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You Stupid Slut Pt.14

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Lara's journey continues.
5.4k words

Part 14 of the 14 part series

Updated 05/15/2024
Created 07/11/2020
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Chapter 17

Going home Lara quickly noted down her thorough observations of Ms. Baker's feet down to the smell that was still lingering on her hands. Only to then quickly jump in the shower after dropping the big bag of worn stockings from Tina in her bathroom to hand wash later this weekend. Her shower was quick and efficient so she would be able to make most of her time to get ready. Just like every time she headed out Lara opted to do her makeup even bolder than her work makeup which was already a too bold to be strictly professional.

She was very pleased with the result, an extremely glossy pair of red cock sucking lips that would turn every man crazy. She couldn't help but think back to how the postboy for one seemed to love them. It surely was embarrassing having to give that guy a daily blowjob, but each of his orgasms filled her with so much pride that it was equally addictive. Her days just wouldn't be the same without blowing him. Just like her lips her eyes were overdone in a mysterious dark to icy blue smoky fashion with bold eyeliner and mascara. It really made her eyes pop.

While the look was bordering trashy it was applied well enough to prevent that if only barely, her designer dress would do more to keep things from looking too trashy than her makeup though, but first for some reason she felt the need to snap a picture of the makeup job she did. She never really took selfies, it was something so vain and yet she felt compelled to do it this time. Then suddenly she remembered. It was for that dating app she had downloaded. She still needed to upload her pics for today's look in the hope to attract a date.

It was a bit strange, she had always considered dating apps for trashy and hopeless people and even though she couldn't remember wanting to instal such an app, but she vaguely remembered installing it. She couldn't quite put her finger on what she put in her profile though. Only that she wanted to have her profile pictures showing her daily look, makeup wise, outfit wise and even lingerie wise. While she didn't fully remember wanting to instal a dating app it did make sense on a certain level. After all she was kind of desperate and flaunting her looks was her best bet at scoring dates so it made sense in a way. Especially since she had noticed how great sleeping and waking up with someone who desired her had been. Even if it had been more than a bit embarrassing as well to sleep with the butch cleaning lady of the salon she went to.

At least that is how her brain started making sense of the rather crude command that she had made her profile instead of Ms. Baker. Just like she snapped a selfie of her makeup, she made another one in the big mirror in her bedroom once she had put on her lingerie, a skimpy black lace push up bra with a matching thong, garter belt and black sheer seamed stockings paired with a super tall pair of stiletto heels. It took her a few tries to capture just the right angle that showed of her assets in the best possible way. Just like it did take a few more tries to capture a picture of her in her off the shoulder black dress with a skirt short enough to show off the darker stocking tops even when standing up straight. A slight bend actually threatened to reveal the garter straps.

Selecting the three good pictures she wanted to use Lara quickly uploaded them to her dating profile. A bright blush spread underneath her makeup as she read the bio she apparently added to her profile. It reeked of desperation and portrayed her as a huge slut, but she couldn't bring herself to change it. As much as she hated it there was definitely some truth to it, after all if her encounter of yesterday night was anything to go off of, kinky submissive slut was actual a rather accurate description.

With a slight shudder she decided not to go swiping just yet. Afterall she wouldn't be home for the coming few hours so arranging a date for right now kind of missed its point. Quickly closing her phone with a slight shudder Lara put it in her purse and after giving herself a last check in the mirror to make sure her seams were straight and her makeup was on fleek she left for her weekly quiz feeling slightly antsy once more. After all the last praise she had gotten had come from massaging her therapist's feet which had been a while ago at this point.

This time she was one of the last to arrive, walking to the entrance together with Charlotte with whom she met up in the parking lot. "Damn girl look at you, someone's definitely looking to score tonight, at this rate I might just end up losing my reputation as the slut in our group. In all seriousness though Lara, you look great, a little daring even for me, but I'm glad to see you've finally managed to get that stick out of your butt and started to live a little." Charlotte cheered with a wink being her usual excited self. It was true though, this time Charlotte who hadn't really changed up her style looked modest next to her not that Lara minded. It was a compliment as far as she was concerned.

