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Worth the Effort Ch. 08


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They went back to the office and Casey brought Morgan up to date on the store's status, from inventory to insurance, and said she'd wait until Morgan spoke to her dad before making any legal moves. They didn't want to, but knew they'd have to seriously consider whether they should replace the window with glass, or consider alternatives. That would have to be tabled until they could talk to the landlord.

"That's where we are," said Casey.

"All right. It's not so bad," said Morgan. "We can get through this. It'll be tight, but we can."

"Yeah, we can." Casey nodded. "I'm really glad you came in, Morgan. I wanted to talk to you about this, but—"

"I know, my head." Morgan gave a half-smile. "But I'm better now, really. I want to come back to work."

"Okay, but not too much at first," said Casey. "Four hours, max, for a while and you don't work alone, and you let someone else handle the register."

"Fantastic. Do I get to move, or do I have to sit in the corner the whole time?" Morgan made a face.

"I'm going a little overboard, aren't I?" asked Casey.

"Maybe a little," Morgan said, "but I understand." She sighed. "I do. I won't push too hard, but I need my life back. I cannot sit in this chair and that chair with the lights down anymore."

"All right, all right," said Casey. "But I'm serious about the register. Let someone else handle the screen until you get the all clear from the doctor."

"Deal." Morgan smiled. "Now I guess all I really need is a ride home."

"You're in luck." Casey jerked her head towards the security monitor screen. "Look who just came in."

Morgan saw Shane, and rode the waves of emotion that rolled through her, wondering if she was hiding it at all. Probably not, she thought, but she couldn't lie to herself: she was pretty sure she was in love with Shane. Whether that was a good idea or not, she didn't know but it didn't matter. It was how she felt.

"Hey," he said as she and Casey came out of the office. He smiled and gave her a kiss. "Feeling better, I guess? Casey making you come back to work already?"

"Yeah, she says I have to come back or she'll fire me."

"Damn straight," said Casey. "I can't keeping doing all this by myself. In fact she's going to come back and I'm going to take a vacation."

"No, you're not." Morgan shook her head. "You'll end up coming in every time I have a shift to make sure I'm not overdoing things."

"Yeah, yeah I probably will." Casey sighed. "I'm such a good friend. I'm too goddamned good for you."

"Yes, I'm very lucky," Morgan agreed. She turned to Shane. "How are you? How was work?"

"Too much work, as always," he said, "but I got some good news. I got a promotion."

"Really?" Morgan hugged him. "That's terrific! Congratulations."


"Congratulations," said Casey, then narrowed her eyes. "Does this mean you'll be working more? You already work too hard. You should quit and work on your house."

"What? Um. What?" Shane had the reaction that Morgan herself often did to Casey's quick shifts in trains of thought.

"Your house," Casey repeated. "It's looking great. You're good at that stuff. You should do that instead of crunching your numbers."

"Thanks, but I think I'll keep a steady paycheck at the moment," Shane said. He saw the gauze on Morgan's arm. "What's that?"

"I got a new tattoo," she said. "Needs a couple of days to heal up."

"Oh." He stepped back as though to take her all in. "You colored your hair, too."

"Yep." Morgan shrugged and bit her lip. "I needed to feel like me again. It's just chalks, it'll wash out with my next shower."

"It looks great." He smiled, and she relaxed. "You always look like you, and you always look great, but it's good to see you feeling better."

Casey swatted his arm. "Nice save."

"Thanks, I try."

"How did you know I'd be here?" asked Morgan. She hadn't told him what she was doing, mostly because she figured he was working and he didn't need to know where she was every minute.

"I'd like to say it was process of deduction, but it was really a lucky guess," said Shane. "I texted you but you didn't reply, and so I thought I'd stop here before I tried your apartment."

"Some day you'll come in here to buy a comic book," said Casey. She grinned. "I'll find one with lots of sexy ladies."

Shane reddened and was at a loss for a reply. Morgan bit her cheek in an effort not to laugh.

Casey shook her head and swatted his arm again. "Shane, now is when you say something like, 'no one could be sexier than Morgan.'" She shook her head. "What would you do without me?"

"We'd probably be a lot less embarrassed," Morgan said drily.

"Nah, you'd just be bored," Casey said, then smiled. "It's good to have you back, Morgan."

"It's good to be back." She turned to Shane. "I'm ready to go."

"Your place or mine?" he asked as they walked out.

"I don't know." She sighed. "I'm tired of being by myself. But I don't want to impose on you."

"You're not an imposition." Shane kissed her forehead. "How about we get some Thai food and head to my place?"

"That sounds great." Morgan smiled. "I was afraid you might be getting tired of me."

