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Working Together

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After a few drinks, she's ready to hook up with her coworker.
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If I hadn't needed the job so badly, I wouldn't have taken it. As it was, my bank account was getting closer and closer to zero and I couldn't afford to be picky. It wasn't that I hated the actual work -- I could be positive and look at it like an eight hour work out, since I was just lifting boxes and putting away stock. It wasn't that I hated the people -- my manager was great and while I wouldn't hang out with most of them outside of work, most of my coworkers were nice enough. It was, of all things, the uniform.

I know it's silly, but the uniforms were hideous. We had to wear khaki pants, which was completely impractical for the amount of physical work we had to do in the warehouse since we were covered in dust by the end of the day. And that's not even going into how unflattering khaki is on a woman with hips like mine. But the absolute worst was the shirts. They looked like cheap, long-sleeved golf shirts and were bright red. And to make matters worse, mine was two sizes too big. I had to roll up the sleeves three times to even be able to use my hands, and it looked like a baggy, shapeless sack on my body. And I mean, it's not like I even had the shape to make it look sexy -- I'm short and like I said before, wide at the hips. In that thing, I looked like a stocky little elf.

And even all that wouldn't be that bad, except for Matt.

Matt was about the cutest thing I'd ever seen. He was probably around 5'8" or so -- only a few inches taller than me, but had a body like you wouldn't believe. He had broad shoulders and what looked like a pretty nice chest underneath his red golf shirt, which didn't look half as hideous on him as it did on me. His hair was a little bit long and curly, a light strawberry blonde, and he had a smile that was like nothing you'd ever seen. He was always flashing that smile around, making me melt, and if that wasn't bad enough, he was about the nicest person I'd ever met. Two days after I started, he knew my coffee order, and without even asking me he'd buy me a coffee if he went down the street to the coffee shop on his break. He always asked about my day and we had great conversations. The other girls on our shift always joked that the only reason he talked to me was because I was the only female presence in the warehouse (since they all worked up front with the customers) but I don't think that was true. I mean, first off, I was obviously not coming to work dressed like the rest of the girls. I didn't bother doing my makeup and I didn't get to wear the "cute" uniform (cute being a very generous term -- the shirts were still ugly as sin but they were short sleeved and buttoned up, and came in women's sizes. They didn't bother with women's sizes for the stock uniforms since there weren't a whole lot of us girls on the stock team. That was partially because it was a pretty physical job with lifting standards, and partially because it took a toll on a girl's hands and skin, and most girls just didn't want to deal with that. But I digress).

The point of all this was that Matt was attractive and had a great personality, and I wanted to jump his bones like you wouldn't believe. The problem with that is that I barely got to make an impression on him since I wore the equivalent of a red potato sack and was covered with dirt and grime by the end of the shift. For all I knew, I was just another one of the guys to him. After all, guys don't tend to see girls who can lift more weight than them as relationship material. Or even one-night stand material.

And the reason I'm telling you all this? To give you my side of the story, my reasoning behind not wanting to go to the Christmas party, before you see how I got forced into it.

Okay, not forced. Talked into it. But let me make it clear that I didn't want to go -- I had no date, no significant other to take with me like all the other girls, and I was basically sick of lusting over Matt, since it would be a cold day in hell that he actually would lust over me.

It started in the break room on the day before the Christmas party. Everyone was excited because it was Friday and the company was throwing one hell of a party the next night. I believe the high point of it was going to be the open bar.

"...and I bought the cutest new shoes to wear with it!" exclaimed Janessa, one of the sales girls. I raised my eyebrows and laughed as Derek rolled his eyes. Janessa caught sight of it and smacked him on the arm. "Shut up, Derek, just because I don't want to be seen at the Christmas party in the same outfit as last year. Borrowing your dad's suit from the 70's again, I'm assuming?"

"Yeah, right, like Janet would let me wear it again," Derek snorted. "She made me buy a new suit for her sister's wedding."

I took a huge bite of my sandwich and was chewing when another sales girl, Melissa, turned to me. "What about you, Allie? What are you wearing to the Christmas party?"

I chewed hard and swallowed most of the bite before answering. "I'm not going," I replied.

