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Wrong Bathroom

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Jennifer Lawrence goes to the male bathroom at a club.
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Disclaimer: This is pure fiction. The events described next did not happen, nor are the actions partook by these celebrities meant to represent/imply anything on their real selves. This is purely a fantasy and should be treated as such; furthermore, minors should not read further.


"C'mon, Liam! Go have some fun!"

The words echoed just loud enough to be heard by Liam Hemsworth, despite the loud music playing around them. His co-star, Jennifer Lawrence, looked at him with a pleading look on her face, trying to get him to stand up from his chair and into the dance floor.

They were filming the last part of the 'Hunger Games' trilogy, which was to be divided in two films; with just enough free time on their hands, they had decided to take a break from the work and go out with some of the set guys. You know, relax a bit and have a good time before going back to the action and emotional wrecking ball those films were gonna be.

Though 'wrecking ball' wasn't words Liam Hemsworth would like to hear, much less use, for the time being...

"Sorry, Jen, but I'm really not in the mood for this. Go have some fun by yourself, don't worry about me."

The now-short-haired blonde looked almost indignant at this, refusing to back down. "Seriously, Liam. It's been months since your breakup! Man up, go have some fun!" Jennifer grabbed his arm, trying to pull him up.

He didn't budge. "You are going to make a scene." He said, chuckling a bit.

"So what? It is not like anyone else knows who we are. Besides..." Jennifer came closer, as if confiding a secret. "See those girls over there? They've been looking at you since we arrived. Go on, talk to them, dance a bit."

"I can't believe I'm hearing this." Liam laughed. Jennifer's smiling, but somewhat serious, face only making it funnier. "Seriously, Jen. I'm just not in the mood right now."

"Then get on it right now. We came here to have fun, and you will have it even if I have to force it on you." Jennifer said, adopting a 'threatening' tone.

It still took a bit of convincing, but eventually she managed to get him to come to the dance floor with her. Once there, Jennifer had a lot more leverage to work with and try to make him loosen up.

For the next hour or so the two danced together in the floor, Liam eventually getting into it as his friend co-star got him to relax and let go. The two drew a lot of attention, even though no one seemed to really recognizing them; they were having fun with each other, a friendly playfulness that could be misinterpreted as teasing and intimacy, which combined with their good looks made them stand out.

After some time Jennifer let go, letting the girls that had been ogling the Aussie male take her place around him; he didn't notice until it was too late, and by then he couldn't do much more than glare at her retreating and laughing figure as he was all but sexually assaulted by the girls.

"Well, if getting laid won't get him over the Hannah Montana girl, I don't know what will." She said, still giggling a bit.

"I guess it depends on who he gets laid with." One of Jennifer's fellow actresses, franchise newcomer Natalie Dormer, told her over a drink in the bar. "The guy managed to stay in the same relationship for three or four years, he doesn't look like the type to just jump the next girl."

"But he is still a man; no matter how much of a sweet person he may be, a dick will always try to find its way into a pussy." Jennifer philosophized, her matter-of-fact tone making Natalie almost spill her drink as she laughed. "Besides, it won't be so much him jumping them as they jumping him. Look over there, the girl is rubbing herself so much against him she will end up burning their clothes on pure attrition."

"Might not be such a bad sight, you know." Natalie said, with a sly smile; Jennifer playfully slapped her arm. "You want to tell me you never thought of the bloke like that? Your characters are almost lovers, c'mon!"

"The Peeta/Katniss fans would kill you for that comment, Nat." The aforementioned Brit merely shrugged, sipping on her drink. "Anyway, I`m going to the bathroom. Call me if things get good."

Natalie smirked and winked at her, giggling. "See ya later, Cupid."

Jennifer Lawrence chuckled a bit, making her way through the small crowd and pushed the bathroom's door open. She quickly entered one of the stalls and sat down, sighing as she relieved her bladder.

Once she finished and was about to leave...

"Man, what a fucking boring party."

"What are you talking about? We just arrived here!"

"And I already noticed there was a douchebag on the dance floor whoring all the girls' attention."

Jennifer felt like screaming. Those were male voices... What the hell were they doing on the girl's bathroom?!


It was the girl's bathroom, wasn't it?!

