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She looked around the room and saw some familiar faces, some new faces, and a mixture of equipment that made her eyes bulge with fear. Her eyes connected with a contraption in the centre of the dingy pub and she shuddered with an acknowledgement that her reluctant body would soon be strapped to it. She stood there, naked and shaking until the man who organised the party clocked that one of the subs was looking at the device he had made in his spare time, a device none had dared to try yet.

"She's a beauty isn't she?" He exclaimed, putting his arm around Jan in a way that made her skin crawl. "I can tell you have an eye for these things, most slaves just see an exercise bike, maybe some notice the dildo sticking out of the seat. But all the stupid sluts don't notice the electrodes and the lights, you put a sub on there and they start peddling, not only are they churning that dildo inside themselves, but they are generating the electricity that pulses through their bodies and that makes the saddle vibrate. Those lights demonstrate to anyone watching just how much the sub is getting shocked. Tie a slave to that and all eyes will be on them as they ride themselves to the height of pain and pleasure."

Jan shuddered, she knew what was coming, any sanity left in her would walk away right now and never look back, her lip quivered as the man turned to her with a big grin on his face. He held out his hand, offering her degradation and despite all of her synopses screaming for her to run, Jan felt her mouth curl into a smile as she placed her hand in his.

"Oh hey, you're back." Entity V announced as the man got to work strapping Jan in the bicycle. "It's the strangest thing I can now tell when you are and aren't looking. Enjoying the fruits of your part time sadism? Or did you think it was worse to let Jan have a normal life that she had to leave behind to humiliate herself? Did you know she no longer masturbates? So that's a fun side effect. Still can't wrap my head around your state of mind but I'm guessing you're happy with how everything is unfolding."

Jan began to pedal, feeling the tingles of sparks running through her skin as the dildo began to slowly churn in and out of her, the lights drawing everyone's eyes to the screaming slave, drawn to giving her all in a device she would never choose to even be around, let alone strap herself into.

"Well seeing as you're here, let's see if you care even a little for Jan, how about I give her a choice?" Entity V blinked and the world paused, Jan found herself numb to her body's sensations while Entity V got her to focus on his question.

"So here's your choices. Option 1, everything goes back to the way it was, you go back to your life and don't have to do this any longer. Option 2, we double down on this life that has been chosen for you. Which do you want?"

*For option 1 scroll to section 27*

*For option 2 scroll to section 35*



Jan lay naked on a sea of blackness, her body was neither "moving" nor "still" (the enormity of the void, with no frame of reference besides her naked flesh, made such terms irrelevant when considering Jan's position in 4d space). She was both inconsequentially small and the totality of existence, all other matter had ceased to exist while no external consciousness was around to even remember that anything had been created beyond a naked woman and void she floated in.

Jan didn't move, not physically anyway, her consciousness swirled around her still sleeping body, reflecting on and off of the absence of existence that, with all its intimidating ubiquity, was still unable to swallow the nude splinter in the eye of eternity.

The void bulged, it was a screaming clawing bulge that grasped towards Jan but missed, whether by millimetres or miles it didn't matter, they were both the same in an absence this large.

The bulge did not subside, it tried again and again, when space is infinite and empty, time is meaningless and the enormously long odds of reaching into eternity and clutching the wrinkle in the fabric of being, became simply an exercise in persistence. The bulge touched Jan's arm and a beam of light emitted from her skin, Jan convulsed, her nerves firing as space and time pulsed through her, her orgasmic moans echoing and resolving as another Jan, floating next to her, like she was in front of a perfectly invisible mirror.

There was another pulse, another orgasm echoing through eternity and resolving itself into two new Jans. Over the eternity of time and space, Jan rode waves and waves of pleasure until infinite clones moaned in unison with an eternal orgasm.

One of these clones looked almost identical to Jan, except its skin was green and it only had one eye.

"What the hell do you think you are doing?" Jantity V yelled. "How did you get outside the multiverse?"

Their words echoed in the void only to be drowned out by the eternal orgasm that engulfed infinite Jans.