"No." He chuckled and pulled her close. "I don't think that's an issue."

Morgan rested her head on his chest for a minute, partly for the contact and partly to give herself a minute. Because yes, she was definitely in love with Shane.


"I can't find your house," Chloe said. "The GPS isn't working. Or it's purposely misleading me."

"Chloe, you're on speaker or something, right? You're not holding your phone while you're driving? I don't want you having an accident before you get here." Shane shook his head even though she couldn't see him.

"Yes, big brother," she said in a long-suffering tone. "I have Bluetooth and an earpiece and my hands are on the wheel. If it makes you feel better, I stopped for a restroom and I'm in a Wawa parking lot."

"Okay, is there a diner across the street?"

Chloe confirmed there was, and Shane gave her directions.

"See, that's much better," said Chloe. "This is so confusing. I am not tech friendly. I should buy an atlas."

Shane heard a knock and let Mark in.

"I really don't think it's that bad," said Shane. "Just be careful, and call me again if you need anything."

"Okay, bye. See you in a few minutes. Or tomorrow." Chloe disconnected.

Shane shook his head and rolled his eyes.

"Let me guess," said Mark. "Chloe?"

"Yeah, she's within three miles but also lost. Says the GPS is working against her."

Mark laughed. "Yeah, that sounds like Chloe. I have rarely seen a person that has more technology issues than she does."

A few minutes later, Chloe arrived.

"I'm here, I'm here!" She hugged each of her them. Mark wasn't her actual brother, but he felt like one. "Despite Google's best efforts to lead me astray, I'm here."

"You know it actually tells you when and where to turn, right?" asked Mark. He dodged Chloe's swat with a grin.

"I put in the address, I can't help it if it had me going on 'no name' road or whatever," said Chloe. "Anyway." She smiled. "It's good to see you guys."

"You too," said Shane. "I wasn't sure you'd ever come back from Europe."

"I would have loved to stay longer," Chloe said with a wistful sigh. "But, I can't vacation forever. Yet."

"Man, that sounds like a great idea," said Shane. "I could use a vacation."

"What about Fiji?" asked Mark. "That would be a great vacation. You could take Morgan."

"Wait, what about Fiji? And who's Morgan?" demanded Chloe.

Shane shot Mark a look and explained it all to Chloe while Mark just grinned.

"So, when do I get to meet her?" Chloe asked, her eyes lighting up. "She sounds like fun."

"She's coming over later," Shane said. "Maybe. If you're good." He eyed both of his siblings warily. "Both of you. Don't overwhelm her."

"How come you haven't met her, Mark?" Chloe asked. "I've been out of the country. What's your excuse?"

"Been traveling myself," Mark said. "Seems like I'm hardly home for more than a few days at a time lately. Ah, the life of a freelance tech consultant."

"Okay, enough of this chit chat," said Chloe. "Feed me. I'm hungry."

"I got a bag of snails just for you," teased Shane.

"Put them on a pizza, and I'm all for it."

They ordered a pizza and opened the bottle of wine Chloe had brought back from her travels.

"So, I suppose you're wondering why I called you all here this evening," said Chloe, getting chuckles from the others.

"I'll need the chair at some point as well," said Mark.

Shane looked from his sister to his brother. "Shit. What's going on?"

Chloe sighed. "Mom's getting married again."

"Funny," said Mark, "so's Dad."

Shane dropped his head back and stared at the ceiling. "Well, fuck. I knew something was going on with Mom, but she didn't tell me. Let me guess, it's going to be a big bash for both of them."

Chloe nodded and sipped her wine. "I know that's what Mom wants. Says she deserves it 'after everything.'"

"What 'everything?'" asked Shane.

Chloe shrugged. "She said since her previous marriages didn't work out, and she's had to go through divorces, she deserves a big wedding."

"That is messed up," said Mark.

"That's Mom," said Shane drily.

"I'd like to say that Dad is not going the big wedding route, but I'd be lying." Mark shook his head. "It's not all him. It's the first wedding for his fiancée so of course she wants a big bash, but I noticed he didn't put up much resistance."

"Were either of them going to tell me?" Shane asked, realizing he'd been left out of the loop.

"Mom was working up to it," said Chloe. She reached across the table and squeezed his arm. "She knew—" She was interrupted by the doorbell.

Shane went to the door, pleased Morgan had arrived and looking forward to introducing her to Mark and Chloe.

"Mom." He stared at his mother, Nadine Smith Hunter Collins DeNunzio. Her list of last names was longer than she was tall.

"Hello, sweetie." Nadine beamed and stood on tiptoe to kiss him on the cheek. "Surprise!"

