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You Know I Can See You, Right? Ch. 05

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Mom's visit continues.
6k words

Part 5 of the 9 part series

Updated 11/01/2022
Created 08/25/2012
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I woke late, which is not my usual, but I was feeling a bit rough. I swallowed 3 ibuprofen and sat in a hot, hot shower for a bit, allowing the scalding water to pound on my aching head. This always makes me feel better. Also, not having to work today helped my mood. I had arranged several days off in the row to spend time with Mom.

Mom. She flashed into my fuzzy head and my body began to respond in its usual manner. That full, heavy feeling in my cock began at once. I sat there idly diddling my balls as I replayed all of the sexy things we had done since that fateful day of her mistake with her computer camera.

Forgoing my usual coffee and Croissant breakfast, I dried, dressed and drove over to Mom's hotel. It might be early for her, but I couldn't resist being in her company another moment. Arriving at her room I let myself in with the spare key and quietly slipped inside. I could make out her form in the darkness of the room. I didn't want to push it too much, so remained fully dressed and lay down on the bed as opposed to getting in the bed.

She stirred a bit as I scooted closed and spooned her.

"Andy." She moaned groggily. "Don't be naughty." Her voice was slightly scolding.

"Not to worry. I promise." I wrapped my arm around her shape, buried under covers, and she moaned happily and scooted closer to me.

"Mmmmm. Morning sweetie love." She murmured happily and then dozed a bit more.

I dozed off again as well, and an hour later awoke to a real desire for coffee. I hugged her tight, kissed the back of her head, whispered that I loved her, and then phoned for coffee, croissants, and fresh fruit to be brought up to us. Then I crawled back onto the bed. Half asleep, Mom grabbed my arm and brought it close around her, placing my hand between her breasts, still on top of the covers though. I could feel her soft mounds close around my hand on both sides though; heaven!

10 minutes later she had to pee.

"I said I have to pee." She reiterated.

"You want me to take one for you?" I joked.

"No. I mean, ... I'm naked." She finally admitted.

"So?" I asked, confused.

After a moment she told me that it might sound silly, but I couldn't see her nude. I was taken aback, then said,

"But I've seen you nude many times by now."

"Not in person, though."

"I'll close my eyes, I promise."

"You'll peek." She told me.

"I might." I joked. "Seriously, I have seen you completely nude and, ... well, ... doing things that, ..."

She turned around to face me with a look that told me that she was still Mom and in charge.

"Really? I can't even peek?"

"Well," she relented, "maybe just a peek." She smiled and then slipped out of bed and padded softly to the bathroom. She was holding her breasts, to cover them, absurdly, but the sight of her gorgeous tushy and she bounced along was enough to energize my cock again. I forgot to close my eyes, so I watched full view and detailed in my mind her sexy back, defined deltoids, narrow waist, sexy defined quads; what a body my mother has. And beautifully tan as well. As she slipped into the bathroom I noted the tan line of her butt. Mom wore a bikini with a fairly modest coverage; lots of white on the adorable bottom.

"Andy, sweetie," she called from the bathroom. "I forgot my toothbrush. Can you bring it from my overnight?" I got up and opened her case, fished around for the brush and paste and headed for the bathroom. The door was open and I was afforded a sight I shall never forget. Mom was sitting on the toilet, completely nude, arms crossed to hide her bare breasts, but she was nude! Completely nude, sitting there in such an intimate pose. This, to me, was as much a turn on as watching her masturbate. The intimacy was surprising.

I left the stuff on the counter and backed out. Mom smiled a thank you. I returned to the bed and got in, rolling the image of her around in my hangover- addled mind. I heard the toilet flush, then water as she brushed, then watched intently for her return. There was a long silent moment where no sound issued from the bathroom. 'What was she doing?' I wondered.

After a long silent pause, Mom emerged walking slowly, head high, not covering anything. Her breasts were gently bouncing and swaying slightly as she walked slowly back to the bed, eyes on mine, pulled back the covers and climbed in. No comment about my having gotten into the bed. She rolled her back to me and scooted back up against me. She reached back took my hand and brought it around her. She kissed my palm and then placed my bare hand between her bare breasts and simply held it there. I was electrified!

"I love you Andy." She said quietly, and then no more was said until the food arrived.

