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You Choose [CYOA]


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"Why am I distressed by everyone watching me get fucked and discarded, I wonder?" Jan sarcastically snapped.

"I do wonder, explain it to me. You didn't have to go through trauma, your social life is safe, nothing about this negatively affects you."

"I still feel violated, I still feel like everyone can see and judge me. I certainly feel bad that men around the country are jerking off at my humiliation right now." Jan tried to explain through her nausea.

"Still stand by your choice?" Entity V asked.

"It's better than being right there as everyone sees me naked and hearing all their comments, even if you do wipe their memories at the end."

"It's amazing how you are rationalising this. The fact is, you didn't make that decision, and I'm still trying to work out who did." The ball of energy explained, he hovered for a moment, waiting for inspiration. "Alright, time for another choice. Would you rather I continued my experiments with you or do you want me to leave and never return?"

*To continue experiments scroll to section 8*

*To stop scroll to section 9*



Jan took a deep breath, suddenly her mind flashed with direction. She drew on strength she didn't know she had and in a clear voice she announced her choice.

"I choose to be naked but nobody knows" She stated, her stomach turning on itself with what she had agreed to.

"Alright, you must have seen them this time." Entity V queried, his eye darting around.

"Seen who?" Jan replied.

"Never mind, look at me." Entity V ordered. "When you made that choice, what was going through your mind? Why did you decide that way?" Jan wasn't sure how comfortable she was with an all-powerful ghost being this unhinged but looked into his eye nonetheless.

"That last option was horrible, I don't want my co-workers treating me like a sex object again." Jan explained.

"No!" Entity V yelled. "no, that's what you're thinking now, when you made your choice you had something else in your mind, someone else..." Jan paused for a second while Entity V gathered his wits, she was about to awkwardly back away when Entity came back to himself and blinked.

Jan felt the rush of coldness as her clothes blinked out of existence. Jan instinctively reached down to cover herself, no matter how much Entity V assured her she wasn't going to be seen by her co-workers, she certainly felt naked. Nevertheless as she watched people passing by her desk, she was calmed by their lack of response to her nudity. At one point she stood up to go make herself a drink, but with bare feet on carpet and the chill of air conditioning on exposed skin she quickly lost her nerve and sat back down again.

Entity V very quickly got bored of seeing Jan getting used to sitting at her desk naked, they surreptitiously blinked and out of nowhere the fire alarm began to blare. A middle-aged woman quickly whipped on her fire marshal vest and began ordering everyone out of the office.

Jan growled with her supposed bad luck. She stood up and immediately felt that same overwhelming fear from earlier, but now without the option to retreat. As she stood frozen at her desk, the fire marshal directed her out of the building by putting a friendly hand on her back, the feeling of skin on skin eliciting a little shriek that the fire marshal chocked up to being startled at the fire alarm.

The whole office was swarming towards the door which lead to another problem for Jan, in the bottleneck at the fire exit she ended up crammed together with all her co-workers, her naked body being tuscled and pressed from all sides, the stimulation of people touching her bare skin became inescapable. She gasped and squeaked, trying desperately to hide the humiliation her co-workers were inadvertently inflicting on her. Eventually she cleared the fire exit and immediately ran away from the fire assembly point to a point around the corner where nobody could see her begin to hyperventilate.

"So what was so bad about people imagining you having degrading sex that you chose this option?" Entity V asked. "It's not like some people don't do that anyway?"

"I want people to treat me with respect, can't do that if they are imaging me getting fucked in the ass every time they see me." Jan explained

"It's amazing how you are rationalising this. The fact is, you didn't make that decision, and I'm still trying to work out who did." The ball of energy explained, he hovered for a moment, waiting for inspiration. "Alright, time for another choice. Would you rather I continued my experiments with you or do you want me to leave and never return?"

*To continue experiments scroll to section 8*

*To stop scroll to section 9*



Jan took a deep breath, suddenly her mind flashed with direction. She drew on strength she didn't know she had and in a clear voice she announced her choice.