"Hihi thanks Charlotte, I'm definitely not planning to sleep alone tonight." Lara giggled in reply totally out of character for her, but then again she had been acting a little strange for weeks now. Charlotte just figured that she was re-evaluating her life choices. After all Lara wasn't the youngest anymore and she was still single without much else than working going on in her life as far as Charlotte could tell. Last week at the club she had definitely looked to be on the prowl before she concerned herself with Kelly who had looked somewhat jealous. That was pretty much Charlotte's only concern that Lara's promiscuity would end up hurting Kelly who looked to be head over heels for her especially with how Lara had already subtly flirted with the girl.

It was such a concern that Charlotte decided to warn Lara about not pushing things too far with Kelly just in case Lara might not have noticed the effect she was having on her. "Oh, before we head inside just one more thing. I think Kelly is quite smitten with you, but unless you plan to build anything serious with her, which is your full right let that be said, I fear that you might just end up hurting her feelings if you keep on flirting. Please don't take this the wrong way, it's just advise from a friends who wants to see both of her friends happy." Charlotte casually said before pushing open the door and entering.

Charlotte's casual warning was most definitely food for thought for Lara, sure she had noticed Kelly had a certain interest in her and she couldn't help but flirt a little seeing that interest, but she hadn't really thought about how that might make Kelly feel. The last thing she wanted was to upset a friend and someone superior to her at that, and she most definitely wasn't looking for anything serious, all she wanted was confirmation and attention. She should really have a chat with Kelly to clear that up.

Entering the quiz establishment Romy gave Lara a slight disapproving look. As the only one who had settled with a family she sometimes felt like she didn't really belong with this group anymore. Yet she always enjoyed this fun weekly tradition, her weekly bit of me time to be away from all the work and pressure a family brought for once.

Kelly on the other hand looked absolutely smitten with Lara's look. After last week's dance Lara had never left her mind. It was kind of weird as it was the first time she seemed to acknowledge herself that she was very much into women. As far as she was concerned it was strange how anyone couldn't be into Lara. She looked like a Goddess in her eyes.

Nevertheless after all exchanging greetings the evening passed pretty much as normal. There was some obvious tension between Lara and Kelly as Kelly was a bit more proactive in her flirting this time while Lara tried her best not to reciprocate. It was as it was going in against the subliminal commands that were etched into her mind, but it was possible as it conflicted with wanting to please a superior. She knew she couldn't commit to someone, especially not to another woman and thus flirting back would cause her superior more pain than pleasure which was to be avoided at all costs.

Just like the week before Lara's hesitance to answer questions she was almost certain off caused her to be a lot less useful to the team than she used to be, inevitably hurting their place in the overall standings. It wasn't something the group cared about too much as they mostly participated for fun, and to see each other again. For Lara on the other hand it really hurt, she was the most competitive person among them, and she knew for certain that they were losing so badly because of her. If anything it only made her feel more inferior to all her friends. It caused her enough stress to be playing with her hair on a near constant basis. Paired with her lack of input and her constant distracted look as she scanned feet, shoes and mental checked her own looks at all times, she couldn't help but appear like more of a ditz.

After the quiz Romy excused herself, saying how the babysitter was at home waiting for her return. Charlotte on the other hand eagerly turned towards her two remaining friends. "So you girl's ready to head out again like last time? Maybe I can wing woman both or you, trust me, I have a great track record doing just that." She winked, trying to casually fix the rather awkward situation between her friends. The fact that Lara had tried not to flirt back during the quiz had proven that she had no mal intent with Kelly, but Kelly didn't seem to be over Lara at all. Maybe distracting Kelly with a fun fling could fix that, it was a distraction that always helped her deal with things.

Kelly had rather mixed feelings about going out like Charlotte proposed. She had no interest in Charlotte playing wing woman to hook her up with a stranger, she only had eye for Lara at the moment. On the other hand given how last time had ended with her dancing with Lara she didn't want to refuse either. It was a rather complex dilemma and she was happy that in the end Lara ended up speaking up first.