I was not prepared for the reaction. I believe it was Janessa and Melissa that let out high-pitched gasps, and even the guys at our table gave me one of those "looks." I know for sure that it was Melissa who slapped my arm, causing me to choke on the last bit of my sandwich.

"What?" I cried, coughing.

"You can't NOT go to the Christmas party!" Janessa exclaimed.

"Yeah, jeez!" Derek said. "It's the best part of this job!"

"We all get to let our hair down, have a little fun, see each other in something other than hideous khaki and red..." Melissa said.

I shrugged. "I dunno, it's just been a long week, you know? I figured I'd have a relaxing weekend to myself. Besides," I said, trying not to laugh as I exchanged a look with the guys. "I have nothing to wear."

"Not an excuse!" exclaimed Janessa. "You're coming out shopping with me and Mel after work."

"What? No!" I said. "Guys, please, I just don't want to go to the Christmas party, okay?"

It went on like that for awhile, them trying to convince me, me resisting. The lunch hour was finally over and I got up, but not before Melissa had one last attempt at convincing me.

"Come on," she said. "I'll buy you lunch every day next week if you don't have a good time. Promise."

I contemplated it for a moment. "Tempting," I said. "But I still don't think..."

"Think about it this afternoon, and I'm going to hunt you down before you leave if you want to come shopping with us," she said. "Please come. It'll be really fun."

"I'll think about it," I said, collecting my things to head back to the warehouse.

I didn't think about it, at least, not until a couple hours later. That was when the rest of the order came in and Matt and I got charged with scanning everything into the inventory.

We chatted as usual, talking about movies and Matt's new apartment that he had just moved into. It was just about quitting time and I was trying to figure out why the scan gun wouldn't record the last box I had.

"You weren't really serious about not coming to the Christmas party, right?" Matt said out of the blue.

"Hmm?" I responded, banging the damn scan gun against the pallet.

"On lunch, when the sales bimbos were asking you," he said.

"Oh," I said, shrugging as the scan gun restarted itself. "I don't know. I wasn't really planning on going..."

"Oh," he said.

"Why?" I asked.

Matt shrugged. "Well, I was hoping you'd be there," he said. "It really is fun -- I know you didn't work here last Christmas but it's a pretty good time."

I tried not to show a reaction to the fact that he was hoping I'd be there, and just smiled. "Well, we'll see," I said. "With all the overtime this week I figured I would want a night off. Besides, everyone's going to be there with their girlfriends and whatnot and I'll end up the awkward third wheel."

Matt scanned in the last box for me and started collecting the things to put away before we left. "Not true. I don't have anyone to go with," he said, then flashed that wonderful smile at me. "I hope you'll be there. We can hang out together."

And with that, I decided I was going to the Christmas party.

I said good night to the other stock workers and clocked out, grabbed my things, and headed to the break room where I was seriously hoping Melissa and Janessa hadn't left yet. To my luck, they were just leaving as I walked up.

"Allie!" Melissa cried. "Now, do we have to keep trying to talk you into coming?"

"No, I guess you wore me down," I said. "I am going to need that shopping trip after all."

They squealed. There is literally no other way to describe the noise they made other than squeals of excitement. And with that, I was off on a shopping trip with, as Matt described them, the sales bimbos.

I can't bear to get into the details of the shopping trip. Shopping is just not one of my things. Basically, I got to be the dress up doll for Janessa and Melissa. They picked out outfits, I put them on, they either approved or didn't. I felt like a real-life Barbie, and surprisingly, I felt pretty good about myself. I mean, normally when I shop, I come out feeling like crap because nothing fits, but Janessa and Melissa were really positive. Instead of things like "No, that dress doesn't work because it makes your ass look like it has its own gravitational pull," they said things like "I'm super into the bodice and the color just totally brings out your eyes but I'm so totally in love with the skirt on that other dress, let's see if we can find something with like, both features!" And yes, I rolled my eyes when they spoke like that, but you know what? It was better than the former statement, which is how I usually think while I'm shopping.

When they finally agreed on an outfit, I was exhausted. "Okay, ladies, that was fun," I said as we left the store. "See you tomorrow!"

"What?" said Janessa. "We're not done!"

"We're not?"

Melissa laughed. "You don't go out much, do you?"

