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Workout with Husband's Friend

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A faithful wife spends an evening with husband's good friend.
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"Love you, goodnight."

Alex hung up the phone. He knew his wife's Friday night routine of going the gym after work. She would fall asleep soon after returning home, so there wasn't much reason to call back. He was on his own for the rest of the night.

Alex pulled out his laptop and started browsing. As it often did, his search led him to erotic stories and pictures. He stopped over a picture of a short-haired Asian girl. She looks like a less sexy version of Liz, he thought. His wife was such a hot piece, it actually made Alex a little nervous to be so far away. She probably had a crowd of guys watching her tight ass bouncing on the treadmill right now.

Alex felt his cock stir at the thought. Lately he had been thinking a lot about some guy coming up to Liz at the gym to hit on her. His wife was totally loyal, Alex knew, but something about a fit guy trying to pick her up really got him going lately. She would be looking at his muscles, he would be staring at her sexy body in tight thin spandex and a sports bra. Alex wondered if he would be able to tell how horny she was, how long it had been since she had been filled; maybe by the way she blushed and laughed, nipples poking through the single layer of fabric between them as he stood over her.

His fantasy ended there as he heard the buzz of a text message.

"Gym is packed, going to Rick's instead"

So she wouldn't get the chance to be ogled by a gym full of hungry men. Alex found himself a little disappointed, but his mind started working again soon. Rick was a big hit with the ladies, and he always had different women coming around. Alex and Rick had known each other for a long time and he wasn't worried about his friend trying anything with his wife. But Rick was human, and wouldn't be able to resist the occasional glance at Liz's body. In fact he had congratulated Alex, in a polite way, and said that he found Liz to be very attractive. Rick was tall and athletic, the idea of the two of them getting sweaty together suddenly sounded extremely hot.


Liz pulled the mirror down to check herself out. She hadn't really looked before leaving, since she wasn't expecting to see anyone she knew at the gym. Not that it mattered what she looked like, she thought, she was just going to exercise and get hot and dirty. And Rick is just an old friend so she doesn't even have to look good. Liz noted anyway that she did look pretty good. The tight-fitting pants and sports bra she wore accentuated her firm toned ass and perky b- cup tits. Her short black hair was pulled back in a cute ponytail. Overall she knew she looked sexy. She had no sexual intentions tonight, but some primal part of her wanted approval, recognition of her body's ripeness and fertility.

Liz got out and walked up the drive, where Rick greeted her at the door. He was dressed in a plain white running shirt and shorts. The shirt was tight enough that Liz could see his muscular shoulders. At 6'2" he loomed over her but she wasn't intimidated. In fact, they had been seeing a lot of each other lately. She had just known Rick as one of her husband's friends, until she found out he had a treadmill and some weights at his house. When the gym was crowded it was almost too easy to go work out at Rick's instead. He was very accommodating and encouraged her to take advantage of his home gym. Liz worried about annoying Rick by showing up all the time but he always seemed happy to see her. He told her she could come over anytime as long as she stayed for a drink afterwards so he would have someone to talk to. So she had been coming over more and more frequently and the two of them had developed a close friendship.

"Do you mind?" Liz asked.

"Of course not, you can use my equipment anytime!" Rick grinned. He held the door open as Liz squeezed past him. He took a quick glance at her backside as she went down the hall and sighed in appreciation. She sure looked great today. He could barely stop himself from staring at her tits when she was standing in front of him. The tight-fitting sports bra she wore fit perfectly around her breasts. Not huge, but beautifully round with her perfect little nipples standing out, Rick was pleased to see. He thought they would make nice small handfuls, the single layer of thin fabric making it easy to imagine how it would feel to grab them.

As he watched Liz's ass disappear down the hall, Rick thought for the umpteenth time how much he would love to fuck her. To unwrap her gorgeous body and have his way with her, making her beg for him then leaving her covered in cum...

Their friendship had started innocently. She was just his friend's hot wife who ran around in spandex in front of him sometimes. Great eye candy, and between mostly knowing her through Alex and his own steady stream of dates Rick had never bothered to make a move.