The sun had appeared and the morning was still a bit cool but the veranda was perfect for breakfast. I had room service set up outside, tipped him and closed the door behind him. Mom was watching me the whole time. I went to the closet and pulled out a plush white robe and simply held it up for her. She threw back the covers, exposing herself to my view again and then stood and allowed me to cloak her in the robe.

Little was said as we drank coffee, ate our fill and watched the town coming to life. There was something so purely sensual about gazing at Mom's bare calves and feet and she rested them on the chair next to me. I had seen much of her body, (certainly not to this latest extent), over the years and never once gave it a thought from a sexual standpoint. Now I couldn't imagine not seeing her from a sexual standpoint. What an incredible change this was. She was staring at me.

"We're in trouble, aren't we?" she asked after a long moment.

"Why do you say that?" There was an even longer moment.

"The things that we've been admitting to each other, ... when we're excited, ... and ... you know ..."

"What we want to do, ... and be to each other?" I asked. She nodded. "You're not in trouble with me." I smiled. She didn't. Another long pause ensued. "I admit that it would be difficult if other people knew about this ..."

"Marianne already knows." She cut in.

"No." I countered. "She doesn't know anything."

"Well, ... she suspects." Mom stated.

"What if she does suspect, but doesn't care? Or even better, ... or worse, ... likes the idea, or is turned on by the idea?"

"Did she say something?" Mom asked me.

"She told me that she was excited to watch us 'sexy tease each other'." I chuckled. "I love the way she speaks English; totally charming." Mom smiled at that.

"She's an adorable girl." After another long pause she said, "Do you think she might be turned on by the idea of us, ... together?"

I just smiled at the thought, but didn't answer.

"What time is it?" she finally asked.


"What?!!" she cried out. "It's almost noon? How could you let me sleep this late?" she scolded. "I didn't come to France to sleep the day away." She stood, but was flustered for a moment at what to wear. "What are we doing anyway?"

"I thought a relaxing couple of hours at the beach would be a nice kick-off for the day." She considered the thought smiling. I asked,"You brought a suit or shall we buy you one?" She turned to her suitcase and began to dig through looking for what she brought.

"I brought a suit but it's kind of modest." I waited for her to find it and then called her over to me, as I sat in a chair.

It was a lovely black maillot one piece with an open back and tiny shoulder straps. I took the suit and moved her right in front of me, my hands on her hips. She gazed down at me for a moment until I reached for the tie to her robe.

"Whoa. What are you doing?"

"I'm helping." I told her, with a sly smile. She considered my words for quite a while as she held my hands captive. I just waited, hoping against hope that she would relent.

"That is way more than just a peek." She chided softly, but was still considering. "This has a very high naughtiness potential." I just maintained my gentle smile, my heart absolutely pounding in my chest. She smiled sweetly, and gently released my hands, and gave me a look filled with meaning: 'don't push this too fast and fuck it up'.

Very slowly I untied the robe and let the straps hang. I didn't move further, just waited for the robe to unfurl on its own. Slowly, very slowly it did, until there was a 3 inch gap down the middle. I was gazing into her eyes, so saw the expanse of elegant skin between her breasts via my peripheral vision; gorgeous. It occurred to me that if I looked down her pussy would be visible. I think she had the same thought and was just waiting for me to steal a look there. I didn't.

"Mom," I whispered softly, "you are the most exquisite, exciting, beautiful woman I have ever known. You have such a profound effect on me. Potent sexuality to be sure, but way more than that; a deep admiration and love for you." Our eyes were locked, gazing deeply. "I love you so much!" I whispered. "So much!"

She hugged me to her, my cheek in full contact with that gorgeous skin in her cleavage. We remained in this embrace for a long time. Her fingers combed through my hair and she kissed the top of my head. Nothing more was said.

After a long embrace, she finally released me. I looked up into her eyes again, reached up and gently eased the robe off her shoulders. It fell out of my vision, as our eyes remained fastened on each other.

"May I look at your body?" I asked quietly. She simply smiled and nodded.

My eyes traced a lazy path down from her face to her perfect breasts. They were mere inches from me. Her nipples looked painfully erect. The freckles on her skin were so close now, so adorable! I noted that her ribs were nicely formed and created a lovely arch above her tummy, which was flat and sexy. Not ripped, but beautifully shaped and the skin looked velvety soft. Her tummy was framed on both sides by sexy hip bones which drew a slight arrow shape aiming lower to her mound which was pronounced and perfectly smooth; not a hair there. She was very turned on! It was apparent.

