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Mom and Son.
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My son Cody and I live alone. He was out of school and working in the electrician's trade. He absolutely loves the work. He's an apprentice and he's been at it for a few years, part time during school. He gets paid well and we have a nice big house so he decided to stay if it was ok with me. He wanted to pick up some of the expenses but there wasn't many. The house was paid for. I agreed so we adjusted to each other and things are great.

He has an upstairs bedroom and mine is downstairs, in back of the den. More private near the back yard. Off Cody's bedroom was another bedroom. We converted it some time ago for an office and workplace and exercise room. It's pretty big. Tv and music and stuff. More like an apartment. Large bathroom off his bedroom. That's why he was upstairs a lot. He has a couple of girlfriends. Go figure. They know each other and don't care if he goes out with the other. Go figure.

Sometimes one or the other would come over and they would disappear upstairs. Going past the stairs I could see his door open, sometimes music on. They would be there 10, 15 minutes, sometimes 20 or 30, then off somewhere.

I don't think they were doing anything but it would be ok if they did. I told Cody he needed to consider our home as if he was in his own home somewhere else. Do what you would do there. It would be fine with me. I wasn't a prude.

I don't pry but I did happen to walk past the stairs more than I normally did. I don't think he knew that. Just curious. Thought I could catch a moan or two.

One day, sun not up yet and us eating breakfast he said, "Mom, would you mind if I brought someone over?"

I said, "You do bring someone over. Every now and then. It's ok."

"I know," he said, "But I was thinking more of longer. One of those French things. That kind of bring someone over. You would be down here knowing we were up there. Would you think about what kind of problems that would cause and we can talk about it later." He gave me a kiss and he was off to work. He was never late for work.

Two evenings later he said, "Oh, mom. Did you think about me bringing someone over?"

"Cody," I said. "Are you going to listen to some nice music?"

Smiling he said, "No mom. We're not going to listen to music."

"Cody, you should always listen to some soft music while you're having sex. It's much nicer that way and you tend to be quieter although I wouldn't mind a little screaming now and then so I know you're doing your job."

The blood drained right out of his face. He almost looked stricken. His lower jaw moved but nothing came out. I said, "How do you think you got here. Just because I'm your mom doesn't mean I don't know about people and sex.

"Also, always be sure you have fresh sheets on and be sure and put fresh sheets on later. Always have a drawer of condoms, dry and wet, in case the young lady isn't on the pill and you might get two or three of those new vibrators. The kind with the rabbit ears. They seem to be quite popular on the clit. You have to get some water based lubrication, a couple of flavors or so and don't forget some well-fitting surgical type rubber gloves. Lot of fun those.

"We should change your curtains to really darker ones to shut out the light if you want it dark. A lot of light isn't always desirable. You should try it. Your bed isn't big enough for threesomes. You can use my king but you have to let me know ahead of time so I can move a couple of things upstairs. We'll work it out. I can put together a small kit. Just something to do. Would you like me to make a list of all this?"

Cody stared at me and said, "Mom..."

"I know Cody. It's a bit of a shock. Why don't you think about it a couple of days and we can talk again. I might think of something else. Of course, if you'd rather I not interfere at all that's ok too. Whatever suits. I want you to be happy."

A couple of days later Cody sat down at the kitchen table with a cup of coffee, smiling. He said, "You're absolutely right mom. We've always gotten together on every other thing around the house and that's why we work so well together. There isn't any reason at all that we can't do that about sex. We might as well start being frank with each other.

"The first conversations are going to be a bit out of the park but we'll get used to it soon enough. Thanks for the things you mentioned. I've taken care of most of them. You know more than I do so why don't you see if you can get us more comfortable with each other."

"Cody the best way to get us going is for me to get out of your way so you can have some fun. The floor upstairs is very sturdy and your bedroom is over the garage and the floor is highly insulated. All four of the walls and ceiling is highly insulated. Your door is solid heavy wood so you're sound proof. You should bounce on your bed lightly and heavily to see if it squeaks. Be sure you have nice pillows and some that don't hold your head up so high.