"Um, come in." He stood back. "I wasn't expecting you."

Nadine waited while he shut the door. "Well, that's why it's a surprise, hon." She slid out of her coat. "I hope I haven't come at a bad time."

"What? No, no it's okay." Shane shook his head. "Sorry. Come in."

"Who else is here?" Nadine asked. "I saw three cars out front."

"Hi, Mom." Chloe came in from the kitchen.

"Chloe!" Nadine hugged her daughter.

"Hello, Nadine." Mark stood by the doorway.

"Hello, Mark." She nodded at him.

Shane rubbed his face. Mark and Nadine had a cool relationship, which he supposed was better than an antagonistic one. They weren't connected except via Shane, so there was no reason for them to be close.

"So, what are you all doing here? Plotting a coup?" Nadine asked as she sat down.

"Just catching up," said Chloe.

There was another knock at the door. Shane went to answer, hoping it was Morgan and suddenly fearing it was his father. He sighed with relief when he saw Morgan.

"Hi," she said with a smile.

"Hey." He stepped onto the porch, pulling the door almost closed behind him.

She tilted her head. "Is there something wrong? Usually people let you in after you knock."

He shook his head and laughed a little. "No, it has just gotten crazy in there, or it will, and I needed just a minute with you before I go back." He pulled her into an embrace and kissed her.

"Mmmm." She kissed him back, then pulled away with a curious look. "So what's going on?"

He sighed and rested his forehead against hers. "My brother and sister are here, which is fine, but then my mom showed up, which I did not expect, and it turns out both of my parents are getting married again."

"Wow." Morgan gave a low whistle. "Should I go home?"

"Oh, no." He tightened his arms around her. "No, you have to stay and provide moral support. And possibly keep me from snapping."

She smiled. "I'll do my best."

"Hey, what's going on?" Chloe opened the door. "Shane, you can't run away."

"Why not?" He sighed and shrugged. "Chloe, this is Morgan. Morgan, this is my sister, Chloe."

"Hi, Morgan." Chloe smiled. "It's so good to meet you. I wish we didn't have to bring you in to all the crazy right away."

"It's okay," said Morgan. "I've dealt with plenty of crazy. But I don't want to be in the way. I can go."

"Great idea." Shane nodded. "Come on, let's both go. Chloe, there's a key under the mat."

"Nice try." Chloe took his arm and tugged him back in the house. "Let's get this over with."

Shane kept Morgan's hand in his as they went back inside, more relieved than he expected to be that she was there.

"My, my," said Nadine with a curious look. "I didn't know we were having a party. And who's this?"

"Mom, this is my girlfriend, Morgan Blake. Morgan, this is my mom, Nadine." He realized he had no idea which surname his mother was using.

Morgan held out her hand. "Nice to meet you, Nadine."

Shane watched, wary, as they shook hands. It was nerve-wracking, having people meet either of his parents, which was why Morgan was the first girlfriend he'd ever introduced.

"Likewise." Nadine nodded. "I have to say, you're not quite what I pictured for Shane."

Morgan shrugged. "I don't think we're what we pictured for each other, but it's been working so far."

"Let's sit," said Chloe.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to interrupt anything," said Morgan as she sat next to Shane on the couch.

He put an arm around her shoulders, feeling like he needed the contact to keep steady.

"No, there's nothing to interrupt," said Nadine. "I just came to see my son. A little surprise, just to catch up."

"Chloe told me you're getting married again," said Shane. "I'd think you would have told me."

"I'm telling you now," said his mother. "I wanted to tell you in person."

"At least you wanted to tell me. Mark said Dad's getting married, too. I'm going to develop a complex if I'm always the last to know." He tensed, then relaxed a bit as Morgan patted his knee.

"Your father's getting married?" Nadine huffed. "Of course, he is. Don't know why that man bothers. He's not cut out for married life."

Shane, Mark and Chloe all exchanged looks and said nothing. Shane glanced at Morgan, who was biting her lip. Oh well, he thought, better she sees it all at once.

"Anyway," said Nadine. "Yes, I've met a wonderful man, Philip, and we're getting married." She held out her hand to display her engagement ring. "Isn't it lovely? He knows me so well."

"It's nice." Shane nodded.

"Nice." Nadine rolled her eyes and turned to Chloe. "Your brother never did appreciate romantic gestures."

"That's not true, Mom," said Chloe, shooting Shane a sympathetic look. "And you know it." Chloe took Nadine's hand and examined the ring. "It's beautiful, Mom, it really is."

Morgan leaned forward. "Chloe's right. It's lovely. Congratulations."