"I think I'll skip tonight Charlotte, thank you for the offer though maybe next week, for now I have something more important to do. Kelly if you don't mind, I think we should go for a drink somewhere a little more quiet. I've been thinking and we really need to talk." She said, the notion that she had been thinking seemed rather comical given how she was playing with her hair more feverishly than before, looking just as distracted.

Charlotte instantly took this notion as a queue for her to leave. She was nearly certain that her words had made Lara think and thus she counted on it that she would handle this cleanly. After all they were all adults here, there was no need for her to hold hands and mediate. "Well then I guess I'll see you girl's next week. Have fun." She said cheerfully before leaving Kelly and Lara alone.

Being quite oblivious to flirting attempts Kelly hadn't really been too bothered by Lara's lack of flirting this week. She was more than eager however to go for a drink and a talk with Lara. Hell she was more than eager to spend any kind of time with Lara. "I know a nice place only a short drive from here, care to follow?" Lara asked as Kelly happily agreed and both of them quickly made their way to their own car.

While Kelly was brimming with excitement following Lara through traffic, Lara was overflowing with nerves breaking her mind on how to handle this conversation. She was not at all relationship material and Kelly definitely deserved better, but at the same time she also didn't want to upset her friend and superior. Eventually she managed to come up with a plan, but like all things lately she couldn't help but keep second guessing herself all the time. Was her plan good, how would Kelly react? Did she still look good? Wasn't her makeup smudged, were her seams still straight?

A few minutes later the time to test her plan arrived as they pulled into the parking lot of a rather upscale cocktail bar that had a nice atmosphere hanging around. Somewhat moody yet colourful, soft jazz playing in the background loud enough to drift away on the tunes but soft enough to be able to talk without having to raise ones voice too much. The biggest reason for going her however was that all tables were kind of placed into their own relatively private booth. Lara kept postponing the inevitable talk they came here for, but in the end after both ordering their drinks she could no longer put it off.

"Look Kelly, you probably won't like hearing this, but it wouldn't be fair to you not to say it. I'm afraid that I've might unintentionally been leading you on, that I've sent out mixed signals and I realise now how that might have impacted you. You are an amazing woman and you deserve far better than me. I really don't want to upset you, but I'm not relationship material so I would like to clear that up before things go even further which would only lead to more heartbreak." Lara awkwardly explained as she saw the devastated look spread across Kelly's face, this was exactly what she had wanted to avoid. She felt terrible upsetting a superior, but she strongly believed that it was for the best, if not now then later would be much worse.

"I... I don't know what to say, I mean after last week in the club I thought we really had something going. I've been thinking about you all week, looking forward to seeing you again all week. Was I so wrong?" Kelly asked sounding as though she might start crying at any moment.

"No, not at all Kelly, this is my fault, I don't know why, but I guess I just have been a little to flirty all around. It just makes me feel good and I didn't think enough about the impact it might have had on you. What I'm trying to say is that I fear that I can't stay true to one person, not at the moment at least and that would only end up hurting you even more. I could of course be wrong and you might just look for a fling yourself, in which case please do correct me." Lara tried clarifying things a bit better.

"You aren't wrong, at least I think you aren't, it's just that for the first time I think I know what I wanted, I wanted you Lara. I mean look at you, you are one of the most gorgeous women I know and when you showed interest last week I just couldn't believe my luck. I guess you are right though, I'm not looking for just a fling and it would hurt to be told this after I thought we had something serious going. Thank you for giving me the courtesy of at least taking the time to explain this to me." Kelly said still upset, but more than a bit understanding as well.

"Hehe, aw you are too sweet Kelly, I'm certain you will find your girl someday. If I know someone I think would be a good match for you I'll certainly send her your way. Cause let's be real, I guess we now both know you're looking for a woman rather than a man." Lara giggled unable to help herself after zoning out for a moment, Kelly's compliment coming from a superior really flattered her, giving her an instant boost.