"Everything that is, branches from the spin of quarks," Jantity V explained. "Every planck time a quark could spin one of two ways and we get a new universe in the multiverse for every random movement the cosmos dictates. That means there are infinite coins flipping all the time to create uncountable universes and yet somehow you have ended up in one not created by those branching choices that link all existence. I want to know how, and what this has to do with Jan." Jantity V waited for an answer but all they were able to get was the feeling of an orgasm rocking through the body they had merged with.

Each moment the Jans grew more numerous and the void filled with her nudity, as the void filled the Jans seemed to get smaller (although they never changed in size, rather the enormity of the void was thrown more into context the more it was filled). Soon everything convulsed into a flesh coloured wallpaper, as Jans undulated the gaps between them split light and colour was born. Soon whole universes were filled and a naked orgasming woman became the smallest unit of matter, the pixels of a new universe.

Jantity V sat in a cubicle, tapping away at a computer, silently screaming at his understanding of the universe beyond his domain. Suddenly his cubicle filled with purple light.

"Hello!" Announced Entity V². "I've got a choice for you to make."

*You broke the universe, the multiverse school of quantum physics no longer applies. This means there's nowhere you can scroll to fix it. But if it helps you can go back to the start of the story and pretend it is now Entity V in Jan's body. Punish him for what he did to Jan. Keep it up and I'm sure you'll never find yourself in the same position.*



Jan thought hard about the paths in front of her, the memories of what she had been through swirled as she tried to reach a decision.

"Don't hurt your brain." Entity V exclaimed, interrupting Jan's thought process. "I can tell what you're going to say just by the sheer number of universes that just collapsed into this one." Jan looked at the entity with confusion. "Put it this way, where are we right now?"


"Exactly, so click your heels together Dorothy, it looks like our mysterious benefactor agrees there's no place like home." Entity V blinked and the world swirled around Jan until she found herself lying in her old bed in her old house. She looked at her phone and saw a date that was over a month ago, from back before Entity V entered her life. Her memories of what she had been put through were still vivid, but to everyone else they had never happened.

"So I guess you were just in it for the story eh?" Entity V giggled. "Didn't let Jan take the off-ramp when the story was just getting good, but now we have a chance to conclude the hero's journey, suddenly you want this deep dive into perversion to become a primetime sitcom where everything goes back to how it was."

Jan stood up and looked out of the tiny window in her apartment, a tear running down her cheek.

"You think everything's gone back to the way things were for Jan? You think Jan has become master of two worlds? Let's see how your clumsy attempt to put the genie back in the bottle is going."

Jan peeled off her sweat sodden pyjamas, stood naked in her flat, her face pressed against the window, willing her body out into the world, her hand began to play with her pussy, she hated herself but her memories of sexuality were swirling in need of release. As she screamed herself to an orgasm, she realised she would never have a normal relationship with her own sexuality again.

"I'm sure you're just going to call that character development, eh? Ah well you've had your fun, how about we call it a day. Time to walk away, Jan will cease to exist in the gaps between every time you remember her and the ways you changed her. Funny, you never even caught her last name."

*Your story has ended, maybe Jan's will too*



Sat naked at the bar, Jan drained the shot and lustfully licked her lips.

"I want this to be my life." She exclaimed, running her hands down her body. "I want to show off my naked body every day and never look back." Entity V blinked and Jan once again found herself backstage.

Jan's mind whirled for a bit as new memories swirled around her brain. Suddenly she remembered getting breast implants, followed by a trip to a piercing parlor to shape her tits into huge E-cups with chrome nipple bars. She then suddenly remembered getting tattoos, two floral wraps on her upper thighs, designed to look like the tops of stockings. Another tattoo memory pierced into her skull and she checked her pubis to confirm the butterfly spreading its wings just above her pussy.

The final memory that found its way into Jan's mind was the most confusingly fearful and exciting. A series of discussions with the club owner and bouncer, the flurry of emails, the waiving of her fee for tonight. Jan remembered putting in a lot of time and effort into ensuring that tonight, all her former work colleagues got free entry to the club. She peeked out from behind the curtain to see a grand variety of all her former coworkers sitting around the stage.

