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"Come on Jan, could you have your freak out after you've given booth 2 his private dance?" Her boss asked, his concern dulled by weeks of Jan acting like she didn't want to be there but constantly coming back.

"No, I can't do this any more, I'd rather be begging on the street than keep stripping." Jan yelled, beginning to pack up her things.

"Damn, that's a shame." Her boss replied. "I thought you may want to skip town after stealing all that money from my office, or did you think I wouldn't notice?" Jan was confused, she didn't remember stealing from his office, then Entity V blinked again and suddenly she remembered how she was able to afford her tattoos, piercings and implants.

"So here's your new deal. I have CCTV footage of you stealing from me, and it will go to the police, unless you work off your debt. The way I see it, you stole five grand, I want that back, with an additional 100% interest, and say an extra two grand we're going to call an administration fee. Don't worry, that shouldn't take you too long to pay off, even with your new lower salary." Jan stared in wide-eyed horror at the situation she was being put in. "So how about you go see if the man in booth 2 is ready to tip big?"

Jan dragged her strippers outfit over her newly slutified body and began a long shuddering walk to booth 2.

Jan took a deep breath and tried to put on a brave face as she entered the booth, only to have the brave face wiped away by the sight of her old boss.

"I knew that was you Jan, come over here, I want to catch up with an old colleague." He announced, waving a stack of notes in the air. Jan swallowed another retch before silently beginning to dance to the sensuous music pumped into the booth, her hands shaking every time she removed another item of clothing and exposed more of herself to her old boss while he flagrantly ignored the 'no touching' rule.

"So it seems like you ruined her life pretty comprehensively." Entity V acknowledged. "You're either a sadist who wants to see her suffer, or you care so much about character consistency you didn't want to change her personality, but you also didn't want her to make the self-preserving choices. Ah well it could have been worse and you remain a complex individual so maybe you're getting a happy ending even if she isn't."

Jan's former boss asked about the club's policies on happy endings. Jan was disgusted at the prospect but the amount of money her former boss offered dulled her revulsion as he pulled his erect cock out of his trousers and she knelt in front of him.

"I guess this is where we part ways. You get to go back to whatever you do with your existence. Don't worry Jan will cease existing when you're not thinking about her, so just try not to think about all the suffering you caused her and she should be fine."

*Time for you to walk away, Jan doesn't get that option but such is life for a protagonist.*



Jan felt that familiar clawing desire a lot stronger than usual, her mind pulled in every reserve of strength it could to resist what the drive was compelling her to say. Despite it all she knew it was inevitable that her mouth would betray her.

"I want to keep going with these ordeals." She exclaimed before jamming her hands over her mouth and squealing in rage at her choice.

"Certainly sounds like it." Entity V joked before blinking a new world into existence, strangely enough for Jan it looked and felt just like the old one.

Jan went back to her apartment and climbed into bed, usually when she had appeased the urge to expose herself she felt at peace, but now the urge felt unfulfilled, like eating a three course meal and still feeling hungry. She went to sleep and had some very strange dreams.

When Jan awoke the urge was like a rock on her chest, she had to get ready for work but every time she thought about what she needed to do, she couldn't help but be filled with a need to do it in an embarrassing way. She gathered her things to go to the communal shower room, but then stripped out of her pyjamas. She managed to will herself to wrap a towel around her body, but she was only a couple of steps from her bedroom when her hand seemed to act on its own and untuck the towel, carrying it to one side.

Once she was in the shower room she tried to lock the door, but it was as if her hand and the lock oppositely charged magnets. She spent the shower staring at the door, hoping nobody decided to try the handle. Once she was done with the fastest shower she had ever taken, Jan ended up running back down the corridor, towel in hand before anyone else could stray from their rooms to see her.

Getting dressed for work was arduous. Every time Jan tried to put on underwear, it was like when she was little and her friends were trying to goad her into jumping off the top diving board at the pool, she would do everything in her power to push herself forward but in the end she wouldn't have it in her to go through with it. In the end she shakily ventured out of her apartment commando under her tightest trousers and finest blouse.

