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Yo-yo Chronicles Ch. 01: Two Peas in a Pod

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She discovered a side of him that disgusted and aroused her.
11.4k words

Part 1 of the 12 part series

Updated 10/13/2022
Created 12/01/2013
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Author's note: Each story in this series is complete and separate, with no plot or characters in common with the others. Only one thin thread connects them.

Many thanks to bythewx for first editing and improving this story.

Special thanks to winterhunny713 for fresh perspectives and challenges that resulted in major improvements.


Opposites attract. Whoever said that never met Jory and me.

I take that back. I can't think of anyone else remotely like us, so the rule must be true. We are the exception.

Sometimes our friends tease us about how similar we are, like two peas in a pod. Whatever I like, she likes. We like the same books and the same movies. Politically, we have the same opinions. If I try something new at a restaurant and don't like it, I know she won't like it either. If she tells me about a great song she heard, I know I'm going to love it.

When we make love, it's like I'm making love to myself. If I experiment with a new twist and it feels good, she'll go for it, too. When she discovers something that gets her excited, it will probably drive me wild.

There are a few big differences. Jory is all woman, and I enjoy being her man. There's no gender confusion with us. She has a great body, slim and firm and compact, except for her slightly oversized breasts. I'm eight inches taller than she is and a lot more angular.

Most of her girlfriends are also hot. When she catches me looking at one of them, she kids me, but she knows I'd never step out on her. Her libido is as strong as mine, and I sometimes see her eyes follow a well-built guy working out at the club. I don't say anything, because I can't picture Jory cheating on me.

Occasionally a woman I meet through work flirts with me, but I never flirt back or try anything. I've never seen Jory flirting, but I'm sure guys come on to her when I'm not around. It doesn't matter because, as I said, I'm not jealous.

We have different careers, but we're both in people type jobs. I'm on the road sometimes, but usually only a few days each month. I wouldn't take a job that kept me away from Jory too long.

Another thing we have in common is that we like to surprise each other, especially for birthdays or anniversaries. We pretend that we are pushing each other out of our comfort zone, but we both know that if one of us likes the surprise, the other one is going to like it, too.

About two weeks before my birthday this year, Jory told me she was working on an unusual surprise gift and that I needed to block out Saturday. Saturday was not my birthday, so I wondered what she needed me for.

Her birthday is a couple of days after mine -- we are even the same sign -- and I had already picked out an unusual restaurant that was the kitchen of a farmhouse ten miles outside of town. The farmer's wife makes dinner for only two people and only one night a week. Almost everything is grown in her garden and picked that day. I was hoping that Jory hadn't heard about the place. I knew she would love it.

The doorbell rang Saturday morning, and when I answered it, Myra was standing there. Myra was the only friend of Jory's I didn't care for.

It wasn't because she was a butch lesbian. Jory had a couple of other gay girlfriends, and we got along great. But Myra managed to turn every conversation into a lecture about men, from complaints to ridicule to utter contempt. Jory told me the reason was that she had been abused by her father and grew up thinking all men were predators.

Jory saw to it that Myra and I were seldom in the same room together, so I was a little surprised to see her there. She said, "Hi, Jory's expecting me," in her low, gruff voice and rudely pushed past me without even a smile.

Jory came out of the kitchen and said "Hi, Myra. You can go ahead and set up while I tell Ken what we're doing."

Myra, who is as big as I am and probably just as muscular, walked back out, stomping through the house in the men's boots she was wearing. Jory sat down on the couch and motioned for me to sit in the easy chair facing her.

"I got the idea for this present about a month ago," she said. "The surprise is today, but you won't receive the present until your birthday."

She laughed at the puzzled look on my face.

"Let me explain. This started the day after you came home from a four-day road trip. You were out running some errands, and I was cleaning in your office when I thought of something I needed to Google, and I saw your laptop open on your desk, so I sat down and started typing.

"My hand slipped on the mouse and by accident I clicked on 'History' at the top of the page. I started to close it, but then something caught my eye. You had been looking at 'Anal Housewives Dot Com.' I was surprised. I never knew you were interested in anal. You've never said anything to me about it, probably because I told you how disgusting I thought it was. I just figured you felt the same."