"I choose for everyone to have everone imagining me having degrading sex" She stated, her stomach turning on itself with what she had agreed to.

"Alright, you must have seen them this time." Entity V queried, his eye darting around.

"Seen who?" Jan replied.

"Never mind, look at me." Entity V ordered. "When you made that choice, what was going through your mind? Why did you decide that way?" Jan wasn't sure how comfortable she was with an all-powerful ghost being this unhinged but looked into his eye nonetheless.

"Yes it affects how they see me, but people will know it's their problem, not mine. I don't think it will affect how they act around me." Jan explained.

"No!" Entity V yelled. "no, that's what you're thinking now, when you made your choice you had something else in your mind, someone else..." Jan paused for a second while Entity V gathered his wits, she was about to awkwardly back away when Entity came back to himself and blinked.

Once again Jan was treated to the experience of the world remaining unchanged but deep within her she knew something was different. Nevertheless she remained sat at her desk with her data entry. Entity V didn't account for how few conversations Jan had day to day. They hovered around for a bit before taking matters into their own energy tentacles.

An email popped up on Jan's desk, it was from a high up boss she didn't remember having before today announcing a massive party of pizza, alcohol, and ice cream in the large conference room. Jan's stomach rumbled at the memory of her sandwich, which nobley gave its existence to protect her clothes. The smell of pizza and the cheers of her co-workers pretty much forced Jan to her feet and over to the conference room.

"Hey Jan, better get some pizza, it's going fast." Belted out a co-worker who had barely even said two words to Jan before today. She lined up for pizza and began having the most stilted and awkward conversations of her life. Everyone was distracted by their imaginations and Jan noticed more than a few cheap office trousers pitching a sizable tent.

Each conversation she has made Jan more self-conscious, she found eyes drifting up and down her body more frequently than usual, men began patting her on the back or playfully touching her in a way they never used to. One guy even went out of his way to innocuously ask her shoe size. She quietly chewed her pizza as more of the office began to get drunk and began to treat their interactions more and more like the introduction to a porn movie.

Jan knew this couldn't go on for long and the line was well and truly crossed when she saw her boss with one hand in his pocket, subtly but unmistakably touching himself. She excused herself and made a beeline for the toilet.

"So the way I'm seeing it, you don't mind being everyone's fantasy as long as you don't have to physically go through with the sensations of sexuality. That about right?" Entity V asked.

"I didn't realise how bad it would be, but it's still better than waltzing round the office naked." Jan replied.

"It's amazing how you are rationalising this. The fact is, you didn't make that decision, and I'm still trying to work out who did." The ball of energy explained, he hovered for a moment, waiting for inspiration. "Alright, time for another choice. Would you rather I continued my experiments with you or do you want me to leave and never return?"

*To continue experiments scroll to section 8*

*To stop scroll to section 9*



Jan sat in thought for more time than this obvious decision should have required. This morning had been hellish for her but for some reason she wasn't actually eager to have it end. Without knowing what she was saying, with no idea why her mouth would form these horrible words, she replied.

"I want to continue."

"Ha! I knew it, I knew whoever's controlling you wouldn't be able to resist. There is no reason at all for you to want to continue with this, why would you choose that?* Entity V bragged.

"I... I just wanted to..." Jan began before realising she had no idea why she would agree to continue. Maybe Entity V was right that someone was controlling her.

"Sorry Jan, I used to be interested in you but now, wow. You, young lady, are like a crack in a wall and you know I'm going to have to peek through and see what's going on. So whoever is controlling Jan, let's see what you are about shall we." He announced giddy with excitement. "We know that you're enjoying Jan being put through this and you generally don't care about Jan's thoughts on the matter."

Jan sat awkwardly as Entity V tried to think through this new discovery that was beyond his fathomless knowledge.

"Can you influence anything else in this world? Make the pen fall off the table if you can." They stood silent for a second to watch a pen decidedly not fall off the table. "Alright, so you can just influence Jan. What about blind spots? That guy over there, Jan imagine that guy's name, on the count of three tell me his name. One... two... three."