Work was agonising, Jan hoped that focussing on the various tasks she was given would quiet the incessant pull within her to expose herself. It took all her self control to not tuck herself into her desk then take off her trousers to see if anyone would notice. In the end she decided to go to the fifth floor toilet, figuring she could maybe placate this demonic invasive thought by getting naked in a cubicle. The fifth floor was where upper management worked, so the lack of female upper management, although a damning indictment of her office's hiring policies, did at least mean it was very unlikely she would be walked in on.

Jan stripped off and stood staring at the cubicle door. She was slightly sated but her drive for exposure wanted more, slowly she clicked open the cubicle door and stepped into the toilet.

"Any woman enters the toilet now and they'll see me naked." She said out loud, cringing at the thought but hoping that giving it a voice would calm her. She paced the room, wallowing in her exposure while her traitorous brain pushed her to do more. She walked to the toilet door and peeked out into the hallway.

The fifth floor had just a few sparsely populated offices, large and luxurious so managers could feel good about their positions. This meant quieter hallways, but not totally empty as Jan found when she had to quickly retreat from the sound of approaching footsteps on fancy carpet.

"Alright, the fifth floor is where I am least likely to get caught, if I just come up with a plan I can do this." She plotted to herself, pacing the toilet. As far as her desire was concerned, plotting something she was going to do scratched the itch as well as actually doing something. So she redressed and went back to her desk to plan.

Jan's computer was a flurry of schedules, shared calendars and event notices, trying her best to map out the movement of senior managers throughout the day. She searched around but finally had a breakthrough, if she began an email to someone, the email server would preview their out of office if it was turned on. The moment the clock struck 12, suddenly all the senior manager team and all their receptionists had an out of office stating they would be unavailable from 12 until 2. None of the rooms in the office were booked but on closer inspection the event calendar did include a manager's off site lunch for today.

Jan eventually walked back upstairs, and wandered the halls of the fifth floor. It was a ghost town, she swung her head round the door for the office of the head of Human resources and found it was empty. This was her chance. She went to the women's toilets, with the intention of getting undressed, but at the last moment found herself redirecting to the men's toilet. She quickly stripped off her blouse and trousers, fighting the urge to throw them down the toilet, and shakily left the toilets.

"Alright I need a plan" she shuddered out loud, hoping whatever was driving her to this madness would at least point out the off ramp. Something deep within her brain heard her exhalations and plucked an idea out of the air. "I'm going to rub my pussy on every manager's mouse." She announced.

The nearest office to the toilets was head of procurement, free samples and the latest office equipment filled the room and Jan marvelled as she rubbed the fancy ergonomic mouse against her pussy. She tried to leave but a pile of cable ties caught her eye, and before she could stop herself she had tied her hands behind her back. The next office was Arthur Quest's, deputy director for Jan's department, her boss's boss's boss. She turned the corner and squealed with horror as a nonchalant man sat behind the desk.

"Jan, come in, I've been expecting you." He announced, standing up and putting his hand on Jan's shoulder as she eyed up the exit, trying to throw off her frozen fear to flee. "I wouldn't leave now, after all you need to rub your pussy on my mouse don't you? Yes the office is bugged to the gills, did you ever actually wonder what we did here, or do you think you were the first one to have a supernatural entity touch your mind?" Arthur turned his computer around to show a screen with Jan's employee file on it, he clicked a button and suddenly her file turned red. 'category 9 clearance' appeared in big letters next to her name.

"So I've just given you category 9 clearance. This means that thanks to your interactions with supernatural entities, you are now of value for us to observe. Your employee keyfob will now work on every lock on the building, 24 hours a day, seven days a week. You will also be immune from being disciplined or fired by anyone lower than a deputy director. As far as you are concerned, this whole office just became your playground."

"No, that's not what I want..." Jan sputtered.

"It's not?" Arthur queried with a cocked eyebrow.

"I'm drawn to this, I don't want to. You know about these sorts of things, how do I make it stop?" Jan pleaded.

"Fascinating." Arthur acknowledged, "the entity is compelling you to do things against your will but leaving your consciousness intact."