"You don't want top sheets on a lot of the time so be sure the room is the right temperature. Test it in the nude. Don't forget you'll get hotter. Keep tissues and wipes close, unscented. Fresh shower, no deodorant. Clean bathroom. I'll take care of that. I was kidding about the threesome but you never know." I was smiling at him and he smiled back. Eyes not looking away. That was good.

He said, "Sandra is coming over Saturday afternoon about 1:30. I think it might be really enjoyable so just ignore us."

"Thanks for letting me know Cody. If I'm here I'll usually be either in the back den or the kitchen or out in the yard so you probably won't know I'm around. Unless one of you comes down for something. Then I might look."

He was much happier and I was too. I really was just trying to be a good mom. Sometimes that gets a little far afield.


Saturday about 1:20 the doorbell rang and I traipsed out where I could see and I didn't see Cody or hear him so I went and opened the door. Sandra was perky and we exchanged hellos. I knew Sandra but not personally. She came in and I said Cody must be delayed and about that time he came bounding down the stairs, drying his hair.

He and Sandra went up the stairs just as I went off to the den. Once I heard some music but other than that it was quiet all afternoon. Soon after that they both came in the den and sat. Sandra wanted to visit. She knew I was giving them some privacy and wanted to thank me without saying. We understood each other. It spoke well of her.

She left and Cody came back to the den with a soda. He said, "Thank you mom. It was very nice. It's a whole new thing in my life and you're a part of that."

I smiled at him. He was happy.

He said, "So. Are you curious?"

"Well, of course," I said. "Anybody would be. Delicious stuff but we don't have a language we can use for discussion and we don't know how detailed to get and all that stuff. I don't want to invade your privacy but if you tell me anything it has to be between us. Nobody can know." How about that. Cody wants to brag. He can't keep it to himself.

He said, "Mom how do you refer to a girl's stuff? I mean what did you and dad call it? Is it the same as is it today?"

Decision time. Do I go with it like a mom or just be a buddy. He waited patiently while I looked at him and thought. He must know my dilemma. "Cody, we referred to a girl's stuff as a pussy. Of course we thought of the clit as separate and we said clit. We said vagina. But everything from the perineum up to above the hood we referred to as a pussy and that included the vagina. A lot of people thought of the pussy as just the vagina."

"Thanks mom. We're on our way. That's what I understand. What about sex itself?"

"If it's a doctor we said intercourse. If it's a friend we said sex. If we were in bed we said fuck. I like fuck because it's naughty. Don't tell anybody."

He was smiling. He liked it. He said, "What about a guy's stuff?"

Smiling I said, "You're a guy. You tell me." Got him back. His time. This isn't a one sided conversation. You gotta take a stand.

"Ok," he said. "If it's a doctor, penis. If it's in a conversation, dick. Sometimes it's cock or prick. Balls. Sack. Dick head. Pre-cum and cum." Still smiling. He was having fun with me and knew it. I was having fun with me too. I hadn't engaged like this in quite a while. The mental images it brought back were great. Made me want to wet my lips.

I said, "Did you and Sandra get Chinese?"

He looked a little confused. I got him. He said, "What do you mean, Chinese?"

"Cody, sex is like a Chinese dinner. It isn't over until everybody gets their cookies." He roared like a little kid. He was laughing and looking away. I might have got a blush there.

He said, "Yes mam, it was a complete dinner."

"Would you mind if I asked something a little more personal, if that's possible?" He said, 'go ahead'. I said, "What is the most orgasms you've given the same girl at the same time, and, what is the most orgasms you've had?"

"With the same girl, six," he said. "For me, two."

"That's not bad. I've had eight," I said. "With your dad. Two for you is ok. Girls do that. If you're really horny when you start, a smart girl will give you an orgasm quickly and get you going again and then you can go for a long time. There's a process for giving a girl a lot of orgasms but at six you probably mostly follow it. We can compare sometimes."

He was nodding his head 'yes' as I went. Cody was having a good time. He was still ramped up a little I thought, from Sandra. Wouldn't surprise me. With me when I was his age it was constant sex all day every day. If we didn't have a guy we had sex in our heads and beds. And you can't image what hanging onto a pole in a bouncing and shuddering bus can do for a girl's condition. We always waited for the crowded buses.