*If the man's name is Chris, go to section 10*

*If the man's name is Dave, go to section 11*



"Of course I don't want to continue!" Jan replied without hesitation.

"Wait, really? You're just going to let her go like that?" Entity V exclaimed, barely concentrating on Jan. "You either want to remain elusive, respect Jan's free will, or you just want to anticipate Jan's choices. Urgh, is this one of those moral things?"

Jan sat awkwardly watching Entity V ramble through the reasons he could think of before he started to cackle maniacally.

"Your testing me aren't you?" They yelled. "You want to see how I'd react to you not taking the option I was expecting you to take. Well fine, I'll tell you what, I'm going to call your bluff. Jan, you're free. Let's all walk away and never see one another again."

*To claim a moral victory over Entity V, finish reading this story now and don't dwell on what you're missing out on. Otherwise go ahead and change your previous answers and continue reading. Entity V won't know, but you will.*



"His name is Chris." Jan stated.

"Oh amazing, whoever's controlling you is in control of the observation gaps. You knew what that man's name is, but you didn't know it was Chris until whoever's controlling you chose it. Does that make sense?" Jan stared blankly ahead causing Entity V to groan with frustration at the vessel he had to work with. "You see there's loads of gaps in our world, things that haven't been fleshed out because they don't matter, anything in those gaps is being put together by whoever is controlling your responses to my questions."

"Like an author not describing a character's hair colour until it is relevant to the plot" Jan realised while tousling her strawberry blonde curls.

"Exactly, every detail exists but is not certain until I force them to make a choice. Then the wavelength collapses and boom, your coworker's name is Chris."

"Wavelength collapses?" Jan asked.

"Multiverse school of quantum physics, long story, but for now there's still a bunch of universes layered on top of one another so we're going to have to fix that."

"Could you slow down a tick?" Jan implored the rapidly more and more agitated ball of energy

"Sorry Jan, this stopped being about you a while ago. Think about it, where are we currently standing?"

"Well, um?" Jan felt weirdly restrained from stating a simple fact, her location.

"Right? There's four different explanations that we can't discern between, because they don't matter to this conversation, let's deal with that. Would you rather continue our conversation at a strip club or a fetish dungeon?" Entity V asked with glee.

"Could we go somewhere else?"

"Sorry, you are the focus and I get a feeling that discussions of multiverse theory might get this controller bored, and if they leave we may stop existing so we need to keep it sexy."

*To continue at a strip club, go to section 12*

*To continue at a fetish dungeon go to section 13*



"His name is Dave." Jan stated.

"Oh amazing, whoever's controlling you is in control of the observation gaps. You knew what that man's name is, but you didn't know it was Dave until whoever's controlling you chose it. Does that make sense?" Jan stared blankly ahead causing Entity V to groan with frustration at the vessel he had to work with. "You see there's loads of gaps in our world, things that haven't been fleshed out because they don't matter, anything in those gaps is being put together by whoever is controlling your responses to my questions."

"Like an author not describing a character's hair colour until it is relevant to the plot" Jan realised while tousling her strawberry blonde curls.

"Exactly, every detail exists but is not certain until I force them to make a choice. Then the wavelength collapses and boom, your coworker's name is Dave."

"Wavelength collapses?" Jan asked.

"Multiverse school of quantum physics, long story, but for now there's still a bunch of universes layered on top of one another so we're going to have to fix that."

"Could you slow down a tick?" Jan implored the rapidly more and more agitated ball of energy

"Sorry Jan, this stopped being about you a while ago. Think about it, where are we currently standing?"

"Well, um?" Jan felt weirdly restrained from stating a simple fact, her location.

"Right? There's four different explanations that we can't discern between, because they don't matter to this conversation, let's deal with that. Would you rather continue our conversation at a strip club or a fetish dungeon?" Entity V asked with glee.

"Could we go somewhere else?"

"Sorry, you are the focus and I get a feeling that discussions of multiverse theory might get this controller bored, and if they leave we may stop existing so we need to keep it sexy."