"Stop, Jory!" I said. "I can explain."

"Wait, Ken, let me finish. I went to the website and browsed around. It was just as ugly and disturbing as I thought it would be. Then I went back and looked at more of your history.

"You had visited a lot of different websites, and as I started checking them out, I couldn't believe how vile they were and how demeaning to women. There were videos of women doing things that were just plain sick. I wondered how low they could go, and as I went from site to site, I saw there was nothing so degrading that some woman wouldn't do it. I knew they were getting paid for it, but I was still amazed.

"I wondered if you were paying some of those women to do those things to them. I began to think that I didn't know you at all. You know how we joke about how similar our tastes are? Well, this was a side of you that was completely different from the Ken that I know and love. After a while, I had to run to the bathroom and throw up."

"Stop, Jory! Let me explain! When I'm on the road -- well, you know how charged up I get when things prevent us from getting together for more than a few nights.

"I never go down to the hotel bar looking for action, but I use my laptop to give me some relief. What you saw isn't the real me. It's a frustrated salesman who wishes he were back home making love to his beautiful wife."

"Oh, but it is the real you," Jory said. "It's just a different side of you. You didn't go to any sites with videos of men having loving sex with their beautiful wives, or whores pretending to be them.

"Sometimes we fuck like animals. I like it, and I thought you did, too. I saw lots of sites offering that kind of sex, but you didn't look at them either. You only watched videos that showed men doing the grossest things to women."

"Men don't go for vanilla porn," I protested. "You know that. Those sites are for women. Men are from Mars."

"Of course. It's just that I thought you were different, that you were more like me. But let me finish, because the real surprise is still coming."

I wished she would stop talking. I could tell she was upset. I just wanted to take her in my arms and tell her that I'd never got to those sites again. But I sat silently and let her continue.

"Anyway, I closed the history on your laptop and went back to cleaning. My mind was all over the place. Should I tell you what I found out? How would you react? Would you accuse me of spying? Did you want to do those things with me? What kind of a person had I really married?

"I made a decision to put the whole thing out of my mind until the next day, and I pretty much succeeded until bedtime, when I had trouble falling asleep.

"The next morning, I woke up refreshed. You don't take your laptop to the office when you're in town, so after you left, I went to your office and clicked on your history. Everything was still there. I was much calmer now.

"Except for a break for lunch and some washing and shopping, I spent pretty much the whole day at your computer, checking out every site you'd visited for the last six months.

"I saw that you only watched porn on business trips and wondered why. I thought it was so you wouldn't get caught. Now that you've explained, it makes sense. I believe you about not cheating. Thank you.

"I didn't know your passwords, so I signed up for some of the sites. That's why our next Visa bill will have double charges for some of them. Or do you put them on a secret credit card that I don't know about? I never look at the Visa bill, because I trust you.

"Anyway, I watched just about everything you've been watching. Maybe not everything, but enough to where I felt I really understood what turned you on."

"Stop, Jory!"

"Let me finish. Here's the surprising thing. I didn't stop there. I went on to other sites that you had never been to. Every kind of site: gay, straight, bisexual, bondage, domination, she-male, fetish, you name it. I saw men doing things to women and other men that freaked me out, and also I saw women doing unbelievable things to men and other women. Something kept me going.

"After a week of this, I stopped cold turkey because I was scaring myself. I realized, to my surprise, that even though I was still repelled by what I was watching, it also strangely fascinated me and even turned me on. I was interested in the same things as you are. Not only did I not know you, but I also didn't know myself.

"I was no longer upset with you. I accepted what I had learned about you and myself. I knew that I would never do any of the things that you were watching --"

"And I don't want you to do them," I yelled. "Can't you understand?"

She ignored me and continued.

"I thought I had succeeded in putting all of this out of my mind until a few weeks ago when the subject of our birthdays came up and a light bulb went on in my brain. What would be the most surprising gift that I could ever give you? One that would be personal and unique? One that you would treasure forever and yet one that you would never expect in a million years? I think I've found it.