I could just make out her pussy lips from this angle, which were full and swollen, opening slightly to reveal her clitoris hood peaking just a bit. Her thighs were gorgeous with chiseled definition at the quadriceps. Beautiful calves rounded out a pair of beautiful legs, her feet standing in the puddle that was the robe, lying on the floor. I couldn't possibly imagine a sexier sight, ever!

"You are soooooo beautiful!" I moaned when my eyes had retraced their path back to her face again. She smiled nervously. I noted the pounding of her heart in the veins at her supple neck. She was practically panting.

I grabbed her swimsuit and arranged it to help her step into it. She lifted a leg to slip it through the leg hole, which afforded me an incredible view of her pussy, not 6 inches from my mouth. I was drooling. Pulling it up, it hid her perfect pussy from my eyes and then more of my mother's gorgeous body disappeared behind the thin, stretchy material. Her nipples, however, could not hide their excited state. They threatened to rip holes in the thin material. I wanted to bite them!

Once in her suit, she took a few steps back and began to model it, swaying her hips and turning.

"How does it look?" she said over her shoulder. "Too modest for the South of France?"

"Honestly, no way. It is perfect. You are perfect."

"Oh, sweetie. You are so kind to me. I love it." She moved forward and kissed my cheek. She lingered close like that for a moment longer. "And I love you Andy. I love you so much baby!"

I reached up and gently took her face in both hands. I held her close, then leaned in and kissed her lips long and gently; so softly you could barely feel it. She just stayed there, leaning over me, and waited for me to finish.

"Come with me. Let me show you my beach." She grinned and we headed out.

We gathered our gear, stopped for some snacks and drove around the marina and then east around the point on the road to Monaco. I was taking her to a place that I loved and that not many people frequented, especially during the week. We were heading to a place, below Mont Baron, where you had to know which turn to make off of the roadway; otherwise you wouldn't even know it existed.

Halfway round a high speed bend you had to slam on your brakes and dodge into a small opening in the guardrail. It was actually the driveway to an ancient villa that someone had purchased, begun to renovate and either became bored with, or ran out of money. It sat halfway between total demolition and the start of repair. It had been this way for years. We drove past the villa and down numerous switchbacks until we reached a stand of trees where we parked.

I grabbed our bag and we headed down the winding trail that led to the only sandy beach for miles in either direction. The south of France has very few sandy beaches, even fewer which are naturally sandy. Cannes, the famous film festival location to the west of us, has it's sand imported from Morocco. Here there is a vein of soft pumice stone which decays slowly and the sand erodes gently to the water where it builds up into a lovely, if somewhat tiny beach. Have a party for 20 people and it becomes standing room only.

As we arrived and stepped out on the sand we noticed a woman up at the north end of the sand just getting up to leave. She was lovely, older, wearing a large fashionable hat and was nude save for a tiny black thong, which was smaller than I'd ever seen before. She had lovely big breasts that were as tan as the rest of her, with dark erect nipples. She strolled slowly to where we were laying out towels, before wrapping a bit of cloth around her hips and another around her breasts.

"Bonjour." She said smiling, I think noting the difference on our ages. And passed very near to us as she made for the trail up. I greeted her in French and my mother greeted her in English, which made her pause another brief moment, trying to figure out what we were about. She looked familiar to me and I may have to her as well. At least I had that feeling, and briefly thought that it would be fun to join her here sometime.

"Wow." Mom said once she was out of earshot. "Modesty isn't needed here much." I chuckled that perhaps not. "At least not of you have a body like hers." She added.

"Yeah?' I asked innocently. She gave me a look.

"Perfect breasts." She whispered to herself.

"Totally." I added, joking. Then seriously, countered, "Though not as perfect as yours."

Mom scoffed aloud. She was arranging her stuff and then dropped to her knees on the towel.

"But hers are totally tan."

"You know what's funny?" I asked her. "I much prefer your tan lines. I much prefer your breasts, but tan breasts look like they see the sun all the time. Breasts that are white from being covered all the time are way sexier. They're private, secret. That is so much sexier!"

We both laid down on our backs side by side.