Now that she thought about it, she vaguely remembered seeing something similar to an urinal when she came in; in her rush to alleviate herself, she kinda paid it no attention...

"Oh my god!... Well, at least I can say I used the male bathroom once." She thought, hiding her face in her hands and not really knowing whether to be ashamed or laugh.

"Didn't they say that guy came in with some cute blond girl? Did you see who they were talking about?"

"Great, now they are talking about me..."

She thought about the situation. She could wait for them to leave and then make her way out; this was a sound idea, and obviously the one any sane person in her situation would do. But then, no sane person would be in her situation.

So, rather than wait out, she decided to confront it. Open the door—carefully, there was no need for a grand entrance—and walk out, whether they notice her or not; after all, what's the worst that could happen? At most she would get a good story to tell if she ever let this out.

So, she opened the door and walked out...

"What the fuck?!"

...right in front of one of the men.

"What is the ma—What the fuck?!"

One of the guys had just finished peeing and was on his way to the sink when Jennifer stepped out, making it impossible for him to miss her. The other, just finishing his own urination, had pretty much jumped one he saw what upset his friend.

"I... I think I'm on the wrong bathroom..." Jennifer said, being a bit too ashamed to be smart.

The guy who caught her looked incredulous. "You didn't just come in. You were in the stall..."

"Even before we came in." Added the other guy.

"Uhmm... Actually... I didn't notice it was the wrong bathroom when I got in..." "Well, this was getting way too awkward".

There was silence for a moment, Jennifer trying not to look at their eyes. However, when her eyes went to the guy still by the urinal, her eye-averting strategy backfired.

"Uhmm... Can you zip up your pants, please?"

The guy blinked, immediately noticing he still had his penis out for everyone to see. And from the look of things he seemed quite... happy, to say the least.

"Shit." He said, and was about to zip up before he suddenly stopped; his hands falling back to his sides, his face turning back towards Jennifer with a smirk tugging at his lips.

"I just thought... I don't believe you came here by accident. And you are not freaking out about this either."

The other guy seemed to get what he was saying, but Jennifer didn't. Nor did she notice how the situation was starting to become rather bad for her, and that it was not an appropriate time to make jokes.

Yet, being Jennifer Lawrence, she couldn't resist quipping. "Why should I freak out? Frankly, it is not very impressive."

Both man looked at her in shock, the first one looking like he was going to laugh while the dick-showing one looked angry. He moved forward towards Jennifer.

"Okay, you smart-ass bitch!" He said, and Jennifer raised an eyebrow. "I think I know your type. You were the one dancing with that guy earlier, right? The one they said was rubbing herself on him?"

Okay, this got Jennifer irritated too. "If I am, what is that to you?"

"When a girl comes to the men's bathroom, it is usually to give head to someone. And you are certainly the type to do that."

"What the fuck?" Jennifer asked, indignant. She moved forward towards him, not shying from the confrontation. "Look, you headless dick, who the fuck do you think you are? Better yet, who the fuck do you think I am to go calling me a slut?!"

"I don't know, and I don't care who the fuck you are, slut."

Jennifer didn't stand down from the insult, and promptly slapped him across the face. The other guy, merely watching, looked flabbergasted; the one who got struck, however, didn't take it very well.

He grabbed Jennifer's arms, easily overcoming the struggling actress; he pulled her against him, their glares boring into each other eyes.

The tension was palpable in the air between the two... and it only seemed to make him happier.

"Had you already blown someone before we entered, slut? Maybe the dance guy?" He asked, his voice angry and his eyes never leaving hers.

"Fuck you." She answered on the same manner, keeping her glare at him.

"No? Well, that is a shame then, slut; we need to correct it. Get down there." With surprising strength he pushed Jennifer down, making her give a small cry of surprise. She ended up in her knees, her face level with his—now fully stiff—penis. "Do your work now. Suck me off."

"Hey man, don't force her." The other guy, by the sink said. He was merely watching it all, with no little interest.

"I'm not forcing anything, she wants this. Don't you, bitch?"

Jennifer was not listening right now, as her eyes seemed glued to the meat rod in front of her. It was nicely sized, about seven or eight inches; nothing freakish, but nothing to dismiss either. It was certainly bigger than her previous boyfriends, and she instinctively licked her lips.

