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Quantum physics and literature theory team up against Jan.
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Another day barged its way into Jan's life, entirely against her wishes, her curtains not opaque enough to keep the morning sun shining straight into her bedroom. She still had a couple of hours before work and would have preferred to spend it asleep but the sun and the architecture of her building had other ideas.

She stood up and fumbled around the pile of clothes on the floor to find her dressing gown so she could walk through the shared hallway to her bathroom and begin the arduous process of getting ready for work.

Jan had recently started work at a government data entry job and like most things in her life it was not her choice. She had applied to the first job in her inbox every day to keep her benefits flowing and when an interviewer finally said yes she decided to roll with it anyway. Now she had to drag herself through a shower, put on one of the five white blouses and one of the five black trousers she wore every work day and take a bus to a big ominous building that seemed to smell of a thousand years of squashed individuality.

Her boss was a large hairy man stuffed into a suit and clearly angry at the choices he had made in life.

"Jan, we need someone archiving files and someone else filing archives, seeing as you're here early I'll let you choose what you want to do." He barked.

"Honestly Greg, I don't care, just put me where I'm needed." Jan groaned.

"Fine, if that's your attitude, head down to B3 for death duty." Her boss groaned in an equally disinterested tone.

Nobody Jan talked to seemed to have a big picture on what this government agency actually did. Sometimes they would be processing schematics on antiquities, other times they would be putting GPS coordinates into mapping software. The only consistent task was death duty, the intense digitisation of death records, covering every aspect of their death, adding digital rosa-blanca.ru for strange and somehow irrelevant factors such as "mortician reports body smelling of cinnamon." Most found death duty a bit ghoulish but Jan had never really minded. It was a nice repetitive task, engaging enough to not get boring but requiring no creativity or innovation.

Into her third hour moving files from her input tray to output tray, the strangest thing happened, a ghostly green light flooded the office in a very literal sense. It started as a green puddle next to her chair, but slowly it ebbed and flowed as it grew. As the mysterious green light began to wash over Jan's legs, she thought about how she couldn't feel anything, but she knew that the green light was somehow attaching itself to her. There was no screaming or exclamations coming from her nearby colleagues so she assumed this ghostly light show was just for her.

Soon the whole office was a flowing tide of green, Jan's vision swirled, and as soon as it had begun, the green light began to retreat and coalesce in front of her. Then with a sound like a taught spring being released in reverse, the light formed into an eyeball and mouth, connected by strands of green light and floating in front of her.

"Alright, who do I have here, who are you? What's your deal? Tell me everything." The green being quipped in a voice that would have been meek and unimpressive if it wasn't also echoing around an infinite unseen cosmos.

"I'm Jan." Jan stammered out. "Erm, who are you?"

"That's it, that's all you got? 'I'm Jan' you exist beyond a name don't you? Fine, I'll lead by example." The being puffed itself up and spoke in a deeper voice to try and sound impressive. "I am eternal and nameless, but those who feel the need to address me have often used the tag 'entity V.' The laws of science and nature are beholden to me and I travel infinite cosmoses to sate a fathomless curiosity about all living things. Energies beyond even my comprehension have driven me to your consciousness and now I wish to learn everything there is to know about one more spec of sentience in the swirling chaos that is existence."

"Cool, err I work in data entry." Jan replied, taking a sip of her coffee.

"Hey Jan, this is a long walk but let's go down it together: the average lifespan of a black garden ant is four years, I once spent my time following each of the 7539 ants that made up a single colony in Ipswich for the entirety of their life. 30,156 years following ants doing regular ant stuff and it was still less boring than the two and a half minutes I have so far spent in your presence."

"I dunno what to tell you." Jan replied, "I was born in Cardiff, went to school in Cardiff, studied sport science at Cardiff university and now have this job in Cardiff. I have a couple friends, a normal family, I once went on holiday to Ibeza and it was alright." Entity V had neither a face nor palms but was able to manifest both from light in order to facepalm.

