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Would You Like Thighs with That?

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Thighs are on the menu today. As well as on your mind.
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This story is the second part of my series, "Eat At Bambie's", all of which are inspired by the amazing 'Bambie Brainwasher', an incredibly talent content creator. If you like this story or hypnotic/mind control/brainwashing, check her out!


It's late afternoon, and you're looking for a quick bite. Nothing special, just something to keep you going on the long drive ahead.

Usually, you'd been going until you stumbled across something familiar, but this time, a sign catches your attention the moment you lay eyes on it.


Deciding to give it a shot, you pull into the empty parking lot of the diner, pleased to seemingly have the place all to yourself.

You park and head inside, the bell above the door ringing out as you enter, a welcoming sound, as well as the chimes of your doom.

Looking around, you quickly confirm that, indeed, there doesn't appear to be anyone else here right now.

Except, of course, for the young woman currently bent over a nearby table.

Her ass is raised and on full display, and you find yourself torn between wanting to stare at the incredible and unexpected sight in front of you- barely contained behind the jean shorts she wearing and looking away. You don't want to be rude, but it's so hard to look away. Her ass is so big, so thick, as are the lovely thighs you notice next as she moves along, that you can only stare, completely and utterly enamored by the sight of her body.

Everything about her gets your blood pumping. The soft, brown hair cascading down her back, the plushy, cushion-like thighs, her thick, juicy ass. A part of you wants nothing more than to idle up behind her and rub your cock against her, but you remain where you stand, fighting off every naughty urge in your mind.

So you watch, and after a moment or two, she finally seems to notice you. And once she does, she blushes a little and offers you a sweet smile, turning to greet you even as your eyes shift focus to her big pillowy breasts, both barely contained by the white top she's wearing.

"Sorry, didn't hear you come in. Have a seat, I'll be right with you..."

You take a seat by the counter, a little embarrassed, and determined to keep your attention on something besides her and her incredible ass and thick thighs and soft breasts and- you shake your head and look around. There isn't all that much here to distract you.

The walls are white and nearly bare, save for the strange red spirals painted all over them- as well as on every other surface you can see. The counter in front of you, the stools around you, the tables, chairs and booths she's currently wiping down, her ass once more in the air.

Again, you turn away, noticing the menu on the counter- if you can even call it that, as well as the spirals all over it.

With nothing else to do, you pick the latter up and look it over, hoping to figure out what you're going to order.

It doesn't have all that much to offer, but what is there is more than enough to send your mind wandering down some naughty paths once more.


Try Our Thighs, Breasts Or Legs!

Best Milkshakes In The World!

You groan, seemingly unable to escape thoughts of the woman's thick, meaty thighs, and you flip the menu over. The entire back of it is covered in even more spirals, and the more you look at them, the lighter your head begins to feel.

For a moment, you'd almost swear they were starting to move around but you shake it off, blaming your hunger and sudden light-headedness, and decide to turn around and look at the rest of the diner.

As well as the woman still cleaning tables.

She's hard at work, bottom raised in the air as she wipes down the spiral-covered surfaces.

And that's not the only thing that's hard you quickly realize.

Looking down, you notice the tent you've begun pitching in your shorts, and you feel slightly embarrassed. You hope she doesn't notice, although you can't blame your cock for its actions. After all, her thighs and ass look so good, it's no big surprise they'd get your blood pumping down there.

So you wait, and you watch her work, her body seemingly moving in time with some unknown music- or perhaps it's the strange sound you've begun to notice filling the air around you. Almost imperceptible, yet if you focus, you can catch bits and pieces of it. Words, a beat, but nothing you can put your finger on.

Even so, whatever it is, it's oddly soothing, and long with the almost constant swaying of her body, you find yourself feeling more and more relaxed. More and more sleepy. You almost wish you'd chosen a booth rather than the stool, so you could just sink and fall asleep as you watch her go.

The more she moves about, the harder you find it is to tear your gaze away from her. Your eyes- droopy as they are, are continually drawn to her body, to her ass, her thighs. And though she is across the diner, you'd almost swear she was getting closer by the second.

You blink, once, twice, three times, almost certain your mind is playing tricks on you. Yet the sight doesn't seem to change. With every passing moment, she seems to be coming ever closer, her ass and thighs filling your field of vision until they are the only things you can see.

Shaking your head, you notice her long brown hair hanging in front of you, feel the warmth of her body pressed against your crotch.

That's when you realize it isn't your imagination.

She's really there.

