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Worst Roommate Ch. 05

Story Info
Elise has a plan and it involves more people.
4.5k words

Part 5 of the 6 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 03/13/2016
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Recap from Chapter 4: Mike and Elise had some time alone and used it to fool around in the mall parking lot then again in the changing room of a clothing store - with one of the workers.


After the mall visit where Elise and I hooked up with Becca in the changing room, I dropped her off back at her place then made my way home. Saturday night I stuck around my place and played some video games with Jake and college friends online. There was an interesting development when Sean got home on Sunday - something he brought up that put a new spin on the past week and change.

It was around 3pm on Sunday when Sean got back from visiting family. We chatted quickly when he passed by my room on the way to his, but we pretty much only said welcome back and how was the weekend. It wasn't until after dinner that Sean's head poked into my room and he asked if I had a moment. My stomach dropped, my face started to feel hot, and I got really worried that this was the moment shit hits the fan.

Sean walked in and sat on my bed while facing me (I was at my desk). "So, Elise keeps bringing something up and... This is awkward. I'm not exactly sure how to phrase it without it sounding weird."

Feeling like I wasn't quite breathing enough, I responded with, "What's up?"

He took a deep breath and exhaled before continuing, "She brings up having a threesome a lot. Either with a girl or a guy. I'd rather it be a girl and all, which she is fine with. But she also wants to try both."

All the air I felt I lost came back to me and my face stopped feeling like it was melting off. "Oh. Are you coming to me asking about it?"

Sean chuckled nervously before saying, "Well, yeah, I mean, sort of. She has said you're cute in the past and a good roommate. And I'd rather it be someone I know instead of some random dude at the bar or a friend of a friend. It's not definite, but if the opportunity comes up... Is this bad? I knew it was weird to ask. I'm sorry." The last few words he quickly spat out before standing up.

I laughed and got his attention so he didn't run out of the room. "No, no, no, it's fine man. Um, I wouldn't be opposed to it. I mean, she struts around here in her underwear all the time so it's not like I haven't been intrigued." (If he only knew).

It was at this point I realized what was happening. Elise was trying to get something like this together so that, if it happened, we weren't exactly crossing boundaries... anymore.

"Hah, yeah, I've seen you glance over a few times. I would too if she was your girlfriend doing it around me."

Hoping to keep this on topic I asked, "So, how eager is she for this to happen?"

"Well, she's mentioned this stuff for awhile now. But when I was at my parents place she was giving all these suggestions for girls and texting things we'd do. Kinda got me thinking more about it."

"Alright. I mean sure. It's not like I've got someone holding me back? I guess we just need to figure out the logistics and stuff. Boundaries I guess?"

Sean looked at me and laughed. "Don't worry - no crossing swords. I thought about not being in the room, but that might be more weird to just walk out of the room taking turns... so to speak."

I laughed at his observation because it was pretty much right in line with what I was thinking. "Hah, you read my mind. Well, just shout if it comes up again. No pressure at all."

"For sure. Thanks for being cool about it. I'm heading over to her place though, we'll talk later."

Sean left my room and soon the house. I realized that things were actually coming together. If this worked out I wouldn't feel nearly as bad about everything that'd happened so far - although it was still shitty of me to tread this path.

After Sean left, I got a text from Elise.

E: OMG! Sean said you were in. This could be amazing!

M: Yeah. Kudos for setting it up and getting the ball rolling.

E: Are you kidding? I've fingered myself to the thought of you two at the same time for weeks!

M: Wow. Well, now we just need to figure out when/where.

E: I'm working on something now. I think everyone will enjoy it. ;)

M: You have me intrigued.


The next week passed pretty quickly and nothing noteworthy happened. A few texts back and forth with Elise, but I was just trying to get her to spill the beans on her plans. Sean joked about the encounter one of the nights when we were both making food in the kitchen. It wasn't until Thursday that anything substantial happened.

E: Keep tomorrow night open. We've got plans.

I tried to get her to tell me more but she was radio silent. After work, Sean asked me if Elise had texted about tomorrow. "Yeah, she just said keep tomorrow night open?"

"Same here. I have no clue what she has planned."

Shrugging with him I said, "Ditto. Guess we'll find out tomorrow?"


Friday arrived and with it a text from Elise.

E: My place. 7pm.

Shortly after that I got a text from Sean.

