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Yard Work Changed My Life

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New experiences open new worlds.
5.8k words

Part 1 of the 2 part series

Updated 06/11/2023
Created 04/21/2022
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Yard Work Changed My Life.

I used a real event in my life to write this story. I really did meet "Sam" and how she introduced me to a new world of sex is true. The timeline is off by a few years to protect the guilty. LOL. This event takes place in the early 1970's.

My name is Gary. I was 22, and had a successful yard business. It began when I lived my very wealthy Aunt and was doing her yardwork while in high school for a $30 a week. Soon, I was cutting yards for wealthy friends of hers she referred me to for the same amount of money.

I was maintaining 10 yards a week, basically weed eating, edging, cutting and cleaning up after the job.

$300 a week back then was big money.

Hey, they wanted to pay me, I wanted their money. I offered for less, but they refused to hear it. I think they liked watching me cut their yards wearing just old gym shorts and tee shirt. Sometimes I would take my shirt off and they would be out offering me a glass of cold water. I know they would stare at my crotch and my ass. I had fun teasing them. Old ladies need excitement every now and then.

As I was finishing the last yard of the week a black Jaguar pulled over and stopped. It belonged to a guy I had seen before talking to my aunt and some of the neighbors. He got out his car walked over and asked, "Hey, do you want another client?"

I told him, "Sorry, I have all the client's I want."

"I'll pay you twice as much to cut my yard, I live in the Garden Home district in the back of the neighborhood."

I knew the homes and the yards there were a lot smaller than ones I was cutting.

I told him, "I get paid $30 per yard."

He didn't blink. "I only have a front yard to maintain. I would also like you to keep the hedges trimmed. When can you start?"

I love easy money so I told him, "I'll see you tomorrow, around 9 am."

So much for having a Saturday morning off.

He introduced himself as Larry. and gave me his phone number and address.

I woke up, ran my 5 miles got my equipment together and was at his house for 8:50 am. He met me outside and thanked me not being late.

I finished his yard work in just over an hour and went to collect my money.

When I rang the doorbell, his voice came over the intercom asked me to meet him around back.

I walked around thinking, "Why in the hell couldn't he just bring me my money to the door?"

He had no backyard. It was a 15' wide x 25' long stained patio with a small workout area and a hot tub/jacuzzi. There was an outside bar, an elongated Fireplace and a sitting area with a pretty cool table.

A ten-foot privacy fence surrounded the back property.

"Thanks for doing my yardwork, it looks great. You are the third person I hired and your work is best by far. I like how you make sure all the lines are straight and the curves are perfect. I see the yards you do everyday and wanted you to take care of mine."

"Here is the money we agreed on. Will you come every week?"

"If that's what you want. I have to do it on Saturday mornings as it's the only time I have to fit in a new customer."

"No problem with that," he said. "Would you like something to drink? I can make just about any drink you can imagine."

"Sure, I'll take a margarita on the rocks if you can do that," I said.

"Give me a minute to make one, you want salt on the rim?"

"Yes, please."

While he was inside making the drinks, I noticed paintings in his living room, so while standing at the door, I looked at as many as I could. He had all kinds of pictures and a lot of them showed naked people in different poses. Some all guys, some all ladies and some male and females together.

He brought back a nice sized glass of margarita and we sat back talking. He said he worked for the Federal Government for 10 years then became a private sector contractor to them and makes 10 times the money had been making before.

I told him I have lived with my aunt for the last 10 years after my parents passed away. She paid me well to do her yardwork, got me a few jobs with friends of hers and it eventually grew to 10 yards so I quit taking customers since they take up most of my week and I wanted free weekends.

I told him, "I use to water ski and snow ski a lot but now I run 5 miles every morning. My hobbies are reading and water painting and once in a while I'll try my hand at oil painting.

Larry looked surprised and said, "I also do paintings, you can see the ones on my walls in the living room that were done by me or by some artist friends, come in and see more."

"Larry, I am smelly and dirty, so I better not until I am cleaned up. No offense but I reek."

Larry laughed and said, "I tell you what, come by when you have time, bring a few of your works for me to see and we can have a few drinks and I'll show you around."