"Well, time to give them a show." Jan said to herself as she strutted onto the stage and proceeded to give a deeply erotic display to people she wouldn't have looked twice at a month ago.

"Pretty impressive." Entity V acknowledged. "Fathomless cosmic power at your disposal and you give Jan a day to day stripper's origin story. All the barriers to her becoming a stripper who enjoys her life were whisked away and now she's living a life she loves. Or more accurately she's living a life you love that you made her love. Once you decided her personality didn't matter this just became build a whore workshop for you. Well there's the finished product."

Jan finished her act and climbed down from the stage naked, going to sit on the lap of her former boss.

"No offense, but I think we're all happier with me in this profession." Jan purred into his ear.

"I'm certainly enjoying it. How much for a private dance?" He asked, rubbing his erection against her through his trousers.

"What do you need a private dance for, I'm already naked and on your lap?" She innocently asked.

"Well I'd be eager to see even more of you, preferably wrapped around some of me."

"Oh, that's not allowed." Jan replied, she thought through the prospect of what this could mean and a grin crawled back across her face. "However the camera is broken in booth 4." She whispered into his ear, before taking him by the hand and leading him away.

"What a nice origin story, she'll do this as long as she can, enjoying every moment, before age forces her into retirement." Entity V explained as Jan unzipped her former boss and wrapped her mouth around his cock. "Not sure what she'll do then considering the drive to expose herself won't go away. But the story has ended now so I guess that isn't your problem any more. Enjoy the memories." Entity V vanished with a pop as Jan smiled through the streams of cum hitting her face.

*The story is over, but Jan's life is only just beginning.*



Jan shuddered on her bed in post orgasmic bliss.

"More" she cried. "I love this, the exposure, the humiliation, I want this every day." Her hand squeezing her breasts with glee.

"Welp, that's enough for me." Entity V agreed before giving yet another of their fateful blinks, nothing seemed different as Jan drifted off to sleep in a fog of erotic dreams.

The next day Jan awoke, she was usually back to her old mind in the mornings, but today she awoke already feeling that pull, the undeniable call to erotic adventure. She gathered up her towel and went to do her morning shower routine, carrying it to her side as she walked down the communal corridor. She closed the shower room door behind her but made a point of not locking it as she began to shower.

The shower passed without incident, Jan surmised that her housemates weren't going to try opening the door while they could hear the shower running, so instead she was going to have to flash them on her terms. She took her towel and wrapped up her hair, leaving her wet body exposed as she walked out of the shower hoping for a queue of gawking faces but instead keeping the corridor to herself.

When she got back to her room, Jan squealed with joy, she wanted to touch herself but moreso she wanted to get ready for what she knew would be an eventful workday.

Later that day Jan sat at her desk, lamenting her lack of work skirts (a hangover from before Entity V changed her mind over her prudishness.) Instead she had gone commando and picked out her tightest formal trousers, pulling them as high as possible so everyone could see an unmistakable camel toe. She also wore a white blouse without a bra, she was disappointed to find it's weave was not fine enough to make out her nipples so she settled for leaving it barely buttoned over her breasts.

She looked around the office, Jan didn't want to just walk around naked, she wanted an adventure, she wanted to desecrate the building's professionalism with her slutty presence, and she wanted to get caught, not willingly exposed but trapped and helpless.

Her day was filled with little teases and flutters, she would get naked on the toilet stall and then wash her hands before getting redressed. At one point as she was climbing the stairs she tucked her trousers under her bottom and lifted up her shirt. The only time she got close to being caught was when she went into her boss's office for a quick talk and flashed him while his back was turned.

By lunchtime Jan was ravenous to do something dramatic, but her mind was spinning to find ideas. While she was at her desk she received an email, it was a generic fire safety briefing but it gave her an idea. She borrowed a colleague's cigarette lighter while he wasn't looking, placed a price of paper in a bin and lit it under a smoke alarm. Then she sat and admired the efficiency with which the fire marshals cleared the office while she hid in a cupboard and removed her clothes.

