I followed Roger up into the sleep cab of his truck, he closed the curtains and turned the interior light on and then he stripped himself naked before pulling my dress off over my head, he didn't want me totally naked, just knickers off, he had full access to my breasts over the top of my demi cup basque. I 'Fluffed' his cock up to full strength and rolled one of my three condoms down his cock before I let him fuck me. I had an orgasm in the first few minutes, it wasn't that he was so good as a lover, I guess it was the fact that we were in a truck's sleep cab in a truck stop, four other men all knew what we were doing and my husband was sixty feet away sleeping in the back of his car and he could wake up at any moment and come looking for me and the noise I was making he wouldn't have to look very hard!

Roger filled his condom at around twenty eight minutes and he seemed content to lay there on top of me as his cock deflated. I remembered from school that condoms weren't the safest things in the world once they had been used and filled with semen, I was on birth control implants so I wasn't worried about pregnancy but if any sperm did escape the sheath I could be susceptible to sharing any diseases that Roger had.

I bucked him off of my body and retrieved the condom from his cock, I drew my hand up the length of his cock three times to make sure that his pipe was emptied into the sheath; I tied the neck and popped the condom into a tissue in my handbag.

I pulled my dress on but didn't bother with my knickers as my fanny was literally dripping wet with my own lubricating juice. I hadn't mentioned the money but Roger handed me thirty-five pounds as soon as my head popped back out of my dress. I shook my hand full of his money, said "Thanks," and kissed him on his cheek before slipping out of the truck. I needed baby wipes in my handbag, I always had a travel pack of baby wipes in my handbag when the kids were younger but not now when I needed them for myself.

I walked back to the Cafe to use the toilet to clean myself up a little and to dump the used condom. I also wondered if I should dump the other two condoms that were in my bag, Rob would kill me if he found condoms in my handbag. 'No, don't be silly, you never know when you might need a condom, just keep them well hidden.'

I took another pee, I had at least an hour's drive left and it was three o'clock in the morning, I left the toilet and walked towards the exit and out into the night air, Alan was standing outside the main doors watching me walking towards him, the smile on his face told me that he could see my basque through my dress under the black light, "Hi Sarah, we drew lots, I won so I'm next, erm, if that's cool with you!"

Well, I hadn't planned on a double roll but then I hadn't really planned on rolling with any man other than my husband if I was lucky, I smiled at him and thought, 'Really Alan, one man is no different to any other so long as the thirty-five pounds was in English money.'

"Which is your truck Alan?"

"The white Mercedes parked behind the BMW with the sleeping guy in the back."

Well, I had to gasp at that, fucking Roger sixty feet away from my sleeping husband was one thing but less than eight feet away from him, now that was an exciting edge of a different magnitude!

Alan helped me into his cab and gestured for me to go through into his sleep cab, "Aren't you going to close your curtains Alan?"

"Can't, the track snapped when I opened them this morning and I'll need some tools to fix it so it will just have to wait."

"Well, if the curtains are open you can't turn the lights on!"

Alan grinned, "Okay, I can live with that."

I was dis-dressed in a flash, Alan didn't strip, just pulled his trousers down, he counted out my thirty-five pounds as I 'fluffed' his cock up and rolled the condom down the length of his shaft. Alan flipped me onto my back and as he fucked me I looked towards the front window, Alan's truck had one of those mirrors mounted above the front window so the driver could see his front bumper to make sure that there were no obstructions before pulling away, from my position, flat on my back in his bed I could actually see into the back or our car and as I had a massive orgasm as I watched my husband sleeping.

I did the trip to the toilet again, dumped the condom in the loo and 'freshened myself' again and headed out to the car park. Gary was lurking around outside, "Hi Sarah, you ready for another customer?"

"Sorry Gary darling, I'll let you be first next time but at four o'clock I need to get home before my husband wakes up!"

Garry scribbled a name down on a piece of paper, "That's my CB handle, give me a shout next time you're working, channel fourteen, if I'm in the area I'll take up your offer to be first."

Gary kissed me on my cheek and then he headed back to the lorry park and I slipped over to Rob's car. I peeked nervously into Alan's lorry; he had his back to the window so I slipped quickly into Rob's car and headed out of the car park as quickly as I could.

I'd fucked two strangers, I'd earned seventy quid, had great sex, more orgasms than I could remember having in my life to that date and all within sight of my husband if he'd been sober enough to have opened his eyes.

On Sunday I took my own car to pick up the kids from Rob's parents house while he took his car to the valeters to have the piss taken out of it, well, piss and smell of piss. I hid the one remaining condom in my underwear drawer and set about the task of forgetting all about my night trip of fun but sadly for me, I just couldn't shift the idea from my head and two weeks after my trip to the truck stop I found myself dressed up in a basque again, stockings, short dress with a low cut bust line and a thong not even attempting to cover my arse.

I got a few funny looks from my daughters because I was dressed up to the nines so early in the morning. Robin, the fifteen year old boy from across the road knocked on the back door and Sarah opened the door for him, he had that silly schoolboy grin on his face when he saw Sarah, the same silly grin he'd had for the past seven years but his reaction when he saw me was a new one on me though, his jaw dropped and his eyes popped out on stalks, Sarah punched his shoulder to stop him ogling me. It was seven o'clock in the morning and the kids were about to leave for the school bus, I kissed the girls good-by and told them to have a good day, something spurred me to say, "I might be a little late home this afternoon, If I'm not here when you get home just get started on your homework, I won't be too late!"

'What did you say that for?'

'Just in case I'm a little late!'

'So what are you planning then, all dressed up like a prostitute and running out of the house at seven o'clock in the morning?'

'Nothing, I just could be late home that's all.'

I stopped off at the superstore and picked up a box of ten condoms and a small pack of baby wipes. I told myself that I wasn't going looking for sex, just going for a drive in the country but like a good scout, I was prepared.

Even though I hated driving on the motorways I headed straight for the M-one motorway, I got on it at Junction fourteen and headed north, just one mile from the junction I started to leave up the slip road into Newport Pagnell service station, I had to take the right hand lane into the car park even though I was really interested in the parking lot to the left where a row of twenty lorries were parked across the width of the lorry park.

There was a large sign telling car drivers that they only had two hours free use of the car park and that after two hours they would be expected to pay for parking and if they didn't pay on the spot then they would be sent a parking ticket through the post. I walked to the toilet block, opened the box of condoms and gave my fanny a quick wipe over with a baby wipe. I left the toilet and walked past my car. I crossed the feeder road from the motorway and into the lorry park.


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