I flushed slightly. She was right, but she didn't have to point it out like that. I mean, if you haven't guessed already, I was a bit of a tomboy. One of the guys. I always got along better with guys than with other girls, and my idea of going out was to a sports bar to watch the game.

So, we weren't done. First we had to get shoes, and then accessories, and then they took me to buy makeup. Now, let me just say, I did know how to do my own makeup -- I wasn't totally butch here, okay? And the "look" they picked out for me was easy enough for me to do, especially since Melissa decided a simple lipstick look would be best on me. I wholeheartedly agreed, and finally, FINALLY, we were done shopping.

The whole thing had left me with very little time to think about why I was going to the Christmas party until I got home and flopped down on my couch, shopping bags on the floor and still wearing my hideous work uniform. Really, as pathetic as it sounds, it boiled down to Matt wanting me to be there. And maybe if I looked good, he'd... well, want me, like I wanted him. Oh God, how pathetic did that sound? I don't mean it like I couldn't get him without makeup and clothes and all that. But, you know, there's no harm in trying to make him get the hint!

I stretched and got up, heating up some leftovers and cracking a beer. It would be nice to get out, I thought. I was tired and I did want to just spend the weekend at home, but the fact remained that I really did need to get out more. I was living alone in a city where I didn't know many people, having moved here to take a job just out of college and then discovering that I hated it. My family was all back home and I just didn't have the money to go home for Christmas, nor could I afford to take the time off work. This Christmas party was really the only thing I'd be doing for Christmas this year.

I tried not to focus on the Matt aspect of it. I just didn't want to get my hopes up and get them crushed when I realised he had just asked me to go because he was trying to be nice. But as I stripped my work uniform off and started the shower, I couldn't help but think of what might happen if Matt did have a thing for me.

When I was completely naked, I let my hair out of its ponytail and looked in the mirror. Would Matt like my body? I examined it. I liked my body. It wasn't perfect, but it was strong and it was mine. My hips were pretty wide and I had thick thighs and a tummy, but there was muscle underneath from working in the warehouse all the time, and they looked better with a little meat on them. My arms were toned and strong, and my breasts were an average size. They looked a little small when compared with my hips, but I was okay with that -- I just had a bit of a pear-shaped body.

I paid a little more attention to my breasts. They were a nice handful apiece, with rosy nipples that were hardening in the steamy bathroom. I watched as goosebumps formed on my pale skin, fascinated by the taughtness of my skin as they formed. I flicked my eyes up in the mirror, looking at my blonde hair as it fell against my shoulders and at my face -- round, with apple cheeks and large eyes. From there I moved my eyes down, down my stomach and towards the folds between my legs, and as I moved my eyes there, my hand moved there. Now, I don't like to brag, but my pussy was beautiful. It was puffy and my lips nestled the little bud of my clit between their pink folds, a symmetrical nest of flesh between my legs. I kept the hair on it trimmed -- I had tried shaving it once and the bumps as the hair grew back just made it look ugly. But the fine spattering of hairs over it, I was okay with that.

My hand slid between my legs, my fingers parting the lips to show my tight pussy hole and clit. The flesh was pink and starting to get wet, my clit starting to throb as a hard little nub. I sighed as my fingers started to explore the hole between my legs, teasing along my lips and just dipping in between them to let the hot juices slicken them before teasing my clit. I imagined Matt's fingers between my legs -- his hands, strong and calloused, probing against the delicate skin down there. I imagined his broad chest against mine, his hand between us as he fingered my pussy, and I had to brace myself against the bathroom counter with my other hand. I couldn't keep myself from pushing my fingers into my cunt and letting my thumb graze against my clit. I moaned softly, an image of Matt's smiling face in my mind, wishing I could feel his warm arms around me, wishing I could replace my fingers with his cock...

It wasn't long before I could feel myself ready to cum. The sensation ran through my body and I prepared myself for a hard orgasm. I worked my fingers fast and hard, picturing Matt fucking me, picturing his hard body over mine with his cock buried in my cunt, and I came. I came hard and long and I moaned his name and held myself up using the bathroom counter, my knees buckling as my entire body tensed and writhed as I came. I bit my lip and gasped, panting for breath as I slowly came down from my orgasm. I pulled my hand from between my legs and stepped into the hot water streaming from my showerhead, wondering if I'd ever get to experience Matt for real instead of just in my imagination.