"Sounds good, see you later."

We had a great conversation and I laughed to myself because sometimes it felt like an interrogation. But knowing Larry worked the Feds, I figured he was just trying to learn about his new yard guy.

I gave him my business card and took one of his and went home to shower. When I was picking up my stuff his business card fell out of the pocket and landed on the floor. Glancing at it I noticed it not only had his business information it had an address for an art gallery on the reverse side.

Being as the gallery was near and I had time, I went to visit it. Come to find out, he owned half of it.

"Damn, Larry has some talented people showing their paintings. Some of these are fairly risqué with their sexual content. I will admit, they are good. I love the abstract paintings that someone named Sam does. Maybe I need to show him some of my work, he could help me learn to use my colors better."

The following Saturday when I went collect payment for the yard work, Larry invited me to a small party at his house that evening.

"I have a little get together every now and then for a few friends and would like you to join us, we are meeting tonight around 7pm. Nothing fancy, very casual, most wear shorts, a light shirt and sandals. Bring some of your paintings. You can see more of what I have and I will give you a viewing of my private studio."

That evening as I was walked up to his door with a portfolio holding a few of my better paintings, a car pulled up and a lady that looked to be about my age, got out and started walking toward the door. She was tall for a lady, about 5'10", very well proportioned, and long dark hair. I stood there just watching her walk to the door and as she got near me, she smiled and we introduced ourselves to each other. Her name was Sam. Something felt different about her but she was friendly, warm and sociable.

"What's that you carrying?" Sam asked.

"Oh, I do some water paintings, Larry wanted me to show him some of my works so I brought a few."

"I do paintings also; I have some on display in Larry's. gallery."

"I went there and looked at the paintings, some are extremely good. Are you the Sam that does the abstracts? I love them. So much color and depth. It isn't just scribble; they have a theme."

"Oh wow, Thanks. I am glad you like them."

Larry met us at the door, had a glass of wine for her in one hand and a margarita in the other hand for me.

"Are you two going to stand there all night talking or are you going to come in" he grinned.

Counting the three of us, there were only two other couples at the party. The party started very well. Me and Sam hit it off, we had a lot in common, both of us had a jovial personality. Turned out she was 23 years old so we were close in age.

The people there were interesting, one couple was gay and the other was lesbian, but we all had a good time conversing and laughing at each other's stories, around 9 the couples left.

I was about to leave myself when Larry came up and said, "Let's go to my private studio and look at your works. I rarely invite people into my studio but I would like to see your work in the correct lighting."

Sam came in behind us and said, "Hey fellows, just us three left, can I join you?"

"Sure," we both said together and we all laughed about it.

"Glad I have both of your approval."

The studio was captivating. He had a few cabinets with all kinds and colors of paints, a brush cleaning station, a sink for cleaning anything else and two big easels. One had a painting he was working on that was covered up. When I asked about it, he just said, "It's not finished and until then, it stays covered. The ones on the wall are my private collection and there are a few I moved that are not for public display."

"Let's see what you have Gary," Larry said and opened my portfolio holder.

"Oh, man, you have some talent."

Sam came up behind me and I could feel her body next to mine. It felt good.

"Oh Gary, that is good. It's like versions of Vincent van Gogh's "Starry Night Over the Rhône" and Pablo Picasso's "Au Lapin Agile."

"Those were my inspirations. I just need to learn more about using the colors to blend in settings and surroundings better."

"Well, these are very good and people would pay for them." Sam said.

We finished talking about my paintings and they gave me some great pointers. While they talked about a painting Sam was doing, I was looking at some paintings hung on the wall. Most were by other people but a few were by him and Sam. I saw two on a shelf that were sticking halfway behind another one and was about to look at them when Sam came up beside me and took my hand off the pictures.

'These portraits are not for viewing."

"I can see one is a lady that looks a lot like you. Why are they not for viewing? Or should I not ask?"

"They are private portraits not for meant for anybody to see, they reveal who I really am," Sam replied. "You might get offended and freak out."