Of course as time went on they chatted more and got more comfortable with each other. Occasionally Rick would cook food along with the cocktails. His cooking was so good, and she would be going home alone otherwise, so she would tend to stay. Eventually they became close. Liz would sometimes come to him for advice, especially since she did not have a lot of experience with men besides her husband. Rick seemed to know a lot, and had read and traveled. They ended up talking about all kinds of subjects: books, TV shows, jobs, life, love, and even sex. Liz was impressed that Rick always seemed so sure of himself and comfortable talking sex, but disapproved of the number and frequency of the girlfriends and dates in his life. She would chide him for his taste in women and tell him to grow up. He would reply that he was older than she was.

One night months ago they had been hanging out in Rick's living room having a drink. They were having one of their usual long conversations when his phone kept buzzing. Liz raised her eyebrows and gave a knowing look. Rick laughed.

"Should I go?" She asked sarcastically.

"No, we were talking, don't freak out." Rick made a face. He had come to appreciate Liz's feisty nature but made sure to give as good as he got. The phone buzzed again and he turned the ringer off and flipped it over.

"What's going on? Booty call from a random hookup?"

"I'll have you know I've known Jessica for years, so she is not random. But yes she wants a booty call.". Rick knew this would bother her. Liz tended to be competitive, and he also noted the keen interest she had taken in his dating life. She narrowed her eyes and Rick thought that was a great moment to excuse himself to the bathroom.

When he left the room, Liz had grabbed his phone and looked at the messages popping up.

"So horny rn", and "I want you". Liz smiled at the desperation. It made her feel good that Rick was spending time with her instead of another woman even though she was making it so easy for him. Especially since Liz was happily married and Rick had no chance of ever sleeping with her. His phone buzzed again.

"Can I please blow you?"

Liz raised an eyebrow at that. She knew that some men liked blowjobs but she had never enjoyed giving them. Occasionally she did for Alex. He seemed to like them ok, but she always felt self-conscious. Certainly she would never want to suck to completion, she hated getting cum in her mouth or on her face. She wondered if Jessica would let Rick finish in her mouth. What if she swallowed?! Liz shook her head to get that image out of her mind. It didn't work completely, and she found herself daydreaming, holding his phone when she heard water running. She snapped out of it and got up to return the phone, but saw another message, this one a URL. Not sure why she was doing it, she quickly snapped a picture of the text on the lock screen with her own phone and returned it before Rick walked back in. They went back to their conversation and Liz forgot about her curiosity until later that night.

When Liz was back home in bed she pulled up the picture and typed the link into her laptop. It took her to a porn tube site. Liz didn't usually like to watch porn - she had seen videos before of course, but she didn't think of herself as the kind of woman who looked at sexy videos. She would have just closed the video but some competitive impulse made her want to know what Rick's sexy friend was sending him.

A video popped up: a man was sitting in a chair with a blonde woman kneeling on the floor in front of him. She started rubbing the front of his slacks right away. The blonde looked eager to get inside his pants, and quickly unzipped them and pulled his cock out. She slowly stroked on it, staring excitedly and licking her lips. Liz found herself watching with rapt attention as the woman slowly leaned forward into his lap. The man's cock swelled as she stroked and her lips neared the head. The blonde smiled approvingly and tugged a few more times. Finally, she held the base of his cock and planted a kiss on the tip. The man gasped, then sighed in appreciation as she slid her mouth over his cockhead. Liz heard a sigh escape her own lips as she watched him enter the woman's mouth. She started to remember where she was as the blonde went to work licking, kissing, and sucking.

Was this the type of sex Rick had with his girlfriends? Liz wondered if this woman looked like Jessica, as the man reached down and pulled her shirt up and off. The blonde pulled away to remove her clothes then immediately went back to kissing his cock and rubbing her face on it while he started to play with her breasts. Liz could see that she was busty, her probably D cup natural breasts swinging as she pumped his hard cock.

LIz didn't have breasts like that, but she felt she could be really sexy if she wanted to. From her fit, tight ass to her small but firm B-cups with perky little nipples she had plenty of ways to grab a man's attention. Did Rick only like blondes with big tits? Liz wasn't sure. She scrolled to the bottom as the blonde tried to push her head further down his cock. The author of the video was anonymous. She could have found it anywhere, Liz thought. Rick might not even like blowjobs.