S: So, we're meeting at Elise's house at 7. I can drive.

M: Sounds good. I'll bring beer?

S: How about tequila and weed?

M: Haha. I can do that too.

On the way home from work, I picked up a decent tequila, oranges, and cinnamon powder. If you haven't tried chasing a shot of tequila with an orange slice + cinnamon on top... you need to try it. Cuts any bad taste from the tequila and tastes great as well. I already had some weed at home along with a little pipe I could bring.

After getting home, I ate some food, chopped orange slices into a tupperware bin and then took a very thorough shower. As soon as I walked out, Sean was waiting in line to do the same. "Deep clean huh?" He asked me as we both laughed.

When 6:45pm came, I put everything in a grocery bag and we both walked to the car. The ride was short and for the most part we just listened to music. The tension was pretty high and the only thing we could do to try and ease it was music and a joke or two about how crazy this was.

When we got to Elise's place, Sean didn't move from behind the driver seat after parking. He took a deep breath and asked, "It'll be fine afterwards right?"

I looked at him and responded with, "Yeah dude, it'll be fine. Remember in college when I had to carry your naked ass from the dorm shower all the way to your bed?"

"Well, no, but you've told the story a few times."

Laughing, I said, "It's no big deal. Just focus on her. And not how gigantic my dick is compared to yours."

Sean belted out a laugh, "Oh man. I call bullshit. You fucking clown." We continued laughing as we exited the car and made our way to the front door.

When we reached the steps, I noticed the door was slightly open - a glance at Sean showed he noticed as well. Both of us stepped into her place and read the paper taped on the wall in front of us, "Go to the family room." So she left us breadcrumbs?

Sean (not holding a bag full of tequila, weed, oranges, and cinnamon) shrugged and lead the way through the front hallway. I almost ran into him when he stopped suddenly and said, "Whoa." Weaving around his body, I looked into the family room and repeated his exact word.

Elise was standing in the middle of the family room wearing a pair of lacy pink bra and panties. Next to her was Becca, the worker from the mall, wearing a similar set of lacy bra and panties but light blue. The lights were on low and some music was playing in the background.

Elise spoke first, "Sean and Mike, this is my friend Becca. I managed to convince her to join us to make things a bit more interesting. Why not ease into a threesome by having a foursome?"

Becca looked at her and smiled, "Managed to convince me?" She laughed and said, "It was an easy sell."

I had raised my eyebrows at their words - because I'd already been naked in front of both of them at the same time. Elise noticed my expression and simply winked at me.

"Mike brought tequila and weed," Sean blurted this out rapidly - I think he was a bit overwhelmed with two beautiful ladies standing in front of him in their underwear.

I laughed at his delivery and said, "Along with orange slices and cinnamon." Sean grabbed the bag from me as he and Elise walked back into the kitchen.

I walked up to Becca and put out my hand with a smile, "Hi, I'm Mike - nice to meet you."

"Ha-ha. Don't worry, Elise said to keep things quiet about knowing each other... for obvious reasons."

"I appreciate that. I'm surprised you joined though - I figured you were in it for Elise at the store."

Becca smiled seductively at me and closed the gap between us. "Well, she looked simply edible that day. But I go both ways and today I'd like to try you out." She emphasized her last sentence with a hand on my chest and one lightly squeezing my rapidly growing dick.

"Well, I aim to please."

"Yup. Elise said that as well."

Before I continue, I'll try and paint a picture of Becca. She is a tall, skinny-ish girl with a fairly petite body. Her blonde hair was loose and hung around her shoulders with a bit of waviness and slightly darkened roots (her eyebrows were lighter so I'd assume she's a natural blonde). Although a few inches shorter than me, she had some height on Elise - for comparison.

Becca's skin was the peachy color of a girl who normally soaks in the sun in the summer, but had lost some of it in these winter months. Her lips looked natural with only a slight sheen from chap stick - no lipstick enhancing the color that was already a perfect shade of light red.

A smooth and elegant neck lead to probably B-sized breasts, a flat tummy, innie belly-button, and what I'll imagine is a beautiful panty-clad pussy. Now her ass, this I knew was great because I'd already seen her profile when we walked in. It wouldn't compared with a girl in a Sir Mix-A-Lot video, but it had more than enough to cushion the pushin and sink my fingers into.