"See? She is almost begging for it!" The dick-released guy laughed. "Go on, blondie. Just don't dare bite."

She didn't hear him. She didn't even notice his hands pull his pants and underwear down, and probably wouldn't have noticed his hands gripping her short blonde hair had he not started pulling her forward. When she regained her senses, the head of the penis was about to touch her lips...

"Damnit, Jen! This is degrading! Push him away, don't let this asshole molest you like this!!" She briefly heard her mind yell at her, far too late to stop the contact; and by the time it happened, her body seemed on fire—how ironic—and she couldn't go back anymore.

The cock head pushed against her face, the man briefly dragging it along her lips like a lipstick before forcing its way past them Whether by her own will or pure instinct, Jennifer's mouth immediately latched on it, her tongue starting to swirl around the bulbous head. Her hands, likewise, went to grab onto the shaft, squeezing and stroking it with increasing enthusiasm.

She moved her hands to his balls, playing with them as she took her mouth off his cock's head to instead lick up and down its length; she alternated between keeping her eyes closed—moaning softly at times—and glaring up at him, her bluish eyes sultry.

"Fuck." He said, using his hand on her hair to push her face forward and make her take more of his cock in. With even more meat inside her mouth Jennifer started to suck it strongly, her head jerking erotically like a professional pornstar, her hands moving in tandem along the still unexplored base.

Which didn't remain unexplored for long.

Moaning and occasionally babbling obscenities at her, the man suddenly pulled her violently, jamming his entire length inside her cave and spearing the back of her throat. Jennifer tried pulling back but he maintained the hold on the back of her head, holding her face against his pubic hair and pretty much trying to asphyxiate her with his cock.

Jennifer Lawrence, one time Oscar winner and three times Oscar nominee; the current cinematic darling, right now desired by many men—and even women—from all around the world.

And all of those people would give anything just to watch her in her current situation: struggling to breathe, her hands flailing and weakly hitting on a man's thighs as her mouth and throat was filled with that same man's cock.

Her face was going red, her eyes getting wet, and just as she felt about to pass out from lack of air she felt him release her; she immediately threw her head back, jerking it away from his cock. The excessively copious amount of saliva that had accumulated drooled out, a thick strand keeping her mouth connected to his cockhead; a bit even flew out, consequence of her abrupt intake of air.

She took a moment to breathe again, letting the saliva fall on the floor as she coughed to recompose herself. It was a good thing she had used little to no make-up that night, otherwise her face would be a mess.

"C'mon, blondie. You are big enough to be recovered by now."

Grabbing her hair again, the man jerked her face upwards, giving her a show of how rough their tryst was becoming. Jennifer was totally okay with it, giving him a goofy smirk before grabbing his tool and once again going back to work: licking, sucking, jerking, deep-throating.

"That is it, slut! Play with those tits and eat my cock!"

As their fun got rougher and rougher, Jennifer lost herself more and more. Soon enough she had her hands on her shirt, fondling her breasts as she bobbed her head aggressively—she was probably gonna have some neck pain later—to meet his thrusting cock as he pounded her face mercilessly. Eventually he forced another deep-throat on her, grabbing her face roughly against his pelvis.

Except, this time, his cock wasn't the only thing filling her throat.

"Take that, you dirty slut! Drink everything, don't let a single drop out!" He yelled, not caring if anyone heard them as his eyes clenched shut as he orgasmed.

The juicy, salty seed shot directly into her esophagus, making her gag a bit; the shot was not like a hose, but more like constant shotgun shots, continuing to shoot for a while. Even when finished he managed to keep the hold for a while, trying to repeat the erotic quasi-asphyxiation from before and forcing her to swallow everything rather than spitting even a bit.

"My... My fucking God... What a mouth..." The man said, letting go of Jen and resting against a wall as he recovered.

"Glad to be of help..."

...Well, it was Jennifer Lawrence. Even in this state, on her knees on the floor and wiping her mouth, she could try to be cheeky.

"So... Can you help here too?"

Turning herself around to the sink's direction, she resisted the urge to roll her eyes. The other, seemingly more polite guy, also had his pants down and his cock out. Apparently he had been watching this whole time, and if she had to guess he was jerking off to it.