"Alright I'm bored, scanning your brain." Entity V announced before Jan could object. Jan let out a squeak as she felt her brain have every thought she had ever had at the same time over a fraction of a second. "Wow, you've never had an independent thought in your life have you. Alright time to move from the theoretical to the practical."

In the space of a blink all sound and movement in the office around Jan froze, Entity V had stopped time.

"I see you're familiar with the game 'would you rather,' I mean you sucked at it but you at least knew the rules. I'll give you two options and you choose one. Then I get to see how you react when your destiny is actually in your hands. "Alright, which would you rather, lose all your clothes or lose all your clothes?"


"Oh no, it's just what you currently have."

"In which case I'd lose all my food. I can get more from the shop." Jan confidently replied. Entity V blinked and Jan saw mist rising from her bag, she checked inside and saw her sandwich had vaporised. "Wait, what I respond will actually happen?"

"Reality is mine to play with." Entity V casually explained. "And you realise how much humans are in the minority with that priority? Food is objectively life, yet you lose it over modesty, an entirely artificial construct."

"But I can't have my work colleagues see me naked..." Jan began.

"So it's social pressure? Interesting, let's test that. Would you rather have every person in this office see your naked body but not know it's you, or have everyone in the office know with certainty, that you have starred in a porn movie?"

"You've got to be kidding, I'm not going to choose between those, they're both horrible." Jan objected.

"Time will remain frozen until you do, and you just sacrificed all your food so this won't end well for you if you hold out."

Jan angrily growled, pinching the bridge of her nose between her thumb and forefinger, she silently concentrated, hoping some voice of inspiration would come to her and help her make this choice.

*For everyone seeing Jan's naked body scroll to section 2*

*For everyone to know that Jan starred in a porn movie scroll to section 3*



"Alright, fine. I'd rather everyone saw me naked but didn't know it was me." Jan growled.

"Who was that?" Entity V asked looking around the office.

"Who was what?" Jan nonsensically replied.

"Alright whatever." Entity V conceded. The floating eye blinked and in a moment Jan noticed her computer screen was now filled with a full body nude photograph of her. She was stood in a neutral stance, her legs slightly apart, a wry smile on her face as her C-cup breasts and exposed pussy leered at her from the screen.

She glanced out of her cubicle to see row after row of the same picture on every screen in the office, it was on every computer, every smartphone, even the TVs in the various staff areas.

"What the fuck, you said they wouldn't know it's me, I can clearly see my face in this." She awkwardly yelled in a whisper.

"Reality is mine to control, even with all of you on display like this, nobody's brain will even consider the idea that it is you in the photo." Entity V explained while the office began to descend into chaos behind him. Everyone was confused as to how someone had hacked the system and put porn on everyone's screens. There was laughter from those who didn't take their jobs seriously and frustration from those who did.

"Can someone from IT get this whore off my screen so I can finish this monitoring report?" Jan heard a very senior person yell, feeling the words stab at her as she began to hyperventilate.

"Don't worry, they just think that's some anonymous whore's tits, you're safe." Entity V ineffectively reassured as Jan ran from the office. Entity V took a moment to look around confused before following her.

Jan collapsed by a tree in the corner of the car park with her head in her hands. Her body tingled at the knowledge that everyone was looking at her, exposed and dirty.

"So this bothers you?" Entity V asked, appearing at her side.

"Of course it fucking does. Everyone can see my tits and my pussy. It was a gross invasion of my privacy."

"But still preferable to everyone knowing you have been naked on camera but not seeing you?"

Jan took a moment to compose herself, here she was having a breakdown and this crazy otherworldly being wanted to have an intellectual discussion.

"This is about what knowledge I have to live with. Everyone has seen me naked, that they don't know is moot. It would be worse for my future if everyone thought I was a whore but it is still bad that I no longer feel I have intimate privacy." Jan explained, surprising herself at how quickly she reverted to being calm.

"Would it help if I wiped their memories?" Entity V asked before interrupting himself, "scratch that lets make this another learning experience. Which would you rather: option 1, you spend the rest of the day working naked, everyone will know it's you and react accordingly, but at the end of the day everyone forgets and everything goes back to the way it was. Or option 2, everyone gets a file full of embarrassing photos of you, they get uploaded onto the internet and everything, but nobody will ever know it was you and you don't even have to deal with seeing how they react, you just get to know that they have them.