Walking together to the kitchen, we saw that Elise and Sean had set up multiple shots and the orange slices. As they were pouring on the cinnamon, I packed the bowl in case we wanted some weed as well. Becca's eyes lit up a bit as I was getting the pipe ready, so I had a feeling I would most likely be smoking with her later.

Soon enough the shots were ready and we all picked up a glass and raised them. Sean stole the first toast with, "To beautiful ladies in underwear!" We all laughed and took the shots/oranges.

"Wow, that's actually a good finisher for tequila," Becca said with an impressed look on her face. Turning to me she suggested, "Mike, come with me and help me pick out a song."

Grabbing my hand, Becca lead me to the family room and went right to the laptop that was plugged into the speakers. "Before you can suggest something, you have to be in your underwear as well." I'd like to the think I pulled a Bruce Almighty and just shed my clothes instantly - that was about as fast as I disrobed after what she said.

I kneeled on the ground behind her and reached around slowly. Becca leaned her body back against my chest as my hand slid around her side. But then I continued forward and placed my fingers on the laptop's touchpad.

Laughing, Becca said, "Well, I guess I did say we were picking music. So, what are you thinking?" This last part she sort of breathed into my ear (which was to the side of her face) and lightly ran her nails along my thighs.

"Um, well. Something with a good beat, but not too slow. How about... The Black Keys?" I already had my cursor on "Howlin' For You".

"Yes." I felt her warm breath on my neck followed by a kiss. Then a warm tongue sliding up to my ear. Quickly tapping the song to play, I tapped a few times on the volume up key, then turned to Becca.

Our lips met and our tongues danced as my hands gripped her waist on either side. I turned us together until we were facing each other. Becca's hands slide from behind my elbows, up my the back of my arms, and then down my back before pulled me forward into her. My hardened dick was pressed against her upper stomach and my hands slid down to her panty-covered ass to pull her tighter against me - I was right, my fingers sunk into her cheeks just as I'd imagined. We both moaned at the same time into each others mouths eliciting an echoed chuckle as well.

Another minute or so of kissing and I leaned down a bit so she was slightly above me. Continuing to kiss, I moved her arms around my shoulders, then grabbed just under her butt and started lifting. As I rose up, she wrapped her legs securely around my waist and trapped my cock between my stomach and her very warm panty-covered pussy. After a slight shift with my legs, I lifted her with me as I stood - eliciting a "weee" from her in the process.

I slowly walked her to the couch and kneeled on the cushions sideways. Her butt ended up on the cushion with her legs still around my waist. I used her newfound resting spot to my advantage and freed my hand to unsnap her bra from the back.

With a big smile, Becca looked into my eyes and said, "Nice moves slick. What's next?"

I smiled as well before leaning forward and landing a kiss on the side of her neck. As I moved my lips further up her body to her ear, I lead her slowly backwards to the couch arm rest before whispering, "this."

My hands slid upwards on her thighs which were still around my waist as my lips kissed south to her collarbone then upper chest. Soon enough my hands stroked her sides as my lips trapped her left nipple. My tongue would dart out and swirl as I kissed around her areola. I added a light bite every so often that seemed to be well-received judging by how hard her fingers dug into my shoulders. When I switched to her right nipple, I moved my hands down to her hips and grasped the sides of her underwear.

Seeing where I was going, Becca relaxed her thighs around my waist and pulled her legs toward her chest. Using the opening, I sat up a bit and swiftly moved her underwear up then off her legs. Looking down I realized I couldn't confirm the status of her natural hair because she was completely shaved. Her inner lips were out and showing a little bit - begging to be taken care of. I was more than willing so I met her eyes and lowered my head down.

But her hands reached out and held my head still. I could only raise my eyebrows at her before she said, "I have an idea. But you have to take off your boxers and lay down, on the ground, on your back."

Seconds later I was on the living room carpet, naked, and looking up at her. "Ready and waiting I see," she observed while looking at my bobbing dick. Becca then stepped to where she was standing just above my head and kneeled down on either side of me. I had a brief moment of eye contact with her above me before she winked and moved her pussy just above my face so I was staring directly into heaven.