In her experience, the fire evacuation, safety checks and return to the office would take about fifteen minutes, Jan thought about what task would take fifteen minutes to complete.

"Walk to my boss's office naked and rub my pussy on his mouse." Jan exclaimed out loud before realising that was too easy.

"Walk to the deputy director's office naked and rub my pussy on his mouse." She smiled, that was way harder, his office was three storeys up and quite a long walk away, it would be a struggle to do in 15 minutes but Jan was confident she could make it.

"...with my feet tied together." That pushed Jan over the edge, there was no way she could make it there and back in time with her feet tied together, she was bound to be caught. She grabbed some zip-ties from the storage cupboard and clicked them around her feet, before hopping out into the empty office, her breasts bouncing with each agonising leap.

Jan had to do a strange upstairs crawl to get up the stairs safely but finally found herself on the upper management's floor. It was carpeted with nice carpet and all round a bit higher class than the drone desk floor she came from. Her body was glistening with sweat as she hopped down the corridor to where the brass plaque announced she was stood outside the office of Arthur Quest: deputy director. She opened the door and hopped inside.

"Hello Jan" Artur calmly greeted as Jan squealed with the shock of being caught. She turned to flee but the deputy director put a hand on her shoulder. "Leaving so soon? But I thought you were on a mission to rub your pussy on my mouse?" Now Jan froze with confused horror.

"Yes the office is bugged to the gills, did you ever actually wonder what we did here, or do you think you were the first one to have a supernatural entity touch your mind?" Arthur turned his computer around to show a screen with Jan's employee file on it, he clicked a button and suddenly her file turned red. 'category 9 clearance' appeared in big letters next to her name.

"So I've just given you category 9 clearance. This means that thanks to your interactions with supernatural entities, you are now of value for us to observe. Your employee keyfob will now work on every lock on the building, 24 hours a day, seven days a week. You will also be immune from being disciplined or fired by anyone lower than a deputy director. As far as you are concerned, this whole office just became your playground.

"Thank you Arthur." Jan sputtered.

"Don't thank me just yet, you still need to rub your pussy on my mouse, and get back to your clothes. After all it sounds like people are beginning to filter back in from the fire drill you created."

"I don't like that guy." Entity V exclaimed at a reasonable distance. "But I like how this whole story of Jan is wrapping up. She's going to be feeling the pull to expose and humiliate herself at every hour of every day, at least now she has an outlet. Although I'm sure it won't be long before the whole office will have seen her, and she will want to forever escalate her adventures." Entity V watch Jan hopping down the corridor towards the sounds of crowds returning to work.

"So is this what you wanted? At your whim she's going to feel orgasmic joy at throwing her life away. Constant escalation means eventually the police are going to get involved, her old friends, her family. When she figures out she can't get more naked than nude then there's going to be some terrifically humiliating self-inflicted stuff. You've set her life on a dark path and now you get to leave and imagine what that stuff will be, and the quirk of Jan's existence is that whatever you think of will happen, and Jan will only exist when you are thinking of those horrible futures."

*You have reached the end of the prose, one day Jan will reach the end of the story.*



Jan stared blankly into mid air, her chin trembled with fear, she knew she had the option to end it all, to leave and never come back, but as she stared off into the distance, all she could bring herself to do was to hoarsely squeak a response that her mouth seemed to pluck from the air.

"This is my life now."

"Couldn't have put it better myself." Entity V chirped as they blinked, once again whirling the world to your whims.

Jan's mind whirled for a bit as new memories swirled around her brain. Suddenly she remembered getting breast implants, followed by a trip to a piercing parlor to shape her tits into huge E-cups with chrome nipple bars. She then suddenly remembered getting tattoos, two floral wraps on her upper thighs, designed to look like the tops of stockings. Another tattoo memory pierced into her skull and she checked her pubis to confirm the butterfly spreading its wings just above her pussy. Overwhelmed with the sudden memories, like living those moments all at once, Jan collapsed on the floor and growled through gritted teeth.


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