"At first I rejected my idea. But then I thought about it in a different way. Why did the idea even occur to me? I thought I had put those perverted thoughts behind me, but I didn't. Maybe I needed to face them because if I suppressed them, they could some day destroy our marriage?

"I decided that we need to confront this stuff head-on. I think we can do that today."

"We can stop it all right now and --"

"Were you listening?" she asked, interrupting me. "I just told you that I thought I had stopped. Denying it won't work. I -- I mean we -- need to deal with this. That's why I hired Myra. As you know, she is a professional videographer. She does mostly weddings and birthday parties, but she told me sometimes couples hire her to do videos of them making love.

"She is not going to shoot us making love. I've given her a script with a list of nine of the most demeaning and disgusting things I saw women do on your favorite sites. She's going make you a video of me doing every one of them with you.

"She's setting some cameras on tripods to get the action from every angle in normal speed and slow motion, and she'll use a hand-held camera to get close-ups.

"When we're done today, she'll take all the videos to her studio, edit them and add music to the soundtrack. For your birthday, I'll present you with the most exciting porno video you've ever seen. You can take it with you on all your trips from now on, although I've decided that I don't care anymore if you want to go to those sites."

I jumped up.

"No!" I yelled. "I don't want to do this! I don't want you degrading yourself. You will hate every minute of it, and I'll hate myself for going along. We can't do this."

"Calm down, Ken. We know each other better than ever now. We're still two peas in a pod. You're right that I won't enjoy it, but that's the idea. When you watch the girls on those sites, you can tell they hate what they're doing. Sometimes it's so bad that they can't hold onto their fake smile for a few seconds and you can see how they really feel.

"The video we're making will be a million times better. I'm not an anonymous prostitute who has been humiliated so many times she almost goes through the motions like a robot. When you do these things to me for the first and only time, every reaction will be real. My humiliation and pain will be powerful and honest. You'll have amazing orgasms while you're degrading me -- and every time you watch the video afterwards.

"Myra should be almost done setting up the lights and the cameras in our bedroom by now. Whatever happens, I have to pay her for her time today anyway."

She stopped talking and gazed at me intently. My mind was racing. It bothered me that this would be painful and humiliating for her. But there was honest excitement in her voice as she explained it, and she had certainly gone through a lot of trouble to plan my surprise.

I looked at her. She was looking at me expectantly with a strange quizzical expression on her face. I became aware of a stirring between my legs and realized that I was turned on.

"Okay," I said quickly, "but only if you promise me that you'll tell me to stop if it gets to be too much."

She didn't say anything for a while, but her expression changed. There was a slight smile on her face now, but it wasn't a happy smile.

"I was wondering how you would respond," she said. "That was the one thing I wasn't sure of."

I panicked.

"I've changed my mind, Jory," I said. "The whole thing is off."

"No, no," she said. "I'm not upset."

She didn't sound very sincere.

"No, you made your decision. Now I'm in charge. We're going upstairs to make a porno."

She started walking up to our bedroom. Halfway up, she turned around and saw me still standing there. She began waving her right arm, motioning me to follow her and didn't stop until I began walking toward the stairs.


Myra was adjusting lights, tripods and cameras when I entered the bedroom. Some of the tripods were high in the air, almost to the ceiling, and some were so low that they were just above the height of the bed. All the cameras on them were aimed at the bed.

"I'm ready," Myra said with no emotion in her voice.

Jory pulled off her sweats, bra and panties and sat down on the bed. After a moment of hesitation, I took off my T-shirt, shorts and boxers and sat down next to her. I saw Myra sizing me up, and I was embarrassed, although her opinion was the last one I'd ever care about.

"Here's how it's going to work," Jory said, waving a clipboard with a printout attached to it. "Myra is going to read the instructions that I wrote out in a loud, clear voice, so we both can hear her and understand. Right Myra?"

Myra nodded but said nothing.