Still, it would be quite rude to leave him hanging.

Motioning for him to come closer, she gripped the base of his cock. He was slightly bigger, about ten inches.

She took slow at first, blowing a bit at the head and enjoying the sight of the pre-cum. After a couple licks along, she started jerking him off and moved closer, taking one of his balls in her mouth and sucking it.

"Oh, fuck!"

She tortured him, making the man fall back and lean on the sink. On this position she could glance at the bathroom's door; how no one had come in so far, she had no fucking idea. Not that it mattered, they would probably end up wanting a piece of her too—and getting it, she was so worked up she couldn't stop even if she wanted.

No wonder she got an Oscar playing a sex-addict.

After a while she grew bored of torturing and decided to just have her way again.

Keeping eye contact with him, she grabbed his stiff cock and pointed it upwards, then licked from the base in an excruciatingly slow speed till reaching the head. When she reached the peak, in a single and swift movement she jerked herself forward and engulfed him, immediately setting on a violent and fast bobbing pace.

He grunted loudly, almost a growl, and his hands gripped tightly the sink. Jennifer once again gave an overly showy and messy blowjob, her head and hands moving in such an enticing way most pornstars would be envious. It was no less pleasurable, as the receiver had his head thrown back in sheer pleasure.

"Fucking hell, what a mouth!" He managed to think, feeling her soft and plump lips moving around his sensitive skin, as well as the wetness of her tongue and saliva; it was all overwhelming.

Jennifer felt her throat strain to accommodate his bigger size, her excessive saliva serving as a good lubricant. He wasn't forceful like the first one—in truth, she was the one doing him—but the added size more than compensated in terms of pleasure.

"OH God!" She heard him moan, his hands moving along her hair—but not gripping it—while she continued bobbing her head back and forward, taking all of his length in her mouth; she was pretty much slamming her face on his pelvis by now.


As she tried holding her face to his pelvis Jennifer was suddenly yanked back by a strong pull of her hair, enough to make her give a pained cry. As her eyes glared up at her attacker, she saw it was the first guy, his face in a malicious smirk.

"Don't think you can forget about me yet, blondie."

Jennifer smirked back, keeping her glare on him as she opened her mouth expectantly so he could stuff his somewhat flaccid cock in her mouth again, this time keeping his hand on her hair and forcing her head back and forth.

"I didn't think I would have this much fun..." Jennifer thought as he roughly forced her head to the side, fucking the inside of her cheek. She moaned, letting the spit fall off her mouth.

"Hhhmmmm..." Jennifer moaned, briefly letting the cock fall off her mouth so she could glance at the side. The other guy—maybe she should have gotten their names—had kneeled by her side and was currently moving his hand at her chest, cupping a breast over her shirt. "You guys really are horny..."

"It is not everyday we meet a cock-sucking slut on the male bathroom." The guy—no need to guess which—said, tugging at her hair again. "Now, get your mouth back to work!"

As Jennifer was once again treated to a mouthful of cock, she felt her shirt being pulled up and her bra-encased tits bounce free. They were more than a handful, a pride of hers, and obviously the 'gentleman' admired them.

"Hhhhmmm..." She moaned loudly, as he groped and squeezed her boobs. The next moment came an even bigger moan as the man leaned down, pulling her bra out to reveal her succulent nipples and latched on it with his mouth, licking and suckling on it like a newborn baby would.

"Damn, her tits are amazing..." He said, licking at the areola and reaching her other globe with his hand. All the while the girl kept being face fucked violently by his friend.

"How about we put them to a test too, eh?"

Pushed back and falling unceremoniously on her back, Jennifer couldn't even try to sit up before she had her belly straddled by the fucking bastard. He finished pulling her shirt off, and right after that ripping sounds filled her ears as he pulled and tore her bra before throwing the scraps away on the floor.

"Fuck, you weren't kidding. Look at those funbags..."

Truth be told, Jennifer Lawrence always loved when her breasts received this attention. They were very sensitive, and she always liked when a lover gave a special attention to them, be it lovingly—kissing up the mounds, playing with the nipples, just holding into it when cuddling—or even violently—squeezing, biting, pinching... Attention was attention, and either way was pleasurable.


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