Looking down, you notice she's right in front of you now, her ass in the air and nearly in your lap as she cleans up something from the spiral-covered floor in front of your chosen stool, almost as if she's forgotten that you're even there.

You hold back a groan, the feeling of her soft, thick ass pressed against you almost more than you can bear. You want so badly to grab hold of her, to fuck her in the ass, but you can't.

After a moment, she looks up, a little sheepishly, and smiles warmly. "Oh, sorry. When I start cleaning, I go into a bit of a trance...."

You smile dumbly, feeling as if you are in one yourself. "It's... fine..."

She stands up, her chest nearly eye level with you, and that's when you notice the name tag pinned to her white crop top.


Now you feel even more embarrassed- the woman you've been staring at this entire time, practically pining over, is the one in charge of this establishment. Not only that, but you're quite certain she's noticed the bulge in your shorts.

If she has, she doesn't say a word about it. "Well, seeing as I've kept you waiting so long, how about some thighs on the house?"

You nod, the mere mention of the word 'thighs' drawing your attention back down to hers. This close, they look even more incredible than you realized, thick and soft and meaty.

"Sure..." you finally manage to utter, and based on your tone, you'd swear you were drunk, so tired now that you're slurring your words even as your gaze moves up her legs and body and towards her eyes.

They seem to be staring into yours, so deep you feel like they're drawing you in. You find it almost impossible to look away, and for a second, swear you can see the same spirals inside them as all around you.

She smiles and heads around the corner. You watch her go until she vanishes from sight, taking her magnificent body with her.

For the next few minutes, you try to get your bearings about you, but it's so hard, as is your cock... You feel so tired now, so sleepy, your mind slowly filling up with images of Bambie's thighs and ass and breasts. Somehow just staring at her for a little bit is more than enough for her to overtake you, and you struggle to think of something, anything else.

But every time you do, every time you try, she returns to the forefront, knocking down any resistance as the blood moves from your brain down to your cock, taking all your thoughts down with it. All except the ones about Bambie.

You try to close your eyes and take a breath, but the moment you do, the strange music echoes out in your every-emptying mind, and the spirals fill your vision. So you open them again, only to come face-to-face with the ones all over the floor and the walls and the tables and chairs. The spirals are everywhere, and the more you see them, the harder it is to ignore them. But you try.

That doesn't last long.

You hear her before you see her, and as she closes in on you, your eyes widen at the sight.

Bambie's jean shorts are gone now, and she's proudly showing off the red panties practically being devoured by her otherwise bare thighs and ass.

Something about all of this seems wrong, yet seeing her thighs in all their glory takes away all your attention, and that's before she reaches your stool.

Without a word, she takes hold of your hand and pulls you to your feet, and you let her, feeling almost as light as your head has become. Then she slowly removes your shorts and boxers, allowing your hard cock to spring free.

You know you should feel embarrassed, standing there half-naked in front of this beautiful woman, but Bambie simply smiles, and you find yourself getting weaker by the second.

"Do you like my thighs?" She asks, her voice so sexy, so seductive. It's music to your ears.

"Yes..." you moan, your eyes drawn down to them once more. The sight of the soft, thick flesh threatening to overwhelm your senses.

"Now baby, you don't like my thighs... You love my thighs... My thick, juicy thighs..."

She's right, and you nod in agreement. How could you not love such amazing thighs as Bambie's?

Your jaw hangs open as she starts to move her body back and forth, swaying in front of you, her thighs moving like a hungry serpent, and your eyes move with them, unable to tear themselves away.

"You love the idea of being squeezed tight between my thick, juicy thighs..."

Another groan. That does sound amazing, and at that moment you want nothing more than to feel those thick thighs around your head, your body, your cock.

"Well, you know what they say, don't you?" Bambie continues, never once ceasing in her swaying as you fall deeper and deeper under her spell. "Thick thighs enslave guys..."

A part of you knows that isn't right, and struggles to say so. "No..." You mutter, but it's so hard for you to believe it, especially as Bambie's thighs sway a little faster.

"Thick thighs enslave minds..."

You keep staring, Bambie's words echoing out in your mind, so powerful they must be true.

"Yes..." You whisper, agreeing with her wholeheartedly.

"Let Bambie's big, juicy thighs erase your brain..."

Your aching cock practically reaches out for her, Bambie's bare thighs mere inches away yet seemingly miles away given how desperate you are to feel them. You barely even register her words or their meaning, you just want- no, need, to feel her thighs.

"It would feel so good to stick your cock in between my big, soft, thighs, wouldn't it?"