Liz was about to close the window when she had another thought. This video looked homemade, and she couldn't see the man's face. What if this was a home video of Rick and his girlfriend? That would mean she had seen Rick's penis.

She scrolled up quickly. He was still clothed. The blonde was now slowly stroking his shaft while sucking only the man's head in her mouth, giving her a great view of his cock only. Seeing how much stuck out of her hand Liz estimated it was at least 7 or 8 inches long. And thick, as the woman's fingers were unable to close around the shaft and his head filled her mouth as she sucked, eyes rolled back in pleasure. She seemed to really enjoy sucking, which Liz had never seen before. She had also never seen a cock as nice as this either. Liz could tell he enjoyed what she was doing to him. When an erection like that stands up so big and hard for you, she thought, you know you've made him feel really good. She felt a twinge of jealousy for Jessica, that she got to know what it feels like to please such an amazing cock.

As the blonde continued stroking and mouthing his shaft, Liz saw her hand slip down and start to play with herself on the video. Liz unconsciously started rubbing her fingertips along her own stomach. She slipped them under the waistband of her pajama panties as Jessica took her mouth off Rick's cock and replaced it with her other hand. She proudly leaned back and she stroked with both hands on Rick's engorged meat. Liz teased her fingers down her smooth mound. Her little pussy felt so hot. Jessica cooed softly, saying how big and hot he was and how much she wanted his cum. She reached back down and sighed, "I'm soo wet right now."

Liz pushed one finger inside herself. She couldn't believe how wet SHE was. Just from watching a blowjob on video! Jessica opened her mouth and stuck her tongue out for Rick's cum. Oh god- Liz was about to watch Rick cum! As the ropes started to shoot out Liz saw stars as she had her own powerful orgasm. She shook and writhed on her bed for a minute as she came.

As soon as her head cleared she closed her laptop, surprised at herself. It was good to get that out of her system, she reasoned. Now that it was over Liz thought the whole thing was a little silly again. She wasn't even attracted to him! Her horniness had overtaken her just for a minute, but she had it under control, she thought. She turned over, went to sleep, and figured she would never think about it again.


As Rick stared at Liz's backside bouncing away towards the treadmill, he didn't know any of that. But he had been increasingly finding himself fantasizing about his buddy's sexy wife. He had felt the sexual tension between them grow, from playful shoulder punches to tighter hugs and more charged conversations. He knew from these talks that she had not been fucked and filled for a long time. It was pretty much a crime, Rick thought, that her gorgeous naked body was not being seen or touched by anyone. Maybe it was time for that to change. He couldn't deny it, Rick was feeling horny tonight. He followed her down the hall.

Liz was touching her toes when Rick walked in behind her. He marveled at his newest angle to admire her. Bent over like this, it was easier than ever to imagine sliding her pants down her hips and taking her.

"Hey! I was about to go for a run anyway. Want to go to the park?"

Liz straightened up. She enjoyed working out with Rick, for some reason she could always run for longer without getting tired.

"Why not," she replied.

"Great I'll grab the basketball and I might shoot around."

Liz shrugged and grabbed her towel off the treadmill. She bent down to put it in her bag. If he tilted his head Rick could see down the neck of her sports bra as she bent down. Just a little hint of the curve of her breasts made his cock twitch. He had to try to get a look at them tonight. He grabbed the ball and they ran out the door.


As Rick was enjoying watching Liz's breasts bounce in her bra running down the street her husband was also fantasizing about her. He would have loved to be able to rip her clothes off himself but if he couldn't be there, it would almost be ok for some other guy to do it, just so her body would be enjoyed properly.

As Alex started searching for erotic stories about cheating wives to read, he regretted for a moment that Rick was such a good friend that he didn't have to worry about Liz cheating tonight. It might have been exciting to worry about her doing something naughty but that would never happen tonight. Liz had even mentioned recently that even though she spent evenings there from time to time that she had no interest in Rick at all so he had nothing to worry about. Liz wasn't even his type anyway. Although Rick had said he found her physically attractive, he was never with anyone as reserved as Liz.