"Philip has wonderful taste," said Nadine with a satisfied smile. "He's handling all the wedding plans. Well, not all by himself, of course, but he's very involved."

Shane took a deep breath. "Do you have a date yet?"

"September twenty-sixth," said Nadine.

"Oh boy," Mark said under his breath, but Shane heard him.

Shane raised an eyebrow. "What's the problem?"

"I'm pretty sure that's Dad's date as well," Mark said.

"Of course it is." Nadine rolled her eyes. "Then I'm glad I got here first. Shane, you tell your father—"

"No. Stop, Mom." Shane kept his voice calm as he held up a hand. "If you want to tell Dad anything, you tell him yourself."

"After the way he treated me, I can't believe you'd even allow me to talk to him."

"I don't allow you to do anything. You're an adult." Shane counted to ten.

"I don't want to talk to him," said Nadine. "He's stubborn and rude." She paused, then turned. "Mark—"

"Mom, stop." Shane cut her off. "Don't drag Mark into this. None of us are going to talk to Dad. I've told you before. If you have an issue with Dad, you'll have to take it up with him."

"Well, how can he pick the same date?" Nadine threw up her hands. "Then he's going to want you there, and you can't be in two places at once. I bet he did this on purpose, just to cause trouble." She lit up with an idea. "Chloe, you can—"

"Mom, for Christ's sake," Shane said. Somewhere, Shane had hoped as everyone got older that his parents would mellow out, or at least get tired of being petty towards each other but that didn't seem to be the case. Nadine had no compunction in trying to use Mark, to whom she wasn't even related, to get her way, nor about asking Chloe to speak to a man she barely knew.

"No, Mom," said Chloe firmly. "I am not going to talk to Steve for you. I met him all of once. No."

"I can't believe you're all against this," said Nadine. "I'm just asking for a little help. And honestly, Shane, I'm thinking of you. Now you'll have to decide which ceremony to attend. He's putting you in a terrible position."

"You could switch your date," said Shane. "Then it wouldn't be a problem."

Nadine blinked. "What? Me switch? Oh, no, I don't think so."

Shane glanced down at Morgan, who was quiet but wide-eyed as she listened to the conversation. He remembered feeling the same way when they'd met at the engagement party and she'd argued with Brianna.

In a move Shane realized he should have seen coming, Nadine turned to Morgan.

"Morgan, dear, what do you think?" Nadine asked her.

"Me?" Morgan blinked. "I'm sorry, Nadine, but this is really none of my business."

"Mom," Chloe said, also startled by Nadine's appeal to Morgan.

"It's just a question." Nadine waved away the interruption. "Now, Morgan, what do you think? I have my wedding date planned, and so does my ex-husband, but it's the same day. I think that's rude."

"It's an unfortunate coincidence," Morgan said.

Shane stifled a grin and saw Chloe do the same.

"It's galling," said Nadine, crossing her arms. "I don't think it's too much to ask that my ex move his date so that his son—our son—can attend both weddings. Surely anyone can see that. What would you do, Morgan?"

"You don't have to answer that," Shane said and glared at his mother. "Mom, please, knock it off."

"For heaven's sake, I'm just asking for an opinion," Nadine said.

"Are you sure?" Morgan asked. "Shane can tell you, I can be a little too direct for my own good sometimes." She nudged him and he smiled, but waited apprehensively for what she'd say next.

Nadine chuckled. "Good. Women should be more direct."

"All right, then," Morgan said. "If it was me, I'd move my wedding date."

"You would?" Nadine stared. "Even if you'd already made plans? Put down deposits?"

Morgan shrugged. "Plans can be changed. It depends on what you want more, the event or the people attending."

Shane never thought he'd see his mother speechless, but Morgan's frankness had done the job. He glanced at his siblings. Mark and Chloe were both grinning.

"I like her, Shane," said Chloe.

Nadine shook her head. "I can see you all don't understand. I don't know why you won't help me, Shane. Or you, Mark. You know this will just pull Shane in two directions."

Shane tensed but Morgan squeezed his hand. "Mom," he said, "that's enough. If you really want me to attend your wedding, you can move your date."

Nadine huffed out a sigh. "I thought my children would help, but I can see they've decided to abandon me." She stood. "So I guess I'll just go be on my own then."

Shane stood and put a hand on his mother's shoulder. "Mom, we're not abandoning you and you know it. But I've told you before, I'm not running messages between you and Dad. Talk to each other, or don't."

"I will not talk to that man any more than necessary." Nadine sniffed. "Anyway, I do have to go. I'll be in touch when I have more details. Good-bye, everyone. It was nice to meet you, Morgan."

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