He gave me a kiss on the cheek and went off upstairs. About 15 minutes later he took his sheets down to the laundry room. Either he or I washed on the weekends or on Wednesday nights.

I'm almost 40 and I'm slimish and my muscles are good. I play basketball with the girls and yoga and I paint, in oil, when I can. I write books, one a year or year and a half. I'm not sitting around the house all the time bothering Cody and I can throw a camel-toe with the best of them.

He has his life and I have mine but at home we're a pair. I feed off his adventures and he feeds off mine. We're close, we just have to channel our interface occasionally so we can talk about a subject and understand each other. I don't know about electrician stuff but I know about sex.


Sandra and Bean came over one day. Bean was Cody's other girlfriend. We had tea and little sweet biscuits and talked. I thought Bean was the one that wanted to talk.

A slight pause and Bean said, "Sandra mentioned how wonderful you are with Cody and I wanted to stop by and thank you. Cody and I, and I guess Sandra too, have had a problem forever trying to find some privacy." I thought she was going to cry. "You are so understanding and such a wonderful person. If there is ever a problem please us know. We don't want to be a bother."

"It was a lot worse when I was your age," I said. "Back seat of cars and fenders and blankets in the woods. I understand completely. Don't worry about me, just enjoy yourselves. That saying that you're only young once is true. I don't know what arrangement you have but I did mention to Cody that if he wanted a threesome he should use my bed. It's a king. Don't tell him I said so. I think he blushes."

They were both in smiles and a few giggles. I don't think they knew quite how to respond. I said all that to settle them down and let them know it was comfortably really ok.

"If there's anything I can do on this end let me know," I said. "The more comfortable you are the more you'll let go and enjoy yourselves." We chatted some more and they left.

Bean was an ongoing project for Cody. She wanted to get in bed but the first time he had to work her up to it. I think it took that to get her excited enough to get her pants off. She was a hidden sex pot. She didn't sleep around but she enjoyed Cody. Sandra told Cody he should have sex with Bean so he did and Sandra said 'Great'.

Sandra and Bean have been friends for a long time. Bean has a bedroom figure and bedroom eyes. She could walk through a kitchen and get the refrigerator hot. Just looking at her breasts and thighs would turn anyone on. Turns girls on too. It must be shear torture for guys. Except Cody of course. He was her first time. He said he could tell.


Cody was expecting a girl he knew at about 1:30 in the afternoon. About 12:45 the doorbell rang. Cody was sleeping and then he was going to shower so I got the door. A perfectly beautiful young lady introduced herself, Abby, and I invited her in and we went back to the den.

She seemed quiet. I got us some tea. She said, "I'm a little nervous. I don't quite know what to do. Sandra said you were so nice and I could talk to you about anything."

"Oh, you mean with Cody," I said. "Don't worry, he's easy. He's a wonderful lover. You'll have a great time. Just tell him what you like and don't like. Go slow." I'm getting to be the den mom.

"Yes. I think we're going to have sex. I haven't but I can of course. I played with vibrators some. I take the pill and I'm ready. I just don't know how to get going."

"Well dear," I said. "Don't be nervous. Find little ways to tease him sexually. I always got up on the bed somewhere and sat up with my legs crossed and knees out and down, managing to end up with my dress bottom way up at my stomach so he could see between my legs. I always wore white panties for that."

"I have white panties on," Abby said."

"Good." I continued. "When things get going a little and it seems right just say 'Oh, do you mind if I take my dress off, I don't want it to get wrinkled', or if you're wearing shorts just say 'Do you mind if I get comfortable?'. He'll say sure or something. Take your dress or pants and top off slow, bending over looking away so he can see up the back of your pants, your feet out for a better view but normal looking.

"All that turns him on and he gets hard and ready. Then, unhook your bra but don't take it off. Let him take it off later. See, either way you wind up on the bed in panties and a loose bra. Also, let him take off your panties." She was nodding yes every now and then and getting calmer. Don't be afraid to reach down and play with him. In his shorts if he still has them on.