In their conversations Alex had told him about her reluctance to give blowjobs and vanilla sex preferences. Rick had replied that he would never be able to stand that, in fact he tries to get every new girl he meets to suck his cock as soon as possible. So Alex knew he didn't have anything to worry about. Oh well, he thought, as he started another story and rubbed the front of his pants.


As Rick jogged to the park with Liz his imagination was going into overdrive. This had been a long time coming. Rick had been asking Alex all about their sex life and he knew how rarely she had been getting fucked, and about her reluctance to give blowjobs. He knew how horny Liz was from those conversations and from seeing her sneak glances at his body. Rick had chosen a thin pair of basketball shorts that did an especially poor job of hiding his package - even soft, his thick shaft bobbed around in the front material obscenely when he ran. Once or twice he saw Liz turn her head down and peek. Rick smiled and leaned back to look down at her tight ass. That only made his cock fatten and increase the effect.

By the time they made it to the park both were flushed with excitement. Rick dribbled the ball around the court, Liz hip-checked him and stole it, he ran after and swung and "missed", slapping her ass. She giggled. The weeks and months of friendship, contact, teasing and pushing boundaries had always been leading inevitably to him taking her married virginity. Rick was going to continue pushing her further, maybe tonight she would pass the point of no return.

Liz bounced the ball and threw it back to Rick so she could stretch a little. She had been enjoying their workout sessions lately - she had been exercising a lot yet she always felt full of energy when she left. Liz also couldn't deny that she enjoyed the attention of a confident experienced man like Rick. She had noticed him watching her body at times, but it always felt like a compliment. His attention didn't make her uncomfortable, but a little excited. Since Rick was such a close friend, and because she knew that she could control herself she didn't see anything wrong with the occasional charged contact between them. In fact, she was getting in better shape for her husband, and spending time with his friend so if anything she was helping their marriage.

Liz bent over to touch her toes. Rick stood right in front of her to get the best view down her shirt. He leaned back to stretch his shoulders. She looked so good bent over in front of him, he thought. He had to get her sweet little mouth on his big cock tonight. The fact that she so rarely gave blowjobs made Rick even more excited. His dick hung at half mast, pushed tight against his shorts as he stretched his arms up.

As Liz stretched her eyes wandered from Rick's size 13 shoes up his leg muscles until they fixed on the front of his shorts. She could see his whole package outlined in detail. His shaft looked too thick to wrap her hand around even soft and curved around his body as it was. She stared at his big fat head and instinctively wondered if it would fit in her mouth. She stared closer and realized she could see thick veins crossing his shaft. While this made her excited, Liz still considered herself a loyal wife. She trusted Rick and her own ability to control herself. A little bit of flirting never hurt anyone, she thought as she continued to stare at Rick's pants. Even if he has a really nice-


Liz snapped out of her daydream.

"Oh, sure let's play a round," she said.

"Double or nothing on last time?" Rick winked. Liz blushed. Last time they had decided the loser had to flash the winner. Rick had barely beat her, so she'd lifted her shirt quickly. He complained about not getting a good view but she seemed shy so he hadn't pushed it, other than a few joking reminders in the days since.

"No problem, I'll shoot first," Liz reached for the ball. Rick was a good shot, but her competitive juices were flowing and she wanted to win. They each made and missed a shot, then Liz went on a run, making three in a row as Rick clanged three of his off the rim.

"Looks like I'm about to get a show," Liz teased. She was feeling confident and sexy.

"Want to increase the wager?" asked Rick.

"Sure, whatever you want," Liz said, knowing he had no chance.

"Ok how about if you win, I give you a back massage later.." That sounded great to Liz. She was a little sore and Rick had big strong hands. On the slim chance she were to lose she didn't mind rubbing his back. She readied her shot.

"...and if I win you give me a blowjob."

"-Yeah sounds great.". She took her shot quickly and made it. Rick grabbed the ball and stood where she had been.

"Wait, what?" Had Liz heard him right? Rick swished his shot and tossed the ball back. He smiled.

"Problem? Want to go back on your word so soon?"

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