"Not that I wouldn't absolutely love to watch you lay out topless." Mom was silent for a long time. I didn't want to push the issue too hard.

"It's been a long time since I laid out topless."

"Did you enjoy it?" I asked.

"I got sunburned." She stated flatly.

"That may be because I wasn't there to protect them with sunscreen." She laughed, in a 'Yeah, I'll bet' kind of way.

We lay quietly for a while. The sun felt wonderful. I flashed on the notion that the rest of the world was at work. The ocean was gently lapping at the shore. The slightest breeze caressed our skin.

"I would love to get you a thong like she was wearing." I finally said quietly.

"Where would I wear it?"

"Right here, with me."

"Topless, right?" I told her that 'of course. That's the point'.

I leaned up on my elbow, looking down at her. Her physique was exquisite in her one-piece.

"Be topless for me." She lay quietly without responding. "Be topless for me." I repeated quietly.

"Protect them with sunscreen?" she asked after considering for a moment. She looked up into my smiling face. "How do you do that? Make me want to be so naughty with you?" she smiled.

She sat up, gave me a long look and then slowly began slipping first one strap, and then the other off her shoulders. She made a motion to turn from me just a bit and then pulled the suit down off her breasts and then way down to her hips, trying to turn it into bikini bottoms. Her nipples were so hard.

"Put sunscreen on my back?" she asked.

I moved to kneel behind her and worked sunscreen into the soft skin of her shoulders and back. I did her arms and then pulled her back towards me a bit and, pouring more lotion into my hands, reached around to gently, slowly work lotion into her tits. She was looking down at herself and the way that my hands manipulated her flesh. I stroked and kneaded the tender flesh of her perfect tits.

"God Mom! Your tits are so perfect!" I whispered into her ear.

"Yes? You really think so?" she whispered.

"I do! They are so perfect. They feel so good!"

"I cannot believe that I'm letting my own son play with my tits." She said half to herself. "Oh yeah!" she whispered almost silently, "Do the nipples. That turns me on so much."

We sat there for maybe 5 minutes while I played with her tits, my cock screaming stiff in my shorts.

"Are you hard?' she asked.

"Of course." She simply reached behind and searched out my cock, gently stroking and squeezing it through the material. I wished I was nude. She hummed appreciatively.

"You have to stop now, or this may get really out of hand."

"I don't mind." I countered.

"I do sweetie. Andy, I am loving this new dimension to our relationship," she turned to face me, "but it is incredibly fragile. Don't fuck it up! Or let me fuck it up!" she was very earnest. "I feel so, ... on the edge, as if I may decide suddenly that I have to stop this forever. I don't want to."

Her hand came up to cup my cheek. My hands had stopped their squeezing but continued to hold her tits. "I am loving this, sweetie! I love your hands on me! I love how sexy you are, and how sexy you think I am. I've never, ever, felt this way about anyone, or myself. I dream of fucking you for hours and days and weeks." She became very thoughtful. "I am, however, this close to calling the whole thing off and flying home." It was suddenly very sober between us.

"Let me lay down." She finally said. "You can look all you want. I want you to look at me, at my body, at my bare breasts, ... but let me work this out, ... in my head, ... for a bit?" My hands dropped to her ribs, then her hips. I sat back and then moved to lay on my own towel. She smile her thanks and lay back as well. Her breasts glistened in the sun. I simply lay there watching her for a bit.

"God I would love a photo of you like that." I joked.

"Yeah?" she asked. "My camera is in my bag." She laughed at the shocked look on my face. "You can take all the pictures you want of me. With MY camera." She added.

I spent a half an hour posing her and photographing her in a wide variety of poses, all fairly tame but tasteful. I helped her pull her suit into the crack of her bottom to make a thong out of it. Her pussy lips were clearly swollen and visible as her suit rode deeply into the crease between her lips.

Finally I lay down next to her and we held hands as we napped a bit.

It was hot when we woke and we walked hand in hand to the water's edge. Her breasts were swinging gently, sexily. We waded in waist deep and stood hip to hip, arms around each other looking out across the bay at Cap Ferrat. We splashed each other a bit before heading back in.

"You are the most beautiful woman I know." I told her once back at our towels. She turned and threw her arms around me, crushing her tits into my chest and kissed me passionately on the mouth. My hands found her bottom and pulled her close, into my erection.


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