"If he takes your panties off take his shorts off, if he hasn't already. He's going to do some foreplay. Breasts, fingering your, uh, Abby, is ok between us girls to say some of those naughty words?" She smiled and nodded yes a few times. She was enjoying herself. "fingering your pussy or clit. It'll be great fun and you'll have a very good time. Just go slow.

"Here's something to think about. Guys love for a girl to get their hand around the shaft and rub their dick head all around down inside your pussy before it goes in. It gets it wet then you can rub it all over the rest. Particularly the clit. You'll absolutely love that.

"Then let it go and he'll do the rest. When you feel it going in your pussy whisper to him to go slow that you want to enjoy it. He will. Thrust up into him. Wrap your legs around him and play with his hips while he's thrusting. Have a really great orgasm and give him one too. Take a long time to fuck. Fucking is really fun. Slow him down if you have to. Does that help?"

She was sitting there smiling and nodding. She said, "Thank you very much. It sounds so easy now. I know how to do all that. It's going to be exciting. He's never even had his hand in my pants. We just kissed and he asked me over. I'm ready so I said ok. Mom was really pleased."

Cody came in the den smiling and said, "Hi Abby. You look very nice. Thank you two for keeping each other company." Looking at Abby, Cody said, "I have music on. Would you like to go up and listen for a while?"

Abby said, "Yes, I would love too." She was smiling and looking at me for a moment or two, then she leaned down and said, "Do you think it would be ok if you came along for a little while? Just to help me get going, if you don't think Cody would mind."

Cody was behind her but heard what she said. He was smiling brightly and shook his head several times. It was not only ok with him but he probably wanted to send Abby home and just get after me.

"Abby, I don't think Cody would mind at all. Two girls are always better than one." I took her hand and we all three toddled off to Cody's bedroom. He let us go up the stairs first but we stopped and let him usher us in his bedroom.

Cody's bedroom is big with the bed on the other side of the room, the headboard between two windows, no footboard. There was plenty of room on the other side too, with a love seat for two and a couple of chairs with a round table. His bathroom was to the right of his door, a ways from the bed. The sheet was folded neatly near the bottom. Soft lights from the side tables and just a small amount coming in around the curtains.

The music was soft and way in the background. Pillows across the top, all wide and fluffy. There was a soft scent of a flower and musk in the air. Very soft. The bed was a queen and the mattress was about 15 inches thick and ever so nice to lie on and bounce on. I knew what he had stowed in the bed side tables, both sides.

I let Abby's hand go and Cody moved right in, hand lightly on her back and a kiss on the cheek. He walked her over to the sofa and I followed right behind and took up residence in one of the soft lounge type chairs. There were two, almost facing the sofa on each side, close. We all three slipped off our shoes. There was a soft curved foot rest. It didn't have rollers so we could put our feet on the edges so our knees were up. I did then Abby did.

She let her dress bottom slide down her thighs. Very sexy that, good view of her inner thighs and white panties. It was so light it just slowly collapsed right down. Cody held her hand against their thighs. His against hers and hers against his. Every so often I saw Cody flex a little so she could feel him move below his waist.

We were all talking a few moments and Cody lifted her hand and rested it on his thigh. The son of a gun was smooth. I wondered where he learned all that. A few more moments and he put his foot on the front edge of the foot rest and tilted it over and touched her knee with his, their hands still on the top of his thigh.

Soon he tilted his leg away from hers a little. She tilted hers and touched his, probably without knowing, opening her legs a little more. Leaving her hand on his thigh, palm down, he put his on her thigh and curled over the inside. He was way down, only a couple of inches from her panties.

I could see his fingers clearly. He ringed them around until he was on her panties, right in the crotch and ran a single finger up and down. He kissed her when he did that to distract her until she got used to whatever he did.

She was open enough for his finger to sink down in pushing the panties in. She glanced at me, smiling, and took a big breath. Cody's finger stroked her up and down for some time. She slid her hand down his thigh and finally wound up on top of his dick and got her fingers going. He was up nicely and must have flexed it. She closed her thighs right on his fingers and opened them again. She was having a wonderful time.

He touched her other thigh and curled a couple of fingers and slid inside. He slowly moved them up towards her clit and back down. He was right on her pussy with the back of his fingers. She kept working his dick in his lap.


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