"Each scene is timed for fifteen minutes, so the nine scenes make for two hours and fifteen minutes. But there here's are ways it could be longer or shorter. I'll explain.

"If we have to take some breaks between scenes, or something unexpected happens that slows us down, it might take more time. I'm paying Myra for an eight-hour shift, so we don't have to hurry.

"When Myra reads the instructions, all we have to do is follow them. I've tried to make them simple and clear, so there's no confusion. All right?"

I nodded.

"There's something I didn't write in the instructions she'll read, so listen closely. You need to try as hard as you can to not come. Got it? Don't come!"

She raised her voice as she said this.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"Remember when I said it take less time? I'm going to try to make you come as quickly as I can. Once I do, it's over. I mean that part is over, and we move on to the next thing.

"If you're so turned on by the degenerate sex that you come fast, it will prove beyond a doubt how depraved you. Also, I want to suffer as little pain and humiliation as possible. The faster I get you to come each time, the less I have to endure.

"On the other hand, your goal will be to degrade me the entire fifteen minutes of each contest. To do that, you need to keep from coming. I'm sure I'll get you off at least once. After that, it will be more of a challenge for me and easier for you.

"There's an even better reason for you to keep from coming, but I won't tell you what it is until later. For now, you have to trust me. I promise you that the less times you come, the happier you'll be."

I nodded, but I didn't understand. I wondered if I would come at all. I noticed I was no longer getting hard. The whole thing was turning me off.

"We're ready, Myra. Please read the instructions for the first scene. Remember, loud and clear."

Myra cleared her throat, looked at the sheet on the clipboard and started to read in her deep, booming voice

"Number one. He will sit on the edge of the bed while you kneel on a cushion on the floor between his legs. He'll lean back and lift his legs up until he can reach behind his knees with his hands. If necessary, push on his thighs to help him.

"He'll pull his legs back and spread them, opening his butt and displaying his asshole. Lean forward and lick his asshole until it's wet.

"Stick your tongue in as far as it will go and then move your head back and forth to fuck his asshole with your tongue. While you are doing this, put your hands in the bowl of lube to get them greasy. Work his balls and cock with your hands and his asshole with your tongue until he comes."

I gasped. Jory smiled at me, got off the bed and pulled me until I was sitting on the edge. She motioned for me to lean back and lift my legs.

She waited for a minute. I was frozen. She kneeled on some cushions on the floor between my legs and grabbed my left leg with both hands. As she pushed my leg up, she slowly stood.

I didn't resist her as she used her hands and body to push my left leg back toward my head and place my left hand so it held the leg in place. My right leg had risen a little as my body had pulled it, and she now finished pushing it back as far as my left. She arranged my right hand to hold it back.

From the position I was in, all I could see as I looked down my body was my soft cock lying on my belly. Then I saw Jody's face as she knelt down between my legs. She was looking at my ass.

"I never knew how much slimy hair there was around your butthole," she observed. "But then I've never looked. I guess you sweat a lot in there. You'll see it when you watch the video, but I can tell you, it looks revolting."

With my legs apart, my ass felt so wide open that I imagined Jory -- and Myra's camera -- could see right up my colon. Jory hesitated for an instant, and I heard her take a deep breath.

When her tongue first touched me, I don't know who jumped the highest off the bed, she or me. Her head shot back, and I heard gagging sounds. There were some deep breaths for a while before her tongue came back.

Somehow she managed to start again and keep going. I couldn't imagine what she must be thinking. I was thinking that there was nothing exciting about this when I felt my cock stirring. Her tongue was getting me excited despite my repugnance.

Then I felt her hands around my balls. She was playing with them as she often did to drive me wild. They were more silky and slippery that usual this time, because she had dipped them in the lube.

As her tongue began moving rapidly in and out of my ass, one hand left my balls and grabbed my cock. She began pumping my cock, fondling my balls and tonguing my ass in the same rhythm. It got faster. A minute later, I spurted straight up my chest.

Jory lifted her head from between my legs and looked at me. I tried not to look as satisfied as I felt. I pressed my lips together to keep from smiling.

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