"Sam, so far, I have liked everything about you. I can't imagine what would make me feel different, unless you transform into a vampire or a werewolf, but I will respect your privacy."

I started to move on when Sam took my arm and pulled me back.

"Gary, I promise, some things are different in people that offend others. If you really want to look at them, I will give you permission. But, please don't judge me by what you see."

With that said, Sam looked over at Larry and slowly pulled the two portraits out and turned them over for me to see.

She mouthed at Larry, "You did this on purpose!"

Larry nodded yes, and smiled at her mischievously.

I looked at the portraits and was amazed how well Larry captured Sam and her skin texture while wearing nothing but a shear cloth, one in a standing pose, the other laying down sideways in an open position. I was wondering what she meant about being different, and then I saw it. Not only was Sam pretty and has gorgeous breasts, Sam has a large penis.

Sam, standing behind me breathed into my ear, "So what are you thinking now?"

"It's, they are very good. I would have never known."

I was in shock, I heard about this but it was my first time ever seeing anything like it.

"Yes, Gary, I am a transvestite. No one knows except for Larry and now you. Larry is my Godfather. I am not from anywhere near here so no one knows of my past. I looked so much like a girl my parents treated me like one and kept it secret so I grew up a female. Everything about me feels and looks female, except the penis. But I will keep it." She laughed.

"You are still pretty," I said softly. "Your presence and friendship tonight speak clearly who you really are."

"Such an openly honest and handsome man Larry. No wonder you like him so much."

Sam moved around in front of me with her face and lips so close to mine and said, "If it doesn't bother you, I would like to show you around my place one day soon, I do paintings as well and you have seen a few of them, and I promise not to bite. I would like to be friends and get to know you better."

I stammered, "I would like to be friends and I will accept an invite. I have to go now as I have a 5k run in the morning and need to get rested."

When we reached the door, I shook Larry's hand turned to Sam and when she went to hug me, I hugged her back and gave her a quick kiss.

"Thank you, for a great evening. Good company, good painting pointers, and one of intrigue if I may say so."

I had some very mixed feelings on my way home.

Sam looked at Larry and spoke loudly, "You old dog, you knew damn well what you were doing inviting both of us over and having them two couples over also. Then, pulling the portraits of me out just enough for him to spot. I haven't been that, nervous, intrigued, quoting his words, and aroused since, well, you know. You were testing him. How did you find him?"

"He lives with his aunt and does yard work for his aunt and some of her friends. They all spoke highly of him and his work is impressive. When I started talking to him and seeing who he was, I just knew you two had to meet. What I didn't know was if he would take interest or run away. So, I arranged this party to expose him and see how he reacts. You, allowing him the two portraits of you confirmed what I believed. He is open minded and being as you two have a lot in common, it was the gamble to make. I would not have allowed him in my studio if I didn't think it would go well. Seems he has some interest in you and now I know you have some interest in him. Here is his phone number."

Sam kissed Larry good night and went home, got in a hot shower and masturbated thinking of Gary. "What are you doing? What if he rejects you? He won't, you know it; you have captured his attention as he has captured yours. Damn you Larry."

I got home and could not quit thinking about Sam. "How can such a pretty woman be part male? Why does she affect me like this? She has captured my attention for sure. Could I fall for a man, no a lady, ah, a person with differences, anyway could I fall for Sam?"

All during my 5k run and all day following all I could think of was Sam.

"Am I fucked up?" I wondered. "No, a lot of people are gay and they are as good as anyone. Those two couples are as normal as I am. I would have never known they were gay if I had not meet them at the party. She is not really a guy; she is a special kind of person. I did enjoy her company and felt so comfortable around her. Those portraits changed my thinking completely." My mind kept spinning.

As the week went by, I came to grips with my emotions until I received a phone call.

"Hello Gary, this is Sam, I would like to have you over for dinner, sit around and chat and show you my art tomorrow night if you would like. No pressure, just friends."

After a long deep breath, I responded back, "Yes, I would enjoy having dinner, chatting and seeing your art. Where and what time should I be there?"