*For option 1, scroll to section 4*

*For option 2, scroll to section 5*



"I'm not having everyone see me naked so I'll go with the porn movie option." Jan chose.

"Who was that?" Entity V asked looking around the office.

"Who was what?" Jan nonsensically replied.

"Alright whatever." Entity V conceded. The floating eye blinked and at first everything was the same, but Jan couldn't help but notice the lingering looks she was getting from coworkers as they walked by. The men seemed to grin and leer while the reactions from the women were more mixed. As she went to get a drink from the kitchen she felt so many eyes wandering up and down her body, she may not have let them see her naked but to Jan it certainly felt like they were staring right through her clothes.

She got back to her desk to find that someone had put a post-it note on the back of her chair that said 'office whore.' She tore it off and threw it in the bin, before opening her computer to find one of her colleagues had used a private email account to email her a dick pic.

As she tried to come to grips with her new reputation, a quiet man from a few cubicles down decided to drop in.

"Hey Jan." He calmly announced, "I've noticed how everyone is treating you and I'm really sorry. This office can be so judgemental sometimes." Jan sniffed back her feelings and prepared to act stronger for her colleagues. "I don't think you have anything to be ashamed of, in fact if you still do performances I would love to hire you."

Jan screamed and stormed out of the building, the subtle chuckles of her co-workers cutting her as she paced towards the exit.

"This doesn't seem like what you wanted." Entity V noticed.

"It's better than them all actually seeing me naked." Jan replied.

"Why?" The question was simple to say, but echoed throughout eternity and lingered on Jan's mind. "Is the visceral feeling of being seen exposed worse than the emotional damage of losing your reputation? Would you be happier if everyone approved?" Jan paused to think but Entity V decided not to wait for her answer.

"How about this, which would you rather: option 1, you will be naked at all times, however to anyone else it will appear that you are fully clothed, nobody will suspect that you are actually naked. Option 2, every time you are talking to someone, they will be imagining you having the most degrading sex they can think of."

*For option 1, scroll to section 6*

*For option 2, scroll to section 7*



Jan took a deep breath, suddenly her mind flashed with direction. She drew on strength she didn't know she had and in a clear voice she announced her choice.

"Make me naked for the day then have everyone forget about it." She stated, her stomach turning on itself with what she had agreed to.

"Alright, you must have seen them this time." Entity V queried, his eye darting around.

"Seen who?" Jan replied.

"Never mind, look at me." Entity V ordered. "When you made that choice, what was going through your mind? Why did you decide that way?" Jan wasn't sure how comfortable she was with an all-powerful ghost being this unhinged but looked into his eye nonetheless.

"I figured better to go hard and get this over with then deal with a lifetime of people looking at me naked."

"No!" Entity V yelled. "no, that's what you're thinking now, when you made your choice you had something else in your mind, someone else..." Jan paused for a second while Entity V gathered his wits, she was about to awkwardly back away when Entity came back to himself and blinked.

The car park faded to black and Jan found herself back behind her desk, now completely naked. Stranger still she had a nagging feeling at the back of her mind, that if she tried to leave, hide, or put on clothes it somehow wouldn't work. A co-worker passed by her desk, his quick glance suddenly transformed into stopping and staring.

"Jan, what are you doing, why are you naked?" He asked in a voice a couple of decibels louder than Jan's sense of privacy found ideal.

"I um... I just am, could you stop staring please." Jan replied, as more workers began to gather around her desk, causing a commotion that began to draw attention from even further away.

"Ew Jan, what's wrong with you, you can't just be naked like this." A young colleague yelled, as far as people could have friends in this godforsaken job, Jan thought she was one of hers. Then to make matters worse her boss came over to see what was causing the commotion. Jan watched him look her body up and down, his cheap office trousers unprofessionally stiffening at the sight of his naked subordinate.