"I'm glad your enjoying yourself, can we skip to the part where you make it fucking stop." Jan snapped.

"Sorry Jan, believe me if we knew how to counter these sorts of things then this department wouldn't exist." Arthur explained as he began to study Jan's body very closely. "But a willing participant with mental adaptation is a very useful asset in this fight. Everything is going to be experimental, but I promise you from now on we will try everything we can to free you from the entity's hold."

"Oh my god thank you so much." Jan splurged, hugging Arthur.

"Don't thank me just yet, I still need to gather observations, which means you still need to rub your pussy on my mouse, and everyone else's on this floor." Artur announced, holding out his mouse as Jan shuffled over in disgrace. "Fair warning I skipped the managers' lunch for you, the head of IT said he'd go to be polite but he's still in his office, and the head of Finance dropped out at the last minute as some emergency work came up. But don't worry I let them know you're coming and they won't interfere with your quest, although between you and me I think the head of Finance is a bit handsy." Jan stared daggers at him as she finished rubbing her pussy on his mouse and then shocking herself by obeying his instructions and continuing on her mission.

"I don't like that guy." Entity V exclaimed at a reasonable distance. "But this ending seems interesting, Jan has been given a lot of latitude to expose herself, the one thing she doesn't want to do but will end up doing anyway. She's going to be feeling the pull to expose and humiliate herself at every hour of every day. I'm sure it won't be long before the whole office will have seen her, and she will feel the need to forever escalate her adventures, I wonder how Arthur's ray of hope will affect her?"

"Hello Jan." The head of Finance chirped and Jan entered her office, she saw that he had moved his mouse so it was now on his lap.

"Constant escalation means eventually the police are going to get involved, her old friends, her family. When she figures out she can't get more naked than nude then there's going to be some terrifically humiliating self-inflicted stuff." Entity V reasoned. "You've set her life on a dark path and now you get to leave and imagine what that stuff will be, and the quirk of Jan's existence is that whatever you think of will happen, and Jan will only exist when you are thinking of those horrible futures. So you go about your day and occasionally the screaming crying face on Jan will keep you thinking about what situation she's gotten herself into now and how much she hates what she has become."

"I'm sure you can hold on to the fantasy that Arthur can put everything right. That they find some jade pendant in a Tibetan mountain that can stop me or something. I'll leave it to your sick mind to contemplate if there is a reasonable way out of this for Jan. But as the words run out on this section, nothing of that nature will be fulfilling."

*Jan is never going to be comfortable again, but you can walk away now.*



Jan didn't hesitate, Entity V had barely finished the question when she blurted out "I wanna be a slave forever."

Entity V blinked and Jan found herself back in her pen looking up at her owner, her face suddenly awash with joy of what he was planning.

"So no going back, you want to go through with this?" Her owner seriously asked. Jan nodded and the moment his back was turned collapsed on the floor, fingering herself furiously at what she had just signed up for.


Jan sat in the corner of the dungeon as her owner began to explain the plan to the gathered party guests.

"So Jan has agreed that she wants to be a full time slave for the rest of her life. With that in mind she wants some permanent alterations so she can never leave, isn't that right Jan?" He performatively asked.

"Yes, but please don't call me by my human name. I don't need it any more. Call me Fuckmeat." Jan responded.

"Very well. So everyone please join us for Fuckmeat's processing." Her owner led her to the first of four cloth covered areas, designed to add a bit of showmanship by allowing a dramatic reveal. He pulled the cloth back on the first one to reveal a man with a piercing gun and a large selection of body jewelry. Jan grinned as she took her place next to him.

Each piercing was a shot of heat that emanated through Jan's body and made her gasp with pain corrupted into pleasure. First she had her septum pierced, then her tongue. Every piercing was fitted with a hoop, these were designed only to be functional, to pull Jan around by her flesh, giving her master direct and painful dominion over her body. Next were her nipples, which made her groan with delight, her arousal already driving their sensitivity. Finally he moved to her pussy, one ring was sent through her clitoris, followed by two rings going into each of her labia, to be used to lock her pussy away or force it open as her master's mood takes her.