"6:30pm, 228 Calla Drive. Not far from where you live. Look forward to meeting you again,"

All I could do is think about is what happens if I go and things take a turn. Could I go through with it. She said just friends.

My cock started getting hard and I told it to behave. It didn't listen so I had to masturbate twice to finally get it to settle down.

I was a nervous wreck all day. Thank goodness my lawn work kept my occupied for most of the day.

6:25 I show up anxiously.

Sam opened the door smiling wearing some old baggy pants with dried paint on them and an old pullover shirt that was 2 sizes too large. She looked beautifully messy.

"Sorry, time got away from me and I didn't have time to change."

"What you have one is fine with me."

I walked in, we hugged and I laughed and apologized for being tentative.

"Gary, this is just to get to know each other better. Don't worry, I won't attack you."

We sat outside, had a few drinks and, chatted about a lot of different things then had a light diner of vegetables and fruits with a spicy bread that was out of this world delicious.

"What kind of bread is this?" I asked.

"Believe it or not, that is made from vegetables, spices and fruits held together with smashed rice. My uncle learned to make it when he was stationed in Thailand."

"I hope you will share the recipe." I spoke.

"Nope, the only way you eat this is to come visit me." Sam smiled.

'Well, that's one more reason to see you now, friendship, fantastic bread and painting lessons. The list is growing."

Sam smiled a smile that turned me on, grabbed my hand and said, "Come on, let me show my art collection and my studio to you."

I followed her around looking at different paintings and loved to see the variety in them.

"Follow me." Sam said and started walking up the stairs.

I could not quit starring at her heart-shaped ass walking up those stairs behind her and I was getting a hard on.

"Quit it!" I kept telling myself.

We toured the art room and I was very impressed with Sam's talent. She liked abstract painting and did it in such a way it was appeasing to look at. She also did a few portraits that were very good. You could see every line in their face and the deepness in the eyes.

"You sure you are not a professional? You could sell these easily."

"No, I just like to paint when I am in the mood. I have a few new ideas maybe you can help with."

"Be happy to. Maybe you can improve my work."

"Anytime, you are welcome to come over and just visit even. Let's go out on the balcony and have another drink or two."

She had a mini bar on her balcony and we both had a few drinks. She could sense I was still a little reserve around her.

"You know I will try to behave." She told me laughingly.

"To be honest, I was so worried you would open the door in some see through sexy outfit I had trouble walking up to your front door." I laughed back.

"Would you had turned around and left?"

"No, I would have probably orgasmed in my pants and fell down from being weak in the knees, ha-ha. No, joking aside, I don't know what I would have done, but I would not have run. You are all I have thought about since we first met. I don't know if I am scared of you or just need to accept, I find you amazingly enticing and want to be with you."

Sam got up, took me by the hand, pulled me up and said, "I feel the same way. I haven't been with anyone for almost 2 years. My lover, Frank, got killed in a plane crash and no one has been able to capture my attention anymore. I know it has a lot to do with being transvestite and trying to keep it unknown. I am so self-conscience about it. You know how people are. Most would think I am some weird freak and abuse me or just want me for the looks and the sex. It's not easy finding true friends that can keep your secret. I am not emotionally ready to come out into the open yet."

"Oh, me and Larry have had a fling or two, but it is more emotional support than anything. Yeah, I know, he is my Godfather, but he is special to me and is the only one who I can find comfort with since Frank died. Until I saw you. You were so innocent and easy going, and when we first talked walking up to Larry's house, I felt something in you I haven't felt in a very long time. As the night went on, you kept capturing my attention, the final straw was when you saw the portraits of me and didn't run away. You took me for what I am. Then you screwed up, you hugged kissed me at the end. It wasn't much, but it ignited a spark. I could tell something was happening inside us and it didn't feel bad."

I couldn't stop myself, I lightly touched her face and kissed her. Just a small one at first, then a second time and the third time one got longer and longer. The burning in our eyes and hearts was really good.

"Sam, when you were just so human after I saw them, it made me want you. You were so real, not a put on. I feel like I am with who I need to be with for once. I was confused for a few days, then became content with myself. I just was so scared what would happen when we met again. Yes, more than a spark ignited."


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