"Sorry Jan but you can't just get naked at work like this. Why are you doing it, is it a sex thing?" He asked, clearly saying what he knew he should say rather than what he wanted to say. Jan couldn't reply, she sat agape, frozen in fear at the audience of coworkers now gawking at her body. She thought about running, hiding, even covering herself up but every time she came up with a plan something told her it wouldn't work and the plan would fall through her brain like sand in a sieve. Eventually a senior woman strolled over to her desk.

"Oh my god, sorry I've had my fill of smut with this naked woman virus, I won't have my office devolve into a pit of smut and perversion." She yelled before turning to Jan's boss. "Fire this filthy whore and have her escorted from the building at once."

Jan's boss shrugged his shoulders and grabbed Jan by the arm. She put up no resistance as he led her away from her desk and through the gathered crowd. As the crowd parted Jan felt the odd errant hand caressing her naked buttocks as she was led away.

Jan was unceremoniously dropped on the curb outside the building and curled into a ball as passersby began to stare and whisper.

"Regretting your choice yet?" Entity V asked, floating unseen among the crowd.

"Soon it'll be over, then I can go back to normal."

"It's amazing how you are rationalising this. The fact is, you didn't make that decision, and I'm still trying to work out who did." The ball of energy explained, he hovered for a moment, waiting for inspiration. "Alright, time for another choice. Would you rather I continued my experiments with you or do you want me to leave and never return?"

*To continue experiments scroll to section 8*

*To stop scroll to section 9*



Jan took a deep breath, suddenly her mind flashed with direction. She drew on strength she didn't know she had and in a clear voice she announced her choice.

"Let everyone have embarrassing pictures but not know it's me" She stated, her stomach turning on itself with what she had agreed to.

"Alright, you must have seen them this time." Entity V queried, his eye darting around.

"Seen who?" Jan replied.

"Never mind, look at me." Entity V ordered. "When you made that choice, what was going through your mind? Why did you decide that way?" Jan wasn't sure how comfortable she was with an all-powerful ghost being this unhinged but looked into his eye nonetheless.

"Even if you wipe their memories, the thought of facing all my co-workers naked is too much for me. They may forget how they react but I won't." Jan explained.

"No!" Entity V yelled. "no, that's what you're thinking now, when you made your choice you had something else in your mind, someone else..." Jan paused for a second while Entity V gathered his wits, she was about to awkwardly back away when Entity came back to himself and blinked.

Nothing seemed to change, Jan gathered her wits and went back to her desk to go back to work, her naked picture no longer dominating the screen and blocking her programs. She was at work for about half an hour when Entity V got impatient.

"Yeah, this is no fun if you don't engage with what I have done. Hold on." Entity V blinked again and suddenly an internet browser popped up, directing Jan to an image gallery on a well known porn site. She tried to close the window while it was loading but it seemed any click she did that wasn't exploring her photoset wouldn't work.

The first photo popped up, it was Jan on her knees, her legs spread so you could see cum dripping down her belly and being caught in the pubic hair around her pussy. The source of the cum was two penises, looming over Jan's smiling face, connected to her through strings of semen still clinging to their satisfied cocks.

In the next picture Jan's face still had dried cum all over it, it was in the same house giving the impression of an ongoing orgy, but now she had her tongue stretched out, happily licking a woman's anus, her pussy clearly streaming with enjoyment.

Jan tried her hardest not to continue scrolling through the humiliating photos that Entity V had created but all other roads were closed to her, so she had to scroll to the next one of her straddling a man who was clearly elderly and overweight, her pussy swallowing his aged cock while Jan screamed with Joy.

Jan's hand was shaking as she clicked the next image, it was her left on the street amongst a pile of bins, discarded with the other refuse. Her pussy and ass clearly had cum dripping out of them and her body was ravaged, coated with dry semen and globules of spit. Despite the looks of disgust in passersby Jan was still smiling for the camera.

"I'm pretty impressed with that photoset, really tells a story doesn't it?" Entity V boasted as Jan swallowed a retch. "Don't worry, nobody will ever make the connection that is you and you never had to go through the experience. It's as if you have a degenerate twin. So why are you distressed by this?"


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