Once the piercings were done, and just to prove a point, her master took out a carefully measured length of chain, attaching one end to her tongue piercing and the other to her clitoris piercing. This forced her to remain with her mouth open and tongue out or else feel her clitoris pull and warp with any attempt to retract her tongue.

Next he dragged Jan by her sternum piercing to the second curtain and whipped it back to reveal a chair and a strange thick metal box the size of a photo booth. Next to both was a different man, at that moment menacingly holding hair trimmers. Jan obediently took her seat next to him and giggled with corrupted disgrace as she began to feel her hair getting sheared from her head. The party watched in awe as Jan's strawberry blond curls fell to the floor, and Jan stood before them, grinning and reborn as a bald slut. Next the man took out a razer blade and a bowl of soapy water, taking his time to go over every inch of Jan's flesh to ensure no errant follicles remained. Finally Jan was led to the thick metal box and out of sight.

"I should probably explain, in there is a laser hair removal treatment, right now the attendant is using it to make sure no hair grows back anywhere on Fuckmeat's body, including her head. It's not actually permanent, despite what the adverts say, but we should only have to do this once a year to keep our bald piece of Fuckmeat from regrowing any of that annoying, humanising hair."

After a frustrating length of time for the partygoers, Jan finally emerged from the booth, still feeling tingly from the burning laser that had traced her body. Her master led her from there to the next curtained area, he whipped back the curtain to reveal a heating element, with a small branding iron, currently red hot and waiting for the promise of flesh and pain. Plenty of the guests cringed at the thought, but not Jan, who eagerly went and stood next to the branding iron.

Her master carried out this part himself, he picked up the iron and with a small amount of fanfare plunged it into Jan's left buttock. She screamed in what would be agonising pain for someone of sound mind, but Jan felt an overwhelming and orgasmic pleasure at getting branded like cattle. After a small amount of time to ride her orgasm she walked over to the gathered guests to show them the small red burn on her bottom that clearly spelt the word "slave." Just as her master began to move on Jan gave a gurgled exaltation, indicating she wanted to speak. Her master decided to humour her and remove the chain around her tongue.

"Excuse me master, if I could be so bold?" Jan never usually spoke up like this so her master gave her the benefit of the doubt and let her speak. "Now anyone seeing me from behind will know I'm a slave, but what about anyone looking at me from the other side. I think it only right that you brand my slave tits as well."

Jan's master was shocked by her willingness but at the end of the day was fine with her choice. He reheated the branding iron and pressed it into her right breast, just above the nipple as Jan's rewired senses once again gave her bursts of pleasure from something regular people would find agonising.

Once Jan had calmed down her master took her to the final curtained area and whipped back the curtain to reveal a camera and a computer. The guests seemed confused but Jan knew what was coming and giggled in delighted anticipation.

"So here we are going to film Fuckmeat's verbal slave contract, where she confirms our arrangement. So get up there and say what you want." Her master ordered, pointing Jan to the camera. Jan walked to the backdrop and waited for her master to press record.

"Hello everyone," she announced without any shame. "Today is the happiest day of my life, as you can see from the branding on my tits and ass, today I cease to be human and become property. Specifically I am no longer Jan, and am instead the dedicated Fuckmeat to whoever owns me at the moment. I will be passed around like cattle and will feel no shame at a life being fucked and humiliated every day. Forget ever knowing me as a human being, today I am Fuckmeat, slave to cock."

"Well done Fuckmeat. Now we need to wait a while, the video is currently being uploaded onto an email that will be sent to everyone in her address book. Every friend, colleague, and even members of her family will see what Fuckmeat has become. How does that make you feel?"

"So fucking horny." Jan honestly replied. Entity V flickered at the edge of her vision.

"So what we have here doesn't even resemble the Jan that existed when we first met. Hell this being in front of us is as much human as a pug is a wolf. Step by step you have changed her into what you want and now we are left with a being designed to gleefully forsake basic human drives in favour of sexual deviancy. What do you think will happen next, considering there is no fetish so deviant she won't sink to fulfilling it?"


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