The next day came faster than I thought. Suddenly it was late afternoon and I had to drag myself off the couch to get out of my comfy pajamas and get into the outfit Melissa and Janessa had picked for me. I showered and dried my hair, leaving it in its natural curls, then slipped on a simple black bra and some cute boyshort panties. I did my makeup simply, just a bit of mascara and the subdued red lipstick Melissa had suggested, sprayed on a bit of vanilla body spray, and slipped into the dress I had gotten.

Melissa and Janessa had decided that my best feature was the curve of my hips and had found a tight dress to highlight it. The skirt portion was red and tight, hitting a few inches above my knees to show off my legs, clinging to my hips and ass and cinching just under my breasts. The top was a white blouson style, the draped fabric giving the illusion that my breasts were larger than they really were and giving me a sleek hourglass shape. The neckline fell softly along my collarbone, showing my milky skin. I could just see the outline of my bra and the swell of my breasts under the silky fabric, and turned in the mirror to look at my shape. I had to admit, Melissa and Janessa had done a good job.

It was nearly time to leave, so I slipped on the sleek black pumps they had picked out for me and took a few practice strides across my apartment to make sure I could still walk in them. They were pretty easy to walk in, though I thought that might change once I had a few drinks in me.

I took one final look in the mirror in my front hall, flattening the skirt of my dress nervously. I looked different -- really different, completely unlike the person everyone saw at work every day. My curls bounced around my shoulders instead of tied up in a bun like usual, my face wasn't covered in dust, and my clothes actually fit my body rather than hanging around my body like a sack. What would everyone say? Specifically... what would Matt say?

I shook my head and tossed my hair over my shoulder. I had to stop thinking about what Matt was going to say, otherwise I was bound to be disappointed. I was going to go to the party and have fun, and let everyone say whatever they wanted and I wouldn't care.

With what I hoped was a confident smile, I locked my door and went out to get a cab. Ten minutes later, I hopped out at the hotel where the party was happening and went inside.

It was fancy, that was for sure. The lobby alone looked like it was plated in solid gold, with high ceilings and spotless, impeccable surfaces. A man in a neatly pressed uniform greeted me and called a bellhop over to escort me to the room where the party was being held -- a huge, dimly lit ballroom with a ton of elegant tables and a dance floor, a large bar on one end of the room where I recognized quite a few of my coworkers in line, and a stage where there was a podium set up. I paused in the doorway, wondering where I was supposed to sit.

"Lost your boyfriend?" came a voice from beside me. I looked up to see Derek walking up to me. "Who are you here with, I'll go find them for you."

"I'm not here with anyone, dumbass," I replied. Derek did a double-take and leaned in to look at me.

"Allie?!" he gasped. "Holy shit, you..." He paused. "Wow."

"If you're done gaping at me..." I said, punching him on the arm. "Where's everyone sitting? I just got here."

"We've got a table next to the bar," he said after a moment. I was trying so hard not to laugh, I have to admit that right now. It looked like my new outfit was a hit after all. "Come on, we saved a spot for you, Melissa and Janessa said you decided to come after all." We started walking over to the table, Derek nearly running into someone I vaguely recognized from accounting because he couldn't take his eyes off me.

"Janet here tonight?" I asked uncomfortably.

That seemed to work. Derek laughed nervously and looked ahead. "Yep, my lovely little ball and chain came along!"

We made it to the table, where my usual lunch group was sitting with their significant others -- besides Matt, who had an empty seat beside him. It was Melissa's squeal and grin as she saw me that got everyone to turn around.

"Look at you, sexy!" she exclaimed. I grinned nervously as there was a chorus of 'Holy shit!' and 'Oh my God, Allie?!' Matt, however, said nothing, and I couldn't help feel a tiny tinge of disappointment. I reminded myself that I didn't care what people thought of me, and took the empty seat next to him. I couldn't help but notice that I wasn't the only one who looked a whole lot different. Matt was dressed in an immaculate black suit with a double-breasted vest underneath. The darkness of his clothes set off his light skin, his strawberry blonde hair swept to the side, just fringing along his brow and setting off his dark eyes quite nicely.


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