My left hand grabbed her hip and I brought my right arm under and around her leg so I could make use of my fingers. Before I let my digits do their best, I flattened my tongue and put pressure up as I licked from her clit at the top (bottom from my perspective) then down to the bottom before straightening my tongue and pushing forward a little inside of her. I felt her legs tremble and heard a shuddered breath get pulled in above me. As I continued to use just my tongue, I felt her hands rest on the top of my chest before sliding down to my stomach, then around my hips, before encircling my cock with both hands.

She wrapped both hands around my shaft and began to stroke in smaller circles while occasionally using one hands to massage my balls. Since she started using her hands, I quickly wet my middle finger in my mouth before slowly sliding it inside her already moist tunnel.

"Uhhhhmmmmm." She moaned out loud before silencing herself to a hum by taking my cock into her mouth. Becca's hands slid down and rubbed my thighs and lower stomach while her warm lips plunged up and down on my cock. I felt her tongue sliding around the top of my shaft and swirling my head.

Although my hand's angle was a little off, I tried to curl my middle finger as much as possible while sliding it in and out. A minute or two later, I added my ring finger as well in tandem with my tongue which was flicking and pressing on her clit.

The two of us continued with only the sounds of lips smacking, tongues flicking, and the sliding of her hands on my skin. Both of us were getting lost in our actions and the feelings from each other's mouths and hands. All I was focused on was the beautiful pink pussy in front of me, the wet lips which flowed to the side as my tongue passed through, and the increasing wetness around my plunging fingers.

"Well, you two wasted no time."

I didn't exactly have the freedom to move my head and look over, so I just kept doing what I was doing. But Becca, who was by now breathing heavily with my dick removed from her mouth, said, "I couldn't resist. I'd been thinking about this since you messaged me earli - ohhhh oh oh."

Her words trailed away as her orgasm approached. I felt her hand grab my thighs and press down as her weight shifted forward. Feeling her body tremble more and more around me, I quickened the pace of my fingers, wrapped my lips around her clit and sucked in while my tongue made small flicks on the nub in my mouth.

"F-f-f-fuuuuck. Yes. Yes." I felt her warm labored breath on my right thigh so she must have leaned even further forward. Then I felt warmth near my right leg and a breeze of air. A second later, Becca's breathing became muffled and small moans were interspersed with wet smacking of lips.

"Damn. That's hot," I heard Sean say out loud.

"So. Close." Becca mumbled into Elise's mouth as I continued my pace down below.

More so to get a reaction out of her, I moved my left hand from her thigh and sliding my thumb from the top of her butt down her ass until I pressed on (but not in) her little star.

I essentially pressed the orgasm button. Becca's calves clamped tight around my head and I stopped hearing much at all. Her fingers dug into my legs painfully. Almost like hearing someone under water, I could barely make out Becca saying she was coming through the vibrations in her legs. I slowed my tongue to small circles and my right hand had stopped moving when her legs locked my arm in place. I simply curled my two fingers back and forth inside of her, stroking the inside of her pussy.

Soon enough her legs relaxed and I felt her whole body shift forward so my fingers and mouth were uncovered but still glistening. Becca's weight rested on mine before she rolled to the side so she wa laying next to me. That's when I was able to see a kneeling Elise and a standing Sean both smiling. Elise still had her underwear on and Sean was fully clothed with an obvious tent in his jeans.

Elise spoke first. "That was hot. I thought she was going to bite my tongue off." Over her shoulder I saw Sean give me a thumbs up.

Now that I was free, I shakily stood up and began to feel a little self conscious since I was the only guy naked. Elise crawled over to Becca and was rubbing her stomach and whispering to her.

"So... should I put on my boxers again?"

"NO." Both Elise and Becca said this at the same time. Sean and I both chuckled from their reactions.

"It's. The guys'. Turn." Becca said between breaths.

Elise had a smile on her face as she crawled on all fours over to Sean (I was standing kind of near him now). "Let's get these pants off," she said as she began undoing his belt. After his pants were in a pile next to him, Elise stripped down completely before getting back on her knees in front of Sean.

"I'll be there in a moment," Becca breathed out from her position on the floor.

A couple seconds later and Elise was bobbing her head up and down on Sean just two feet next to me. Becca was slowly moving from her prone position and I just stood there awkwardly as things happened next to me. At one point I looked up at Sean and he just shrugged at me with an embarrassed smile. I realized this would take a little getting used to, but what quickly helped was watching Becca crawl over to me, naked, with a fire in her eyes.


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