*To continue at a strip club, go to section 12*

*To continue at a fetish dungeon go to section 13*



"Strip club please." Jan bluntly replied, no longer fighting the otherworldly urges affecting her decision making, there was the usual blink in existence as Entity V rearranged reality.

The roar of the crowd erupted as the girl on stage peeled her bra off her chest and threw it on the floor, letting the room stare at her magnificent breasts as she continued to gyrate with the music. Jan sat in a booth spellbound by her sudden appearance at a strip club, she had never been to one before and was struggling to adapt to the sudden surge of sexuality.

"There we go, it always feels more comfortable for me when I don't have to exist across multiple universes, wouldn't you agree?" Entity V asked. Jan didn't respond as she was watching the stripper slowly peel her knickers down her legs as she lusciously bent over. "I wouldn't get too distracted, you never know what details this other guy will pick up on and have you engage with."

Jan completely ignored Entity V's advice and continued to stare.

"So I still have lots to deduce, I can see when this other being influences your decisions and I can see what decisions they make. I know they want to keep influencing you but I can't tell for what reason. So let's start with how they feel about your well-being should we? Jan, would you rather I altered your mind so you began to enjoy your experiences, or do you want to keep your current way of thinking, even if that means finding yourself hating the situations you find yourself in?"

*For Jan to start enjoying herself, go to section 14*

*For Jan to keep her outlook, go to section 15*



"Fetish dungeon please." Jan bluntly replied, no longer fighting the otherworldly urges affecting her decision making, there was the usual blink in existence as Entity V rearranged reality.

Jan squirmed as she found herself sat on a plush red sofa, looking out over a great, stonebricked dungeon, filled with a variety of ornate and lovingly decorated torture devices. There were racks and stands and cages as far as she could see, more than a few of them in active use, stunning Jan as Entity V tried to continue his thoughts.

"There we go, it always feels more comfortable for me when I don't have to exist across multiple universes, wouldn't you agree?" Entity V asked. Jan didn't respond as she was watching a young lady fixed naked to a St. Andrew's cross, mercilessly whipped by a buff man in a leather harness, her screams of pain and pleasure joining the echoing crescendo of sadomasochism. "I wouldn't get too distracted, you never know what details this other guy will pick up on and have you engage with."

Jan continued to ignore Entity V's advice.

"So I still have lots to deduce, I can see when this other being influences your decisions and I can see what decisions they make. I know they want to keep influencing you but I can't tell for what reason. So let's start with how they feel about your well-being should we? Jan, would you rather I altered your mind so you began to enjoy your experiences, or do you want to keep your current way of thinking, even if that means finding yourself hating the situations you find yourself in?"

*For Jan to start enjoying herself, go to section 16*

*For Jan to keep her outlook, go to section 17*



"Of course I would prefer to enjoy myself." Jan exclaimed. Entity V rolled his eye at her illusions of agency before focussing and then altering her with his blink.

In a moment all of Jan's fears and anxieties had melted away. She went from quietly sitting in her booth to clapping and cheering as the stripper began to swing around the pole, her poised body rotating to the delight of the audience.

"So you care about her wellbeing?" Entity V acknowledged, "or at the very least you don't enjoy misery, but you turned down giving her a way out of this situation so her agency isn't of prime importance. Well now she's into it, we can do whatever we want, can you give me any indication of what you want her to do?"

The only sound was of Jan cheering above the blaring music.

"Fine, how about we play with how much of a sexual being you want Jan to be. Jan, which would you rather: option 1, quit your job and sign up to be a professional stripper. Or option 2, keep your job and your life, but regularly feel an impossible to resist urge to get naked in public."

*To select option 1, go to section 18.*

*To select option 2, go to section 19.*



"I want to keep my mind, at the end of the day that's all I have." Jan chose. Entity V rolled his eye at her illusions of agency but was at least comfortable not having to change anything. The stripper had moved to the crescendo of her act, some very impressive movements on the pole that Jan continued to quietly watch with a sense of curiosity and anxiety.


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