Kelly instantly felt her face flush deep red. It was the first time the fact that she might be a lesbian was spoken out loud and she guessed it was a right assessment. Still with the taboo that still hung over sexuality it was hard to admit even if it was silly given how Lara had hit on her and on men at the club. Lara definitely seemed to be a bit of a slut, further proven by her claim that she couldn't stay true to one person so she guessed she had nothing to be ashamed of here.

In a way despite all the heart ache this had caused this might actually be positive given how it had forced her to acknowledge this truth about her, a truth that had always prevented her from finding a partner. She had always just been looking in the wrong place making her fear that there was no one for her. Maybe that would change if she actually started looking for a woman. It was a revelation to say the least.

Still it would be hard to ever find a woman like Lara again as she remained really attracted to her friend. Then again Lara had said that her biggest issue was her trouble staying true to someone maybe, just maybe she still had a chance to get something more out of this. Feeling a little daring Kelly spoke up. "Uhm Lara, just hypothetically speaking what if I would be open for a one time fling? I've never been with a woman and well I can't know if I really like it until I try it right?"

She instantly regretted it the moment the words left her mouth, but there was no taking back words now. God had she really just insinuated that she wanted a fling with her friend? This was so unlike her, but the lure of at least getting a piece of Lara was too great. She knew this wasn't going to be what she truly wanted, it wasn't going to be a relationship, but something was better than nothing.

Having heard her name once again Lara couldn't help but giggle, her friends 'hypothetical' proposition was enough to make her cheeks fluster. She really hadn't been expecting this, but then again she couldn't say no. While she wasn't actually all to eager to have a fling with a friend for the obvious reasons as well as the simple fact that she still wasn't into women, her desire to please was too great. Kelly had been warned, she knew this would be a onetime thing, and apart from that Lara couldn't think of any objections not to do what Kelly asked. After all the fear of hurting her and doing more bad than good was the only thing that had prevented her from flirting further ending in an inevitable fling.

"Well hypothetically if you wanted some experience with another woman to see what it is like and if it won't upset you more than you will like it, I guess I have nothing against that. In fact I would be more than glad to help." Lara said with a giggle making it look like she was very eager to do this with her friend, even the way she was now quite aggressively playing with her hair looked like flirting at this point.

Lara's reply instantly turned Kelly's regret into shock before turning it into hesitant excitement. "Wait, are you for real? I have to be dreaming right? I would love to be with you even if it is for only one night." Kelly exclaimed giddy with excitement before toning it down a little once more. "I mean only if you meant it as more than a hypothesis that is."

Feeling her friend's unease Lara quickly wanted to make her feel better above her own unease. Pleasing Kelly, her friend and superior went far above her own unease. "I definitely mean it as more than a hypothesis, tonight I am all your Kelly." Lara softly spoke as she slid closer to her friend planting a tender kiss on her lips. She was determined to give this her all, realising Kelly needed more of an affectionate touch than a promiscuous one. Just like with the postboy she guessed she would have to take the lead.

When Lara eventually pulled back Kelly looked completely blown away, a bit of gloss stuck to her lips. "Wow." She said completely breathlessly, feeling a strong thrill unlike anything she ever felt before. All though this would only be a one night affair she had no regrets at all. Her daring statement was delivering better than she would have ever hoped and dreamed off.

Seeing her friend's mind blown reaction Lara couldn't help but feel good about herself. Despite all her hang-ups about doing this with a friend she was more than happy to see Kelly's reaction it made it so very worth it. It also testified to just how inexperienced Kelly was at her age, to be blown away by a simple kiss. Unable to contain herself Lara followed it up with a second kiss, slightly more daring as she gently explored Kelly's lips with her tongue this time, waiting for Kelly to open up only to pull her into a deeply passionate kiss.

Other than looking completely and utterly overwhelmed with her head in the clouds Kelly didn't react much. It wasn't really necessary as it was clear how she was thoroughly enjoying herself. While Lara had to put in all the work she didn't mind to much either. She still had mixed feelings and after yesterday she couldn't believe that she was once again making out with a woman. At least it was very rewarding.


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