You nod, wanting nothing more than that. "Please..."

Bambie smiles. "Please what?"

She stares at you, her beautiful eyes so deep, you find your own getting more and more lost the longer you look at them. You struggle to speak, to find the words she wants to hear.

Eventually, though, they come to you.

"Please, Bambie... Please let me stick my cock in between your big, soft thighs."

"I don't know baby," she says, slowing down her swaying. "If you do that, your brain's going to be erased... You don't want that, do you?"

Her words continue to ring out, and though a part of you agrees that you don't want your brain to be erased, the rest of you doesn't care. If it means you can feel her thighs around your cock, you'll do anything.

"Yes, I do...."

Bambie smirks. "Good boy."

Then she turns around, presenting her gorgeous ass to you, the one that

caught your attention right from the start. But that isn't what you care about right now.

At first, she doesn't move, and you realize she wants you to do it yourself. To stick your cock in there willingly, and fully give in to her commands.

"Don't be shy," she coos, her voice slicing through any lingering resistance you may still have. "Come let Bambie give you a nice, sexy thigh-job..."

You take a step forward, knowing that there's no going back from here, yet no longer caring about the consequences. You're so tired, so desperate, so horny, that you stick the tip of your cock into Bambie's soft flesh, and practically melt into a puddle from that alone.

Slowly, you stick the rest of your hard, aching cock in between her thighs, and they nearly devour your length, gripping it tightly between them, the soft, warm feeling almost enough to make you cum immediately.

But Bambie has other plans.

She starts to move her body back and forth, her ass grazing your balls and her thighs holding tight to your cock as they rub it gently.

The feeling is incredible.

You can scarcely describe the sensation, her amazing thighs wrapped around your cock. A loud groan pours out of you as she continues to slowly let you fuck them, all the while that strange music in the air fills your every-emptying mind with each stroke.

As you stand there, you find your eyes moving downwards once more, landing on her bouncing ass, and the moment they do, the spirals from all around you seem to make their way over to her cheeks, spinning around and around as her ass bounces off of you again and again.

"Stare at the pretty spirals baby," Bambie whispers, and you do as she commands, unable to look away or resist as her ass draws you deeper even as her thighs keep on sliding back and forth along your aching cock.

For a moment, you struggle. You know this is wrong. You shouldn't be here. Shouldn't be doing this. Shouldn't be letting Bambie's thighs and her words and her spirals overtake you and erase your mind. You know she is trying to hypnotize you, and you're letting her.

Worst of all, it's working.

Much as you want to stop her, it feels too good. Her thighs feel amazing against your cock, and you want them to keep going. You want to fuck Bambie's soft, juicy thighs until your cock explodes and your mind goes blank.

"There's no need to worry baby," she says, practically reading what's left of your mind. "There's no need to fret. This is the best thigh-job you're ever gonna get..."

Bambie increases her tempo, and precum starts to spurt out onto her legs as she continues to pump away at your cock.

"You belong to Bambie's thighs... You belong to Bambie's body... You belong to Bambie..."

"Yes....." You groan. You don't need to worry, Bambie's thighs are taking such good care of you, and you want them to... You want to belong to them, to her.

Her ass presses against you again and again, her thighs milking out more precum by the second, and the music- if it is music, is all you can hear as it washes over you. Bambie's body feels so good, her words sound so sweet. You want this You need this. You belong to Bambie,

Faster now, her soft, pillowy thighs rubbing against your now-lubricated shaft, and as you pump away you know what's coming. Your aching cock is practically begging to explode, to cum all your brains out for Bambie, and it feels like she's going to let you.

But she doesn't.

Without warning, she slows down, and before you know it, she's stopped entirely. Her thighs release your desperate, precum-covered cock, and Bambie steps away, leaving you standing there aching and denied as she smiles wickedly.

"That's just the appetizer baby. If you want the main course, you'll need to do something for me... Maybe finish up these tables for me?"

Bambie winks, and you groan, but you're in no state to argue. In fact, you're in no state to do anything at all save follow her commands, what remains of your mind filled only with spirals and thighs and her wonderful words.

She hands you the rag and walks away, and you start working on the nearest table, barely even aware that you're still half-naked even as Bambie watches you with glee.

And as you wipe the spiral-covered tables, a single thought takes root in your otherwise empty mind.

Maybe if you do a good job, Bambie will let you fuck her thighs again. Maybe let you cum too.

You hope so.

Until then, you have lots of tables to clean...

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